HigH Power
wireless g
Access Point
MODEL 503082

Thank you for purchasing the INTELLINET NETWORK SOLUTIONS™ High Power Wireless G
Access Point, Model 503082. This quick start guide provides simple configuration guidelines
for setup and operation of this device. For more detailed instructions and a complete list of
specifications, refer to the user manual.
Before making any hardware connections, find an appropriate location to place the access
point. The best spot is usually at the center of the wireless network, with a clear line of sight to
all wireless stations. Consider, too, that the higher the antenna is placed, the better the device
can perform.

HArDwAre instAllAtion
Connections using the included power adapter
1. Make a connection to your local area network (LAN) by plugging one end of an Ethernet
cable to either of the two Ethernet ports (LAN1 or LAN2) on the access point and the other
end of the cable to a hub, switch, router or additional wireless access point.