P/N 1073419-EN • REV A • ISS 13FEB18 1 / 4
TVD-CB3 Cup Base Installation
Screw A: 3 pcs.
Used to install the camera adapter plate to the cup base.
Supported devices
• TVD-5301
• TVD-5302
• TVD-5304
• TVD-5305
• TVD-5306
• TVT-5301
• TVT-5302
• TVT-5303
• TVT-5304
• TVT-5305
• TVT-5306
• TVT-5307
• TVD-5401
• TVD-5402
• TVD-5403
• TVD-5501
• TVD-2401/4401
• TVD-2402/4402
• TVD-2403/4403
• TVD-2404/4404
• TVD-2405/4405
• TVD-2406/4406
• TVT-2401/4401
• TVT-2402/4402
• TVT-2403/4403
• TVT-2404/4404
• TVD-SNB Swan
Neck Wall Mount
Pendant Mount
• TVD-CBW Wall
Installing a TVD-CB3 cup base
to a dome camera
It is a similar process for a turret camera.
Refer to the turret camera installation guide
for details. When assembling a TVD-CB3 to a
dome camera, you require:
• TVD-CB3 cup base
• Adapter plate, included with dome or
turret camera

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• Adapter plate mounting screws
To mount a dome camera to a TVDSNB wall mount with a TVD-CB3 cup
1. Pull the camera cables through the wall
mount. Attach the swan neck mount to
the wall using the expansion anchors
that are provided with the swan neck
2. Screw the cup base onto the swan neck
mount and tighten with the locking
screw, as shown below (A). Then attach
the camera adapter plate to the cup base
(B) using screw A.
Note: The mounting plate is shipped with
the camera. The image below may not
match the actual plate supplied. The
included plate varies depending on the
3. Loosen the screws on the bubble
assembly using the Torx wrench that is
supplied with the camera. Remove the
bubble assembly and liner from the
dome module.
4. Connect the cables to the dome camera.
5. Attach the dome assembly of the camera
(A) to the camera adapter plate. Then reattach the dome liner (B) using screw A.
6. Re-attach the bubble assembly to the
To mount a dome camera to a TVDPPB pendant bracket with a TVD-CB3
cup base:
It is a similar process for a turret camera.
Refer to the turret camera installation guide
for details.