Enrolling Fingerprint & Password Users
When Entering Users into the Lock you have 3 Options:
You can enroll fingerprints at random.
You can enroll as an ID# (+) fingerprint user.
You can assign users a pass code.
ALL pass codes MUST be 8 digits long!
Enroll at Random
If you are using the lock on a home & the primary users will be your
immediate family & you do not have any reason to think you will need to
delete them from the lock in the future, we suggest you use this type of
enrollment. You can store several scanned templates of several fingers.
(ex. 3 scans of 2 fingers on each hand for each user)
ID# with Fingerprint User
If you are using the lock on a small business door or at home & you
need the ability to delete a user without deleting all users, this type of
enrollment is best. You will assign a 3 digit ID# to each scanned
template per user. For example, you have 2 temporary workers named
Mary & Adam. You make Mary user 101 & scan her index finger. The
lock will scan the fingerprint twice per template. If you want to enroll
another finger for Mary you create another ID# for that new finger. You
do the same procedure for Adam. You make him user 102. If you want
to delete the user you simply delete the user ID# & their fingerprints are
out of the system.
Pass Code Users (Not the Master Pass Code!)
You can create a series of pass codes to gain entry. If a person has
damaged fingerprints you can assign them a pass code. You can also
set up pass codes for your shift managers. A common use is to create a
pass code you can give out in case of emergencies. For example; you
are out of town & need to let a neighbor into your house. You tell them
the pass code. When you get home you simply delete that pass code.
*You can use any combination of all three enrollment options!
Examples of Different Enrollment Options
User Enrollment1TouchIQ2 Series Fingerprint Lock
Intelligent Biometric Controls, Inc.