I n t r o d u c t i o n
The CAP 2020 DR IB is a proximity card and/or keypad based access control device with internal bell, part of
the CIB-tech automation system.
The unit can control bi-directional access through one door. It accepts up to 1024 users and provides entry
via the use of proximity cards and/or PIN codes. It has an internal bell that works with proximity card readers
with bell button.
Additional Equipment Required
1. Functional CIB-tech system
A minimal number of essential CIB-tech components to make a functional CIB-tech system
2. Proximity card and/or PIN code reader with bell button, for entry request
A proximity card and/or PIN code reader with a 26-bit Wiegand-type output, further referred to as
“Reader A” 2. Note that the proximity card reader must supply bell button event in Wiegand data
3. Request to Exit (REX) button or proximity card and/or PIN code reader for exit
request (optional)
Either a proximity card and/or PIN code reader with a 26-bit Wiegand-type output, further referred to
as “Reader B”, or a normally-open type (contact is closed when button is pressed) REX button can
be used as a request-to-exit device2.
4. Open door sensor (optional)
Normally open or normally closed type with voltage free contacts 2.
5. Electric door lock
Fail safe (power to lock) or fail secure (power to open) strike lock/door bolt/magnetic lock2.
6. Power supply for electric door lock
Refer to the electric door lock's characteristics to choose a suitable power supply. A power supply
with battery backup is recommended.
T e c h n i c a l S p e c i f i c a t i o n s
Electrical characteristics
● Power Supply
The CAP 2020 DR IB functions as a node in a CIB-tech system, being powered from the CIB-tech
system's power supply via the CIB-tech connectors.
○ Operating voltage range: 20 to 28V DC (nominal 24V DC)
○ Supply current
■ Standby current (without readers attached): 22mA
■ Maximum current (without readers attached): 50mA
■ Typical standby current (with two readers attached): 140mA
■ Absolute maximum current (with two readers attached): 300mA
● Power output
The CAP 2020 DR IB can provide power to the proximity card and/or PIN code readers.
○ Output voltage: 12V DC
1 See “CIB-tech installation manual” for details.
2 See “Recommended equipment to be used with CIB-tech” for details
CAP 2020 DR IB ©2009 - Intelligent Building Solutions 1