The intellicorde r SH1006 is a ne w genera tion of visual digital reco rding door viewer, it
incorpo rate d the m ost a dvanced te chnical digital chipse t. W ith a unique a sse mb ly me thod,
use r can enjoy eas y and convenient installation witho ut the need of any wiring and any need
to alter or modify their current tra ditiona l peep -hole on the ir door construction. This is indeed
a simple, practical and ye t highly te chnolog ica lly ad vanced home security product.
Main features and functions
(1) 2.8” LCD d isplay screen
(2) Attractive & Fashio nable appea ra nce
(3) Easy to opera te and install, no wiring
(4) Indoo r host monitoring outs ide
(5) Infrared detection video / pho to
(6) O wn 256M built-in memory, easy to use
(7) Suppo rt SD ca rd extens ion, up to 32G
(8) Re cord the da te , time , the video le ngth, facilitate to provide valuable data whe n inquiry
(9) No radiation, lo w po wer co nsumption
(10) 3X digita l zoom
(11) 0.3 mega pixel high resolutio n
(12) Automatic po we r sa ving mode
1.4 Product specifications