Intellinet 524636 User Manual

wireless g 4-Port router
user manu al
Model 524636
1 hardware .................................................................................................................6
1.1 Front Panel / leds ...................... .........................................................................6
1.2 Rear Panel / Ports & Jacks ....................................................................................6
1.3 Connecting the Router ................. .........................................................................7
2 quick installation .................. .............................................................................8
2.1 Time Zone ............................................................................................................10
2.2 lAN Settings ........................................................................................................10
2.3 WAN Interface .....................................................................................................11
2.3.1 Static IP .........................................................................................................12
2.3.2 dHCP Client ..................................................................................................12
2.3.3 PPPoe ...........................................................................................................13
2.3.4 PPTP .............................................................................................................13
2.4 Wireless Basic Settings .......................................................................................14
2.5 Wireless Security Settings ...................................................................................15
2.5.1 WeP ..............................................................................................................16
2.5.2 WPA (TKIP) ...................................................................................................17
2.5.3 WPA2 (AeS) ..................................................................................................18
2.5.4 WPA2 (Mixed) ...............................................................................................18
3 general setup .......................... ...........................................................................20
3.1 System .................................................................................................................21
3.1.1 Time Zone Setting ...........................................................................................21
3.1.2 Password Setup ..............................................................................................22
3.1.3 Ping Testing ....................................................................................................22
3.2 WAN ....................................................................................................................23
3.2.1 Static IP .........................................................................................................24
3.2.2 dHCP Client ..................................................................................................25
3.2.3 PPPoe (PPP over ethernet ...........................................................................26
3.2.4 PPTP .............................................................................................................27
3.2.5 ddNS ............................................................................................................28
3.3 lAN .....................................................................................................................30
3.4 Wireless ...............................................................................................................32
3.4.1 Basic Settings ................................................................................................32
3.4.2 Advanced Settings .........................................................................................33
3.4.3 Security .........................................................................................................35
3.4.4 Access Control ..............................................................................................36
3.5 Firewall ................................................................................................................37
3.5.1 URl Filtering .................................................................................................37
3.5.2 Port Filtering ..................................................................................................38
3.5.3 IP Filtering .....................................................................................................39
3.5.4 MAC Filtering .................................................................................................40
3.5.5 Port Forwarding .............................................................................................41
3.5.6 dMZ ...............................................................................................................42
4 status ............................................. .......................................................................43
5 tools ............................................. .......................................................................45
appendix a ....................................... .......................................................................47
appendix b ...................................... .......................................................................50
glossary ........................................ .......................................................................51
specifications .............................. .......................................................................54
Thank you for purchasing the INTellINeT NeTWoRK SolUTIoNS™ Wireless G 4-Port Router, Model 524636.
The Wireless G 4-Port Router lets you experience fast speeds as you surf the Web, download music or photos, and play online games. This wireless rou te r w orks w ith 802 .11g as well a s the o lde r 802.11b products , and also includes a four-port 10/100 lAN switch so you can connect using network cable or go wireless to satisfy all your needs.
Keeping intruders out of your network can be a challenge, and this feature-rich wireless router is designed to make that challenge easier.
It includes a true rewall that secures your network against hackers.
With Network Address Translation (NAT) to shield your networked devices from i ntrud ers, p lus We P, WPA and WPA2 encryption to conceal your information on the wireless lAN from eavesdroppers, you can rest assured that you’ve taken the necessary precautions to protect the data on your network.
The easy-to-follow instructions in this user manual help make setup
and operation relatively simple, so you’ll soon be enjoying the benets
of these add i tio n al f e a t u r es:
• Compatible with all common DSL and cable Internet service providers
• Up to 54 Mbps network data transfer rate
• Supports MAC ltering for wireless clients
• Integrated 10/100 Mbps LAN switch with Auto MDI/MDI-X support
• DHCP server assigns IP addresses for all LAN users
• Supports DDNS (dynamic DNS)
• Supports UPNP (Universal Plug and Play)
• Supports virtual server and DMZ (demilitarized zone)
• VPN Pass Through (PPTP, IPSec, L2TP)
• Integrated anti-DoS rewall
• Content control through IP and Port lters
• Remote management function
• Easy installation through Web-based user interface
• Firmware updates via Web-based user interface
• Lifetime Warranty
NOTE: For a quick install procedure, refer to the printed quick install guide enclosed with this product.
safety & ComPlianCe sta tements
fcc part 15
This equipment has been tested and found to comply with the limits for a Class B digital device, pursuant to Part 15 of Federal Communications Commission (FCC) Rules. These limits are designed to provide reasonable protection against harmful interference in a residential installation. This equipment generates, uses and can radiate radio frequency energy and, if not ins tal le d a nd u s ed i n a ccorda n ce with th e i nstructions, ma y ca us e harmful interference to radio communications. However, there is no guarantee that interference will not occur in a particular installation. If this equip me nt does cause harmful interference to radio or television reception, which can be determined by turning the equipment off and on, the user is encouraged to try to correct the interference by one or more of the following measures:
• Reorient or relocate the receiving antenna.
• Increase the separation between the equipment and the receiver.
• Connect the equipment to an outlet on a circuit different from the
• Consult the dealer or an experienced radio/TV technician for help.
fcc caution
This equipment must be installed and operated in accordance with the provided instructions, and a minimum of 20 cm of spacing must be provided between the computer-mounted antenna and a person’s body (excluding extremities of hands, wrist and feet) during wireless modes of operation.
This dev ice complie s with P a rt 15 o f th e F CC R ul es. op era tion is s ub ject to the follo wi n g two condi tio n s: (1) this device may no t cau se h a rmfu l interference , a n d (2) this dev ice mu s t a ccep t a ny inte rference received, including interference that may cause undesired operation.
Any changes or modications not expressly approved by the party
responsib le for comp li ance could v o id the a uth ority to oper at e eq ui pmen t.
fcc radiation exposure statement
This equipment complies with FCC radiation exposure limits set forth
for an uncontrolled environment. In order to avoid the possibility of exceeding the FCC radio frequency exposure limits, human proximity to the antenna shall not be less than 20 cm (8 inches) during normal operation . The a nt en na (s) used f or thi s tran sm itter m us t no t be co-located or operated in conjunction with any other antenna or transmitter. The equipment version marketed in the U.S. is restricted to usage of the channels 1-11 only.
r&tte compliance statement
This equipment complies with all the requirements of directive 1999/5/ eC of the european Parliament and the Council of March 9, 1999, on radio equipment and telecommunication terminal equipment and the mutual recognition of their conformity (R&TTe). The R&TTe directive repeals and replaces directive 98/13/eeC (Telecommunications Terminal equipment and Satellite earth Station equipment) as of April 8, 2000.
This eq uipment is de si g ne d wi th th e u tmo s t care f or th e sa fety of those who install and use it. However, special attention must be paid to the dangers of electric shock and static electricity when working with electrical equipment. All guidelines must, therefore, be followed at all times to ensure the safe use of the equipment.
eu countries intended for use
he ETSI version of this device is intended for home and ofce use in Austria, Belgium, denmark, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Ireland, Italy, luxembourg, the Netherlands, Portugal, Spain, Sweden and the United Kingdom. The ETSI version of this device is also authorized for use in eFTA member states Iceland, liechtenstein, Norway and
eu countries not intended for use
led status description
PWR on Power is on. off Power is off.
WlAN on The Wireless lAN has been activated. Flashing There is Wireless lAN activity (transferring or receiving data). off The Wireless lAN has been deactivated.
WAN on The WAN has been connected. Flashing There is WAN activity (transferring or receiving data). off There is no WAN connection.
1/2/3/4 on The lAN has been connected. Flashing There is lAN activity (transferring or receiving data). off There is no lAN connection.
1 hardware
1.1 front panel / leds
The front panel of the Wireless G 4-Port Router features leds that provide an immediate indication of the device’s operational status.
1.2 rear panel / ports & Jacks
The rear panel of the Wireless G 4-Port Router features these ports, buttons and jacks (left to right):
• Four LAN 10/100 Mbps RJ-45 ports for connecting the router to local PCs.
• WAN RJ-45 port for connecting the router to a cable, a DSL modem
or the ethernet.
• Reset button (recessed), which allows you to do two things:
1. If problems occur with your router, press the button with a pencil tip (for no more than 4 seconds) and the router will re-boot itself,
keeping your original congurations.
2. If problems persist or you forget your password, press the button for longer than 4 seconds and the router will reset itself to the factory default settings. NOTE: Your original congurations will be replaced with the factory default settings.
• Power adapter jack. NOTE: only use the power adapter included with the Wireless G 4-Port Router, as a different adapter could result in product damage.
• Not shown is the 2 dB dipole antenna, which is connected to the rear panel to the left of the RJ-45 ports.
1.3 connecting the router
Before installing the router, connect your PC to the Internet through your broadband service. (If there is any problem, contact your ISP.) Then proceed through the following steps.
1. Turn off your PC(s), cable/dSl modem and the router.
2. Adjust the antenna. Normally, upright is a good place to start.
3. Connect the PC(s) and each switch/hub on your local area network to the lAN ports on the router.
4. Connect the AdSl/dSl/cable modem to the router WAN port.
5. Connect the power adapter between the power socket on the router and an electrical outlet. The router will start to work automatically.
6. Turn on your PC(s) and the cable/(A)dSl modem. Shown is a typical setup
for a local area network (lAN) featuring the Wireless G 4-Port Router.
2 quiCk installation
This Quick Installation section can be used to begin router operation as quickly as possible, requiring only minimal information in order to use the router simply as an Internet access device. (A separate printed Quick Install Guide — presenting the basic hardware conguration and the Initial Setup below — is packaged with the Wireless G 4-Port Router.)
First, set up your network; as shown above in Connecting the Router, for example. Then congure your LAN PC clients so they can obtain an IP address automatically. By default, the router’s dynamic Host
Conguration Protocol (DHCP) is activated, meaning that once your PCs have been congured to obtain an IP address automatically, all
the clients on the network will automatically obtain an IP address, as well. If needed, refer to Appendix A at the back of this manual for the Windows 2000, XP and Vista procedures; for other operating systems, such as Mac and Sun, follow the oS manufacturer’s instructions.
initial setup
As stated above, once you have congured your PCs to obtain an IP
address automatically, the router’s dHCP server will automatically give your lAN clients an IP address. To see if you have obtained an IP address, see Appendix B at the back of this manual. NOTE: Make sure that this Wireless G 4-Port Router’s dHCP server is the only dHCP server available on your lAN. If there is another dHCP on your network, then you’ll need to switch one of the dHCP servers off. (To disable the router’s dHCP server, refer to Section 3: General Setup / lAN Settings.)
Conrmed that the router has provided an IP address? Then continue
with the steps below!
1. enter the default IP address (the Wireless G 4-Port Router’s IP address) into your PC’s Web browser and press the enter key.
2. When the login screen
displays, ll in the “User
Name” and “Password” elds, then click “OK” to
log in. NOTE: By default, the user name is “admin” and the password is “1234.” However, for security reasons it is recommended that you change the password as soon as possible (refer to Section 3: General Setup / System / Password Setup).
3. When the Home screen displays (below), click “Quick Setup” to
continue with the Quick Installation procedure. The other three main sections shown as menu options on the Home screen — General Setup, Status Information and Tools — are presented and explained in subsequent sections should you wish to use the many additional advanced features of the Wireless G 4-Port Router.
2.1 time Zone
on this screen, you can base the router’s time on these settings, which
will also affect functions such as log entries and rewall settings.
time Zone select: Select your local time zone from the drop-down
menu. The router will synchronize time according to your selection.
ntp server: Select the time server to synchronize with. Click “Next” to proceed to the next screen.
2.2 lan settings
On this screen, you can congure the parameters for the local area
ip address: enter the router’s lAN port IP address (your lAN clients’ default gateway IP address). subnet Mask: Specify a subnet mask for your lAN segment.
Click “Next” to proceed to the next screen.
2.3 wan interface
on this screen, select one of the four types of connections you’ll be using — Static IP, dHCP Client, PPPoe or PPTP (as explained in the subsections below) — to connect your router’s WAN port to your ISP. NOTE: different Internet service providers require different Internet connection methods. Check with your ISP as to the type of connection that is required.
wan access type: Select one of the four connection options from the drop-down menu, then click “Next” to proceed to the screen of the selected connection type. Static IP — Your ISP has given you an IP address already. DHCP Client — Your ISP will automatically give you an IP address. PPPoE — Your ISP requires you to use a Point-to-Point Protocol over ethernet (PPPoe) connection. PPTP — Your ISP requires you to use a Point-to-Point Tunneling Protocol (PPTP) connection.
2.3.1 static ip
ip address: enter the IP address that your ISP has given you. subnet Mask: enter the ISP-provided subnet mask; e.g., default gateway ip: enter the ISP’s IP address gateway. dns: enter the ISP’s dNS server IP address.
Click “Next” to proceed to the next screen.
2.3.2 dhcp client
hostname: Enter an optional hostname; e.g., “myhome.”
Click “Next” to proceed to the next screen.
2.3.3 pppoe
user name: enter the username provided by your ISP. password: enter the password provided by your ISP.
NOTE: Additional parameters, such as idle timeout, MTU size and connection type, can be found in General Setup / lAN Setup.
Click “Next” to proceed to the next screen.
2.3.4 pptp
ip address: enter the IP address your ISP has given you to establish
a PPTP connection.
subnet Mask: enter the ISP-provided subnet mask; e.g., server ip address: enter the IP address of the ISP gateway. user name: enter the username provided by your ISP for the PPTP
connection (sometimes referred to a the connection Id). password: enter the password provided by your ISP.
Click “Next” to proceed to the next screen.
2.4 wireless basic settings
This screen displays when you click “Next” after conguring any of the
four WAN interfaces above.
band: This allows you to set the router (acting as an access point) as
802.11b or 802.11g mode. You can also select B+G mode to allow the AP to select either 802.11b or 802.11g automatically. ssid: enter a name for the wireless lAN. All the devices in the same wireless lAN should have the same eSSId. channel number: Select the channel to be used by the wireless lAN. All devices in the same wireless lAN should use the same channel.
enable Mac clone: Select to allow the router to copy the rst seen
MAC address to the WlAN MAC. Click “Next” to proceed to the next screen.
2.5 wireless security settings
Enabling WEP or WPA encryption can prevent unauthorized access to
your wireless network.
encryption: Select one of the ve options from the drop-down menu,
then click “OK” to proceed to the screen of the selected option.
None — do not apply any encryption to wireless usage: everyone has access without needing permission. WEP — You can select the WeP key length for encryption: 64-bit or 128-bit. A larger WeP key length will provide a higher level of security, but the throughput will be lower. WPA (TKIP) — You can use a pre-shared key to authenticate wireless stations and encrypt data during communication. Use TKIP to change the encryption key frequently. WPA2 (AES) — You can use a pre-shared key to authenticate wireless stations and encrypt data during communication. Use CCMP (AeS) to change the encryption key frequently. WPA2 Mixed — This will automatically select TKIP or AeS based on the other communication peer.
2.5.1 wep
When you select either a 64-bit or 128-bit WeP key, you need to enter WeP keys to encrypt data. You can generate the key by yourself and enter it; you can also enter four WeP keys and select one of them as the default key. Then the router can receive any packets encrypted by one of the four keys.
key length: Select the WeP key length for encryption: 64-bit or 128­ bit. A larger WeP key length will provide a higher level of security, but the throughput will be lower. key format: Select ASCII characters (alphanumeric format) or hexa-
decimal digits (in the “A-F,” “a-f” and “0-9” range) to be the WEP key. For example, ASCII characters: “guest”; hexadecimal digits: “12345abcde.”
default tx key: Select one of the four keys as the default key to encrypt your data. encryption key 1–4: The WeP keys are used to encrypt data
transmitted in the wireless network. Fill in the elds using the
following guidelines.
• 64-bit WEP: Input 10-digit hex values (in the “A-F,” “a-f” and “0-9”
range) or 5-digit ASCII characters as the encryption keys.
• 128-bit WEP: Input 26-digit hex values (in the “A-F,” “a-f” and “0-9”
range) or 13-digit ASCII characters as the encryption keys.
Click “OK” to save and activate all the settings. Now you can use the
router as your Internet gateway.
2.5.2 wpa (tkip)
Wi-Fi Protected Access (WPA) is an advanced security standard that lets you use a pre-shared key to authenticate wireless stations and encrypt data during communication. It uses TKIP to frequently change
the encryption key, making it difcult for hackers to break through and
thus greatly improving security.
pre-shared key format: Select “Passphrase” (alphanumeric format)
or “Hexadecimal Digits” (in the “A-F,” “a-f” and “0-9” range) for the pre-shared key. For example, passphrase: “iamguest”; hex digits: “12345abcde.”
pre-shared key: The pre-shared key is used to authenticate and encrypt
data transmitted in the wireless network. Fill in the elds using the
following guidelines.
• Hex: Input 64-digit hex values (in the “A-F,” “a-f” and “0-9” range)
or at least an 8-character passphrase as the pre-shared keys.
Click “OK” to save and activate all the settings. Now you can use the
router as your Internet gateway.
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