IntelliCorder SH1006 User Manual

User Manual
Product Model: SH1006
Utility Model Patent No.: ZL201120121587.3
Design Patent No.: ZL201130075639.3
Standard No.: EN 55022 EN 55024
Dear Users,
Ple ase read the user m anual carefully befo re using this product a nd Kindly safe keep this
ma nual fo r future referen ce .
Safety Use Note:
Warning: P lea se insta ll the digita l door vie wer in the recommended p laces to e nsure safety.
To g uard against the explosion, please use the o riginal battery. Please ask for mainte nance from
qualified service profe ssionals.
Equipment Ma intena nce
• Do not shake and tap equip men t vio lently.
• If dust or wate r droplets sp lashing on the device, carefully wipe with a dry cloth .
• Do not use any ba tte ry charger ex cept the supplied one.
• Please charge with our specia lly equipped ba ttery cha rger.
Chapter I: Product information
1.1 Package contents
1.2 Product a ppearance
1.3 Ma in fea tures, functions
1.4 Ma in spe cifica tions
Chapter II: Install diagram
2.1 Structure chart
2.2 Installa tion pro ce ss
2.3 Batte ry insta llatio n and remo ve method
2.3.1 Batte ry installation me thod
2.3.2 Batte ry remove me thod
2.4 SD memory card insertion and remove
2.4.1 SD memo ry card inse rtion
2.4.2 SD memo ry ca rd re move
2.5 C lock battery repla ceme n t
2.5.1 Clock batte ry remove
2.5.2 Clock batte ry installation
2.6 C harge
Chapter III Intellicorder use instruction
3.1 Live mode
3.1.1 Syste m setting
3.1.2 Time se tting
3.1.3 Parame te rs setting
3.1.4 Playback setting
3.2 Re cord mode
Chapter IV FAQ
Chapter V Faultsolution and Precautions
Ple ase read the user manual carefully before using this product a nd Kindly safe keep this manual
fo r future reference .
1.1 Package contents
(1) Intellicorder indoor host 1pc
(2) Intellico rder outdoor host 1pc
(3) Indoo r host mounting plate 1pc
(4) Power a daptor 1pc
(5) Lithium batte ry 1pc
(6) Clock batte ry 1pc (Loaded. Not insta llatio n for will loss of po wer, fitted whe n using)
(7) Fixed nut 1pc
(8) Screw 2pcs
(9) Phillips scre wdrive r 1 pc
(10) Use r manual 1pc
In the event the pa ck ing accessories a re incomple te to ensure your interests, kind ly contact the
deale r or the company immedia tely.
Chapter I Product introduction
1.2 Product Appearance
1.3 Product features and functions
The intellicorde r SH1006 is a ne w genera tion of visual digital reco rding door viewer, it
incorpo rate d the m ost a dvanced te chnical digital chipse t. W ith a unique a sse mb ly me thod,
use r can enjoy eas y and convenient installation witho ut the need of any wiring and any need
to alter or modify their current tra ditiona l peep -hole on the ir door construction. This is indeed
a simple, practical and ye t highly te chnolog ica lly ad vanced home security product.
Main features and functions
(1) 2.8” LCD d isplay screen
(2) Attractive & Fashio nable appea ra nce
(3) Easy to opera te and install, no wiring
(4) Indoo r host monitoring outs ide
(5) Infrared detection video / pho to
(6) O wn 256M built-in memory, easy to use
(7) Suppo rt SD ca rd extens ion, up to 32G
(8) Re cord the da te , time , the video le ngth, facilitate to provide valuable data whe n inquiry
(9) No radiation, lo w po wer co nsumption
(10) 3X digita l zoom
(11) 0.3 mega pixel high resolutio n
(12) Automatic po we r sa ving mode
1.4 Product specifications
Item Spec. Rem a rk s
Indoor unit size 13 8mm *103mm *25mm
Outdoor unit s ize 18m m*Dia .50m m
Ma chine Pa rt
Adapter plate 10 0mm *78mm*9.5mm
Am b ient light
Working environment
Illum ina tion of the outdoor unit
20 lux3500 lux
The resolution of images on the indoor
monito r should not be less
tha n 200
(Ce n tra l le vel, under
80 0 lux condition)
MIC part
Capacitive Electret
Diameter 6MM Heigh t: 2.7MM
Sensitivity: 40 + /-3d B
Came ra Pixe l Width:640, Height:480 30 0K Pixel
Came ra Angle
Dia go nal:115+/-5 degrees
Ho rizontal:102+/-3 degrees
Vertical: 85+/-3 degrees
Came ra Part
Dig ital Zoom 3X digital zoom
Lo udspeake r Part
Lo udspeake r
Diameter20MM Powe r1W
Impedance 8 OHM
Dis play Type 24 0(R+G+B)*320 Dots
LC D Type 2.8 inch TFT LCD
Vie wing Direction 6 O ”colock
Dis play Screen
Backlight 4 LED white color
requ irem ents
Indoor Unit: IP30;
Outdoor Unit: IP3 3
Door Thick ness
Door thickness is: 35mm-55mm ,
55m m-85mm and 85mm -105mm.
Insta llatio n Pa rt
Door pe ep hole size Dia .15mm
Own memory 256M
Memory Extension
Max im um suppo rt 32G
SD ca rd an d
back wa rd co mpa tible
Batte ry Charger
10 0)
Input: 110 V to 240 V 50/60 Hz, 0.3 A
Output: Dc 5.0 V 1.0A
Batte ry Pa ck
Voltage /capa city: 3 .7 V, 1800 mAh
Power Pa rt
Clock batte ry Dia.20.0 th ick:3.2 3.0V CR2032
Infrared mo bile
monito ring
Dis tance Nea r: <1.5M ; Fa r: <2.5M
Am b ient
tem perature
-10 ℃~+55 ℃;
Relative Humidity 10 %~95 %;
Cond ition
Atm os pheric
86 kPa106 kPa
Include SD ca rd o r
no t
Optional a ccording to custome r’s
Include ba ttery Include 1pc 1800mAh lithium battery
La nguage Kinds of la nguage to set
Settings functio n time and date settings function
Slee p automatically Can a u tomatically go to sleep
File sa ve forma t JP EG,MP4
2.1 Intellicorder structure chart
host underside
host underside
host front
Chapter II Install diagram
Explain the various parts of the structure or button:
(1) Ba tte ry Co ve r (SD m emory card and lith ium battery inside )
(2) Lock bracket for batte ry cover
(3) Colo r LCD screen
(4) Return:
(5) Curs o r: △▽
(6) O K: co nfirm se tting
(7) Power: po we r on or powe r off
(8) C harge indicator (re d): whe n there the ex te rnal po we r adap tor is conne cted, light on
(9) New record ind ica to r (green): recording whe n in recording mode ,light on
(10) Speaker: Play the reco rded audio sound under record mode
(11) Charg ing interface
(12) RESET – use a pointer or alike to p re ss this bu tton to reset the unit
(13) Mode switch key: switch btw (R ECOR D) and (LIVE) mode
(14) Lens
(15) Microphone
(16) Infrare d motion-a ctivated Sensor – dete cts motio n up to 2-2.5m
2.2 Install proce ss
(1) Unscrew the sleeve out comple tely first from the outdoor p a rt, Remo ve the ba cking of
double-sided adhesive (p ic.2.1);
(2) Pass the Outdoo r slave thro ugh the pee phole, and s tick it to the outs ide of the door like
shown in pic.2.2;
slee ve
Double-s ided adhesive
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