Intellinet 524049 User Manual

MODEL 524049
Thank you for purchasing the INTELLINET NETWORK SOLUTIONS™ Dual WAN VPN Router, Model 524049.
This versatile device combines a load-balancing router with a failover function, a rewall, a
VPN server and a 5-port Fast Ethernet smart switch, providing the speed and security that
makes your network more efcient in its operation and more effective in its communication.
The Dual WAN VPN Router can be connected to two different WAN connections at the same time, providing an efcient backup mechanism for the main Internet connection. It can also be used to balance the load between the two connections based on smart algorithms or sophisticated
user-dened load sharing rules. Whether you want to reserve one of the two WAN lines for a
special application or a special user, or use it as a backup for the main line, there are very few things which you cannot do with this device.
The router comes with an integrated 5-port 10/100 Mbps LAN switch for plenty of connectivity. The switch provides smart functions, such as VLAN, Port Mirroring (Sniffer Port) and port
controls, which you normally can only nd in a business smart switch. It also includes a true rewall that secures your network against hackers. With Network Address
Translation (NAT) to shield your networked devices from intruders, Denial of Service (DoS) attack prevention to avert potential threats by scanning incoming trafc, integrated virus and worm detection offering an additional layer of protection (even including an e-mail alert function), and content control using URL and domain ltering, you can rest assured that you’ve taken the necessary precautions to protect the data on your network. And if this were not enough, the built-in VPN server supports up to ve connections simultaneously, ideal for telecommuters who need a more secure connection to the Internet.
Plus, the Quality of Service (QoS) feature lets you decide which applications are most important to ensure they have priority with available bandwidth during network peak times.
Easy-to-follow instructions in this user manual help make installation of this router quick and simple, so you’ll also soon be enjoying the benets of these additional features:
• Integrated scheduler to limit Internet access to client computers in the LAN
• Content control through URL and domain lter
• Integrated 10/100 Mbps LAN switch with Auto MDI/MDI-X support
• Supports port controls (auto-negotiation on/off, 10/100 Mbps, full/half duplex)
• Supports port based VLAN with 5 VLAN groups
• Supports port mirroring
• Supports virtual server, port forwarding and DMZ (demilitarized zone)
• DHCP server assigns IP addresses for all LAN users
• DHCP Server supports static lease management
• Supports DDNS (dynamic DNS)
• Supports UPNP (Universal Plug and Play)
• Supports VPN pass-through (PPTP)
• 94 Mbps WAN to LAN throughput
• WOL (Wake-On LAN) function sends a wakeup signal to any computer in the LAN
• Remote management function (enable/disable and management port)
• Easy installation through Web-based user interface
• Firmware updates via Web-based user interface
• Includes 19” rackmount brackets
• Lifetime Warranty
NOTE: Some of the screen-shot images have been modied to t the format of this manual.
HARDWARE ......................................................................................................................... 5
Connections .................................................................................................................. 5
Front-Panel Indicators .................................................................................................. 5
Reset ............................................................................................................................ 5
WINDOWS SETUP/INSTALLATION.................................................................................... 6
Windows 98/Me ............................................................................................................ 6
Windows 2000 .............................................................................................................. 7
Windows XP ................................................................................................................. 7
DUAL WAN VPN ROUTER SETUP/INSTALLATION .......................................................... 8
Log In ............................................................................................................................ 8
PPPoE (ADSL) .............................................................................................................. 8
Dynamic IP.................................................................................................................. 10
Static IP .......................................................................................................................12
Status ...........................................................................................................................13
WAN Status .............................................................................................................13
LAN Status ..............................................................................................................14
Basic Setup ..................................................................................................................14
LAN/DHCP Setup ...................................................................................................14
Net Detector ............................................................................................................15
Link Setup/Info ....................................................................................................... 16
Routing Table ..........................................................................................................17
Switch Cong ..........................................................................................................17
System .........................................................................................................................18
Administrator Setup .................................................................................................18
Firmware Upgrade ..................................................................................................19
System Log .............................................................................................................19
Access List ............................................................................................................. 20
Misc. ....................................................................................................................... 21
QoS ............................................................................................................................ 22
Basic Setup ............................................................................................................ 22
IP QoS .................................................................................................................... 22
Application QoS ..................................................................................................... 23
Port QoS ................................................................................................................ 24
LS/NAT........................................................................................................................ 24
Load Sharing .......................................................................................................... 24
Applications ............................................................................................................ 25
Internal Server ....................................................................................................... 26
Port Forwarding ..................................................................................................... 27
Port Trigger ............................................................................................................ 28
NAT On/Off ............................................................................................................ 29
Advanced .................................................................................................................... 29
Firewall ................................................................................................................... 29
DDNS ..................................................................................................................... 30
WOL ....................................................................................................................... 30
URL Filter ................................................................................................................31
Remote Management ..............................................................................................31
Scheduler ............................................................................................................... 32
VPN ........................................................................................................................ 33
SPECIFICATIONS .............................................................................................................. 34
section page
Before you begin any installation or setup of the Dual WAN VPN Router, make sure that your computer is equipped with the necessary Web browser (Internet Explorer 4.0 with JavaScript
or Netscape Navigator 4.0 or above) and that you have the information you’ll need at hand; for
example, any user IDs and passwords, ISP account numbers and details or status of your IP address, default gateway and DNS. If your computer has had ADSL PPPoE dial-up software installed, back up your installation and un-install it by going to Start Control Panel Add/ Remove Programs.
1. Set up your WAN(s) by connecting the broadband cable of your xDSL/cable modem/LAN to one or both of the WAN ports on the router.
2. Set up your LAN(s) by connecting your computer LAN card port(s) or the uplink port(s) of your hub/switch(es) to any of the ve LAN ports on the router. NOTE: All LAN ports on the router automatically sense and accommodate crossover cable, so either straight-through or crossover cable can be used for LAN connections.
3. Turn on the power to the router. (The included AC power cord connects on the back panel
of the device.) The router will enter a self-detect state, during which: the PWR LED will light, the SYS LED will ash (after a proper startup) and unconnected LAN/WAN LEDs will quickly ash twice. The system is now in its normal operational state.
4. Start your computer(s).
Front-Panel Indicators
To reset the router (which will restore all conguration settings to their defaults):
1. Press and hold the Reset button located on the front panel of the router.
2. Switch the router’s power off, then on. NOTE: The power switch is on the back panel.
3. After 5 seconds, the SYS LED should ash rapidly.
4. Release the Reset button.
LED Status Description/Function
PWR On The router is operational. SYS Flashing The router system is operating normally. WAN 1/2 On A connection has been made and detected. LINK/ACT Flashing Data is being transmitted through the corresponding port (1–5). SPEED Off LAN data is being transmitted at 10 Mbps. On LAN data is being transmitted at 100 Mbps.
It’s recommended that your local network be congured for Internet access through the Dual
WAN VPN Router. If this is done after the initial router connections have been made, the connections will need to be made again. Use whichever procedure below corresponds to your
Windows platform. The setup can be either a static or dynamic IP conguration. The defaults:
• IP address:
• Subnet mask:
Windows 98/Me
1. Install the router.
2. With Windows running, check that the LAN LED on the router is on. If not, check the computer and router connections.
3. Go to Start Settings Control Panel.
4. In the Control Panel, double-click the Network icon.
5. Click on the Conguration tab and highlight “TCP/IP AMC PCNET Family Ethernet Adapter.” Click “Properties.”
6. Click on the IP Address tab and select “Obtain an IP address automatically.” Click “OK.”
7. Click on the Gateway tab and conrm that the Installed Gateways eld is empty.
8. Click on the DNS Conguration tab and select “Disable DNS.” Click “OK.”
9. When a System Settings Change window displays a “Do you want to restart your computer now?” prompt, click “Yes.”
10. After the reboot, enter “cmd” and press “Enter.”
11. Enter “ipcong” and press “Enter.”
12. Conrm the on­ screen IP info:
• The IP address should be within the range of to
• The subnet mask should be
• The default gateway should be
13. Enter “ping,” then press “Enter.” If “Reply from bytes=32 time=1ms TTL=255” displays, then the router/computer connection is correct.
Windows 2000
1. Install the router.
2. With Windows running, check that the LAN LED on the router is on. If not, check the computer and router connections.
3. Go to Start Settings Control Panel.
4. In the Control Panel, double-click the Network and Dial-Up Connection icon.
5. In the Network and Dial-Up Connections window, click on the Local Area Connection icon.
6. On the General tab of the Local Area Connection Status window, click “Properties.”
7. On the General tab of the Local Area Connection Properties window, highlight “Internet Protocol (TCP/IP),” then click “Properties.”
8. On the General tab of the Internet Protocol (TCP/IP) Properties window, select “Obtain an
IP address automatically” and “Obtain a DNS server address automatically”; click “OK.”
9. Click “Start,” then “Run.”
10. Enter “cmd,” then press “Enter.”
11. Enter “ipcong” and press “Enter.”
12. Conrm the on­ screen IP info:
• The IP address should be in the range of to
• The subnet mask should be
• The default gateway should be
13. Enter “ping,” then press “Enter.” If “Reply from bytes=32 time=1ms TTL=255” displays, then the router/computer connection is correct.
Windows XP
1. Install the router.
2. With Windows running, check that the LAN LED on the router is on. If not, check the computer and router connections.
3. Go to Start Settings Control Panel.
4. In the Control Panel, double-click Network and Internet Connections.
5. On the Network and Internet Connections screen, click Network Connections.
6. On the Network Connections screen, click Local Area Connection.
7. On the General tab of the Internet Status screen, click “Properties.”
8. On the Internet Properties screen, highlight “Internet Protocol (TCP/IP)”; click “Properties.”
9. On the General tab of the Internet Protocol (TCP/IP) Properties screen, select “Obtain an
IP address automatically” and “Obtain a DNS server address automatically”; click “OK.”
10. Click “Start,” then “Run.”
11. Enter “cmd,” then press “Enter.”
12. Enter “ipcong” and press “Enter.”
13. Conrm the on­ screen IP info:
• The IP address should be in the range of to
• The subnet mask should be
• The default gateway should be
14. Enter “ping,” then press “Enter.” If “Reply from bytes=32 time=1ms TTL=255” displays, then the router/computer connection is correct.
The rst step in setting up the Dual WAN VPN Router is to log in through your Web browser. Conguration procedures for setting up the router are presented in subsequent sections of
this user manual.
Log In
1. In the Address bar of your Web browser (Internet Explorer 4.0 with JavaScript or Netscape
Navigator 4.0 or above), enter the default IP address:
2. When the Login screen displays, click “Login” to continue.
1. If using an ADSL modem, connect it to a WAN port and conrm that a lighted WAN LED indicates a proper connection.
2. On the Basic Setup tab, click WAN(1 or 2) Setup.
3. Select “PPPoE User (ADSL).”
4. In the “User ID” and “Password” elds, enter the user ID and password provided by your Internet service provider (ISP).
5. Click “Apply.” Re-congure the remaining settings as desired:
MTU: Input an MTU value for data packages. The default value is 1454, which is the recommended value and should not be changed. Disconnect PPP session if idle time is longer than _ Min: If you select this option, the value entered represents the idle time, after which the IP router automatically disconnects from the Internet.
Connect On Demand: The Dual WAN VPN Router can automatically connect with the Internet if there is Internet access after disconnection. NOTE: If, during normal operation, disconnection occurs due to external causes, the router will immediately try to re-connect with the Internet, and will continue attempting to re-connect until a successful connection is made. This is an inner function of the router, and has nothing to do with “Connect On Demand,” which only works when the “Disconnect PPP session if idle time is longer than _ Min” function is selected. Connect Manually: When this is selected, you need to re-connect with Internet manually after disconnection. As with “Connect On Demand,” this option only works when the “Disconnect PPP session if idle time is longer than _ Min” function is selected. Prevent reconnection although no response from PPP server: Select this option to
shut off the router’s inner automatic-connection function.
6. A screen displays presenting “Conn (Connection) Type” and “Conn. (Connection) State/Status.”
• If “Successfully connected” displays in the “Conn. State” eld, the conguration is correct. Proceed to Step 7.
• If “Invalid ID/Password” displays in
the “Conn. State” eld, the conguration is incorrect: Click “Close” and check your ID and password; if the status remains unchanged, check that your service type is correct.
7. Go to the Status screen and click WAN Status to conrm the WAN connection status.
Connection Type: This should display “PPPoE (ADSL).” Connection Status: This should display “Successfully connected.” Physical Address: This displays the router’s WAN port MAC address. WAN IP Address, Subnet Mask, Default Gateway, Primary DNS Server and Secondary DNS Server: These values, provided by your ISP, can be different from those shown. Disconnect: Click to manually disconnect the system from the Internet.
Connect: Click to refresh and re-connect to the Internet.
8. Click “Save” to save the current conguration. NOTE: If the settings aren’t saved at this point, they will revert to previous values when the system is turned off or restarted.
9. Restart all computers connected to the router.
Dynamic IP
1. If using a cable modem, connect it to a WAN port and conrm that a lighted WAN LED indicates a proper connection.
2. On the Basic Setup tab, click WAN(1 or 2) Setup.
3. Select “Dynamic User (Cable Modem, VDSL, LAN, IP ADSL).”
4. Click “Apply.” Re-congure the remaining settings as desired:
Physical Address Clone: Select to change the WAN port MAC address. If this option is left unselected, the WAN MAC address remains a default value.
Allow private IP to be accepted: Select to allow a WAN port to be assigned a private IP address.
5. A screen displays presenting “Conn (Connection) Type” and “Conn. (Connection) State/Status.”
• If “Successfully connected” displays in the “Conn. State” eld, the conguration is correct.
• If “Connecting to Internet” remains in the “Conn. State” eld, close the window, then turn off the cable modem power supply and turn it back on and check the WAN LED to see if it’s lit to conrm that a proper connection has been established. Then click “Apply” again.
6. Go to the Status screen and click WAN Status to conrm the WAN connection status.
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