International Thermal Research The WaterHeater Installation And Operating Manual

The WaterHeater™ by ITR
Installation and
Operating Manual
System for Recreational Vehicles and Yachts
Copyright © June 2005 International Thermal Research
IN CANADA: IN THE UNITED STATES: 2431 Simpson Road Suite 260, 600 SE Maritime Ave. Richmond, BC, Canada V6X 2R2 Vancouver WA USA 98661 Tel: 1-800-755-1272 or 604-278-1272 Tel: 1-800-993-4402 or 360-993-4877 Fax: 604-278-1274 Fax: 360-993-1105
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All rights reserved. No part of this manual may be reproduced or transmitted in any form by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying and recording, information storage, retrieval, or transmission, without permission in writing from International Thermal Research
Right to Modify: Due to our commitment for quality and ongoing product
improvement, ITR reserves the right to modify or change without notice, any materials, applications, equipment, accessories, and/or prices. All measurements and weights are approximate.
Table of Contents
Section 1, Overview...................................................1-1
1.1 Unpacking The WaterHeater™ by ITR.............. 1-1
1.2 Protect Your Warranty .................................. 1-2
1.3 The WaterHeater™ by ITR Features ................ 1-3
1.4 Critical Factors............................................. 1-4
1.5 Equipment, Tools and Skills........................... 1-5
1.6 Testing and Inspection.................................. 1-6
Section 2, Mounting - The WaterHeater™ .................2-1
2.1 Before You Begin ......................................... 2-1
2.2 Identifying The WaterHeater™ by ITR Model .... 2-2
2.3 Your Mounting Location................................. 2-2
2.4 What NOT to Do........................................... 2-4
2.5 Procedure ................................................... 2-5
Section 3, Installing the Exhaust System...................3-1
3.1 Before You Begin ......................................... 3-1
3.2 Mounting Location........................................ 3-1
Recommended Exhaust Outlet Locations............3-1
Recommendation for Installation ......................3-2
What NOT to Do............................................. 3-4
3.3 Procedure ................................................... 3-4
Section 4, Installing the Fuel System ........................4-1
4.1 Before You Begin ......................................... 4-1
4.2 Fuel System Operation.................................. 4-1
Recommendation for Installation ......................4-1
4.3 What NOT to Do........................................... 4-2
4.4 Procedure ................................................... 4-3
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Table of Contents
Section 5, Installing Fan Heaters – With “Space
heating Module” Only................................................ 5-1
5.1 Before You Begin..........................................5-1
5.2 Fan System Operation...................................5-1
Features ....................................................... 5-2
Single Zone Heating ....................................... 5-3
Accessories and Components Needed................ 5-3
5.3 What NOT to Do ...........................................5-4
5.4 Mounting Locations.......................................5-4
5.5 Procedure....................................................5-5
Section 6, Wiring the Electrical System..................... 6-1
6.1 Before You Begin..........................................6-1
6.2 12 VDC .......................................................6-1
6.3 120 VAC......................................................6-2
6.4 Remote Operating Panel Cable........................6-2
6.5 Main Electronic Control Board.........................6-3
6.6 Space Heating Control Board (optional) ...........6-3
6.7 What NOT to Do ...........................................6-4
Section 7, Plumbing the System................................ 7-1
7.1 Before You Begin..........................................7-1
7.2 Plumbing Installation.....................................7-2
7.3 What NOT to Do ...........................................7-4
7.4 Installation Procedure ...................................7-4
Section 8, Operating The WaterHeater™ by ITR ........ 8-1
8.1 Operating Instructions for
The WaterHeater™ by ITR .............................8-1
8.2 Turning the Power to
The WaterHeater™ by ITR ON ........................8-2
8.3 Activing the Burner (Primary).........................8-2
8.4 Activating the Cabin Fan Heaters
through the Thermostats ...............................8-3
8.5 Functions of the Remote Operating Panel.........8-3
8.6 Functions of The WaterHeater™ by ITR
Control Panel ...............................................8-4
iv Installation and Operating Manual for The WaterHeater™ by ITR
Table of Contents
8.7 Functions of the Space Heating
Module (Optional) Zone Control Board............. 8-6
8.8 Maintenance................................................ 8-7
8.9 Protect The WaterHeater™ by ITR™ and
Space Heating Module (Optional)...................8-10
8.10 General Troubleshooting ..............................8-10
Section 9, Installing The Space Heating Module
9.1 Before you Begin.......................................... 9-1
9.2 Identifying Your Space Heating
(Optional) Model ......................................... 9-2
9.3 Your Mounting Location................................. 9-2
9.4 Selecting the Space Heating Module
Zone Box Location........................................ 9-3
9.5 Plumbing Installation.................................... 9-3
9.6 Electrical Connection .................................... 9-7
9.7 Space Heating Zone Board ............................ 9-7
9.8 What NOT to Do..........................................9-10
9.9 Procedure ..................................................9-10
9.10 INSPECTION AND TESTING ..........................9-10
Section 10, Warranty Information
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Table of Contents
List of Figures
Figure 1-1 Hot Water Heater and
Space Heating Module (Optional)..................1-1
Figure 2-1 Dimensions ...............................................2-4
Figure 2-2 Location of Mounting Brackets
Insets: Bracket/Nut/Bolt Configurations........2-5
Figure 3-1 Installing the Exhaust System (Up Exhaust)...3-5
Figure 3-2 The Exhaust Goose Neck Configuration..........3-5
Figure 5-1 Wiring the Fan’s Aquastat............................5-2
Figure 5-2 Mounting a Spacesaver Fan .........................5-5
Figure 5-3 Installing a Relay for Add’l Fan Amperage ......5-6
Figure 6-1 System Wiring ...........................................6-3
Figure 7-1 Plumbing Fittings........................................7-2
Figure 7-2 The Approved Method of Installing
Heater Hose (Consult ITR for Alternative
Methods and Products)................................7-5
Figure 8-1 The WaterHeater™ by ITR – Fittings .............8-1
Figure 8-2 Remote Operating Panel..............................8-3
Figure 8-3 The WaterHeater™ by ITR – Control Panel .....8-5
Figure 9-1 Space Heating Module Plumbing Fittings........9-3
Figure 9-2 Space Heating Module and
Hot Water Heater Hookup............................9-5
Figure 9-3 Space Heating Module and Zone
Board Electrical Hookup...............................9-8
vi Installation and Operating Manual for The WaterHeater™ by ITR
Thank you for purchasing The WaterHeater™ by ITR for recreational vehicles and marine yachts.
Some of the figures in this manual represent a typical installation, but other configurations or methods may be acceptable. If in doubt, obtain approval from ITR.
This section describes features of The WaterHeater™ by ITR and covers critical information you need to know before beginning the installation, including how to protect your warranty, and tools and equipment
eeded. n
1.1 Unpacking The WaterHeater™ by ITR
When you receive The WaterHeater™ by ITR:
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1 Unpack it carefully.
Section 1, Overview
2 Check each component against the provided parts list to ensure that
you have everything and that all parts arrived undamaged.
3 If you discover any missing or defective parts, call ITR immediately. 4 If you are not installing The WaterHeater™ by ITR right away, secure
all components so none will be misplaced.
5 Before installing The WaterHeater™ by ITR, read the rest o
Section 1 – Overview. It contains critical information for a proper installation.
A properly installed WaterHeater™ by ITR is essential for several reasons:
To ensure that you and/or your customers receive satisfactory results.
To ensure a trouble-free installation, a successful inspection and testing process and ease of future maintenance.
To protect your Warranty.
1.2 Protect Your Warranty
This document reflects approved installation techniques, methods, and materials, and applies only to ITR equipment. The WaterHeater™ by ITR is only guaranteed by ITR if the entire system has been installed according to the requirements and recommendations set out here.
Any modification must be approved in writing by qualified ITR personnel, prior to the installation.
This includes:
Deviations from the instructions in this Manual.
Changes to any piece of ITR-supplied equipment.
Substitution of a non-ITR-approved component.
No warranty will be extended to improper installations. Use of any unapproved materials, equipment, or installation procedures will result in a voided warranty for the entire heating system. ITR accepts no liability for modifications.
any damage or loss of service resulting from unapproved
1-2 The WaterHeater™ by ITR
Section 1, Overview
• Efficient
• Clean
• Quiet
• Compact
• Safe
• Rugged
• Reliable
• Economical
1.3 The WaterHeater™ by ITR Features
The WaterHeater™ by ITR uses a patented diesel burner (12 VDC) controlled by a multi-functional electronic controller as the primary source of heating water. A single 1500 watt, 120 VAC immersion element is used as a secondary heat source (240 VAC also available). The WaterHeater™ by ITR heats water to provide a continuous supply for all domestic hot water needs. The WaterHeater™ by ITR can also provide a single zone of space heating using the Space Heating Module (optional). See Figure 1-1.
Figure 1-1: Hot Water Heater and Space Heating Module (Optional)
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Section 1, Overview
Other features of The WaterHeater™ by ITR include:
A high-temperature, stainless steel burner and stainless steel jacket.
5.3 US gallon ( 20.5 l) welded stainless steel insulated wate r tank that minimizes heat loss and optimizes heat recovery.
Low water level switch in the tank.
Easy to install with hookups and connections easily accessible
from the top and front of The WaterH eater™ by ITR.
Quiet operation and low power consumption.
Low pressure fuel system with built-in fuel pump.
Fuel efficient burner capable of burning a wide variety of diesel-
based fuels.
Exhaust has minimal smoke or smell.
Fan assisted sealed combustion chamber is designed to use
outside air.
Simple, low amperage draw ignition.
Electronically-controlled system with:
o Automatic Safety Shutdown. o Manual reset aquasta ts for safety overheat protection. o LED indicators on the Control Panel for diagnostics. o Patented, proprietary flame sensor.
The WaterHeater™ by ITR Remote Operating Panel with ON/OFF switch for the diesel burner and indicator LED’s for operational and diagnostic information.
1.4 Critical Factors
Pay attention to the notices of “Danger” “Warning” “Caution” and “Notice” in this manual.
The key factors to keep in mind when planning and carrying out the installation are:
Mounting location restrictions for The WaterHeater™ by ITR, Space Heating Module (optional), and exhaust outlet (to reduce noise, vibration, heat loss, etc.)
1-4 The WaterHeater™ by ITR
Section 1, Overview
Length, routing, and sizing of fluid lines, fuel lines, air flow tubing,
exhaust piping and wiring.
Unrestricted intake required to draw in outside air for combustion.
Ability to easily access and service the product, especially fuel,
plumbing, and electrical systems.
After installation, requirement to purge water and fuel lines and
inspect/test entire system using the ITR-supplied Inspection Check Sheet.
1.5 Equipment, Tools and Skills
As the user and/or installer, you must be qualified and authorized to do the installation, which requires mechanical aptitude and electrical knowledge. Make sure you comply with existing RVIA or ABYC industry practices, using the highest and most recent standards and codes. Good workmanship is essential. Please refer back to Section 1.2, Protect Your Warranty.
You will need the following equipment and tools (not supplied) to install the heating system. This list does not include optional equipment and accessories:
Standard tools normally available in a well-equipped shop.
Appropriate fasteners for mounting the heater unit.
Stainless steel 1-1/2” ID exhaust piping, maximum 12’ with no
bends (see Section 3 – Installing the Exhaust System, for details when bends are present).
ITR muffler.
1/4” supply and return fuel line, approved rubber or copper.
Heater hose (to connect Space Heating Module [optional] hose
fittings to interior fans).
Domestic water hose and/or tu bing to connect The WaterHeater™
by ITR hose fittings to the domestic water system.
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Section 1, Overview
1.6 Testing and Inspection
After all components have been properly installed according to standard practices, RVIA or ABYC standards, and the recommendations of this Installation and Operating Manual, The WaterHeater™ by ITR should be test-operated for inspection purposes.
For your convenience, you can use the pullout Inspection Check Sheet in this Manual. The Inspection Check Sheet is divided into progressive sections, allowing each phase of the inspection to be carried out systematically, and then signed off by authorized persons.
1-6 The WaterHeater™ by ITR
Mounting - The WaterHeater™
2.1 Before You Begin
Plan the location of The WaterHeater™ by ITR and all its major components in advance to ensure the chosen locations are feasible and within the technical specifications.
Consider the following factors to help you decide exactly where best to mount The WaterHeater™ by ITR:
The WaterHeater™ by ITR weight when full.
Ventilation requirements.
Exhaust outlet location and maximum acceptable length.
Thru hull location.
Potential for vibration and jarring.
Fuel storage location.
Most efficient plumbing runs.
Safe and convenient access for maintenance.
Number and location of interior fans.
Location of other equipment to be installed or connected to
The WaterHeater™ by ITR, including Space Heating Module, Zone Control Box, heat exchangers, overflow tank, batteries, etc.
Make sure you are familiar with Section 1 – Overview of this Manual. If the system is not installed according to specifications and with the correct equipment, The WaterHeater™ by ITR may not operate properly, safety may be compromised, and your Warranty may be voided.
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Section 2, Mounting The WaterHeater™ by ITR
2.2 Identifying The WaterHeater™ by ITR Model
As the owner, you must be fully aware of the controls and operating features particular to your model of The WaterHeater™ by ITR. This is essential for the proper functioning and life of The WaterHeater™ by ITR as well as protecting your warranty. Your model can be identified by locating the serial number label on the outside case of The WaterHeater™ by ITR. The serial number identifies the model type through the first series of letters and numbers.
The types of The WaterHeater™ by ITR models are:
HWH – The WaterHeater™ by ITR
2.3 Your Mounting Location
Your mounting location should consider the following:
Mounting location must be able to support double the gross weight of The WaterHeater™ by ITR (i.e. 150 lbs. x 2 = 300 lbs/68 KG x 2 = 136 KG) and mu st b e of a non-combustible surface.
The WaterHeater™by ITR is 14”H x 14”W x 24”D (35.6 cm x 35.6 cm x 60.9 cm). See Figure 2-1: Dimensions.
The WaterHeater™ by ITR must not be installed in any compart­ment with flammable gases.
The WaterHeater™ by ITR must be completely isolated from living spaces. Combustion air must be drawn from an outside source and cannot contain any combustible gases.
The WaterHeater™ by ITR must be mounted in an area that provides unrestricted access to the front panel mounted fuel and water connections, and top mounted power and exhaust connection (minimum of 10” top clearance – top exhaust version; and, minimum of 6” top clearance – bottom exhaust version) and 3” clearance to all other WaterHeater™ surfaces.
2-2 The WaterHeater™ by ITR
Section 2, Mounting The WaterHeater™ by ITR
The WaterHeater™ by ITR must not be installed in any compartment with flammable gases.
The WaterHeater™ by ITR must be mounted horizontal and level using eight (8) x 1/4” through bolts and 1” diameter fender washers, lock washers and nuts.
It is recommended that a catchpan be placed under The WaterHeater™ by ITR for containing any unexpected leakage.
If The WaterHeater™ by ITR is going to be mounted in the engine compartment, check for adequate ventilation. When the engine is running, this area could be under a negative pressure. Make sure the air intake and exhaust hoses have no leaks and are well­fastened to the heater, muffler and thru hull fitting. Assembly parts that may cause injury through accidental contact should be protected.
Isolate the unit in a closed compartment so that no air from the heater will infiltrate the living areas.
Choose a sturdy surface in a location that won’t be unduly affected by vibration and the jarring of rough roads or rough seas.
Mount the unit with the front panel side facing out and accessible. Facing out simplifies installation and maintenance.
Open access is required to properly service the heater. Leave room at the front, and top of the unit.
Ensure that the exhaust tubing can be properly and safely routed to the outside. The maximum exhaust run for the system is 12’.
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Section 2, Mounting The WaterHeater™ by ITR
Figure 2-1: Dimensions
2.4 What NOT to Do
Don’t mount The WaterHeater™ by ITR in the rear of the coach or yacht underneath the sleeping area. The sound of The WaterHeater™ by ITR cycling on and off may disturb light sleepers.
2-4 The WaterHeater™ by ITR
Section 2, Mounting The WaterHeater™ by ITR
2.5 Procedure
After choosing the mounting location for The WaterHeater™ by ITR:
Mount The WaterHeater™ by ITR horizontally and level.
2 Secure The WaterHeater™ by ITR in place (against the wall,
floor, or a mounting platform) and eight (8) x 1/4” through bolts and 1” diameter fender washers, lock washers and nuts (See Figure 2-2: Location of Mounting Brackets.).
Figure 2-2: Location of Mounting Brackets.
Insets: Bracket/Nut/Bolt Configurations
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Installing the Exhaust System
3.1 Before You Begin
For efficient and safe operation of The WaterHeater™ by ITR follow all recommendations for properly installing the exhaust. Any deviations from these must be approved in advance by ITR.
Although the heater’s exhaust produces very low carbon
monoxide emissions, caution is still advised:
Do not operate The WaterHeater™ by ITR in an enclosed
area unless there is adequate ventilation.
Isolate The WaterHeater™ b y ITR in a closed compartment
so that no air from the unit will infiltrate the living areas.
Never place any exhaust parts close to combustible material or through a combustible wall or ceiling without fireproof p rotection. The exhaust can reach high temperatures.
3.2 Mounting Location
If you can’t meet the technical specifications for mounting the exhaust, don’t use The WaterHeater™ by ITR. The unit may perform poorly or become damaged if not installed according to specifications.
Recommended Exhaust Outlet Locations
The following is recommended for a coach exhaust outlet location:
Mount the exhaust outlet outside the coach, not inside
the heater compartment. Otherwise, exhaust fumes could infiltrate the coach from The WaterHeater™ by ITR compartment.
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Section 3, Installing the Exhaust System
In a coach, the typical mounting location for the exhaust outlet is under the floor of the heater compartment (see Figure 3-1), or on the other side of the coach, directly across from the heater unit. Keep in mind you cannot exceed 12’ of exhaust piping, including bends.
Position the outlet of the exhaust pipe so that the exhaust exits off the side of the coach, not towards the front, back, directly underneath the coach, or under an openable window, vent or slide-out.
In a yacht installation, the following is recommended for the exhaust outlet location:
Make sure that the thru hull is at least 30” above the water line with a goose neck rise on the exhaust to help eliminate water from getting to The WaterHeater™ by ITR through the exhaust. If the dual exhaust air-intake thru hull is used, ensure that the air-intake is placed between 10 o’clock and 2 o’clock and also goose-necked to avoid water ingestion, see Figure 3-2.
There needs to be a 1/8" air gap around the exhaust thru hull. The standard thru hull is 3" in diameter. The hole for the fitting should be 3-1/4". Make sure that the holes for the mounting screws have enough material left to properly bite. The fitting must be centered in the hole.
Recommendation for Installation
The following applies to both a coach and yacht:
You may use sweep bends but each 90° bend is equ ivalent to one foot of exhaust piping. For example, if you use two 90° bends you must deduct one foot per bend from the maximum allowed 12’ straight exhaust pipe length. Therefore you will be restricted to 10’ of straight exhaust piping plus the two bends. Do not exceed these recommendations.
Combustion air must be drawn from outside the coach or yacht.
Use an ITR-manufactured muffler; no other muffler is acceptable.
Exhaust outlet is on the top o r bottom (model dependant) of The WaterHeater™ by ITR, towards the back.
3-2 The WaterHeater™ by ITR
Section 3, Installing the Exhaust System
The exhaust and outlet are HOT and the surrounding
areas must be thermally shielded and protected from the
hot surfaces and heat buildup by insulation. Nothing can come into inadvertent contact with any part of the exhaust system
Exhaust pipe must have a minimum of 3” (7.6 cm) clearance from all surfaces.
Ensure that the exhaust cannot be plugged or restricted.
The exhaust fitting on The WaterHeater™ by ITR is
1.5” O.D. and the exhaust pipe used must have a minimum of 1.5” I.D throughout its length.
All exhaust elbows must be of a large radius design (minimum radius 2.0”).
The exhaust must be supported a minimum of e very 3’ of its installed length.
The exhaust and The WaterHeater™ by ITR connection point must use appropriate clamps and sealing compound to ensure that the connections are tight and leak free. The WaterHeater™ by ITR exhaust outlet pipe and the exhaust pipe itself must not be distorted or damaged during this process.
When The WaterHeater™ by ITR is running, the connection points and the system must be checked for leaks and any found must be corrected. Periodically, check the exhaust fittings, connections, exhaust tube and insulation for leaks and integrity and correct if required.
Appropriate exhaust insulation must be used to cover th e entire length of any interior exhaust run.
Solid stainless steel exhaust tubing is recommended but an approved stainless steel flexible exhaust tubing can be used. If flexible exhaust tubing is used the exhaust tubing must be inspected regularly for leaks and deterioration as this type of exhaust does not have the life expectancy of solid tubing. Stepped band clamps are recommended for joining flex and solid tubing as they apply firm, even pressure.
In a coach, install an exhaust collar on th e exhaust pipe to isolate the pipe from the coach.
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