Intellinet 503273 User Manual

PowerLine HD etHernet ADAPter
MODEL 503273
tAbLe of contents
1. Introduction .......................................................................3
2. Planning Your PowerLine Network .................................3
3. Connecting the Adapter ....................................................4
Adapter Connections & LED Indicators .........................................4
Connecting to a Router .............................................................4
4. Configuration Utility .........................................................4
Utility Installation........................................................................ ..............5
Utility Access ..........................................................................6
Network Information Screen ......................................................6
Privacy Screen ........................................................................8
QoS Screen .........................................................................10
About Screen ....................................................................... 11
5. Troubleshooting .............................................................. 12
6. Specifications ..................................................................15
How to Use tHis MAnUAL
This user manual has been designed to make understanding networking with the INTELLINET NETWORK SOLUTIONS™ PowerLine HD Ethernet Adapter easier than ever. Look for the following items when reading this manual:
This check mark means there is a note of interest about something you should pay special attention to while using the device.
This exclamation point means there is a caution or warning about something that could damage your property or the bridge.
section page
1. introDUction
Congratulations on your purchase of the INTELLINET NETWORK SOLUTIONS PowerLine HD Ethernet Adapter, Model 503273. The adapter will allow you to network better than ever by letting you turn the existing AC power lines in your home or office into a high-speed network. Now you don’t have to drill through the walls or climb through the attic or cellar to install network cables. Just use the wires that already run through the building.
What Does All This Mean?
Networks are useful tools for sharing computer resources. You can access one printer from different computers and access data located on another computer’s hard drive. Networks are even used for playing multiplayer video games. So networks are not only useful in homes and offices, they can also be fun!
The PowerLine HD Ethernet Adapter interfaces Ethernet devices to the HomePlug network standard. Just plug the adapter into the wall, connect your Ethernet­equipped device to the adapter using the included network cable, and you’ve turned your whole house into a network infrastructure. Attach more computers to the network simply by plugging them into the wall anywhere in the house and using more adapters.
Once your computers are connected to the network, they can share resources such as printers and storage space, plus all kinds of files: music, digital pictures and documents. With up to 200 Mbps data rates, you can play head-to-head network computer games, too. And if you use a PowerLine HD Ethernet Adapter to interface broadband routers from your cable or DSL Internet connection to your network, you’ll be able to get to the Internet from any computer in the house.
2. PLAnning yoUr network
With PowerLine devices, a computer network can be created using home power lines. The adapter connects an Ethernet-enabled computer to an AC power line network.
The adapter is also ideal for any user who already has a router and wants to share high­speed Internet access across the AC power line network. Connect the adapter to the router after you have configured the adapter using the configuration utility. Connect a straight-through Category 5 Ethernet network cable to the uplink port of the router, or connect a crossover Category 5 Ethernet network cable to a LAN port on the router.
3. connecting tHe ADAPter
Adapter Connections & LED Indicators
NOTE: To connect the powerline network to the Ethernet network, this device can be attached to a LAN switch port; however, each PC or server on the powerline network needs to be directly attached to its own PowerLine adapter
1. Plug the Cat5e cable into the Ethernet ports of the computer and the adapter.
2. Plug the electrical cable into the electrical port.
IMPORTANT: Because the INTELLINET NETWORK SOLUTIONS PowerLine HD Ethernet Adapter sends data over a home’s power lines,
plug it directly into an electrical outlet. It’s recommended not to plug the device into a power strip with surge protection. And do not plug the device into a UPS: The adapter has its own power filter for protection against surges.
The installation of the adapter is complete. To configure the adapter, proceed to Section 4: Configuration Utility.
Router Connections
If you want to connect the adapter to a router, disconnect the network cable from the PC and connect it to the uplink port of the router. If you only have a LAN port available on the router, then use a crossover Category 5 Ethernet network cable to connect the adapter to the router. The installation of the adapter is complete.
4. configUrAtion UtiLity
After installing the adapter, run the Setup Wizard to install the Configuration Utility. Use this utility to check the PC’s direct connection to the AC power line network, search for PowerLine devices on your network, and set up security using a network password.
Computer Ethernet port
Adapter Ethernet port
LED indicators
LED STATUS DESCRIPTION Power On Power on Off Power off Link/Act On AC power line port detects another PowerLine device Blinking Looking for more PowerLine devices Off AC power line port is not detecting another PowerLine device Ethernet On Ethernet port link Blinking Ethernet activity Off No Ethernet port link
NOTE: If you want the devices on your PowerLine network to share high-speed Internet access, connect the bridge to a router after you run
the PowerLine Configuration Utility (refer to the previous section).
AV Utility Installation
1. Insert the utility CD, then run the setup.exe program to begin the install.
2. On the welcome screen, click “Nex t.”
3. Select your destination folder, then click “Nex t.”
4. Select components, then click “Next.”
APP: Select the APP component to install the utility. DLL: The application requires the “dll” file to start.
DOTNET: Requires Framework 1.1 or higher. If Framework’s been installed, you can un-check the option.
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