1. Introduction
This document introduces how to setup applications and use it. Below picture shows the
directory hierarchy of SDK. In this SDK, we provide demo applications, drivers, and
sample source code for Windows (BCB6, C#, Java, VC++2008), WinCE 5.0 and Linux.
Figure 1 Directory hierarchy
2. Install
Below sections introduces the steps to setup demo applications and drivers.
2.1 Windows
Please follow below steps to install demo application.
□ Unplug RFID HF device from USB port.
□ Double-Click “RFID_NFC_Install.exe” under “.\Demonstration\Windows\BCB” path.
And follow the steps to complete the installation.
□ If you ever installed RFID HF Demo Application, the uninstall process will be launched
□ Now, the installation process is launched.
□ Plug-in RFID HF device into USB port. Follow the steps to install USB driver.
□ Open device manager for double checking. In RFID category, RFID NFC Device was
□ Launch demo application by double click “RFID NFC Demo” shortcut on desktop. In
the main screen, the “Status” area informs you the physical link status between PC
and MSR310X. The default interface is USB. If no MSR310X been found on USB port,
the “interface” area will be unlocked for manual selection.
2.2 WinCE
□ Using ActiveSync to transfer “RFID_Cab.CAB” file from “.\Demonstration\WinCE”
path to WinCE 5.0 based handheld device.
□ Operate handheld device to find the installed file. And then, double click on it for
starting installation.
2.3 Linux
We only provide a command line application, TEST_ap, for demonstration.
□ Copy “antusb.ko” and “TEST_ap” files from “.\ Demonstration\Linux” path to Linux
□ Open a new terminal on Linux PC.
□ Install USB driver by typing “insmod antusb.ko”
□ Add “alias rausb0 antusb” into “/etc/ modules.conf”
□ Activate USB device by typing “ifconfig rausb0 up”
□ Run “TEST_ap”