Thank you for purchasing the INTELLINET NETWORK SOLUTIONS™
Wireless G PCI Card, Model 524575.
This quick install guide presents the rudimentary steps required to
set up and operate this device. For more detailed instructions and
specications, refer to the user manual 1) on the CD enclosed with
this product; 2) on the Web site listed below; or 3) in some cases,
printed and enclosed with this product. Contact your INTELLINET
NETWORK SOLUTIONS dealer with comments or questions, or visit
www.intellinet-network.com for information on the latest software and
rmware updates, related products and additional contact information.
NOTE: Instructions and screen images for both the Hardware and
Software Installation sections are representative of Windows XP,
but are similar for Windows Vista. Some screen images have been
modied to t the format of this guide.
hardWare installation
1. Turn off computer and remove its cover.
2. Firmly insert the Wireless G PCI Card into an available PCI slot on
the motherboard.
3. Secure the card to the rear of the computer chassis.
4. Replace the cover.
5. Secure the antenna to the connector on the card and adjust the
position of the antenna as needed.
6. Turn the computer on.

softWare installation
1. Place the included installation CD in your CD-ROM drive. NOTE: If
your operating system displays the Found New Hardware screen,
click “Cancel.”
2. On your computer’s desktop, go to My Computer, click on the
installation CD icon, then click/select “Setup.exe.”
3. When the Choose Setup Language screen displays, make a selection
and click “Next.” When the subsequent screen displays, click “Next.”
4. When the Installation screen displays, click “Install.”