Copyright Intermatic 2004
Processor: 500-MHz Intel Pentium-class processor (Minimum: 90MHz)
Memory: 128MB RAM (Minimum: 32MB)
Operating System: Microsoft Windows
Server 2003; Windows XP
Professional; Windows XP Home Edition; Windows 2000 Professional
& Server
Supported Models; ET70115C, ET70115CR, ET70115CR24,
ET70215C, ET70215CR, ET70215CR24, ET70415CR,
ET70415CR24, ET70815CR, ET70815CR24, ET71615CR, and
Welcome to the NextGen Programming Software!!
Thank you for trying the NextGen programming software. This
software is intended for use with Intermatic© brand Next Generation time switches. Use for any other purpo se is strictly
The first screen will give you the opportunity to Browse CD, Install,
Contact Us, or Exit the installation utility. To install the NextGen
programming software click “Install”.
Selecting “Browse CD” will pull up a menu of screens which will allow
you to view this manual or the various guides which ship with the Next
Generation time switch for installation and manual data entry.
To view these guides you will need the Adobe Acrobat Reader
installed on your computer. If you do not have Adobe Acrobat Reader
installed it is included along with the option to install it from the CD.
After reviewing the included information you can return to the main
menu by clicking the “Main Menu” button.
NOTE: It is not necessary to have the CD in the drive to use the NextGen programming software, however documentation
including this manual are available on the CD.
After selecting “Install”, the installation wizard will begin and ask you to
confirm the installation. You will also be presented with Intermatic
software license agreement. After agreeing to the terms of use, the
software will be loaded onto the hard drive of your computer.
When the installation is complete, the installation wizard will display
that it has completed the installation. Click finish to leave the
installation wizard.
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Command Bar
Setup Tab
Holiday Tab
Schedule Tab
Connect Tab
Upload Tab
Download Tab
Connect Status
The NextGen programming software can be started from
the START menu or by selecting the NEXTGEN icon on
the desktop.
When the initial programmer screen comes up, select
either to start a new program or to connect to a timeswitch.
If you currently have a time switch and wish to connect to it
and upload its existing program, skip ahead to “Connecting
the Hardware”, otherwise begin with “Starting a New
It is important that you become familiar with the Command
Bar. As with other Windows
based programs there are
menus to navigate.
File menu: The File menu allows you to start New programs, Open saved programs, Save programs that are in the PC’s
memory, or Exit the NextGen programming software.
View menu: The View menu gives you the opportunity to view the Astro map, set options, and print reports.
Help menu: The Help menu gives information about the version of the NextGen programming software you are using.
You can also pull up this programming guide from the Help menu if you should ever need to consult it.
Starting a New Program
To start a new programming file use the mouse pointer to click the File menu item from the Command Bar. Select New
from the drop down menu. This will create a new, blank programming file.
After selecting New, the display will change to the Setup screen. In the Setup screen you will be prompted to enter
specific information related to your timeswitch.
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First you will want to select which model of timeswitch you will be programming. As you select the different models of
Next Generation timeswitch, the display will change to show an image of the timeswitch.
After selecting the model, you should select whether the
timeswitch will use Astronomic Data. This is the built-in
feature that allows the timeswitch to calculate Sunrise and
Sunset. This is a common feature used with the Next
Generation timeswitch.
To properly set the timeswitch to track Sunrise and Sunset
you will need to consult the astro zone map. This map can
be viewed in the Next Generation programming guide or
by clicking on the Map button. After determining which
zone your area falls in, close the map screen by clicking on
the X in the upper right hand corner of the Map screen.
Next you will need to enter that zone number in the Astro
Zone field. This will set the timeswitch to the proper
Sunrise and Sunset times as they would be in the middle of your time zone. Sunrise and Sunset offset times can be
entered to more closely align the timeswitch with the actual Sunrise and Sunset times for your area.
The Soft Start Time is the amount of time the timeswitch will delay between
switching loads ON that are set for the same time. This feature allows the
timeswitch to avoid “hitting” the power-line too hard by staggering loads that
could have an undesirable effect if allowed to switch simultaneously. The
default is set to a 15 second delay between circuits, this can be reset to
whatever delay you desire or no delay at all.
The next step on the Setup Tab is to select what will occur when an override
is activated either on the timeswitch itself or one that is remotely connected.
Overrides can be set to either None, Pulsed, or Interval depending on your
needs. None is the default function for overrides, in this mode the override
button will force a change of state either ON or OFF to the associated load
when activated. Pulsed overrides will change the state of the output to ON for
a preset duration of 1 to 127 seconds. Interval overrides will change the state
of the output to ON for a preset duration of 1 minute to 6 days, 23 hours and 59 minutes.
Finally the configuration that you have set needs to be saved. Do not leave this screen without clicking on the Set
Configuration button. As this button is clicked, the Holiday and Schedule tabs will activate allowing them to be selected as
Creating Holiday Schedules
Holidays: To the Next Generation time switch holidays are
any time periods when you would like the timeswitch to
operate differently than its normal daily schedule. For
instance, if school will be on break during the summer, the
timeswitch can be set to have a holiday period which starts
on the first day of summer break and ends on the first day
of class in the fall. During this period the timeswitch would
not ring the hourly class bells, but it would continue to
activate the parking lot lights on a slightly different
To establish a holiday, select the Holiday Tab. Next you will need to select the holiday number from the holiday menu. If
you desire, you can change the name from the default.
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