Network Camera
Quick Installation Guide
This guide describes the basic functions of
IT3G520/IT3G520W/IT3G520W-LR Network Camera.
All detailed information is described
in the user’s manual.
In te llisy ste m Te ch n o lo g ie s S.r.l. - h tt p ://w w w .i nte llisy ste m .it
IT 3G 5 20 /IT 3G 5 20 W /IT 3G 5 20W -L R Q u ick Start G u id e
In te llisy ste m Te ch n o lo g ie s S.r.l. - h tt p ://w w w .i nte llisy ste m .it
In te llisy ste m Te ch n o lo g ie s S.r.l. - h tt p ://w w w .i nte llisy ste m .it
IT 3G 5 20 /IT 3G 5 20 W /IT 3G 5 20W -L R Q u ick Start G u id e
IT 3G520 Aluminium Housing Assembling
Components: Step 1: Get the power wire through the
bracket first.
Step 5: Finally cover up, and the
assembling is accomplished.
Step 2: Then through out from the housing
part, meanwhile insert the power
cable to the appropriate socket.
Step 4: Screw on the two side screws, and
plug in the power of the dome.
(1) Bracket
(2) Cover
(3) Housing
(5) Dome
(4) Power
Screw on
Screw on
Step 3: Screw the dome on the
fixing bridge.
In te llisy ste m Te ch n o lo g ie s S.r.l. - h tt p ://w w w .i nte llisy ste m .it
IT 3G 5 20 /IT 3G 5 20 W /IT 3G 5 20W -L R Q u ick Start G u id e
IT 3G520W Aluminium Housing Assembling
Components: Step 1: Get the power wire through the
bracket first.
Step 5: Finally cover up, and the
assembling is accomplished.
Step 2: Then through out from the housing
part, meanwhile insert and connect
the power and camera cable to
the appropriate socket.
Step 4: Screw on the two side screws, and
plug in the power of the dome.
(1) Bracket
(2) Cover
(3) Housing
(5) Dome
(4) Power
(6) Antenna
Screw on
Screw on
Step 3: Screw the dome on the
fixing bridge.
In te llisy ste m Te ch n o lo g ie s S.r.l. - h tt p ://w w w .i nte llisy ste m .it
IT 3G 5 20 /IT 3G 5 20 W /IT 3G 5 20W -L R Q u ick Start G u id e
IT 3G520W-LR Aluminium Housing Assembling
Components: Step 1: Get the power wire through the
bracket first.
Step 3: Pass the cable of antenna through
the hole in the bracket and
screw on the antenna. Screw
housing part into the bracket.
Attention to the cables inside!
Step 5: Finally cover up, and the
is accomplished.
Step 4: Screw on the two side screws, and
plug in the power of the dome.
(1) Bracket
(2) Cover
(3) Housing
(5) Dome
(4) Power
(6) Antenna
Screw on
Screw on
Step 2: Then through out from the housing
part, meanwhile insert and connect
the power and camera cable to
the appropriate socket.