International Electronics prox.pad plus Installation & Programming Manual

IEI prox.pad
plus Access System
Installation/Programming Manual prox.pad plus Installation/Programming
Copyright 2003 Part Number 6105679, Rev. 1.0
International Electronics, Inc.
For more information, contact:
International Electronics, Inc. © Copyright 2003 427 Turnpike Street International Electronics, Inc. Canton, MA 02021 U.S.A. All Rights Reserved
Published in U.S.A.
781-821-5566 800- 733-9502 (sales in MA)
800-343-9502 (sales) Fax: 781-821-4443 Fax
Information Center: 781-821-0734 Internet:
Table of Contents
Chapter 1: Introduction
1.1 About this Manual ............................................... 1-1
1.2 Safety Warnings and Cautions..........................1-1
1.3 Design Change Disclaimer.................................1-1
1.4 Reproduction Disclaimer.................................... 1-1
1.5 Technical Support................................................ 1-1
1.6 Warranty................................................................ 1-2
1.7 Items Supplied from the Factory ...................... 1-3
1.8 Items the Installer Must Supply........................1-3
1.9 General Description............................................. 1-4
1.9.1 Design Function ............................................ 1-4
1.10 prox.pad plus Operation .................................. 1-5
Chapter 2: Installation
2.1 Installation Configurations................................. 2-1
2.2 Other Installation Considerations..................... 2-2
2.2.1 Power Supply/Current Requirements....... 2-2
2.2.2 Gang Box and Mounting .............................2-2
2.2.3 Mounting the Unit on Metal....................... 2-2
2.2.4 RF Interference .............................................. 2-2
2.3 Checking the Cables............................................ 2-3
2.4 Mounting the prox.pad plus Unit .................... 2-7
2.4.1 Performing a Wall Mounted Installation.. 2-7
2.4.2 Performing a Glass Mounted Installation. 2-9
2.4.3 Performing a Secure Installation................2-11
2.5 Inserting Circuit Boards...................................... 2-15
2.6 Defaulting prox.pad plus Memory................... 2-16
prox.pad plus Install/Program. Manual, PPP, D2 iii
Table of Contents
Chapter 3: Wiring
3.1 Wiring the prox.pad plus Unit...........................3-1
3.1.1 Wiring the AUX Relay for Use as Alarm
Shunt .........................................................................3-1
3.1.1.A Wiring the Alarm Shunt Relay...........3-1
3.1.2 Wiring the AUX Relay for Use as Forced
3.1.2.A Wiring the Forced Door Relay ...........3-3
3.1.3 Wiring the AUX Relay for Use as
Propped Door ..........................................................3-5
3.1.3.A Wiring the Propped Door Relay........3-5
3.1.4 Wiring the Door Contact Input...................3-7
3.1.5 Wiring the REX Switch (Request to Exit) ..3-9
3.1.6 Wiring the Main Relay..................................3-11
3.2 prox.pad plus Communications ........................3-13
3.3 Networking Multiple prox.pad plus Units
Together .......................................................................3-14
3.4 Testing the prox.pad plus...................................3-16
3.4.1 Testing the Controller/Keypad....................3-16
Chapter 4: Programming
4.1 Programming Overview .....................................4-1
4.1.1 Programming from the Keypad..................4-1
4.1.1.A Master Code (User #1) ........................4-1
4.1.1.B Supervisor Code (user #2) ..................4-2
4.1.1.C Master Code and Supervisor Code
Special Features..................................................4-2
4.1.1.D prox.pad plus Default Settings ..........4-3
4.1.1.E Resetting the Master Code and
System Defaults Only .......................................4-5
4.1.1.F Erasing Entire Memory/Resetting
System Defaults..................................................4-6
iv prox.pad plus Install/Program. Manual, PPP, D2
Table of Contents
4.2 Programming Users.............................................4-7
4.2.1 Adding New or Changing Existing
Codes/Cards ............................................................ 4-7
4.2.2 Programming Code and Card Options .... 4-7
4.2.2 Programming User Types............................ 4-8
4.2.2.A Programming User Data,
Command 50, Full Format .............................. 4-9
4.2.2.B Quick Program Feature....................... 4-10
4.2.2.C Programming Code ONLY Use ........4-10
4.2.2.D Programming Code AND Card Use 4-10
4.2.2.E Programming Card ONLY Use ......... 4-11
4.2.2.F Programming Code OR Card............. 4-11
4.2.3 Batch Load Cards by Presentation............. 4-12
4.2.4 Enabling/Disabling Users Command ........ 4-13
4.2.5 Batch Load Cards Manually
(without presentation)........................................... 4-14
4.2.6 Block Delete of Users ...................................4-15
4.2.7 Deleting Users ............................................... 4-15
4.3 Programming Outputs........................................ 4-16
4.3.1 Changing the Lock Output Time............... 4-16
4.3.2 Assigning Outputs ........................................ 4-16
4.3.3 Setting Propped Door Output Time ......... 4-18
4.3.4 Setting Forced Door Output Time ............. 4-18
4.4 Programming Keypad Options and
Parameters................................................................... 4-19
4.4.1 User Lockout Option....................................4-19
4.4.1.A Lockout By Location............................ 4-19
4.4.1.B Lockout By Group................................ 4-20
4.4.2 TimeZone/Holiday Features........................4-21
4.4.2.A Midnight Crossing TimeZones..........4-22
4.4.2.B Holidays .................................................4-23
4.4.2.C Daylight Savings Time ........................ 4-23
4.4.2.D Leap Year .............................................. 4-24
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Table of Contents
4.4.2.E Time/Date Set.........................................4-24
4.4.3 Turning Visual LED/Keypress Indicator
4.4.4 Turning Audio Keypress Feedback
4.4.5 Error Lockout .................................................4-26
4.4.6 Timed Anti-Passback.....................................4-27
4.5 Using the Printing Features................................4-29
4.5.1 Selecting Transaction L og Information......4-29
4.5.2 Printing a Transaction Log...........................4-30
4.5.2.A Programming a Transaction Dump
Code .....................................................................4-31
4.5.2.B Printing a Transaction Log
4.5.2.C Erasing a Transaction Log...................4-32
4.5.2.D Printing a Programmed Users List ....4-32
4.6 Programming Commands ..................................4-34
Chapter 5: Troubleshooting
5.1 Before Calling IEI .................................................5-1
5.2 Flow Charts ...........................................................5-4
5.3 Performing Power Supply Integrity Test .........5-6
5.4 Correcting Possible Water Problems.................5-9
5.4.1 Silicone.............................................................5-9
5.4.2 Wire Run .........................................................5-9
Chapter 6: Miscellaneous Information
6.1 Customer Service Policy......................................6-1
6.2 RMA Policy ............................................................6-2
vi prox.pad plus Install/Program. Manual, PPP, D2
List of Illustrations
Figure 2-1 prox.pad plus Wiring Harness.........2-3
Figure 2-2 Identifying Pin Connectors ..............2-4
Figure 2-3 Performing a Wall Mounted I
Figure 2-4 Performing a Glass Mounted
Figure 2-5 Performing a Secure Installation .....2-12
Figure 2-6 Removing/Inserting Printed Circuit
Board ....................................................2-15
Figure 2-7 Program Button Location on Main
Circuit Board .......................................2-17
Figure 3-1 Wiring the Aux Relay for Alarm
Shunt Operation.................................3-2
Figure 3-2 Wiring the Aux Relay for Forced
Door Alarm..........................................3-4
Figure 3-3 Wiring the Aux Relay for Propped
Door Alarm..........................................3-6
Figure 3-4 Wiring the Door Contact Input .......3-8
Figure 3-5 Wiring the REX Switch .....................3-10
Figure 3-6 Electric Strike (Fail Secure)
Wiring Diagram..................................3-11
Figure 3-7 MagLock (Fail Safe) Wiring
Figure 3-8 Connecting the prox.pad plus to a
PC COM Port ......................................3-13
Figure 3-9 Connecting the prox.pad plus to a
Network ............................................... 3-14
Figure 3-10 Networking Multiple prox.pad
plus Units Together ...........................3-15
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List of Illustrations/List of Tables
List of Tables
Table 1-1 prox.pad plus Specifications ............ 1-6
Table 2-1 prox.pad plus Pin Connections .......2-5
Table 2-2 IEI-Supplied Parts/Optional Items.. 2-6
Table 4-1 prox.pad plus Default Settings........ 4-3
Table 4-2 LED Indicators/Sounder
Table 4-3 prox.pad plus User Types ................ 4-8
Table 5-1 Troubleshooting Chart ...................... 5-2
Operations........................................... 4-4
viii prox.pad plus Install/Program. Manual, P PP, D2
Chapter 1: Introduction
1.1 About this Manual
1.2 Safety Warnings and Cautions
1.3 Design Change Disclaimer
1.4 Reproduction Disclaimer
1.5 Technical Support
This manual is designed for installers of the Interna­tional Electronics prox.pad plus Access System.
When handling the main printed circuit board, to guard against possible static discharges, touch a grounded object BEFORE touching the prox.pad plus unit. Static shock can render the product unusable.
Due to design changes and product improvements, information in this manual is subject to change without notice. IEI assumes no responsibility for any errors that may appear in this manual.
Neither this manual nor any part of it may be repro­duced, photocopied, or electronically transmitted in any way without the written permission of IEI.
Should you experience any difficulty installing the prox.pad plus unit, please contact your IEI repre­sentative, or IEI at the number listed on page ii. Before
calling IEI for installation assistance, refer to Chapter 5, Troubleshooting. This chapter includes a list of com-
mon system problems, possible causes, and corrective actions plus easy-to-use diagnostic flow charts.
To contact IEI’s Technical Support department, call 1-800-343-9502 between 8:00 a.m. - 7:00 p.m. (Eastern Standard Time), Monday through Friday. Questions can also be submitted through our website at You can also download an electronic version of this manual from this site.
prox.pad plus Install/Program. Manual, PPP, D2 1-1
Chapter 1: Introduction 1.6 Warranty
1.6 Warranty
International Electronics Inc. (IEI) warrants its prod­ucts to be free from defects in material and workman­ship when they have been installed in accordance with the manufacturer’s instructions and have not been modified or tampered with. IEI does not assume any responsibility for damage or injury to person or prop­erty due to improper care, storage, handling, abuse, misuse,normalwearandtear,oranactofGod.
IEI’s sole responsibility is limited to the repair (at IEI’s option) or the replacement of the defective product or part when sent to IEI’s facility (freight and insurance charges prepaid) after obtaining IEI’s Return Material Authorization. IEI will not be liable to the purchaser or any one else for incidental or consequential dam­ages arising from any defect in, or malfunction of, its products.
Except as stated above, IEI makes no warranties, either expressed or implied, as to any matter whatsoever, including, and without limitation to, the condition of its products, their merchantability, or fitness for any particular purpose.
Warranty Periods Are:
1 Year PowerKey 2 Years Door Gard & Secured Series
Products 2 Years prox.pad and prox.pad plus 2 Years LS Series 2 Years Glass Break 5 Years ‘e’ Series Keypads
All products have date code labeling to determine the warranty period. A 90-day grace period is added to all products to account for shelf life.
1-2 prox.pad plus Install/Program. Manual, PPP, D2
1.7 Items Supplied from the Factory Chapter 1: Introduction
1.7 Items Supplied from the Factory
1.8 Items the Installer Must Supply
The following items are supplied from the factory with the initial prox.pad plus shipment.
Controller with Keypad, Faceplate, Request to Exit
(REX) button (also called the “Filler Piece”), three Wire Harnesses, and various installation Screws.
For each initial prox.pad plus unit installation, the installer must supply the following items:
The prox.pad plus unit works with these four
types of cards:
–ProxCardII –IsoProxII –DuoProxII –ProxkeyFOB
an appropriately rated DC Power Supply (12 VDC)
(filtered and regulated recommended)
the appropriate installation electrical tools
the recommended remote antenna cable
[ALPHA 1174C (22AWG) 4-wire, stranded] (this is required ONLY if you choose to remote the an­tenna 10 feet away from the keypad/controller)
RS-485 cable (24AWG), shielded, two twisted-pair
telephone cable with a shunt capacitance of 16 pF/Ft (required only when using software)
power supply cable (18AWG-22AWG) 2-wire
stranded (depends on distance)
door lock cable (18AWG-22AWG) 2-wire stranded
(depends on distance)
door monitor cable (18AWG-22AWG) 2-wire
stranded (depends on distance)
REX cable (if using remote switch) 2-wire stranded
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Chapter 1: Introduction 1.9 General Description
1.9 General Description
1.9.1 Design Function
The IEI prox.pad plus Access System provides card and/or keypad access control for a single door. The unit can be install ed in a one-stage configuration (which is typical for most users), or a higher security, two-stage (or “remote”) configuration.
In the “secure” (or remote) configuration, the antenna can be detached and mullion-mounted up to a maxi­mum of 10 feet away from the controller/keypad. For installation details, see section 2.4.3.
Theprox.padplusunitiscompatiblewithallHID proximity cards, with up to 40 bits. Batch programming without the need for the card can be done only with 26-bit HID cards. All programming is performed using the built-in keypad.
The prox.pad plus unit is equipped with RS-485 com­munications, which allows the system to be managed with a personal computer using Hub Manager
Pro­fessional software (ver. 5 or higher). This capability allows the unit to store up to 8 timezones, including auto-unlock, and a maximum of 32 holidays. In addi­tion, the unit can store up to 2,000 transactions.
The keypad can store up to 2,000 users.
The specific types of users that can be programmed with the prox.pad plus unit are listed in Table 1-1 on page 1-8.
For convenience, proximity cards can be programmed efficiently in a “batch” mode. A user-programmable lock time of 1-255 seconds plus a “latch/toggle” mode are included.
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1.10 prox.pad plus Operation Chapter 1: Introduction
1.10 prox.pad plus Operation
Once installed and programme d successf ully, the prox.pad plus controller stores all transactions and controls all outputs. The controller receives data sent to it from the proximity reader, decides if access should be provided or not, and then energizes the door lock or not, locking or unlocking the door.
The prox.pad plus unit includes two relay outputs (located internally), an internal clock, programming keypad, and memory chips to store user information and a transaction data log.
An external IR (infrared) LED/port/transmitter at the top right of the prox.pad plus controller allows for printing of the Transaction Log and the Programmed User List to the optional IEI PDA Data Capture Device (DCD) software. Chapter 4 discusses printing reports.
NOTE: IEI recommends that first-time installers test the prox.pad plus unit BEFORE actually mounting and wiring the unit to become familiar with its op­eration (see Chapter 2).
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Chapter 1: Introduction 1.10 prox.pad plus Operation
Table 1-1. prox.pad plus Specifications
Power Supply/Current Requirements
Remote Antenna Cable ALPHA 1174C (22AWG) 4-wire, stranded (this is
RS-485 Cable 24AWG, shielded, two twisted-pair telephone cable
Power Supply Cable 18AWG - 22AWG 2-wire stranded (depends on
Door Lock Cable 18AWG - 22AWG 2-wire stranded (depends on
Door Monitor Cable 18AWG - 22AWG 2-wire stranded (depends on
REX Cable (if using remote switch) 2-wire stranded
Height 5.25 in (13.3 cm)
Width 2.75in(7cm)
10-15 VDC, linear filtered and regulated power supply 500 mA (not including locking device or peripherals)
required ONLY if you choose to remote the antenna 10 feet away from the keypad/controller)
with a shunt capacitance of 16 pF/Ft (required only when using software)
Depth 1.375 in (3.5 cm)
Main Relay - Form C (switches up to 4A)
Aux Relay - Form C (switches up to 1A)
Door Position (Normally Closed, dry contact)
Request to Exit (REX, Normally Open, dry contact)
1-6 prox.pad plus Install/Program. Manual, PPP, D2
1.10 prox.pad plus Operation Chapter 1: Introduction
Table 1-1. prox.pad plus Specifications (continued)
Infrared output to optional IEI DCD PDA program
SOUNDER 4000 Hz, defeatable
LEDs Bi-Color (red/green)
Users 2,000 users maximum; each user can have a
Transactions 2,000 transactions maximum; each transaction
Lock Time 1-255 seconds
Lock Mode Access Time or Toggle/Latch
ALARM OUTPUT One of these three events can be programmed:
All 26-bit HID card, including the following: ProxCard II, IsoProx II, Duo Prox II, and Proxkey FOB; 26-bit cards are required for manual or batch programming
card/tag, a PIN code, or a card/tag plus a PIN code
includes time, date, user “slot number,” and event
Alarm Shunt Relay, Forced Door Relay, or Propped Door Relay
Code AND Card
Code OR Card
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Chapter 1: Introduction 1.10 prox.pad plus Operation
Table 1-1. prox.pad plus Specifications (continued)
ENVIRONMENTAL Indoor or outdoor
Operating Temperature -31° to 150° F (-35° to 66° C)
Operating Humidity 5% to 95% relative humidity, non-condensing
Each user is assigned one of the following user types:
0-Toggle/latch strike
1-Normal access
2-log Dump
4-Extended unlock
5-Single use
Suitable for small installations or remote locations, indoors or outdoors Wall mounted, glass mounted, or secure installation
1-8 prox.pad plus Install/Program. Manual, PPP, D2
Chapter 2: Installation
Chapter 2 supplies information about prox.pad plus installation configurations; installation considerations; and procedures for checking the cables, mounting the prox.pad plus unit, inserting circuit boards, and de­faulting prox.pad plus memory.
2.1 Installation Configurations
It is the installer’s responsibility to determine the ap­propriate prox.pad plus installation configuration, which differs from installation to installation. These three installation configurations are possible:
Wall mounted installation (exterior to the room
to be accessed). In this configuration, a single gang electrical box can be used. Typically, the pr ox.pad plus unit is wall mounted (surface mounted) out­side the access area on the unsecured side.
Glass mounted installation, using the four IEI-
supplied pressure-sensitive adhesive pads. In this configuration, the prox.pad plus unit is affixed with the adhesive pads to the glass door or the window adjacent to the door being accessed, on the interior side of the glass. The side cut-out on the unit is used to bring the wires out of the side of the prox.pad plus case.
Secure installation (or “two-stage” configuration),
for higher security. In this configuration, the prox.pad plus antenna is located a maximum of 10 feet away from the controller/keypad; the con­troller/keypad is located on the secure side of the door.
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Chapter 2: Installation 2.2 Other Installation Considerations
2.2 Other Installation Considerations
2.2.1 Power Supply/Current Requirements
2.2.2 Gang Box and Mounting
2.2.3 Mounting the Unit on Metal
Sections 2.2.1-2.2.4 describe important considerations the installer must decide upon before actually starting to install and wire the prox.pad plus unit.
Power for the prox.pad plus unit must be from a mini­mum 10-15 volt DC linear, filtered and regulated power supply. It is typical for the chosen power supply to power BOTH the prox.pad plus unit and the se­lected locking device. When using one power supply for both the prox.pad plus unit and locking device, be sure to include both devices in your current require­ments calculations.
NOTE: IEI recommends that you ground the power supply to earth ground.
For the wall mounted installation configuration, a sin­gle gang electrical box can be used. (Typically, the prox.pad plus unit is wall mounted outside the access areaontheunsecuresideofthedoor.)
The prox.pad plus unit uses radio frequency to transfer power to and communicate with the proximity card or keytag. If the antenna is mounted directly on a metal building or wall, some of the energy is absorbed by the metal, resulting in less power being transmitted to the keytag; this causes reduced read range. If you must mount the prox.pad plus unit on metal, test the unit in place before permanently installing it. If read range distance distance is not adequate, a non-metallic spacer can be fabricated and installed between the unit’s an­tenna and the metal mounting surface.
2.2.4 RF Interference
2-2 prox.pad plus Install/Program. Manual, PPP, D2
The prox.pad plus unit should not cause interference to other equipment as it is designed to meet FCC guidelines. However, other devices can interfere with prox.pad plus operation.
2.3 Checking the Cables Chapter 2: Installation
Avoid locating the prox.pad plus unit closer than 3 feet (1 meter) to a computer monitor or television or an­other prox.pad plus unit. If you believe you are expe­riencing reduced read range due to interference, try repositioning the prox.pad plus unit, remoting the an­tenna, or relocating other nearby electrical equipment.
2.3 Checking the Cables
Figure 2-1 below provides a detailed illustration of the prox.pad plus wiring harness. Figure 2-2 illustrates the Pin connectors on the main circuit board; Table 2-2 describes these four Pin connectors, P1, P2, P4, and P5.
Figure 2-1 prox.pad plus Wiring Harness
prox.pad plus Install/Program. Manual, PPP, D2 2-3
1 2
4 5
Chapter 2: Installation 2.3 Checking the Cables
1-Green (Aux Relay N/O
-Gray (Main Relay N/C)
-Green (Main Relay N/C)
-Blue (Main Relay C)
-Black (-V)
-Red (+V ystem Power: 12VDC
or RS-485
ommunications 1-Blue (Terminator) 2-Brown (Data A)
3-White (Data B)
4-Green (Data GND)
1-Red (Bi Color LED) 2-Black (Bi Color LED) 3-White (Antenna +) 4-White (Antenna -)
Connections for remote installation of proximity antenna
2-Gray (Aux Relay N/C
3-Blue (Aux Relay C) 4-Brown (REX Loop)
5-Orange (Door Loop) 6-White (Loop Commo
NOTE: P3 Not Used
Figure 2-2 Identifying Pin Connectors
2-4 prox.pad plus Install/Program. Manual, PPP, D2
2.3 Checking the Cables Chapter 2: Installation
Table 2-2. prox.pad plus Pin Connectors
Pin Connector (on main circuit board)
P1 (5-pin connector, top left-most location)
P2 (6-pin connector, top right-most location)
Pin Wire Color Use
1 GRAY Main Relay, N ormally
Closed (N.C.)
2 GREEN Main Relay, Normally
Open (N.O.) 3 BLUE Main Relay, Common 4BLACK Ground 5RED PowerIn,+12VDC
Pin Wire Color Use
1GREEN AuxRelayN.O. 2 GRAY Aux Relay N.C. 3 BLUE Aux Relay Common 4 BROWN REX Loop (if used) (NO
contact) 5 ORANGE Door Loop Contact (NC
contact) 6 WHITE Loop Common (shared by
REX and door loop)
NOTE: Pins 1, 2, 3 can be wired at the installer’s option for one of the following alarm outputs, Alarm Shunt, Forced Door, or Propped Door. Mandatory: If you do not wish to install door contacts per Figure 2-5, twist white and orange wires together. If not done, REX input will not work.
P4 (4-pin connector, bottom location)
Pin Wire Color Use
1 RED Bi-Color LED (Red +) 2 BLACK Bi-Color LED (Green +) 3 WHITE Antenna (no polarity) 4 WHITE Antenna (no polarity)
P-5 (4-pin connector, left-hand side location)
Pin Wire Color Use
1Blue Terminator 2Brown DataA 3 White Data B 4 Green Data GND
prox.pad plus Install/Program. Manual, PPP, D2 2-5
Chapter 2: Installation 2.3 Checking the Cables
Table 2-3. IEI-Supplied Parts/Optional Items
Quantity Description
1 Keypad/control unit assembly, with Prox Sensor, Backplate,
hex socket screw
1 Filler Piece/REX Button
4 Wall Anchors
1 Antenna Backplate for remote mounting
1 Silicone Rubber “dogbone”
4 Self-Adhering Pads (for glass mounting)
1 Installer Guide
1 CD-ROM containing instruction manuals
4 Cable Assemblies
Optional Items
1 Replacement Battery: Panasonic B R1225 or equivalent
lots of 25 only ProxKey Keytags (IEI part number 0297301)
lots of 25 only ProxCard II Cards (IEI part n umber 0297401)
1 Hub Manager
Professional PC Software (version 5 or
1 IEI Data Collection Device (DCD) PDA Software
2-6 prox.pad plus Install/Program. Manual, PPP, D2
2.4 Mounting the prox.pad plus Unit Chapter 2: Installation
2.4 Mounting the prox.pad plus Unit
2.4.1 Performing a Wall Mounted Installation
Select one of these three installation configurations, wall mount, glass mount, or secure as appropriate for this installation. Then refer to sections 2.4.1-2.4.3.
This section provides general considerations when performing a wall mounted installation. T ypically, the prox.pad plus unit is mounted on a flat, level surface (drywall, masonry, wood, etc.) exterior to the room to be accessed. A single-gang electrical box (or “back box”) can be used. Typically, the prox.pad plus unit is wall mounted outside the access area on the unsecure side of the door.
Figure 2-3 illustrates the components on the prox.pad plus unit used for wall mounting. Two “single-gang box” holes align with two corresponding holes in the single-gang box. A “wire” exit knockout is supplied through which the prox.pad plus wiring is pulled. A typical wall mounted installation proceeds as follows:
1. Secure a single-gang box to the desired location.
2. “Punch out” the two single-gang box connectors on the controller backplate of the prox.pad plus unit.
3. Disconnect the controller backplate of the prox.pad plus unit from the front keypad/control­ler. Align the two single-gang box connectors on the controller backplate over the two correspond­ing holes on the single-gang box, previously se­cured at step 1.
4. Secure the backplate to the single-gang box by inserting/tightening two screws into the two sin­gle-gang box holes.
5. Connect the front keypad/controller to the back housing.
6 Pull the prox.pad plus wiring through the wiring
exit as appropriate.
7. Install the tamper screw into the hole at the bottom front of the enclosure using a #6 spanner bit (not included, but available from IEI).
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Chapter 2: Installation 2.4 Mounting the prox.pad plus Unit
Figure 2-3 Performing a Wall Mounted Installation
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2.4 Mounting the prox.pad plus Unit Chapter 2: Installation
2.4.2 Performing a Glass Mounted Installation
Figure 2-4 shows the four IEI-supplied pressure-sen­sitive adhesive pads and the two side cut-outs used for this installation. In this configuration, the prox.pad plus unit is affixed with the four self-adhesive pads to the glass or the glass window adjacent to the controlled door being accessed, on the interior side of the glass. Oneofthetwosidecut-outsisusedtobringthewires out of the side of the prox.pad plus case.
A typical glass mounted installation proceeds as fol­lows:
1. Disconnect the back housing from the front key­pad/controller. Remove the tape from the four self-adhesive pads on the back housing and apply the pads to the four corners of the backplate.
2. Affix the back housing to the glass door or the glass window adjacent to the controlled door be­ing accessed, on the interior side of the glass.
3. Determine which of the two side cut-outs on the back housing to use for the wiring and “cut out” that cut-out using the appropriate cutting tool.
4. Pull the wiring through the selected side cut-out as required.
5. Connect the front keypad/controller to the back housing.
6. Install the tamper screw into the hole at the bottom front of the enclosure using a #6 spanner bit (not included, but available from IEI).
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Chapter 2: Installation 2.4 Mounting the prox.pad plus Unit
Figure 2-4 Performing a Glass Mounted Installation
2-10 prox.pad plus Install/Program. Manual, PPP, D 2
2.4 Mounting the prox.pad plus Unit Chapter 2: Installation
2.4.3 Performing a Secure Installation
In this configuration, the prox.pad plus prox sensor housing is removed from the keypad/controller and located a maximum of 10 feet away. The controller/key­pad is located inside a secure area.
1. Remove the antenna from the prox.pad plus key­pad/controller as described below:
Disconnect the backplate of the prox.pad plus unit
from the front keypad/controller.
When handling the main printed circuit board, to
guard against possible static discharges, touch a grounded object BEFORE touching the prox.pad plus unit. Remove the main printed circuit board by pressing the two spring tabs in the direction of the arrows as shown in Figure 2-5. Be careful with the wires.
Pull on the main circuit board and remove Pin
connector P4 (a 4-pin connector) from the bottom of the main board. A ribbon cable now holds the main board to the keypad board. DO NOT pull this ribbon cable out of its connector! Once the main board is removed, you can access the interior of the antenna.
Remove the antenna housing from the key-
pad/controller by pressing the labeled four secure tabs inward (see Figure 2-5) until the sensor hous­ing “pops out.”
2. Prepare the wiring and extension wiring as fol­lows:
Cut off the plastic end of the prox.pad plus sensor
housing harness.
Splice the recommended remote antenna cable
Alpha 1174C (22AWG), 10-foot maximum length, to the properly cut antenna cable using standard electrical techniques.
prox.pad plus Install/Program. Manual, PPP, D2 2-11
Chapter 2: Installation 2.4 Mounting the prox.pad plus Unit
Figure 2-5 Performing a Secure Installation
2-12 prox.pad plus Install/Program. Manual, PPP, D 2
2.4 Mounting the prox.pad plus Unit Chapter 2: Installation
3. Mount the antenna backplate in a vertical orien­tation and secure it to the wall through the two screw holes using two IEI-provided screws. En­sure that the two “weep holes,” provided to re­move possible moisture, are positioned on the bottom. The wiring exits in the antenna backplate. (Four external cut-outs on the antenna backplate match the four spring-loaded tabs on the an­tenna.)
NOTE: Two side cut-outs are furnished on the antenna backplate for the wiring, if the installation does not permit the wiring to run through the wall.Thesemustbe“cutout”tobeused.
Once the antenna backplate is mounted properly,
align the antenna to the backplate and connect the antenna to the antenna backplate. The large tab in the center of the antenna assembly must be broken off before being attached to the antenna backplate.
4. Run the antenna wiring back to the secure key­pad/controller and connect it to the main circuit board, using the 10-inch4-wireharness(red, black, white, and white) that you plug into con­nector P4 on the controller board. Connect the red wire of the antenna to the red wire of the P4 harness, etc. Seal the wire holes with silicone.
5. Select “Filler” or “Request to Exit” (REX) operation as follows:
If you elect to use the filler piece as a REX switch,
return to the keypad/controller and break off two tabs on the filler piece as illustrated in Figure 2-5. The filler piece replaces the antenna on the front of the keypad/controller for secure installations.
If the filler piece is not to be used as a REX switch,
DO NOT remove the two tabs.
prox.pad plus Install/Program. Manual, PPP, D2 2-13
Chapter 2: Installation 2.4 Mounting the prox.pad plus Unit
Select “Filler or “REX” operation and affix the
appropriate IEI-provided label to the filler piece. For Filler operation, no tabs are brok en off the filler piece, which merely sits in place of the re­motely located antenna, once the main circuit board and cabling are replaced. For REX operation, break off the labeled tabs, which allows a spring-loaded tab to engage the REX switch on the main circuit board and open the door.
Replace the main circuit board into the key-
pad/controller and Pin connector P4 to the main circuit board.
Connect the front keypad/controller of the unit to
the back housing.
Secure with a hex socket screw using the supplied
hex wrench, or secure with a tamper screw (optional tool required).
2-14 prox.pad plus Install/Program. Manual, PPP, D 2
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