Interlogix TVR-1004-250, TVR-1004-1T, TVR-1004-500 User Manual

TruVision DVR 10 User Manual
P/N 1068258 • REV C • ISS 06APR12
© 201
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Class B:
digital d evice, purs u ant to part 15 of the FCC ru l es. Th es e limits are d esi gned to provid e r residen tial environ m en t . This eq uipment g en er at es , energy an d, if not install ed and used in acc or d ance with the ins t ruc tion manual , harmful i nterf
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unso to your loc al su pplier upon th e pur c h as e of equival ent new eq uip m ent, or dispos e of it at designated collection points. For more information see:
2006/66/EC (battery directive):
as unsorted municipal waste in the European Union. See the product documentation for specific battery information. The battery is marked with this symbol, which ma lettering to indicate cadmium (Cd), lead (Pb), or mercury (Hg). For proper recycling, return the battery to your supplier or to a designated collection point. For more information see:
of used batt er i es according t o the ins tructions .
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This equipment has been tested and found to comply with the limits for a Class B
easonabl e pr otection ag ains t harmful int er ferenc e when t h e equ ip m ent is operated in a
uses, and can radiate radio frequency
erence to radio communications.
): Hereby, UTC Fire & Security declares that this device is in
Product s m ark ed wit h thi s s ymbol cannot b e dis p os ed of as
rted municipal waste in the European Union. For proper recycling, return this product
This product cont ains a b attery that cannot be disp os ed of
Ther e is risk of explos i on if batteries are replaced by an i ncorrect t yp e. D is p os e
local supplier or
may cause
y include
Chapter 1 Product introduction 1
Product overview 1 Features 1
Chapter 2 Installation 5
Installation environment 5 Unpacking the TVR 10 and its accessories 6 HDD capacity 6 Back panel overview 7 Connection diagram 8
Chapter 3 Operating instructions 9
Control interfaces 9 Controlling the TVR 10 9 Front panel overview 10 Using the mouse 11 Using the IR remote control 13 Using the Web browser 15 Main menu overview 18
Chapter 4 Basic operation 23
Turning on the TVR 10 23 Live mode 23 Connecting the spot monitor 25 Logging on 25 Controlling a PTZ camera 26 Manual recording 28 Playing back video 30 Archiving recorded files 35 Turning off the TVR 10 37
Chapter 5 Advanced setup 39
User settings 39 Camera settings 45 Display settings 57 Recording settings 61 Alarm settings 65 Network settings 70 PTZ settings 74
TruVision DVR 10 User Manual i
Chapter 6 Utilities settings 81
Modifying the device name 81 Restoring to factory defaults 82 Managing the hard drive 83 Acknowledging an alarm 84 Rebooting the TVR 10 84 Viewing logs 84
Chapter 7 Upgrading the firmware 87
Upgrade methods 87 Upgrading with a USB flash memory 87 Upgrading through the Web browser 88 Setting up the wftp32 FTP server 89 Upgrading using the FTP server 89
Appendix A Mouse control function 91
Display interface 91 PTZ interface 91 Camera name position configure interface 92 Area configure interface 92 Text input interface 92 Playlist interface 93 User interface 93
Appendix B Specifications 95 Appendix C Troubleshooting 97 Appendix D PTZ protocols 99 Appendix E Factory defaults 100
Menu defaults 100 Network defaults 100
Index 103
ii TruVision DVR 10 User Manual
Chapter 1
Product int roducti on
Product overview
This is the TruVision DVR 10 User Manual for models:
TVR-1004-1T The TruVision DVR 10 (TVR 10) is a network digital video record er deve loped for
digital surveillance. The TVR 10 uses an embedded microcontroller unit with the Linux operating system, combining the most advanced technology in video and audio encoding/decoding, hard drive recording, and TCP/IP communication. The TVR 10’s firmware is stored directly into the memory, making it more stable and reliable.
The TVR 10 includes the features of both a digital video recorder (DVR) and digital video server ( DVS). The device can be used as a standalone system or to build a surveillance network such as those widely used in the retail, education, banking, telecommunications, transportation, manufacturing, warehouse, and irrigation industries.
This section describes the available TruVision DVR 10 features.
The TVR 10 supports the following video features:
H.264 video compression algorithm and each channel can be CIF real-time (PAL: 25FPS, NTSC: 30FPS), 4CIF, DCIF, 2CIF, QCIF
TruVision DVR 10 User Manual 1
Chapter 1: Product introduction
Multiple area motion detection
Privacy masking
Tampering alarm view
Video signal loss alarm
Changeable OSD position
Both variable and constant bit rate
Dual-stream, and the substream can support CIF/QCIF resolution
The TVR 10 supports the following storage features:
One SATA interface and HDD up to 1 TB memory
HDD S.M.A.R.T. technology
FAT32 file system
Multiple record modes: schedule record, motion detection record, external alarm record, motion and alarm record, motion or alarm record, manual record
Overwrite and nonoverwrite record mode
USB flash drive, USB hard drive, and USB CD-RW/DVD-RW to backup
Preview and playback
The TVR 10 supports the following preview and playback features:
One main composite video output (for monitor A) and an additional composite video output (for monitor B)
One VGA output with 1024 x 768 resolution
Note: VGA has precedence over the main composite video output and both
cannot be used at the same time.
Play forward, backward, pause, frame-by-frame, etc.
User-defined preview layout
One playback channel
The TVR 10 supports the following network features:
TCP, UDP, Multicast, DHCP, etc.
2 TruVision DVR 10 User Manual
Chapter 1: Product intr oduct ion
ADSL (PPPoE) dialup function
Programming and setup through browser interface
Remote download and playback the recorded files
Remote upgrade of TVR 10 firmware
PTZ control using Web browser
IE for network control
Remote access to log file
Other features
The TVR 10 supports the following additional features:
Bidirectional audio
Local and remote PTZ control
Multilevel user management
Local and remote log searching function
TruVision DVR 10 User Manual 3
Chapter 2
Installa tion environment
When installing your product, consider these factors:
Chassis load Ventilation: Do not block any ventilation openings. Install in accordance with the
manufacturer’s instructions. Ensure that the location planned for the installation of the unit is well ventilated.
Temperature: Consider the TVR 10’s operating temperature (14 to 122°F, −10 to 50°C) and noncondensing humidity specifications (10 to 90%) before choosing an installation location. Extremes of heat or cold beyond the specified operating temperature limits may reduce the life expectancy of the TVR 10. Do not install the TVR 10 on top of other hot equipment. Leave 1.75 in. (44 mm) of space between rack mounted TVR 10 units.
Moisture: Do not use the unit near water. Moisture can damage the internal components. To reduce the risk of fire or electric shock, do not expose this unit to rain or moisture.
Chassis: Equipment weighing less than 35 lb. (15.9 kg) may be placed on top of the TVR 10.
TruVision DVR 10 User Manual 5
Chapter 2: Installation
Model number
Unpacking the TVR 10 and its accessories
When you receive the product, check the package and contents for damage, and verify that all items are included. There is an item list included in the package. If any of the items are damaged or missing, please contact your local supplier.
Items shipped with the product include:
IR (infrared) remote control
Two AAA batteries for the remote control
USB mouse
Power supply
AC power cord
TruVision DVR 10 Quick Start Guide
TruVision DVR 10 User Manual (on CD)
HDD capacity
Storage capacity for the TruVision DVR 10 varies depending on the model. Refer to Table 1 below for more information.
Table 1: TruVision DVR 10 model types
-1004-250 TruVision DVR Model 10, 4 ch, 250 GB
-1004-500 TruVision DVR Model 10, 4 ch, 500 GB
-1004-1T TruVision DVR Model 10, 4 ch, 1 TB
6 TruVision DVR 10 User Manual
Chapter 2: Installation
1 3
1 G
1 2 3 4
5 6
7 8
9 10 1211
6. Powe r switch
12. +12 VDC power supply input
Back panel overview
Figure 1 below shows the back panel controls and connectors on a typical TruVision series network digital video recorder. Details may vary for specific models.
Figure 1: Back panel
Video in Video ou t VGA interface Alarm out RS-485 T+ T− R+ R−
USB interface Audio in Audi o out
Ethernet port Al arm i n
TruVision DVR 10 User Manual 7
Chapter 2: Installation
1 3
T+T-R+R-1 G
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
1. Connect up to four cameras
6. Con nect to a U SB m ouse
11. Connect to the power supply
Connection diagram
Use Figure 2 below as a visual guide to connect the various peripherals to the TVR 10.
Figure 2: Rear panel connection diagram
Connect up to two CCTV monitors (one for main,
two for spot)
Conn ect t o a VGA monitor Alarm output Connect to a PTZ control
Connect t o audio input Connect to speakers C onn ect t o network d e v ic es
Connect to alarm input cables
8 TruVision DVR 10 User Manual
Chapter 3
Operating instructions
Control interfaces
The TVR 10 has three control interfaces:
Built-in interface
Display interface
Web browser interface Built-in interface. The built-in interface is displayed on the VBA monitor. It
consists of a main menu and several dialog screens that let you configure and control the device. You can invoke the built-in interface using the front panel, remote control, or mouse.
Display interface. The display interface consists of various toolboxes that appear on top of the VBA monitor image. These let you control live or playback video while in PTZ or playback mode. You can invoke the display interface from the built-in interface screens or from the mouse menu. The controls in any toolbox can be operated using the front panel, remote control, and mouse.
Web browser. The Web browser interface uses Internet Explorer to simulate the display and control functions of the VGA monitor on a remote PC. The Web browser interface can only be invoked by a PC with Internet access.
Controlling the TVR 10
You can control the TVR 10 using:
Front panel control
IR remote control
Mouse control
TruVision DVR 10 User Manual 9
Chapter 3: Operating instructions
Blinking red i ndic ates that video is being recorded. Solid red
1 3
Front panel control. Use the directional arrow buttons to select a command, option, or button on a screen. Use the ENTER button to confirm a selection.
IR remote control. Use the directional arrow buttons to select a command, option, or button on a screen. Use the OK button to confirm a selection.
Mouse. Move the pointer to a command, option, or button on a screen. Click (with the left mouse button) to confirm a selection.
You can use your preferred control method for any procedure, but in most cases we describe procedures using mouse terminology. Optional control methods are given only when they differ substantially from mouse control methods.
Front panel overview
The buttons on the front panel control all DVR functions. The LED indicators light up or flash to alert you of various conditions. See Table 2 below for more information.
Figure 3: Front panel introduction
Table 2: Fr ont panel legend
Type Name Description
Power Green indicat es the DV R is working. No light indicates the
DVR is powered off.
indicates that the hard drive has an error.
Tx/Rx Solid green indic ates that the DVR is being accessed by
Internet Ex plor er or Cli ent Soft ware. B linking green indicates that data is being transferred between the DVR and Internet Ex plor er or Cli ent Soft ware.
10 TruVision DVR 10 User Manual
Chapter 3: Op erating instruc tions
to select
Type Name Description
buttons MENU Switches out of di spl ay mode to display the main menu. Function
buttons SRCH Displays the Search screen t o search for and play back
REC Displays the Manual Record screen and options. PTZ Enters PTZ control m ode. DISP Multiple screens display .
LIVE Displays Camera 1 in liv e mode.
l controls
1 to 4 Enter numbers from 1 to 4.
ESC Cancels the current c hanges and ret ur ns to the previous
screen or main menu.
recorded video.
Switch from the main menu to live mode.
, , , (arrow buttons)
(central button)
In menu mode, use the Left or Right Ar r ow butt ons and the Up or Down Arrow buttons to edit .
PTZ direction cont r ol. Playback speed contr ol.
Confirms menu selections. Enters or × to enable or disable options. Pauses playback.
Using the mouse
Use the USB mouse provided with the TVR 10 to carry out the same oper ations as the front panel and remote control. The USB mouse lets you navigate and make changes to settings in the user interface.
Connect the mouse to the TVR 10 by plugging the mouse USB connector into the USB port on the back panel. The mouse is immediately operational. You can replace the standard mouse with a wireless mouse. However, the unit may not support all types of wireless mouse.
To use the mouse in live view:
1. Scroll forward and backward between cameras. When in full-screen view, use the scroll button on the mouse to scroll forward
and backward through the cameras.
2. Double-click to toggle between full-screen and multiview. When in multiview, double-click a camera to display its image in full-screen
view. Double-click again to return to multiview.
TruVision DVR 10 User Manual 11
Chapter 3: Operating instructions
Main Menu
PTZ Control Search
Manual Record
Open/Close Status
Spot Channel
Mouse shortcut menu
To display the mouse control menu, right-click while in live view. The commands on this shortcut menu are shown in Figure 4 below. Table 3 below describes the commands.
Figure 4: Mouse shortcut menu
Table 3: Mouse shortcut menu commands
Displays the main menu.
Selects an indiv idual c am er a.
-screen Selects multiview. The multiv iew options vary based on the number of cameras connected to the TVR 10. You can choose either a four­or single screen displ ay .
Contr ols a PTZ camera. Right-click to view the following options:
Channel: Sel ects the c am er a to control Preset: Selects a preset number to use Exit: Returns to di spl ay mode
Displays the Pl ay Back screen. Lets you search for recordings using
specific crit eri a such as by camer a, type of event, time, and text. Right-click to return to display mode.
Displays the Manual Recor d screen.
Toggles the on-screen status bar on and off.
Controls the spot monitor.
12 TruVision DVR 10 User Manual
Chapter 3: Op erating instruc tions
3 4
6 7
8 9
Using the IR rem o te control
Use the IR remote control to carry out functions similar to the front panel buttons.
Figure 5: Controls on the IR remote
Table 4: IR remote control legend
Name Description
POWER Turns off t he devic e. TVR 10 Enables the IR remote control to control the TVR 10. Numeric butt ons Enter numbers, lower case or upper case letters, and
DEL Deletes an entry in edit m ode. # Toggles between video inputs or video channels. INFO Reserved for future use. ESC Cancels and returns to the m ain m enu. PTZ Enters PT Z control mode.
sym bols in edit mode.
MENU Switches from live mode to menu mode and displays the
main menu.
TruVision DVR 10 User Manual 13
Chapter 3: Operating instructions
commands or options; t he Up or Down Arrow buttons edit or
12 13
Name Description
, , ,  (arrow
buttons) OK (central butt on)
Lens control FOCUS and ZOOM cont r ol for c am er a lens. SRCH Displays the Search screen to search for and play back
REC Displays the Manual Record screen. DISP Displays multi screen. Switches to live mode. LIVE Displays Camera 1 in liv e mode.
In menu mode, the Left or Right Arr ow butt ons select select values. OK enters the selection or value.
PTZ direction control. Playback speed contr ol.
recorded video.
To place batteries into the IR remote control:
1. Remove the battery cover.
2. Insert the batteries. Make sure that the positive (+) and negative (−) poles are correctly placed.
3. Replace the battery cover.
To connect the remote control to the TVR 10:
1. Turn on the TVR 10 and wait for the live video to appear.
2. On the remote control, press and release the Power button. The remote control is now operational.
To turn off the IR remote control:
1. Press the TVR 10 button while the IR remote control is still controlling the TVR 10.
To turn the TVR 10 off with the remote control:
1. Press and hold the POWER button for several seconds. A power off prompt displays.
2. Enter a password, if requir ed.
3. Select Confirm then switch off the manual power located on the back panel.
Troubleshooting the remote control
If the IR remote control is not functioning properly, perform the following tests:
Check the battery polarity.
14 TruVision DVR 10 User Manual
Chapter 3: Op erating instruc tions
2 3
a to set
Check the remaining charge in the batteries.
Check that the IR remote control sensor is not masked. If the problem still exists, please contact your administrator.
Using the Web browser
The TVR 10 Web browser lets you view, record, and play back videos as well as manage all aspects of the TVR 10 from any PC connected to your network. The browser’s easy-to-use controls give you quick access to all TVR 10 functions.
Figure 6: TVR 10 Web browser
Table 5: Web browser interface layout
Name Description
Viewer View live or playback vi deo. Navigati on bar Logs you out of the interface. Accesses live or playback video.
PTZ control Controls the PTZ functions of camera in live mode. Navigator View video of the selected camera. Right-click the camer
TruVision DVR 10 User Manual 15
Displays the TVR 10 logs. Configures the unit remotely.
the viewing stream type (main stream or sub-stream).
Chapter 3: Operating instructions
microphone to a speaker connect ed to the TVR 10 (bidirectional
Name Description
Taskbar Displays singl e or four-screen views. Selects multi screen.
Captures screen. Arc hives video. Lets you talk through a audio).
Video adjust Adjusts video image such as brightness, saturation, hue, and
audio volume. Restores default settings.
To access the TVR 10, open a Web browser and enter the IP address assigned to the TVR 10 as a Web address. In the login screen, enter the default user ID and password.
User ID: admin Password: 1234
The Web browser uses the following ports:
Video Port: 8000 HTTP Port: 80
Searching recorded video for playback
To search for recorded video for playback, click the Playback button on the navigation bar. The Search screen displays. Select a play type and a file type in the appropriate boxes and specify a time range. Click the Search button (displayed as a magnifying glass) to start your search.
Search results display below your specified search criteria and are arranged by start time. Double-click a result item to play back video.
Playing back recorded video
Use the playback control bar, shown in Figure 7 below, to control playback video. The playback control bar lets you do the following:
Control playback speed (fast forward, slow forward, and stop)
Capture a screen image of the playback video
Save a video segment onto your desktop
Download recorded video to your hard drive
Figure 7: Playback control bar
16 TruVision DVR 10 User Manual
Chapter 3: Op erating instruc tions
To quickly archive a segment of a video you are playing back, click the Save button to begin archiving and click again to stop archiving. The resulting video file is saved on your desktop.
Click the Download button to download that video file into your hard drive.
Viewing logs
To view logs using the Web browser interface, click the Log button on the navigation bar. The Log screen displays. Use the filter boxes, located on the right of the screen, to narrow the list of logs by defining the event type and date range. Click the Search button (displayed as a magnifying glass) to begin your search.
Use the Save button, located at the bottom right of the screen, to save the log files on your hard drive.
Using the Web browser to configure the device
The Web browser lets you to configure the TVR 10 remotely using your PC. Click the Configure button to display the Remote Configuration screen. This screen lets you configure the server, network, cameras, alarms, and upgrade the firmware.
Setting the stream type
Video stream refers to the flow of network data between the device and the Web browser interface. The higher the stream type specified in the Web browser, the higher the video quality being viewed and recorded. When viewing video in a four-screen layout, data is being transferred into four different streams, which can overload a system with low bandwidth. We strongly recommend that you set your stream type to Sub-stream to avoid overloading your network.
To configure the stream type to sub-stream:
1. Click Configure on the navigation bar to display the Remote Configuration screen.
2. Click the Channel Configuration tab.
3. Select Sub-stream in the Type box.
4. Change the appropriate video quality settings.
Note: We recommend that you do not change the frame type and iframe.
5. Click Save to save your changes.
TruVision DVR 10 User Manual 17
Chapter 3: Operating instructions
Viewing video in sub-stream
To view video in sub-stream, right-click a camera in the Navigator and select Sub-stream. The camera displays video in sub-stream.
Main menu overview
The built-in interface includes a main menu with eight command buttons. Each command displays a screen that lets you edit a group of TVR 10 settings. The main menu is shown in Figure 8 below. Access to different option screens varies depending on your access privileges. Most screens are available only to system administrators.
The white frame surrounding a command button or option shows that the item is currently selected.
Figure 8: Main menu
Main menu commands options
Table 6 on page 19 provides a list of controls and options availab le on each screen that you can access from the main menu.
18 TruVision DVR 10 User Manual
Chapter 3: Op erating instruc tions
Main menu command
Table 6: Menu commands and screen options
Dialog scr e e n options Main menu
Device ID
Require password Menu timeout Video standard Enable scaler Menu transparency Date and Time Multi-Screen
Recor d mode
Camera Stream type Resolution Frame rate Bit rate Record schedule Pre-event time Post-event time Copy to camera
Alarm input
Input type Alarm handli ng, policy, and PTZ linkage Alarm rules / PTZ Copy to alarm in Alarm out Duration Alarm out time Copy to alarm out Notifications
Dialog scr e e n options
Camera Camera
Camera title position Adjust video Time and date display Motion detection Advanced settings Copy to camera
Network IP address
Subnet mask Gateway Port HTTP port Advanced settings PPPoE DDNS
PTZ Camera
Baud rate Data bits Stop bits Parity Flow control Protocol PTZ address Preset Preset tour Shadow tour Copy to camera
Password/Verify Default priv ileges Set Privil eges
Using the main menu
Click a command on the main menu to display the related screen. Alternatively, you can use the Up or Down Arrow buttons to select a menu co mmand or screen option, and then press the ENTER or OK button to confirm the selection.
TruVision DVR 10 User Manual 19
Utilities System information
View log Alarm output Hard disk Firmware upgrade Factory defaul ts Reboot Power off
Chapter 3: Operating instructions
Table 7 below shows the front panel buttons you can use to display the main menu or various dialog screens.
Table 7: Main menu display
Di spl ay the TVR 10 main menu
Display the Play Back screen
Display the Manual Rec or d screen
Display the PTZ interface
Note: You must enter a user name and password to display the main menu. The
default user name is “admin” with a password of “1234”.
Navigating through dialog screens
Each dialog screen includes various options and buttons as seen in Figure 9 below. The frame surrounding an option or button indicates that this option is currently selected.
Use the mouse to select any option or button on the screen. You can also use the directional arrow buttons (Up, Down, Left, or Right) to navigate through the options. Changes to screen settings can be entered in various ways as shown in Table 8 on page 21.
Figure 9: Camera input adjustment
20 TruVision DVR 10 User Manual
Chapter 3: Op erating instruc tions
Check box
List box
Provides more than two values for the option. Only one of them can be selected.
Edit box
Command button
that are unavail able ar e displ ay ed in gray. They must be enabled before you can
Table 8: Types of control on the screen
Provides two values: indicates enabled and × indicates disabl ed. You can
click the check box or use the ENTER or OK button to switch between values.
Click the scroll arr ows at the right-hand side of the box to scroll through t he possible values. You can also use the Up or Down Arrow buttons to select a value. For example, t he Cam er a option is a list box that lets you select the camera you want to work with.
Lets you enter character s. For more information, see “Using an edit box” below.
Triggers a special f unc tion or lets you display another screen. For example, click the Rules button t o displ ay the Rules screen. Click the Confirm button to sav e your settings and ret ur n to the main menu. Click the Cancel button to abandon any changes made on the screen and ret ur n to main menu. Command buttons
click them.
Using an edit box
An edit box lets you type characters to set the value of an option, such as a camera name. You must be in edit mode before you can enter a value.
Note: A full range of alphanumeric characters is only available when using the
mouse or remote control.
To enter text in an edit box using the mouse:
1. Click anywhere within the edit box to enter the edit mode and display a virtual keyboard.
2. Click to enter the desired characters into the edit box.
3. When you’re finished, click the edit box to accept the value you’ve entered.
To enter text in an edit box using the remote control:
1. Press OK to enter the edit mode.
2. Press # to select the format and type of character you want to enter. While in edit mode, the status bar on the bottom left of the screen displays
which type of character will be entered. For exampl e, the figure below indicates that characters will be entered in uppercase.
Options include number, uppercase, lowercase, or symbols. There are 24 different symbols to select. Press 0 to scroll between four pages of symbols.
3. Enter your characters.
TruVision DVR 10 User Manual 21
Chapter 3: Operating instructions
Use the numeric buttons on the remote control to enter characters. Press the numeric buttons repeatedly to cycle through different characters available for that button. The character format and type depends on the value you selected in step 2. Use the Left or Right Arrow buttons to move the cursor within the edit box. Use the DEL button in the remote control to delete the character left of the cursor.
4. Press OK to accept the value you’ve entered, or ESC to exit from the edit box without saving any changes you’ve made.
Exiting the m ain menu
Right-click and then cli ck Camera or Multiview to exit the main menu and return to live mode. Press ESC on the front panel or remote control to exit the main menu and return to live mode.
22 TruVision DVR 10 User Manual
Chapter 4
Basic oper ation
Turning on the TVR 10
Before turning the TVR 10 power on, make sure that the power supply matches that of the TVR 10 and the AC adapter is connected correctly. Connect at least one monitor to the video out or the VGA interface. Otherwise, you will not be able to see the user interface and operate the device.
To turn the TVR 10 power o n:
1. Connect power supply correctly.
2. Switch on the manual power button on the back panel. Once the TVR 10 is powered, the POWER LED should light up in green.
Live mode
The TVR 10 automatically enters into live mode once powered on. On the display screen, you can see date, time, and camera name. To change the camera name, refer to “Camera name” on page 45. To set system the date and time refer to “System date and time” on page 58.
While in live mode, the TVR 10 also displays the status icon of each camera as shown in Figure 10 on page 24.
TruVision DVR 10 User Manual 23
Chapter 4: Basic op er at ion
Front panel/remote control
Figure 10: Recording status
Camera status
Each icon represents a camera. The icon color shows the camera status. Table 9 below gives the status color code..
Table 9: Camera status
Color Status description
White No video signal Yellow Standby r ec or ding (when recording upon alarm and/or m otion) Green Recording Blue Motion detection Red Alarm
Activating/deactivating the on-screen status bar
Right-click to open t he m ouse menu, and then click Status Bar.
Press # to activate or deactivate the status bar.
Cycling through camera vi ews
Right-click and then cli ck Camera or press the numeric buttons to switch to an individual camera display. For example, you can press 2 to view the second camera.
24 TruVision DVR 10 User Manual
Chapter 4: Basic ope ration
Mouse Front panel/remote control
Press DISP to manually toggle through single camera and four-screen views . The single camer a display reverts back to camera 1 when switching to single view. You can set the auto live mode on the Display menu.
Viewing in multiscreen
Right-click to open t he m ouse menu, and then click Multi
Screen. Select the desir ed display layout. You can select either a four-screen or single screen view.
Press DISP to switch to m ultiscreen display viewing.
Connecting the spot monitor
To connect the spot monitor:
1. Connect Video out 2 with the spot monitor by a cable.
2. While in live mode, right-click and click Spot Channel.
3. You now have access to the secondary monitor.
Note: Make sure that there is video signal input; otherwise the spot monitor
will only show a blue screen.
Logging on
The TVR 10 is shipped with one predefined user for the system administrator. The default system administrator log on uses “admin” as a user name with a password of 1234. You can modify the admin password but not the admin user name. We recommend that you change the admin password once you have completed the installation and setup to protect against unauthorized access. The administrator can create up to 15 users and define their privileges. For more information, see “User settings” on page 39.
TruVision DVR 10 User Manual 25
Chapter 4: Basic op er at ion
Figure 11: Login screen
To log on to the TVR 10 user interface:
1. In the User box, select a user.
2. Enter the corresponding password in the Password edit box.
3. Click Confirm to enter the main menu. If there is no response, it means the user name and password are not
matched. The TVR 10 will enter the live mode if you enter unmatched logon credentials three times.
Controlling a PTZ camera
The PTZ control interface lets you control the PTZ operation of the cameras within the TVR 10 user interface. You can control PTZ cameras using the buttons on the front panel and IR remote control as well as utilizing the PTZ contro l icons accessed with the mouse. To display the PTZ control interface, the user must have PTZ control access privileges.
Displaying the PTZ control interface
While in menu mode, right-click and then click PTZ control to display the PTZ control interface directly. Select a user name and type the correct password in the Login screen. The PTZ control interface displays as shown in Figure 12 on page 27. You can adjust the position of the current camera display on the screen.
26 TruVision DVR 10 User Manual
+ 79 hidden pages