Interlogix TVD-1204 User Manual

TruVision 12/32 Series IP Camera Configuration Manual
P/N 1072881-EN • REV B • ISS 08JAN15
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Introduction 3 Network access 4
Checking your web browser security level 4 Accessing the camera over the internet 5 Overview of the camera web browser 5
Camera configuration 8
Configuration menu overview 8 Local configuration 9 System time 11 Network settings 12 Recording parameters 17 Video image 19 OSD (On Screen Display) 22 Overlay text 24 Privacy masks 24 Picture overlay 25 Motion detection alarms 26 Tamper-proof alarms 32 Exception alarms 33 Alarm inputs and outputs 34 Face detection 35 Audio exception detection 37 Cross line detection 39 Intrusion detection 41 Defocus detection 43 Scene change detection 44 Snapshot parameters 46 NAS settings 48 Storage devices 49 Recording schedule 50 RS-232 settings 51 RS-485 settings 52
Camera management 53
User management 53 RTSP authentication 55 IP address filter 56 Defining the security service 57 Restore default settings 57 Import/export a configuration file 58 Upgrade firmware 58 Reboot camera 60
TruVision 12/32 Series IP Camera Configuration Manual 1
Camera operation 61
Logging on and off 61 Live view mode 61 Playing back recorded video 61 Searching event logs 64 Operating PTZ control 66
2 TruVision 12/32 Series IP Camera Configuration Manual


This is the user manual for the following TruVision IP camera models:
TVC-1201 (1.3MPX IP box camera, PAL) TVC-3201 (1.3MPX IP box camera, NTSC) TVC-1202 (3MPX IP box camera, PAL) TVC-3202 (3MPX IP box camera, NTSC)
TVB-1201 (1.3MPX IP bullet camera, PAL) TVB-3201 (1.3MPX IP bullet camera, NTSC) TVB-1202 (3MPX IP bullet camera, PAL) TVB-3202 (3MPX IP bullet camera, NTSC) TVB-1203 (3MPX IP bullet camera, PAL) TVB-3203 (3MPX IP bullet camera, NTSC)
TVD-1201 (1.3MPX IP VF mini dome, PAL) TVD-3201 (1.3MPX IP VF mini dome, NTSC) TVD-1202 (3MPX IP VF mini dome, PAL) TVD-3202 (3MPX IP VF mini dome, NTSC)
TVD-1203 (1.3MPX IP outdoor dome, PAL) TVD-3203 (1.3MPX IP outdoor dome, NTSC) TVD-1204 (3MPX IP outdoor dome, PAL) TVD-3204 (3MPX IP outdoor dome, NTSC) TVD-1205 (3MPX IP outdoor dome, PAL) TVD-3205 (3MPX IP outdoor dome, NTSC)
TruVision 12/32 Series IP Camera Configuration Manual 3

Network access

This manual explains how to configure the camera over the network with a web browser.
TruVision IP cameras can be configured and controlled using Microsof t Int er net Explorer (IE) and other browsers. The procedures described use Micr os of t Internet Explorer (IE) web browser.

Checking your web browser security level

When using the web browser interface, you can install ActiveX controls to connect and view video using Internet Explorer. However, you cannot download data, such as video and images due to the increased security measure. Consequently you should check the security level of your PC so that you are able to interact with the cameras over the web and, if necessary, modify the Active X settings.
Configuring IE ActiveX controls
You should confirm the ActiveX settings of your web browser.
To change the web browser’s security level:
1. In Internet Explorer click Internet Options on the Tools menu.
2. On the Security tab, click the zone to which you want to assign a web site under “Select a web content zone to specify its security settings”.
3. Click Custom Level.
4. Change the ActiveX controls and plug-ins options that are signed or m arked as safe to Enable. Change the ActiveX controls and plug-ins options that are unsigned to Prompt or Disable. Click OK.
- or ­Under Reset Custom Settings, click the security level for the whole zone in the
Reset To box, and select Medium. Click Reset. Then click OK to the Internet Options Security tab window.
5. Click Apply in the Internet Options Security tab window.
Windows 7 and Windows 8 users
Internet Explorer for Windows 7 and Windows 8 operating systems have increased security measures to protect your PC from any malicious software being installed.
To have complete functionality of the web browser interface with Windows 7 and Windows 8, do the following:
• Run the Browser interface as an administrator in your workstation
• Add the camera’s IP address to your browser’s list of trusted sites
4 TruVision 12/32 Series IP Camera Configuration Manual
To add the camera’s IP address to Internet Explorer’s list of trusted sites:
1. Open Internet Explorer.
2. Click Tools, and then Internet Options.
3. Click the Security tab, and then select the Trusted sites icon.
4. Click the Sites button.
5. Clear the “ Require server verification (https:) for all sites in this zone box.
6. Enter the IP address in the “Add this website to the zone” field.
7. Click Add, and then click Close.
8. Click OK in the Internet Options dialog window.
9. Connect t o t he c am era for full browser functionality.

Accessing the camera over the internet

Use the web browser to access and configure the camera over the internet. It is recommended that you change the administrator password once the setup is
complete. Only authorized users should be able to modify camera settings. See “User management” on page 53 for further information.
To access the camera online:
1. In the web browser enter the camera’s IP address (default is Use the tool, TruVision Device Finder, a feature of the TruVision Device Manager included on the CD to find the IP address of the camera.
The Login dialog box appears. Note: Ensure that the Active X controls are enabled.
2. Enter your user name and password. User name: admin Password: 1234
3. Click Login. The web browser window appears in live view mode.

Overview of the camera web browser

The camera web browser lets you view, record, and play back recorded videos as well as manage the camera from any PC with Internet access. The browser’s easy-to-use controls give you quick access to all camera functions. See Figure 1 on page 6.
If there is more than one camera connected over the network, open a separate web browser window for each individual camera.
TruVision 12/32 Series IP Camera Configuration Manual 5
Figure 1: Web browser interface
Table 1: Overview of the web browser interface
1. Live view Click to view live video.
2. Playback Click to play back video.
3. Log Click to search for event logs. There are three mai n types: Alarm,
Exception and Operation.
4. Configuration Click to display the configuration window f or setting up the camera.
5. Viewer View live video. Time, date and camera name are displayed here.
6. Current user Displays current user logged on.
7. Logout Click to log out from the system. This can be done at any time.
8. Display Control Click each tab to adjust the layout and the stream type of the live
view. You can also click the drop-down menu to select the plug-in. For IE (internet explorer) users, web components and quic k t i m e are
selectable. For non-IE users, web components, quick time, VLC or MJPEG are selectable if they are supported by the web browser.
9. Start/stop live view Click to start/stop live view.
10. Audio Adjust the volume.
11. Bidirectional audio Turn on/off the microphone.
12. Capture Click to take a snapshot of the video. The snapshot will be saved to
the default folder in JPEG or BMP format.
6 TruVision 12/32 Series IP Camera Configuration Manual
13. Start/stop
Click to record live video.
14. Digital zoom Click to enable digital zoom.
15. PTZ controls Direction actions, zoom, focus, iris, light and wiper control.
Note: Direction actions, light, and wiper control can be used if the camera supports RS-485 and external pan/tilt unit, l ight or wiper is installed.
TruVision 12/32 Series IP Camera Configuration Manual 7
SN and the current firmware

Camera configuration

This chapter explains how to configure the cameras through a web browser. Once the camera hardware has been installed, configure the camera’s settings through
the web browser. You must have administrator rights in order to configure the cameras over the internet.
The camera web browser lets you configure the camera remotely using your PC. Web browser options may vary depending on camera model.
There are two main menus in the configuration panel:
Local configuration Configuration

Configuration menu overview

Use the Configuration panel to configure the server, network, camera, alarms, users, transactions and other parameters such as upgrading the firmware. See Figure 2 and Table 2 below for descriptions of the configuration menus available.
Figure 2: Configuration panel (Device Information tab selected)
Table 2: Overview of the Configuration panel
Configuration menus Description
8 TruVision 12/32 Series IP Camera Configuration Manual
Defines device basic information includi ng
version, time settings, maintenance, and serial port parameters. See “System time” on page 11 for further information.
Network Video/Audio
Configuration menus Description
Defines the network parameters required to acc ess the camera over
the internet. See “Network settings” on page 12 for f urt her information on the setup.
Defines recording parameters.
Defines the image parameters, OSD settings, overlay text , and privacy
mask. See “ To configure ROI settings:
1. From the menu toolbar, click Configuration >
Video/Audio > ROI.
2. Select the desired channel from the drop-down list.
3. Draw the region of interest on the image. Up to four regions can be drawn.
4. Choose the stream type to set the ROI encoding.
5. Enable Fixed Region to manually configure the area.
Region No.: Select the region. ROI Level: Choose the image quality enhancing level. Region Name: Set the desired region name.
6. Click Save to save changes.
Video image” on page 19 for further information o n the setup.
Defines who can use the camera, their passwords and access
privileges, RTSP authentication, IP address filter, and telnet access.
Defines motion detection, tamper-proof, alarm input/output, exception,
and snapshot configuration.
Defines recording schedule, storage management, and NAS

Local configuration

Use the Local menu to manage the protocol type, live view performance and local storage paths. In the Configuration panel, click Local Configuration to displ ay the local configuration window. See Figure 3 and Table 3 below for desc r iptions of the different menu parameters.
TruVision 12/32 Series IP Camera Configuration Manual 9
Live View
Image Format
Record F Save
Save View To
Save Playback To
Save Clips To
Figure 3: Example of the Local configuration window
Table 3: Overview of the Local configuration window
Parameters Description Live View Parameters
Specifies the network protocol used.
Options include: TCP, UDP, MULTICAST and HTTP.
Performance Specifies the transmission speed.
Options include: Shortest Delay or Auto.
It refers to the rules on your local browser. Specify whether or
not to display the colored marks when motion detection, face detection, and intrusion detection are triggered. For example, when the rules option is enabled and a face is detected, the face will be marked with a green rectangle in live view.
Choose the image format for a snapshot: JPEG or BMP.
Record File Settings
ile Size Specifies the maximum file size.
Options include: 256 MB, 512 MB and 1G.
Record Files to Specifies the directory for recorded files.
Downloaded Files to Specifies the directory for downloaded files.
Picture and Clip Settings
Snapshots In Live
Specifies the directory for saving snapshot s in live view mode.
Snapshots When
Specifies the directory for saving snapshots in playback mode.
10 TruVision 12/32 Series IP Camera Configuration Manual
Specifies the directory for saving video cli ps in playback mode.

System time

NTP (Network Time Protocol) is a protocol for synchronizing the clocks of network devices, such as IP cameras and computers. Connecting network devices to a dedicated NTP time server ensures that they are all synchronized.
To define the system time and date:
1. From the menu toolbar, click Configuration > System > Time Settings.
2. From the Time Zone drop-down menu, select the time zone that is the closest to the camera’s location.
3. Under Time Sync, check one of the options for setting the time and date: Synchronize with an NTP server: Check the NTP enable box and enter the server
NTP address. The time interval can be set from 1 to 10080 minutes.
- Or ­Set manually: Enable the Manual Time Sync function and then click to set the
system time from the pop-up calendar. Note: You can also check the Sync with computer time checkbox to synchronize
the time of the camera with the time of your computer.
4. Check Enable DST to enable the DST (Daylight Savings Time) function, and set the date of the DST period.
5. Click Save to save changes.
TruVision 12/32 Series IP Camera Configuration Manual 11
the NIC type. Default is Auto. Other options include: 10M

Network settings

Accessing the camera through a network requires that you define certain network settings. Use the “Network” menu to define the network set tings. See Figure 4 and Table 4 below for further information.
Figure 4: Network window (TCP/IP tab shown)
Table 4: Network parameters
Menu tabs Description
NIC Type: Enter
Half-dup, 10M Full-dup, 100M Half-dup and 100M Full-dup. DHCP: Enable to automatically obtain an IP address and other network
settings from that server.
IPv4 Address: Enter the IPv4 address of the camera. IPv4 Subnet Mask: Enter the IPv4 subnet mask. IPv4 Default Gateway: Enter the IPv4 gateway IP address. IPv6 Mode: Enter the IPv6 mode: Manual, DHCP or Router
Advertisement. IPv6 Address: Enter the IPv6 address of the camera. IPv6 Subnet Prefix Length: Enter the IPv6 prefix length. IPv6 Default Gateway: Enter the IPv6 gateway IP address. Mac Address: Enter the MAC address of the devices. MTU: Enter the valid value range of MTU. Default is 1500. Multicast Address: Enter a D-class IP address between 22 to Only specify this option i f you are using the multicast function. Some routers prohibit the use of m ulticast function in case of a network storm.
DNS Server: Enter the Preferred and Alternate DNS server for your network. Default is
12 TruVision 12/32 Series IP Camera Configuration Manual
See page 14 for setup information.
DDNS is a service that maps Internet domain names to IP addresses. It is
802.1.X See
Menu tabs Description
HTTP Port: The HTTP port is used for remote internet browser access.
Enter the port used for the Internet Explorer (IE) browser. Default value is
80. RTSP Port: RTSP (Real Time Streaming Protocol) is a net work control
protocol designed for use in entertainment and communications systems to control streaming media servers. Enter the RTSP port value. The default port number is 554.
HTTPS (Hyper Text Transfer Protocol Secure) allows video
to be securely viewed when using a browser. Enter the HTTPS port, value. The default port number is 443.
Server Port: This is used for remote client software a cc ess. Enter the server port value. The default port number is 8000.
See page 14 for setup information.
designed to support dynamic IP addresses, such as those assigned by a DHCP server.
Specify IP server, DynDNS, and ezDDNS. DynDNS (Dynamic DNS): Manually cre ate your own host name. You will
first need to create a user account using the hosting web site,
ezDDNS: Activate the DDNS auto-detection function to set up a dynamic IP address. The server is set up to assign an avai l able host name to your recorder.
IPServer: Enter the address of the IP Server. See page 14 for setup information.
Retrieves a dynamic IP address. See page 15 for set up inform at io n.
SNMP is a protocol for managing devices on networks. Enable SNMP to
get camera status and parameter related information. See page 15 for setup information.
When the feature is enabled, the camera data is secured and user
authentication is needed when connecting the camera to the network. page 15 for setup information.
QoS (Quality of Service) can help solve the network delay and network
congestion by configuring the priority of data sending. Enable the option in order to solve network delay and network congestion
by configuring the priority of data sending. See page 15 for setup information.
Enter the FTP address and folder to which snapshots of the camera can
be uploaded. See page 15 for setup information.
The UPnP (Universal Plug and Play) pr otocol allows devices to connect
seamlessly and to simplify the implementation of networks in the home and corporate environments. With the function enabled, you do not need to configure the port mapping for each port, and t he camera is connected to the Wide Area Network (WAN) via the router.
Enable and set the friendly name detected. See page 16 for setup information.
Enter the email address to which messa ges are sent when an alarm
TruVision 12/32 Series IP Camera Configuration Manual 13
occurs. See page 16 for setup information.
Menu tabs Description
A NAT (Network Address Translation) is used for network connection.
Select the port mapping mode: auto or manual. See page 17 for setup information.
To define the TCP/IP parameters:
1. From the menu toolbar, click Configuration > Network > TCP/IP.
2. Configure the NIC settings, including the NIC Type, IPv4 settings, IPv6 settings, MTU settings, and Multicast Address.
3. If the DHCP server is available, check DHCP.
4. If the DNS server settings are required for some applications (e.g., sending email), you should configure the Preferred DNS Server or Alternate DNS Server.
5. Click Save to save changes.
To define the port parameters:
1. In Configuration > Network, click the Port tab to open its window.
2. Set the HTTP port, RTSP port, HTTPS port and Server port of the camera. HTTP Port: The default port number is 80, and it can be changed to any port No.
which is not occupied. RTSP Port: The default port number is 554. It can be changed to any port number
in the range from 1 to 65535. HTTPS Port: The default port number is 443. It can be changed to any port number
that is not occupied. Server Port: The default server port number is 8000. It can be changed to any port
number in the range from 2000 to 65535.
3. Click Save to save changes.
To define the DDNS parameters:
1. From the menu toolbar, click Configuration > Network > DDNS.
2. Check Enable DDNS to enable this feature.
3. Select DDNS Type. Two options are available: DynDNS and IPServer.
DynDNS: Enter the user name and password registered to the DynDNS web
site. The domain name is that of the DynDNS web site. The server address is The port is 443.
ezDDNS: Enter the host name, it will automatically r egister it online.
IPServer: Enter the address of the IP Server.
4. Click Save to save changes.
14 TruVision 12/32 Series IP Camera Configuration Manual
To define the PPPoE parameters:
1. From the menu toolbar, click Configuration > Network > PPPoE.
2. Check Enable PPPoE to enable this feature.
3. Enter User Name, Password, and Confirm password for PPPoE access.
4. Click Save to save changes.
To define the SNMP parameters:
1. From the menu toolbar, click Configuration > Network > SNMP.
2. Select the corresponding version of SNMP: v1, v2c or v3.
3. Configure the SNMP settings. The configuration of the SNMP software should be the same as the settings you configure here.
4. Click Save to save changes.
Note: Before setting the SNMP, please download the SNMP software and manage to receive the camera information via the SNMP port. By setting the Trap Address, the camera can send the alarm event and exception messages to the surveillance center. The SNMP version you select should be the same as that of the SNMP software.
To define the 802.1x parameters:
1. From the menu toolbar, click Configuration > Network > 802.1X.
2. Check Enable IEEE 802.1X to enable the feature.
3. Configure the 802.1X settings, including EAPOL version, user name, and password. The EAPOL version must be identical with that of the router or the switch.
4. Click Save to save changes.
Note: The switch or router to which the camera is connected must also support the IEEE 802.1X standard, and a server must be configured. Please apply and register a user name and password for 802.1X in the server.
To define the QoS parameters:
1. From the menu toolbar, click Configuration > Network > QoS.
2. Configure the QoS settings, including Video / Audio DSCP, Event / Alarm DSCP and Management DSCP. The valid value range of the DSCP is 0-63. The bigger the DSCP value is the higher the priority is.
3. Click Save to save changes.
To define the FTP parameters:
1. From the menu toolbar, click Configuration > Network > FTP.
2. Configure the FTP settings, including server address, port, user name, password, directory, and upload type.
Anonymous: Check the checkbox to enable the anonymous access to the FTP server.
TruVision 12/32 Series IP Camera Configuration Manual 15
Directory: In the Directory Structure field, you can select the root direct or y , Main directory and Subdirectory. When the Main directory is selected, you have the option to use the Device Name, Device Number or Device IP for the name of the directory; and when the Subdirectory is selected, you can use the Camera Name or Camera No. as the name of the directory.
Upload Type: To enable uploading the snapshots to the FTP server.
3. Click Save to save changes.
To define the UPnP parameters:
1. Click Configuration > Network > UPnP.
2. Check the checkbox to enable the UPnP function. The name of the device when detected online can be edited.
3. Click Save to save changes.
To set up the email parameters:
1. In Configuration > Network, click the Email tab to open its window.
2. Configure the following settings:
Sender: The name of the email sender. Sender’s Address: The email address of the sender. SMTP Server: The SMTP Server, IP address or host name. SMTP Port: The SMTP port. The default is 25. Enable SSL: Check the checkbox to enable SSL if it is required by the SMTP
16 TruVision 12/32 Series IP Camera Configuration Manual
Attached Snapshot: Check the checkbox of Attached Snapshot if you want to send emails with attached alarm images.
Interval: This is the time between two actions of sending attached images. Authentication: If your email server requires authentication, check this checkbox to
use authentication to log in to this server. Enter the login user name and password.
User Name: The user name to log in to the server where the images are uploaded. Password: Enter the password. Confirm: Confirm the password. Receiver1: The name of the first user to be notified. Receiver’s Address1: The email address of user to be notified. Receiver2: The name of the second user to be notified. Receiver’s Address2: The email address of user to be notified. Receiver3: The name of the second user to be notified. Receiver’s Address3: The email address of user to be notified.
3. Click Test to test the email parameters set up.
4. Click Save to save changes.
To set up the NAT parameters:
1. Click Configuration > Network > NAT.
2. Check the checkbox to enable the NAT function.
3. Select Port Mapping Mode to be Auto or Manual. When you choose Manual mode, you can set the external port as you want.
4. Click Save to save changes.

Recording parameters

You can adjust the video and audio recording parameters to obtain the picture quality and file size best suited to your needs. Figure 5 and Table 5 below list the video and audio recording options you can configure for the camera.
TruVision 12/32 Series IP Camera Configuration Manual 17
Figure 5: Video/Audio Settings menu (Video tab shown)
Table 5: Video setting parameters
Tab Parameter descriptions
Stream Type: Specifies the streaming method used.
Options include: Main Stream (Normal), Sub Stream and Third stream . Video Type: Specifies the stream type you wish to re cord.
Select Video Stream to record video stream only. Select V ideo&Audio to record both video and audio streams.
Note: Video&Audio is only available for those camera models that support audio.
Resolution: Specifies the recording resolution. A higher image resol ution provides a higher image quality but also requires a higher bit rate. The resolution options listed depend on the type of camera and on whether main or sub stream is being used.
Note: Resolutions can vary depending on the camera model. Bitrate Type: Specifies whether variable or fixed bit rate is used. Variable
produces higher quality results suitable for video downloads and streaming. Default is Constant.
Video Quality: Specifies the quality level of the image. It can be set when variable bit rate is selected. Options inclu de: Lowest, Lower, Medium, Higher and Highest.
Frame Rate: Specifies the frame rate for the selected resol ution. The frame rate is the number of video frames that ar e shown or sent per
second. Note: The maximum frame rate depends on the camera model and selected
resolution. Please check the camera specific ations in its datasheet. Max bit rate: Specifies the maximum allowed bit rate. A high image
resolution requires that a high bit rate must also b e selected.
18 TruVision 12/32 Series IP Camera Configuration Manual
Video Encoding: Specifies the video encoder used.
ON. When you set the function
Tab Parameter descriptions
Audio Encoding: G.722.1, G.711ulaw, G.711alaw, MP2L2 and G.726 are
Enable to assign more encoding resources to the region of intere st to
Profile: Different profile indicates different tools and technologies used in compression. Options include: High Profile, Main Profile and Basic Profile.
I Frame Interval: A video compression method. It is strongly recommended not to change the default value 50.
optional. Audio Input: “”Linein” and “MicIn” is selectable for the pickup o r built-in
microphone respectively.
Input Volume: Specifies the volume from 0 to 100. Environmental Noise Filter: Set it as OFF or
on the noise detected can be filtered.
increase the quality of the ROI whereas the background information is less focused.
To configure ROI settings:
1. From the menu toolbar, click Configuration > Video/Audio > ROI.
2. Select the desired channel from the drop-down list.
3. Draw the region of interest on the image. Up to four regions can be drawn.
4. Choose the stream type to set the ROI encoding.
5. Enable Fixed Region to manually configure the area.
Region No.: Select the region. ROI Level: Choose the image quality enhancing level. Region Name: Set the desired region name.
6. Click Save to save changes.

Video image

You may need to adjust the camera image depending on the camera model or location background in order to get the best image quality. You can adjust the brightness, contrast, saturation, hue, and sharpness of the video image. See Figure 6 below.
Use this menu to also adjust camera behavior parameters such as exposure time, iris mode, video standard, day/night mode, image flip, WDR, digital noise reduction, white balance, and indoor/outdoor mode. See Figure 6 and Table 6 below for more information.
TruVision 12/32 Series IP Camera Configuration Manual 19
Image Adjustment
Brightness S
Exposure Settings
Iris Mo
Exposure Time
controls the length of time that the aperture i s open to
Focus Settings
For the camera supports electronic lens, you can s et the focus mode as
interface. Default is Manual.
Day/Night Switch
Schedule: The camera switches between the day mode and the night
Figure 6: Camera image settings menu – Display Settings tab
Table 6: Image display parameters
Parameter Description
aturation, Sharpness
de There are two settings, Auto and Manual. The type of lens d etermines
, Contrast
Modifies the different elements of pictur e qual i ty by adjusting the position of the values for each of parameter.
which setting is used. Default is Auto.
The exposure time
let light into the camera through the lens. Select a higher value if the image is dark and a lower v al ue to see fast
moving object.
Select the value to adjust the image brightness.
ocus mode
Manual or Auto. If Auto is selected, the focus is a dj usted automatically, and if Manual is selected, you can control the lens by adjusting the zoom, focus, lens initialization, and auxiliary focus via the PTZ control
Switch Defines whether the camera is in day or night mode. The day (color)
option could be used, for example, if the came ra i s located indoors where light levels are always good.
Day: Camera is always in day mode. Night: Camera is always in night mode. Auto: The camera automatically detects which mode to use.
20 TruVision 12/32 Series IP Camera Configuration Manual
+ 50 hidden pages