TruVision Series 3 IP Camera FW3.1 Configuration Manual 3
This is the user manual for TruVision Series 3 IP camera models:
IP fixed lens bullet camera:
TVB-5301 (2MPX Bullet, 4 mm lens)
TVB-5302 (4MPX Bullet, 4 mm lens)
IP VF lens bullet camera:
TVB-5303 (2MPX Bullet, 2.8 to 12 mm VF lens)
TVB-5304 (4MPX Bullet, 2.8 to 12 mm VF lens)
IP motorized lens bullet camera:
TVB-5305 (2MPX Bullet, 2.8-12 mm VF motorized lens)
TVB-5306 (4MPX Bullet, 2.8-12 mm VF motorized lens)
IP fixed lens dome camera:
TVD-5301 (2MPX Plastic Dome, 2.8 mm lens)
TVD-5302 (4MPX Plastic Dome, 2.8 mm lens)
IP VF lens dome camera:
TVD-5303 (2MPX VF Dome)
TVD-5304 (4MPX VF Dome)
IP motorized lens dome camera:
TVD-5305 (2MPX Dome, 2.8-12 mm VF Motorized lens)
TVD-5306 (4MPX Dome, 2.8-12 mm VF Motorized lens)
IP wedge camera:
TVW-5301 (2MPX Wedge, 2.0 mm lens, Gray)
TVW-5302 (2MPX Wedge, 2.8 mm lens, Gray)
TVW-5303 (2MPX Wedge, 2.8 m m lens, White)
TVW-5304 (2MPX Wedge, 2.8 m m lens, Bl ac k )
TVW-5305 (4MPX Wedge, 2.8 mm lens, Gray)
IP turret camera:
TVT-5301 (2MPX Turret, 2.8 mm lens, Gray)
TVT-5302 (2MPX Turret, 2.8 mm lens, White)
TVT-5303 (2MPX Turret, 2.8 mm lens, Black)
TVT-5304 (4MPX Turret, 2.8 mm lens, Gray)