Product Data Sheet
iCLASS SE multiCLASS Reader RPK40
Setting the standard
HID Global’s iCLASS SE® platform goes beyond the traditional
smart card model to offer a secure, standards-based and
flexible platform that has become the new benchmark for highly
adaptable, interoperable and secure access control solutions.
Highly adaptable
multiCLASS SE® readers simplify migration from legacy
technologies with support 125 kHz for HID Prox, Indala, AWID
and EM4102, and provide customers the assurance that their
existing investments can be leveraged to enhance their system
as business requirements change. The technology-independent
readers also support iCLASS® Seos™ and iCLASS SE
credential platforms, as well as standard iCLASS, MIFARE and
MIFARE DESFire EV1 with custom data models and other
leading technologies.
Mobile ready
Additionally, multiCLASS SE readers support mobile devices
utilizing Seos, enabling a new class of portable identity
credentials that can be securely provisioned and safely
embedded into both fixed and mobile devices.
Powerfully secure
Standard Features
EField programmable readers – provides secure upgrades for
migration and extended lifecycle
EInteroperable with a growing range of technologies
(iCLASS® Seos™ and iCLASS SE® credential platforms,
EV1 with custom data models), as well as support for 125
kHz HID Prox, Indala, AWID and EM4102
EIntelligent power management
EEAL5+ certified security element hardware
EOSDP enabled (optional)
As part of HID Global’s iCLASS SE platform that is based on
the Secure Identity Object™ (SIO®) data model and Trusted
Identity Platform® (TIP™), the powerfully secure iCLASS SE
readers offer advanced features such as layered security
beyond the card media and tamper-proof protection of keys/
cryptographic operations using EAL5+ secure element

iCLASS SE multiCLASS Reader RPK40
Typical Read Range
Color Black
Keypad Yes (4 x3 )
Dimensions 8.5 cm x 12.2 cm x 2.8 cm
Product Weight (Pigtail) 258g
Product Weight (Terminal
Operating Voltage Range 5-16 VDC, Linear supply recommended
Current Draw - Standard
Power Mode (mA)
Current Draw - Intelligent
Power Management (IPM)
Mode (mA)
Peak Current Draw Standard Power or IPM
Mode (mA)
NSC Power Consumption Standard Power Mode (W @
NSC Power Consumption w/ IPM (W @ 16VDC)
Operating Temperature -35º to 65º C
Storage Temperature -55º to 85º C
Operating Humidity 5% to 95% relative humidity non-condensing
Environmental Rating
Transmit Frequency 13.56 MHz & 125 kHz
13.56 MHz Card
125 kHz Card Compatibility HID Prox, AWID, Indala, EM4102
Communications Optional OSDP with SCP over RS485
Panel Connection Pigtail or Terminal Strip
Cryto Processor Hardware
Common Criteria Rating
Housing Material UL94 Polycarbonate
Ordering Information
iCLASS SE®: 11.4 cm, SE for DESFire® EV1:
5.1 cm, SE for MIFARE® Classic: 10.1 cm (13.56
MHz Single Technology ID-1 Credentials
(Cards) – SIO Model Data)
iCLASS SE: 5.8 cm, SE for MIFARE Classic: 3.8
cm (13.56 MHz Single Technology Tags/Fobs –
SIO Data Model)
HID Prox / AWID: 6.4 cm, Indala Prox: 2.5 cm,
EM4102: 7.6 cm (125 kHz Single Technology
ID-1 Credentials (Cards) – Respective Prox Data
HID Prox / AWID: 3.3 cm, Indala Prox: 1.3 cm,
EM4102: 5.8 cm (125 KHz Single Technology
Tags/Fobs – Respective Prox Data Model)
Wall Switch Size; designed to mount and cover
single gang switch boxes primarily used in the
Americas and includes a slotted mounting plate
for European and Asian back box spacing
Indoor/Outdoor IP55; IP65 if installed with
optional gasket (IP65GSKT)
Secure Identity Object™ (SIO®) on iCLASS
and MIFARE Classic (On by Default)
MIFARE and MIFARE DESFire EV1 custom data
Standard iCLASS Access Control Application
(order with Standard interpreter)
ISO15693 CSN
Mifare and Mifare DESFire EV1 custom data
FIPS-201 Credentials including PIV, PIV-I, CIV,
CAC, TWIC, FRAC; Contactless Interface
Wiegand/Clock-and-Data Interface 500ft (150m)
(22AWG) - Use Shielded cable for best results
UL294/cUL (US), FCC Certification (US), IC
(Canada), CE (EU), C-tick (Australia, New
Zealand), SRRC (China), MIC (Korea)****, NCC
(Taiwan)****, iDA (Singapore)****, RoHS ,
FIPS-201 Transparent FASC-N Reader
Part No. Description
iCLASS SE multiCLASS Reader RP10 (900P)
iCLASS SE multiCLASS Reader RP15 (910P)
iCLASS SE multiCLASS Reader RP30 (930P)
iCLASS SE multiCLASS Reader RP40 (920P)
iCLASS SE multiCLASS Reader RPK40 (921P)
iCLASS SE multiCLASS RP10 Contactless
Smart Card Reader, Mini-Mullion
iCLASS SE multiCLASS RP15 Contactless
Smart Card Reader, Mullion
iCLASS SE multiCLASS RP30 Contactless
Smart Card Reader, EU/Asia Square
iCLASS SE multiCLASS RP40 Contactless
Smart Card Reader, Wall Switch
iCLASS SE multiCLASS RPK40 Contactless
Smart Card Keypad Reader, Wall Switch
As a company of innovation, UTC Fire & Security reserves the right to change product
specifications without notice. For the latest product specifications, visit UTC Fire & Security
online or contact your sales representative.
iCLASS SE multiCLASS Reader RPK40 (921P)-2015-06-22 12:57:10 Released :26-FEB-15