STEP 5: Setup the recording parameters for
each recording level.
• Camera Setup/Camera Recording Setup -
For each camera enter the values.
• Values selected are - resolution (TL-Hi)
and motion (event).
• Make sure to click “Save.”
STEP 3: Plug the cameras into the POE ports
on the back of the recorder (it is recommended to plug them into the ports on the back in
order so that Camera 1 is in port 1, etc. It will
make it easier to troubleshoot later).
STEP 2: Use Internet Explorer (or Firefox
ESR52)(or Chrome with IETab extension) to
login to the configuration page of the recorder.
• Network Settings –Set your Preferred and
Alternate DNS Servers (use any valid DNS
server – Free Google Versions & – This is necessary for DDNS,
NTP, & Push Notifications. Click “Save.”
• Device Management/Time & Date Settings
– Set the time & date and check Auto
DST. Click “Save.”
• Network Settings/NTP – Click Enable
NTP. Click “Save.”
STEP 1: Use Device Manage to activate the
recorder (assigning it a password) and set the
IP of the recorder to an address within the
subnet of the premise.
Quickstart Guide
Interlogix TruVision TVN-11/TVN-22S
STEP 6: If you want to record on motion only
(no time lapse) adjust the recording schedule
(recording/recording schedule) to show all yellow (Event).
STEP 4: After the cameras come up online,
with video, go back into configuration of the
recorder and change each camera from Plug
and Play to Manual - *IMPORTANT*
• Camera Setup/IP Camera Status - High-
light the camera and click “Modify.”
• Change the adding method to Manual, en-
ter the password (newer cameras will have
the same password as the recorder from
the initial setup, older cameras may still
have the default password 1234). Click