Intellisystem IT150W User Manual

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IT150W User’s Manual
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Table of Contents................................................................................................0
Before You Use...................................................................................................3
Package Contents ...............................................................................................4
Installation ........................................................................................................6
Hardware installation.....................................................................................6
Software installation ......................................................................................8
First access to the IT150W Network Camera....................................................12
Check network settings even if connected already ...................................... 12
Add password to protect from offense from strangers..................................12
How to Use ...................................................................................................... 13
Installing plug-in.........................................................................................14
Primary user’s capability...............................................................................15
Main screen with camera view..................................................................15
Connection type..................................................................................... 16
Administrator’s capability..............................................................................18
Tune the best performance......................................................................18
Open accounts for users..........................................................................20
Change homepage layout........................................................................21
Build a multimedia web attraction site.......................................................27
Build a security application...................................................................... 31
Software revision upgrade....................................................................... 33
Definition of Configuration.................................................................................. 34
System parameters .....................................................................................35
User group administration.............................................................................36
Network settings .........................................................................................37
General ................................................................................................ 37
HTTP.................................................................................................... 37
Streaming............................................................................................. 38
WLAN Configuration ...............................................................................38
Mail & FTP settings ......................................................................................39
SMTP ................................................................................................... 39
IT150W User’s Manual
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Video codec parameters ............................................................................... 41
Video codec parameters ............................................................................... 41
Motion detection..........................................................................................43
Weekly schedule..........................................................................................44
Event operation .....................................................................................44
Sequential operation ..............................................................................44
Homepage layout settings.............................................................................45
Viewing system log...................................................................................... 46
Viewing system parameters .......................................................................... 46
Restore factory default settings.....................................................................46
Appendix .........................................................................................................47
A. Troubleshooting.......................................................................................47
Status LED............................................................................................47
Reset and restore...................................................................................47
B. Frequently asked questions.......................................................................52
C URL commands of the IT150W Network Camera............................................55
Capture update Snapshot of JPEG image...................................................55
Query status of the digital input...............................................................55
Drive the digital output...........................................................................55
Restore factory default settings................................................................ 55
Restart system ...................................................................................... 56
Page URL..............................................................................................56
System resource URL..............................................................................57
General format of command URL.............................................................. 57
System configuration URL ....................................................................... 57
Security configuration URL ...................................................................... 58
Network configuration URL......................................................................59
Mail&FTP configuration URL ..................................................................... 61
Video configuration URL.......................................................................... 62
Image quality configuration URL...............................................................64
Application configuration URL...................................................................64
Homepage layout configuration UR L..........................................................65
D. Technical specifications.............................................................................66
IT150W User’s Manual
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Before You Use
Surveillance devices may be prohibited by law in your country. Though the IT150W Network Camera is not only a high performance web equipped camera but also a flexible surveillance system, ensure that the operation of such devices are legal before installing this unit for surveillance.
It is importa nt to carefully check the contents with the "Package Contents" chapter afte r opening the package. Fully read and follow the “Installation” chapter to prevent damage caused by abnormal usage and reduce most problems during usage.
Basically the IT150W Network Camera is a network device and should be easy to use for those who already have basic network knowledge. If there is a system err or and it does not recover easily du e to erroneous configuration, r efer to the appe ndix "Troubleshooting” for appropriate operation.
The IT150W Network Camera has been des igned to build various applications for video sharing, general security or demonstration purposes. Understanding the meaning of each parameter in “How to Use” chapter can best utilize the IT 150W Networ k Camer a and ensu re correct operations. To those creative and professional developers, chapter of "URL Commands of the IT150W Network Camera" will be a very helpful reference to customize existing homepages or integrating with current web server.
Those paragraphs preceded by should be fully understood and caution ed. Ignoring the warnings may result in serious hazards.
IT150W User’s Manual
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Package Contents
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IT150W Network Camera
Power adapter
Camera stand
Installation and document CD
IT150W User’s Manual
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IT150W User’s Manual
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Hardware installation
All necessary accessories can be found in the product package except for the Ethernet cable that depends on the user’s environment. The Ethernet cable should meet UTP category 5 tha t cannot exceed 100 meters.
Connect the jack of the power adapter to MiniAVServer
prior to plugging the utility end into the utility power socket. It will reduce accidental electric surge shock.
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As soon as the power adapter is plugged into the utility socket, the front L ED will switch between green and red for several times. After passing the self-test, the LED will shut off and the IT150W Network Camera will standby for software installation. Otherwise refer to Appendix A for troubleshooting.
To install in Ethernet,
Make sure the Ethernet is firmly connected to a switch hub. After attaching the Ethernet cable plug in the power adapter. If the LED turns out to be steady green after self-test, go to next paragraph “Software installation”. If the Ethernet is not available, the IT150W Network Camera will switch to wireless LAN mode.
To install in wireless LAN,
If the Ethernet is not available while power on,the IT150W Network Camera will search for an y access point with the SSID “default”. Once any access point is found, the LED will turn green to wait for installation. If the network environmen t cannot meet the default settings, install the I T150W Network Camera in Ethernet to proceed with wireless LAN configuration.
The IT150W Network Camera will automatically detect and operate in the available network interface with the priority of Ethernet than WLAN. Operating in either network mode, the LED will flash every second as heartbeat to indicate alive.
The IT150W Network Camera provides a general I/O terminal block with one digital input and one relay switch for device control. Pin 1 and pin 2 can be connected to an exter nal sensor and the sta te of voltage will be monitored from the initial state 'LOW'. The relay switch of pin 3 and pin 4 ca n be used to turn on or off the external device.
Consult with the dealer of the peripherals for correct installation.
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1 DI- INPUT (Initial state of DI is low) 2 DI+ INPUT (Max. 50mA, 12VDC) 3 SW_COMMON OUTPUT (open from SW_OPEN at initial state) (close with SW_OPEN when set DO to ON) 4 SW_NOPEN OUTPUT (Max. 1A, 24VDC or 0.5A, 125VAC)
IT150W User’s Manual
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Software installation
In the following content, "user" refers to those who can access the IT150W Network Camera and "administrator" refers to the supervisor who can configure the IT150W Network Camera and grant users access.
When completing the hardware installation, administrators need to run the Installer program included in the product CDROM to locate the newly installed IT150W Network Camera. Any IT150W Network Camera standby for software installation will be captured by the Installer program. Therefore there may be several entries shown in the window. Administrators may differentiate the IT150W Network Camera with the serial number and click on the entry with "Assigned" field labeled "No" to perform software installation. The serial number is printed on the labels on the carton and the rear panel of the IT150W Network Camera’s body.
To install the IT150W Network Camera for wirele ss usa ge, it is rec omme nded to ins tall in Ethernet first. After successfully entering the network configuration page, input the correct
WLAN settings, remove the Ethernet cable and recycle the power to work in WLAN.
The IP address shown in " Cur re nt IP Address" field depends on the local network. It may get from the DHCP server for the administrator's reference. If ther e is no DHCP server, administrators can choose any neighbor IP address of the PC. The Installer program will check the IP address automatically; there will be a warning message if it conflicts with others.
IT150W User’s Manual
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If administrators want to use another IP address, modify the IP address text field. If the administrator wants to fix the IP address of the unit, check the option "Use this IP whenever system boots" to skip future installation procedures. Otherwise the unit will need installation whenever it is restarted.
Click on “Set IP Address” button to proceed.
Enter the wireless LAN settin gs accordin g to the access point in infrastructure or Ad Hoc master. The connection mode, SSID, WEP settings are required. If th e setting s are not sure at this stage, click “Skip” to continue installation in Ethernet. All the settings can be entered later from the web configur ati on page.
IT150W User’s Manual
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After clicking on “Save”, a progressive bar will indicate the installatio n proc ess.
Congratulations! Now the IT150W Network Camera is ready for access. After clicking on
in the successful dialog, the "Assigned" field will be labeled "Yes". Administrators should keep the address information for users’ request.
If there is any error dialog rather than “Set IP OK”, please follow the next page.
Administrators may click directly on
to access the newly
installed server in the default browser.
IT150W User’s Manual
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When administrators choose “Use this IP whenever system boots” or fill any wireless network settings, the local FTP server port and root password of the IT150W Network Camera will be utilize d. If they have been changed prior to the installation, a confirmation window will pop out to request correct settings. After entering the correct settings, press “Retry”.
If the “Server FTP Port” or “Server Root Password” is lost, click “Cancel” to exit. In this ca se, the IP address of the IT150W Network Camera will still be installed though it is not fixed for further reboot. If the root password is correct, administrator can log in to browse the cor rect local FTP server port in the network settings. Otherwise refer to Appendix A Troubleshooting to restore factory default settings and then u se the i nstaller to in stall ag ain.
Once installation is complete, administrators should proceed to the next section "First access to the IT150W Network Camera" for necessary checks and configurations.
IT150W User’s Manual
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First access to the IT150W Network Camera
Check network settings even if connected already
Although the IT150W Network Camera already can be connected after software installation from Local Area Network, administrators should complete the network settings in the configuration page including the correct subnet mask and IP address of gateway and DNS. Ask for the network administrator or Internet service provider for the detail informati on. By default the IT150W Network Camera will need administrator's installation e very time i t reboots. I f the network settings are sure to work all the time, disable the install option. Refer to “Network settings” in system configuration page for details. Once any setting is entered incorrectly and thus hangs the IT150W Network Camera, restore the factory settings according to the steps in troubleshooting.
Add password to protect from offense from strangers
Since the administrator’s password is blank by default, the IT150W Network Camera will not ask for any password. However the administrator should change the password as soon as possible to protect from network intruders. Once the administrator’s password is saved, the IT150W Network Camera always needs user name and password before access. The administrator can setup at most twenty user accounts. Each user is able to access the IT150W Network Camera except for system configuration. Some critical func tions are lim ited only for administrators such as system configuration, user administration and software upgrade. The user name of the administrator is assigned to “root” permanently. Once the password is changed, the browser will display an authentication window to ask for the new password. There is no way to discover administrator’s password. If the password is forgotten, only restoring factory defaults can help.
IT150W User’s Manual
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How to Use
After opening the Web browser and typing in the URL of the IT150W Network Camera, a dialogue window may pop up to request a username and password except that the administrator does not save any password. Upon successful authentication, the main page will display like the figure below.
In the figure, the foreground is the login window and the background shows the message when authentication fails. The user may check the option to save the password for future convenience.
IT150W User’s Manual
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Installing plug-in
If it is initial access to the IT150W Network Camera in Windows, the web browser may prompt for permission to install a new plug-in that is provided by the IT150W Network Camera. Prompt or not and the prompt message depend on the Internet security settings of user’s PC or notebook. The highest security level may prohibit any installation and execution attempt even the plug-in is safe. This plug-in has been registered for certificate and is used to display the
motioned pictures in the browser. Users may click on
to proceed. If the web browser
does not allow the user to install, check the Internet security option to lower secu rity levels or contact network supervisors.
IT150W User’s Manual
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Primary user’s capability
Main screen with camera view
There is a logo image shown in the upper left corner . It can link to other web sites or resources depending on the settings in c onfiguration. The assigned captio n and system date/time wi ll display in the banner abo ve the image wind ow. Th ere might be some wind ows enclosed by red lines shown in the image as soon as mot ion is detect ed in the related windows. C lick on the configuration link to the right of the image window to enter the configuration page.
IT150W User’s Manual
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Connection type
If it is the first access to “Connection type” page in Windows, the web browser will ask to install a new plug-in that is provided by the IT150W Network Camera. This plug-in has been registered for certificate and is used to change the parameters at the client side. Users may
click on
to install the plug-in. If the web browser does not allow the user to install,
check the Internet security to lower the security level or contact network supervisors. There are two settings for the client side. One is “Medi a Option” fo r users to de termine if t he audio should be muted. The other is “Protocol Option” to choose the connection protocol between client and server. There are three protocols to optimize your usage - UDP, TCP and HTTP. With UDP protocol, audio and video streams ca n be mo re rea l-time . But some packets may be lost due to network burst traffic and images will be obscure. If TCP protocol is selected, packet loss would not occur and video display will more accurate. But the real -time effect is worse than UDP protocol. If th e networ k is protected by a firew all and it o pens HT TP p ort (80) only , HT TP protoc ol must be selected. I n this m ode, audi o will not be sent an d you c an see the video only. If you have no special needs and no idea to choose one among them, simply choose UDP. Generally the client will automatically try these protocols by the following order, UDP TCP HTTP. After the client connects to the IT150W Network Camera successfully, “Protocol Option” will show the working protocol. The chosen protocol will be recorded in the user's PC and used for next connection. If the network environment is changed or users want to let web browser detect again, select UDP manually to save and then return HOME to connect again.
IT150W User’s Manual
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<url> http://<IT150W Network Camera>/protocol.html <IT150W> is the domain n ame or original IP address of the IT15 0W Network Camera.
IT150W User’s Manual
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Administrator’s capability
Tune the best performance
The best performance means the image refresh rate should be the fastest as possible and the video quality should be the best as possible at the lowest network bandwidth as possible. Three factors, “Maximum frame rate”, “Fix bit rate”, and “Fix quality” in the Video configura tion page, are correlative to the performance.
My priority is real-time motioned images
To achieve the real-time visual effect, the network bandwidth should be large enough to transmit 20 image fr ame s or more. I f you are in th e broadb and networ k over 1 Mbps, you can fix the bit rate to 1000Kbps or 1200Kbps, or fix t he quality to ac hieve the maximum frames. The maximum frame rate is 25 in 50Hz system and 30 in 60Hz system. If your network bandwidth is more than 384Kbps, you can fix the bit rate according to your bandwidth and set the maximum frame rate to 25 or 30. If the images vary dramatically in your environment, you may slow down the maximum frame rate to 20 to decrease the transmitted data for better video quality since human could not e asily te ll the d iffer ence betw een 20 and 25 or 30 fr a mes per second. If your network bandwidth is below 384 Kbps, you should fix the bit rate according to your bandwidth and try out the best performa nce by tuning the maximum frame rate. The larger frame rat e in slow network will blur th e images. Y ou may also tr y to choose “Half” in size option for better image s or “Hal fx2” for larger im age siz e. Note that even you ha ve well tuned
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