The International 105 Balanced Mower
is designed for use on the International Cub 8
Lo-Boye, Farmall Cub e, International and
Farmal18 Super A, Super A-l, 100, 130 and
140 Tractors. It is well suited for both industrial and farm use. A completing package
is required to mount on your tractor.
This mower is especially built for highspeed mowing. It is ruggedly built with an
exclusive new wrist-action drive, balanced
for smooth running for longer machine life
and operator's comfort. It is especially
designed for cutting heavy hay and othervegetation.
or for mowing highway shoulders,
rights-of-way, and other industrial applications. It will operate efficiently with the cutter bar at any angle from. 450 below horizontal
to 900 vertical. This feature makes it desirable for cutting steep highway banks and
slopes. The. free floating action of the cutter
bar permits close operating positions along
the contour of the ground.
The tractors must be equipped with one of
the following units:
Touch Control for Farmall and hlternational
140 Basic Tractors for use with 105 Mowers
(Factory Application) (Standard Equipment on
hlternational 140 Standard Tractor).
354 467 R99 Special Touch Control for
Farmall and mternational"A", Super A,
100, 130, and 140 Tractors not previously
equipped with Touch Control.
The hydraulic system enables the operatorto
raise the cutter bar to clear obstructions
or to raise the mowe r to transport position.
The mower operator can quickly adjust the
cutter bar for height to meet various mowing
conditions, permitting independent control ofthe
inner and outer shoes. A completing pack-
age is required for the International Cub Lo-
Boy and Farmall Cub Tractors.
358 119 R 91 Special Touch Control Con-version
Package for Farmall and International
"A", Super A, 100, 130, and 140 Tractors
equipped with Touch Control.
381 223 R91 Restricted Actuator Package
(Factory Application) for International Cub
Lo-Boy, and Farrnall Cub Tractors.
A 5-foot cutter bar is standard equipment,
381 228 R9l Restricted Actuator Package
(Field Conversion) for International Cub LoBoy and Farmall Cub Tractors.
A variety of special knife assemblies areavailable
for this cutter bar.
Note: The Farmall Cub and International
Cub La-Boy tractors must be equipped withhead
gasket 351 989 R6.
Other special equipment and attachmentsare
as follows:
The tractor Fast-Hitch cannot be used in
conjunction with the mower. However, the
Fast-Hitch helper spring parts are required
when the mower is mounted on the Cub or
Cub Lo-Boy Tractors.
Outer Shoe Grass Deflector -to prevent
the cut material from falling into the un-
cut material.
Knife Rack Attachment -to carry extraknife
assembly in the field.
The mower is mounted on the right side ofthe
tractor main frame between the front and
rear wheels. Power is transmitted from the
rear power take-off on the tractor through a
roller chain to the universal joint drive shaft.
A heavy-duty V -belt drive transmits the power
to the balanced drive. The entire drive is
completely shielded.
Curb Lift Attachment for International Cub
Lo-Boy and Farmall Cub Tractors -will
hold the inner shoe above ground level, up
to lO'l high to enable the cutter bar to be
placed in and position with the working
range of 45 below horizontal to vertical.
half throttle