Federal Communication Commission Interference Statement
This equipment has been tested and found to comply with the limits for a Class B digital device, pursuant to Part 15 of the FCC Rules. These limits are designed to provide reasonable protection against
harmful interference in a residential installation. This equipment generates, uses and can radiated radio frequency energy and, if not installed and used in accordance with the instructions, may cause
harmful interference to radio communications. However, there is no guarantee that interference will
not occur in a particular installation. If this equipment does cause harmful interference to radio or
television reception, which can be determined by turning the equipment off and on, the user is encouraged to try to correct the interference by one of the following measures:
Reorient or relocate the receiving antenna.
Increase the separation between the equipment and receiver.
Connect the equipment into an outlet on a circuit different from that to which the receiver is connected.
Consult the dealer or an experienced radio/TV technician for help.
FCC Caution: To assure continued compliance, (example – use only shielded interface cables when
connecting to computer or peripheral devices). Any changes or modifications not expressly approved
by the party responsible for compliance could void the user’s authority to operate this equipment.
FCC Radiation Exposure Statement
This equipment complies with FCC radiation exposure limits set forth for an uncontrolled environment. This equipment should be installed and operated with minimum distance 20 cm between the radiator & your body.
This device complies with Part 15 of the FCC Rules. Operation is subject to the following two conditions: (1) This device may not cause harmful interference, and (2) this device must accept any interference received, including interference that may cause undesired operation.
R&TTE Compliance Statement
This equipment complies with all the requirements of DIRECTIVE 1999/5/CE OF THE EUROPEAN
PARLIAMENT AND THE COUNCIL OF 9 March 1999 on radio equipment and telecommunication
terminal equipment and the mutual recognition of their conformity (R&TTE).
The R&TTE Directive repeals and replaces in the directive 98/13/EEC (Telecommunications Terminal Equipment and Satellite Earth Station Equipment) as of April 8,2000.
This equipment is designed with the utmost care for the safety of those who install and use it. However, special attention must be paid to the dangers of electric shock and static electricity when working with electrical equipment. All guidelines of this and of the computer manufacture must therefore
be allowed at all times to ensure the safe use of the equipment.
EU Countries Intended for Use
The ETSI version of this device is intended for home and office use in Austria, Belgium, Denmark,
Finland, France (with Frequency channel restrictions), Germany, Greece, Ireland, Italy, Luxembourg,
Portugal, Spain, Sweden, The Netherlands, and United Kingdom.
The ETSI version of this device is also authorized for use in EFTA member states Norway and Switzerland.
The wireless broadband (switch) router enables IEEE 802.11b and Ethernet client computers to share
an Internet connection provided by an Internet service provider (ISP). The Internet connection can be
DSL, cable, V.90, or ISDN-based. In addition, it also serves as a wireless access point, so that the
wireless client computers and the Ethernet client computers can reach one another.
There are 4 different model variations, Standard, Pro, Advanced, and Advanced+, which are classified
in terms of features. The Standard edition provides the fewest features while the Advanced+ edition
provides the most. With the sleek Web-based user interface and Windows-based user interface (Wireless Network Manager), a network administrator can easily and clearly manage the wireless broadband (switch) router.
Since the wireless broadband (switch) router provides rich TCP/IP and WLAN (Wireless Local Area
Network) functionality, a basic understanding of the inner workings of TCP/IP and IEEE 802.11b is
necessary. Essential TCP/IP concepts include IP addressing, IP routing, IP name resolution, DHCP
(Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol), and PPP (Point-to-Point Protocol). Essential IEEE 802.11b
concepts include channel numbers and WEP (Wired Equivalent Privacy).
In Chapter 2, we describe the steps to install and configure a newly acquired wireless broadband
(switch) router. Following the steps, the wireless broadband (switch) router can be quickly set up to
work. In Chapter 3, detailed explanations of each Web management page are given for the user to
understand how to fine-tune the settings of a wireless broadband router to meet his or her specific
needs. In the remainder of this guide, a wireless broadband (switch) router is often referred to as a
WIASA (Wireless Internet Access Server Appliance) for short.
1.2. Features
Configuration Reset. Resetting the configuration settings to factory-set values.
IEEE 802.11b
Access point. Bridging packets between the wireless IEEE 802.11b network interface
and the wired Ethernet LAN interface.
64-bit and 128-bit WEP (Wired Equivalent Privacy). For authentication and data
Enabling/disabling SSID broadcasts. The administrator can enable or disable the
SSID broadcasts functionality for security reasons. When the SSID broadcasts functionality is disabled, a client computer cannot connect to the wireless router with an “any” network name (SSID, Service Set ID); the correct SSID has to be specified on client computers.
MAC-address-based access control. Blocking unauthorized wireless client computers based on MAC (Media Access Control) addresses.
IEEE 802.1x/RADIUS. User authentication and dynamic encryption key distribution can
be achieved by IEEE 802.1x Port-Based Network Access Control and RADIUS (Remote
Authentication Dial-In User Service).
Repeater. A wireless router can communicate with other wireless APs/routers via WDS
(Wireless Distribution System). Therefore, a wireless router can wirelessly forward packets
from wireless clients to another wireless AP/router, and then the later AP/router forwards
the packets to the Ethernet network.
Wireless client isolation. Wireless-to-wireless traffic can be blocked so that the wireless clients cannot see each other. This capability can be used in hotspots applications to
prevent wireless hackers from attacking other wireless users’ computers.
AP load balancing. Several wireless APs/routers can form a load-balancing group.
Within a group, wireless client associations and traffic load can be shared among the wireless APs/routers.
Transmit power control. Transmit power of the wireless router’s RF module can be
adjusted to change RF coverage of the wireless router.
Replaceable antennas. The factory-mounted antennas can be replaced with high-gain
antennas for different purposes.
Showing associated wireless clients. Showing the status of all wireless clients that
are associated with the wireless router.
Internet Connection Sharing
DNS proxy. The wireless router can forward DNS (Domain Name System) requests from
client computers to DNS servers on the Internet. And DNS responses from the DNS servers can be forwarded back to the client computers.
Static DNS mappings. The administrator can specify static FQDN (Fully Quali-
fied Domain Name) to IP address mappings. Therefore, a host on the internal network
can access a server also on the intranet by a registered FQDN.
DHCP server. The wireless router can automatically assign IP addresses to client computers by DHCP (Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol).
Static DHCP mappings. The administrator can specify static IP address to MAC
address mappings so that the specified IP addresses are always assigned to the hosts
with the specified MAC addresses.
Showing current DHCP mappings. Showing which IP address is assigned to
which host identified by an MAC address.
NAT server. Client computers can share a public IP address provided by an ISP (Internet
Service Provider) by NAT (Network Address Translation). And our NAT server functionality supports the following:
Virtual server. Exposing servers on the intranet to the Internet.
PPTP, IPSec, and L2TP passthrough. Passing VPN (Virtual Private Network)
packets through the intranet-Internet boundary. PPTP means Point-to-Point Tunneling
Protocol, IPSec means IP Security, and L2TP means Layer 2 Tunneling Protocol.
DMZ (DeMilitarized Zone). All unrecognized IP packets from the Internet can be
forwarded to a specific computer on the intranet.
Multiple public IP addresses support. An ISP may provide several public IP
addresses to a customer. The wireless router can map each of the public IP addresses
to a host with a private IP address on the intranet.
H.323 passthrough. Passing H.323 packets through the intranet-Internet boundary
so that users on the intranet can use VoIP (Voice over IP) applications.
MSN Messenger support. Supporting Microsoft MSN Messenger for chat, file
transfer, and real-time communication applications.
DSL/Cable Modem Support. Supporting dynamic IP address assignment by PPPoE
(Point-to-Point Protocol over Ethernet) or DHCP and static IP address assignment.
Telstra BigPond support. Supporting Telstra BigPond (http://www.bigpond.com
user authentication on the cable-based Internet connection service.
Auto-dial. When the wireless router detects outgoing packets to the Internet, it dials up to the
ISP automatically. This functionality applies to PPP and PPPoE.
Network Security
Packet address and port filtering. Filtering outgoing packets based on IP address and
port number. (Incoming packet filtering is performed by NAT.)
URL filtering. Preventing users from accessing unwelcome Web sites. The HTTP
(HeperText Transfer Protocol) traffic to the specified Web sites identified by URLs (Universal Resource Locators) is blocked.
WAN ICMP requests blocking. Some DoS (Denial of Service) attacks are based on
ICMP requests with large payloads. Such kind of attacks can be blocked.
Stateful Packet Inspection (SPI). Analyzing incoming and outgoing packets based on
a set of criteria for abnormal content. Therefore, SPI can detect hacker attacks, and can
summarily reject an attack if the packet fits a suspicious profile.
) for
Printer Sharing. The wireless broadband switch router can serve as a print server for Windows 9x/2000 client computers.
Changeable MAC Address of the Ethernet WAN Interface. Some ADSL modems work
only with Ethernet cards provided by the ISP. If a wireless router is used in such an environment,
the MAC address of the WAN interface of the router has to be changed to the MAC address of
the ISP-provided Ethernet network card.
Firmware Tools
Firmware upgrade. The firmware of the wireless router can be upgraded, so that more
features can be added in the future.
Xmodem-based. Upgrading firmware over RS232.
TFTP-based. Upgrading firmware by TFTP (Trivial File Transfer Protocol).
Configuration backup. The configuration settings of the wireless router can be backed
up to a file via TFTP for later restoring.
Windows-based Wireless Network Manager for configuring, monitoring, and diagnosing the local computer and neighboring wireless APs/routers. The management protocol
is MAC-based.
Web-based Network Manager for configuring and monitoring wireless broadband
routers. The management protocol is HTTP (HeperText Transfer Protocol)-based.
Remote Web-based management. The wireless router can be managed from the
Internet using a Web browser.
SNMP. SNMP (Simple Network Management Protocol) MIB I, MIB II, IEEE 802.1d,
IEEE 802.1x, and Private Enterprise MIB are supported.
UPnP. The wireless router responds to UPnP discovery messages so that a Windows XP
user can locate the wireless router in My Network Places and use a Web browser to configure it.
Telnet. The user is enabled to manage the wireless router by using Telnet.
Local system log. System events can be logged and viewed using a Web browser for
troubleshooting purposes.
4-Port Ethernet Switch. The wireless broadband switch router provides a 4-port Ethernet
switch so that a stand-alone Ethernet hub/switch is not necessary for connecting Ethernet client
computers to the router.
Power over Ethernet (optional). Supplying power to a wireless broadband router over an
Ethernet cable using PowerDsine (http://www.powerdsine.com
pliant in the future). This feature facilitates large-scale wireless LAN deployment.
Hardware Watchdog Timer. If the firmware gets stuck in an invalid state, the hardware
watchdog timer will detect this situation and restart the wireless router. Accordingly, the wireless router can provide continuous services.
) technology (IEEE 802.3af com-
1.3. Feature Comparison
Repeater (Wireless Distribution System)
Multiple public IP addresses
Static DNS mappings
Wireless client isolation
AP load balancing
Standard Pro Advanced Advanced+
PoE is optional on the wireless broadband router.
Ethernet switching and printer sharing are available only on the wireless broadband switch
2. First-Time Installation and Configuration
2.1. Inserting the Accompanying PCMCIA WLAN
For some models, the wireless interface of a WIASA is a WLAN PCMCIA card inserted into the
PCMCIA socket labeled Wireless LAN Card. Since a WIASA and its accompanying WLAN
PCMCIA card are placed separately within a package, you have to insert the PCMCIA card to the
socket of the WIASA after they are taken out of the package. And then, plug the connector of the
power adapter to the power jack of the WIASA to power it on.
NOTE: Unless a WIASA is to be packed and moved to a distant place, don’t pluck out the PCMCIA
card from the socket.
2.2. Selecting a Power Supply Method
Optionally, the wireless broadband router can be powered by the supplied power adapter or PoE
(Power over Ethernet). The wireless broadband router automatically selects the suitable one depending on your decision.
To power the wireless broadband (switch) router by the supplied power adapter:
1. Plug the power adapter to an AC socket.
2. Plug the connector of the power adapter to the power jack of the wireless broadband (switch)
NOTE: This product is intended to be power-supplied by a Listed Power Unit, marked “Class 2” or
“LPS” and output rated “5V DC, 1 A minimum” or equivalent statement.
To power the wireless broadband router by PoE:
1. Plug one connector of an Ethernet cable to an available port of a PoE hub.
2. Plug the other connector of the Ethernet cable to the LAN/CONFIG port of the wireless broad-
band router.
NOTE: The PoE capability of the bridge is PowerDsine-compatible. Please visit the Web site of Pow-
erDsine for more information (http://www.powerdsine.com).
2.3. Mounting the Wireless Broadband Router on a
If necessary, the wireless broadband router can be mounted on a wall.
1. Stick the accessorial sticker for wall-mounting.
2. Use a φ7.0mm driller to drill a 25mm-deep hole at each of the cross marks.
3. Plug in an accessorial plastic conical anchor in each hole.
4. Screw an accessorial screw in each plastic conical anchor for a proper depth so that the wireless
broadband router can be hung on the screws.
5. Hang the wireless broadband router on the screws.
Fig. 1. Mounting the wireless broadband router on a wall.
2.4. Preparing for Configuration
For you to configure a WIASA, a managing computer with a Web browser is needed. For first-time
configuration of a WIASA, an Ethernet network interface card (NIC) should have been installed in the
managing computer. For maintenance-configuration of a deployed WIASA, either a wireless computer or a wired computer can be employed as the managing computer.
NOTE: If you are using the browser, Opera, to configure a WIASA, click the menu item File, click
Preferences..., click File types, and edit the MIME type, text/html, to add a file extension “.sht” so
that Opera can work properly with the Web management pages of the WIASA.
Since the configuration/management protocol is HTTP-based, we have to make sure that the IP ad-
dress of the managing computer and the IP address of the managed WIASA are in the same IP
subnet. By default (see Appendix A-1, “Default Settings”), the DHCP server functionality of a WI-
ASA is enabled, so that if the managing computer is set to automatically obtain an IP address by
DHCP, the condition can be satisfied easily.
2.4.1. Connecting the Managing Computer and the Wireless Broadband (Switch) Router Router
To connect the Ethernet managing computer and the managed router for first-time configuration, you
have two choices as illustrated in Fig. 3.
Fig. 2. Connecting a managing computer and a wireless broadband router via Ethernet.
You can use either a cross-over Ethernet cable (we have included one in the package) or a switch/hub
with 2 normal Ethernet cables. Since the DHCP server functionality is factory-set to be enabled, it’s
recommended that there are no other computers connected to the switch/hub, so that you can be
100-percent sure that the WIASA will be the DHCP server of the managing computer.
NOTE: One connector of the Ethernet cable must be plugged into the LAN/CONFIG Ethernet jack
of the WIASA for configuration. Switch Router
Connect the Ethernet managing computer to anyone of the LAN switch ports of the managed WIASA
with a normal Ethernet cable (see Fig. 3).
NOTE: There are two types of Ethernet cables—normal and crossover.
LAN 1-4
Fig. 3. Connecting a managing computer and a wireless broadband switch router via Ethernet.
Since the DHCP server functionality is factory-set to be enabled, it’s recommended that there are no
other computers connected to the other Ethernet switch ports of the WIASA, so that you can be
100-percent sure that the WIASA will be the DHCP server of the managing computer.
2.4.2. Changing the TCP/IP Settings of the Managing
Use the Windows Network Control Panel Applet to change the TCP/IP settings of the managing
computer, so that the IP address of the computer and the IP address of the WIASA are in the same IP
subnet. If the managing computer is originally set a static IP address, you can either change the IP
address to 192.168.0.xxx (the default IP address of a WIASA is and the subnet mask to or select an automatically-obtain-an-IP-address option.
NOTE: For some versions of Windows, the computer needs to be restarted for the changes of TCP/IP
settings to take effect.
TIP: After you have connected the managing computer and the WIASA via Ethernet, you can install
Wireless Network Manager on the managing computer and use it to configure the WIASA without
being concerned about the TCP/IP settings of the managing computer. Refer to on-line help of Wireless Network Manager for more information.
If the computer is already set to obtain an IP address automatically, you can use the Windows-provided tool, WinIPCfg.exe (on Windows 9x/Me) or IPConfig.exe (on Windows 2000/XP),
to re-obtain an IP address from the WIASA. WinIPCfg.exe is a GUI program, and has command
buttons for releasing the current IP address and re-obtaining an IP address. IPConfig.exe is a command-line program, and the /release option releases the current IP address and the /renew option
triggers the Windows DHCP client subsystem to re-obtain an IP address.
NOTE: By default, the first assignable IP address of the DHCP server on the WIASA is
2.5. Configuring the Wireless Broadband (Switch)
After the IP addressing issue is resolved, launch a Web browser on the managing computer. Then, go
to “” to access the Web-based Network Manager start page.
NOTE: If you are using the browser, Opera (from Opera Software), to configure a WIASA, click the
menu item File, click Preferences..., click File types, and edit the MIME type, text/html, to add a
file extension “.sht” so that Opera can work properly with the Web management pages of the WIASA.
TIP: For maintenance configuration of a WIASA, the WIASA can be reached by its host name using
a Web browser. For example, if the WIASA is named “wiasa”, you can use the URL “http://wiasa” to
access the Web-based Network Manager of the WIASA.
2.5.1. Entering the User Name and Password
Before the start page is shown, you will be prompted to enter the user name and password to gain the
right to access the Web-based Network Manager. For first-time configuration, use the default user
name “root” and default password “root”, respectively.
Fig. 4. Entering the user name and password.
NOTE: It is strongly recommended that the password be changed to other value for security reasons.
On the start page, click the General, Password link to change the value of the password (see Section
3.3.2 for more information).
TIP: Since the start page shows the current settings and status of the WIASA, it can be saved or
printed within the Web browser for future reference.
On the start page, click the ConfigWizard link to use a configuration wizard to quickly change the
configuration of the WIASA.
Fig. 5. The Start page.
The first page of the configuration wizard is a welcome page. This page gives a brief description of
the configuration process. Click Next to continue. We’ll explain what to do step-by-step in the
following subsections.
2.5.2. ConfigWizard Step 1: Selecting an Operational Mode
Fig. 6. Operational modes.
If the WIASA is to be used simply as a wireless-to-Ethernet access point, select Simple Access
Point. In this mode, the Ethernet WAN interface is disabled.
If the WIASA is to be used with a DSL or cable modem and the IP address assignment for the
Ethernet WAN interface is achieved by PPPoE, select Router with a PPPoE-Based DSL/Cable Connection.
If the WIASA is to be used with a DSL or cable modem and the IP address assignment for the
Ethernet WAN interface is achieved by DHCP, select Router with a DHCP-Based DSL/Cable Connection.
If the WIASA is to be used with a DSL or cable modem and the IP address of the Ethernet WAN
interface has to be manually set, select Router with a Static-IP DSL/Cable Connection.
If the WIASA is to be used with a V.90 modem or ISDN TA, select Router with a Dial-up
NOTE: The LAN interfaces include the IEEE 802.11b wireless LAN interface and the Ethernet LAN
interfaces. These two interfaces share a LAN IP address.
Fig. 7. TCP/IP settings for Simple Access Point mode.
If the WIASA was set to be in Simple Access Point mode, one IP address is needed. This IP address
can be manually set or automatically assigned by a DHCP server on the LAN. If you are manually
setting the IP address, Subnet mask, and Default gateway settings, set them appropriately, so that
they comply with your LAN environment. In addition, you can specify the Host name of the WIASA. Router with a PPPoE-Based DSL/Cable Connection
Fig. 8. TCP/IP settings for Router with a PPPoE-Based DSL/Cable Connection mode.
If the WIASA was set to be in Router with a PPPoE-Based DSL/Cable Connection mode, two IP
addresses are needed—one for the Ethernet/wireless LAN interfaces and the other for the WAN interface. The IEEE 802.11b interface and the Ethernet LAN interface share the LAN IP address. The
LAN IP address must be set manually to a private IP address, say 192.168.0.xxx. The default LAN IP
address is and the default subnet mask is In most cases, these default set-
tings need no change.
As for the WAN IP address, it is obtained automatically by PPPoE from the ISP. Consult your ISP for
the correct User name, Password, and Service name settings.
The WIASA automatically disconnects the PPPoE connection after there has been no traffic to the
Internet for a period specified by Idle disconnect time.
NOTE: If Idle disconnect time is set to 0, the PPPoE connection will not be disconnected.
11 Router with a DHCP-Based DSL/Cable Connection
Fig. 9. TCP/IP settings for Router with a DHCP-Based DSL/Cable Connection mode.
If the WIASA was set to be in Router with a DHCP-Based DSL/Cable Connection mode, two IP
addresses are needed—one for the Ethernet/wireless LAN interfaces and the other for the WAN interface. The IEEE 802.11b interface and the Ethernet LAN interface share the LAN IP address. The
LAN IP address must be set manually to a private IP address, say 192.168.0.xxx. The default LAN IP
address is and the default subnet mask is In most cases, these default set-
tings need no change.
As for the WAN IP address, it is obtained automatically by DHCP from the ISP. If you are using Telstra BigPond cable-based Internet service, select the Connect with BigPond Cable check box and
specify the User name, Password, and the IP address of your Login server, which is provided by
your ISP. Router with a Static-IP DSL/Cable Connection
Fig. 10. TCP/IP settings for Router with a Static-IP DSL/Cable Connection mode.
If the WIASA was set to be in Router with a Static-IP DSL/Cable Connection mode, two IP addresses are needed—one for the Ethernet/wireless LAN interfaces and the other for the WAN interface. The IEEE 802.11b interface and the Ethernet LAN interface share the LAN IP address. The
LAN IP address must be set manually to a private IP address, say 192.168.0.xxx. The default LAN IP
address is and the default subnet mask is In most cases, these default set-
tings need no change.
As for the WAN IP address, it must be manually set. Consult your ISP for the correct IP address,
Default gateway, Subnet mask, Primary DNS server, and Secondary DNS server settings. Router with a Dial-up Connection
Fig. 11. TCP/IP settings for Router with a Dial-up Connection mode.
If the WIASA was set to be in Router with a Dial-up Connection mode, two IP addresses are
needed—one for the Ethernet/wireless LAN interfaces and the other for the WAN interface. The IEEE
802.11b interface and the Ethernet LAN interface share the LAN IP address. The LAN IP address
must be set manually to a private IP address, say 192.168.0.xxx. The default IP address is
and the default subnet mask is In most cases, these default settings need no change.
As for the WAN IP address, it is obtained automatically by PPP from the ISP. Consult your ISP for
the correct User name, Password, and Telephone number settings.
The WIASA automatically disconnects the PPP dial-up connection after there has been no traffic to
the Internet for a period specified by Idle disconnect time.
NOTE: If Idle disconnect time is set to 0, the PPP dial-up connection will not be disconnected.
IEEE 802.11b-related communication settings include Regulatory domain, Channel number, and
Network name (SSID).
Fig. 12. IEEE 802.11b communication settings.
The number of available RF channels depends on local regulations; therefore you have to choose an
appropriate regulatory domain to comply with local regulations. The SSID of a wireless client computer and the SSID of the WIASA must be identical for them to communicate with each other.
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