IntelliBar All Series Printers, 48, 412, 88 User Manual

Label Printer
User’s Guide
For All Series Printer s
Changing the way the world prints labels…
The information disclosed in this document, including all designs and related materials, is the valuable property of IntelliTech International Incorporated (IntelliTech) and/or its li­censors. IntelliTech and/or its licensors, as appropriate, reserve all patent, copyright and other proprietary rights to this document, including all design, manufacturing, reproduc­tion, use, and sales rights thereto, except to the extent said rights are expressly granted to others.
The IntelliTech product(s) discussed in this document are warranted in accordance with the terms of the Warranty Statement accompanying each product. However, actual performance of each such product is dependent upon factors such as system configuration, customer data, and operator control. Since implementation by customers of each product may vary, the suitability of specific product configurations and applications must be determined by the customer and is not warranted by IntelliTech.
To allow for design and specification improvements, the information in this document is subject to change at any time, without notice. Reproduction of this document or portions thereof without prior written approval of IntelliTech is prohibited.
IntelliBar is a trademark of IntelliTech International, Inc.
Copyright 1998 - 2012
IntelliTech International Inc.
Hudson, MA 01749
All Rights Reserved
Preface........................................................................................................................ xi
General Information
Models 48 and 412.....................................................................................................1-2
Model 88.....................................................................................................................1-3
Hardware Description...............................................................................................1-5
Power Supply......................................................................................................1-5
Control Panel......................................................................................................1-5
Main Board.........................................................................................................1-5
Ribbon and Label Feed Mechanisms.................................................................1-7
Print Mechanism.................................................................................................1-9
Memory Expansion..................................................................................................1-10
User-Installable Options...................................................................................1-10
Factory-Installable Options.................................................................................1-11
Parallel Interface.................................................................................................1-14
IEEE 1284 Cable Requirements..................................................................1-14
Serial Interface....................................................................................................1-14
Data Transmission.......................................................................................1-15
Section 2 Setup
Unit Setup..................................................................................................................2-1
Connecting the Power Cord...............................................................................2-5
Connecting the Communicat i ons In t erface Cables............................................2-6
Label and Ribbon Requirements........................................................................2-10
IntelliBar Ribbons........................................................................................2-12
Ribbon/Label Combination................................................................................2-14
Loading Labels....................................................................................................2-15
Models 48 and 412.......................................................................................2-15
Model 88.......................................................................................................2-23
Installing the T hermal Ribbon...........................................................................2-26
Model 48 or 412...........................................................................................2-26
Model 88.......................................................................................................2-30
Print Head Removal and Installation.......................................................................2-34
Print Head Removal...........................................................................................2-35
Model 48 and Model 412.............................................................................2-35
Model 88.......................................................................................................2-38
Print Head Installation.......................................................................................2-40
Model 48 and 412.........................................................................................2-40
Model 88.......................................................................................................2-41
Print Head Voltage Adjustment.........................................................................2-42
Section 3 Unit Operation
Controls and Indicators......................................................................................3-1
Test Page......................................................................................................3-6
Bar Code......................................................................................................3-7
Menu Tree...........................................................................................................3-7
Default Factory Settings..............................................................................3-7
Changing Settings........................................................................................3-9
Controlling the Printer................................................................................3-20
LCD Display Messages.......................................................................................3-26
Printing Modes..........................................................................................................3-30
Standard Mode...................................................................................................3-30
Peel-Off Mode.....................................................................................................3-30
Tear-Off Mode....................................................................................................3-31
Cut-Off Mode......................................................................................................3-31
Section 4 Options
Memory Expansion....................................................................................................4-1
IntelliTech Internationa l Inc. O pti o ns......................................................................4-3
User-Installable Options.....................................................................................4-3
Factory-Installable Options.................................................................................4-3
Memory Expansion Module Installation (All Models).............................................4-4
Installing SIMMs................................................................................................4-7
Label Cutter Installation Procedure Overview (Model 48 and 412)
A. Remove the Standard Peel-Off Assembly (Model 48 and 412)
B. Install the Cutter Option (Model 48 and 412)
C. Configure the Printer to Use the Cutter (Model 48 and 412)
Internal Rewinder (Model 48 and 412)
Loading Labels
Loading Labels in Standard Mode
Loading Labels in Peel-Off Mode
Section 5 Cleaning and Adjustments
External Cleaning...............................................................................................5-1
Internal Cleaning................................................................................................5-1
Print Head...........................................................................................................5-3
Platen Roller........................................................................................................5-3
Print Position Adjustment.........................................................................................5-5
Print Head Voltage Adjustment................................................................................5-6
Correcting Poor Print Quality...................................................................................5-6
Print Head Adjustments.....................................................................................5-7
Media Mismatch.................................................................................................5-7
Resistance Value.................................................................................................5-7
Print Head Latch................................................................................................5-8
Print Speed..........................................................................................................5-8
Ribbon Guide Plate............................................................................................5-8
Bad Print Head...................................................................................................5-8
Mechanical Adjustments...........................................................................................5-9
Model 48 and 412..............................................................................................5-10
Label Width Guides (Model 48 and 412)..................................................5-10
Horizontal Print Head Alignment (Model 48 and 412)..............................5-11
Print Head Pressure Knob for Label Thickness (Model 48 and 412)........5-13
Print Head Balance Lever for Label Width Adjustment (Model 48
and 412)....................................................................................................5-14
Print Head Position Dial for Label Thickness Adjustment (Model 48
and 412)....................................................................................................5-15
Ribbon Guide Plate (Model 48 and 412).....................................................5-18
Sample Adjustment......................................................................................5-19
Timing Belt Tension Adjustment (Model 48 and 412)...............................5-20
Model 88..............................................................................................................5-21
Label Width and Pressure Adjustment (Model 88)....................................5-21
Label Thickness Dial (Model 88).................................................................5-23
Ribbon Tension Plate (Model 88)................................................................5-24
Print Density Adjustment..........................................................................................5-26
Section 6 Troubleshooting
Troubleshooting the Problem....................................................................................6-1
Using LCD Display Error Messages..........................................................................6-2
Correcting Print Quality...........................................................................................6-6
Top-Level Problem Solving.......................................................................................6-8
Common Questions and Answers.....................................................................6-17
Fax Form.............................................................................................................6-24
Appendix A Packing
Proprietary Notice and Liability Disclaimer
This IntelliBar User Guide contains the information necessary to set up and maintain the IntelliBar Models 48, 412, and 88 bar code printers.
The manual is organized as follows: A list of the abbreviations us ed in this manual follows the preface. Section 1 General Information provides an overview of the IntelliBar printers. This
chapter explains the main features of the printers and their options. This section also lists printer specifications.
Section 2 Setup describes how to set up the printer. Section 3 Unit Operation describes control panel buttons, status messages, menus, and
memory settings for the printer. Section 4 Options provides information on the various IntelliBar user and dealer
installable options, including installation procedures . Section 5 Cleaning and Adjustments contains instructions for cleaning and adjusting the
printer. Section 6 Troubleshooting provides troubleshooting aids that include error codes, test
samples, and troubleshooting procedures. This section also contains information on getting
service and support and printer warranty terms and limitations. Appendix A Packing provides packing information.
The Glossary at the end of this manual provides a list of IntelliBar and bar code printing terms and briefly defines each one.
For updates on IntelliBar printer specifications and other information about IntelliTech International, Inc. products, visit our web site at
"This information is subject to change wi thout notice. This information is provided "as is" wit hout either express or
implied warranty.
Tech shall not be liable in any event for any special, indirect or consequential damages or any damages whatsoever resulting from loss of data, profits or use, for any reason or in any action, arising out of or in connection with the use or performance of this information. "
Tech International, Inc. disclaims any and all warranties with regard to this information.
Aampere AC alternating current ACK acknowledge ASCII American Standard Code for
Information Interchange BIOS basic input/output system bit binary digit bp i bits per inch bps bits per second C centigrade CD carrier detect CLK clock cm cen timeter CM OS complementary me tal oxide
semiconductor COM communication CPU central processing unit cpi characters per inch CTS clear to send DACK DMA ackno wledge
FAX facsimile transmission FCC Federal Communications
Commission FG frame ground FRU field-replaceable unit GB gigabyte GND ground HEX hexadecimal HM I h orizontal motion ind ex HP Hewlett Packard Hz hertz IC integrat ed circuit ID identification in. inch IPB illustrated par ts breakdown I/O input/output ips inches pe r second IRQ interrupt request ISO Internat ional Standards
DC direct current DIP dual in- line pa ckage DMA direct memory access dpi dots per inch DRAM dynamic RA M DSR data set ready DT direct thermal application DTE data terminal equipment DTR data terminal ready EPROM erasable programmable
read-only memory
EEPROM electrically erasable
programmable read-only
memory ETX end-of-text F Fahrenheit
K kilo (1024) k kilo (1000) KB kilobyte kg kilogram kHz kilohertz LAN local area network lb pound LCD liquid crystal display LED light-emitting dio de lpi lines pe r inch LSB least-significant bit Mmega mA milliamps max maximum MB megabyte MHz megahertz
xiv Abbreviations
mm millimeter ms millisecond MSB most-significant bit NC not co nnected NMI non-maskable interrupt ns nanosecond PC personal computer PCB printed circuit bo ar d PCL p rinter control language PDL page descriptio n language pixel picture element p-p peak-to-peak PROM programmable ROM P.S. power supply RAM random-access memory ROM read-on ly memory rpm revolutions per minute
R read RD received data RTS request to send R/W read/write Sslave SD send data SG signal ground SIMM single inlin e memory mo dule STB strobe SW switch TD transmit data TG tag stock application TSC Technical Support Center TT thermal transfer applicatio n TTL transisto r / transist or logic tpi tracks per inch Vvolt Vdc volts, direct current VRAM virtual RAM Wwatt
"This information is subject to change without notice. This information is provided "as is" without either ex­press or implied warranty. Inc. disclaims any and all warranties with regard to this information. event for any special, indirect or consequential dam­ages or any damages whatsoever resulting from loss of data, profits or use, for any reason or in any action, arising out of or in connection with the use or per­formance of this information."
Tech International,
Tech shall not be liable in any
Section 1
General Information
Th e IntelliBar is a thermal label printer that us es ind ustry-sta ndard printer command languages t o produce high-resolution fonts, graphics, and bar co des o n t hermal transfer or direct thermal paper or s yn thetic rolls of labels o r tag stock.
Th e IntelliBar print er family consists of four series diffe rentiated by the printer comma n d language, emulation, and connectivity as listed in Table 1-1.
Table 1-1 IntelliBar Printer Product Line
Series Name Pri nter Command
IntelliBar Standard Series
IntelliBar AS Series AFP/IPDS,
IntelliBar ax Series SCS,
IntelliBar LPR Series IGP/PGL, IGP/VGL
Hewlett Packar d Printer Control Language 5 (HP PCL5)
Magnum Code V, HP PCL5
Emulation Connectivity
LaserJet III IEEE 1284 parallel,
RS-232/RS422C serial
IBM 4028 IEEE 1284 parallel,
RS-232/RS422C serial, 10BaseT Twinax or Coax
IBM 5020 10BaseT Twinax or Coax,
IEEE 1284 parallel, RS-232/RS422C serial
Printronix, Centronics, QMS
10BaseT Twinax or Coax, IEEE 1284 parallel, RS-232/RS422C serial
Each series consists of three models: Model 48, Model 412 and Model 88. All models print using either th e thermal transfer or dir ect thermal printing method d escribed later in this section. As standard features, all printers have 300 x 300 dots per inch (dpi) print resolution, par allel an d serial communicat ion ports, and label p eel- off ca pability. The In telliB ar AS, ax , and LPR Ser ies have the ad ditional standard feature of twinax and coax connectivity. Each model also features a control panel and LCD display for simple printer installa tio n and use (see “Co ntr ol Panel” in this section).
The Model 48 and Mo del 412 print labels up to a maximum width of 4.37 inches (111 mm). The Model 88 prints labels up to a maximum width of 8.65 inches (220 mm). Label length is model and memory dependent. I n the Model 48 and Model 412, memory can be expanded t o increase lab el leng th, overall printer per formance, and data throug hput. The I nte lliBar automat ically senses label length at power-on and provides a backfeeding capability used with tear-off, pee l-off, or cut -off printing modes.
1-2 General Information
Print output can include text and graphics in addition to high-density bar codes, ext ending t he IntelliBar printer’s versatility for any label prin ting need .
Depending on t h e IntelliBar model and the ma in board revision, ot her feature s inclu de:
an operating speed of up to 8 inches per seco nd (ips) for the Model 48 and Model
88, and 12 ips for t he Model 412. HP PCL 5 compatibility and LaserJe t III printer command set emulation with 14
bitmap and eight outline fonts ( in addition to specific printer command languages fo r th e var ious Int elliBar printer series as describ ed in Table 1-1). Support includes all PCL 5 commands and func tio n s wit h several additional co mmand extensions to deal with special printer featur es that ar e no t available in the HP LaserJet (see t he IntelliBar Programmer’s Reference Guide for more information).
a minimum of 2 MB of random-access memory (RAM) expandable (in the Model 48 and Model 412) using SIMM option inst allation (see “Memory Expansion” in t his section).
Features common to Models 48 and 412 are shown in Figure 1-1 and Figure 1-2 and described in the following subsections. For printer specifications, see “Specifications” in this section.
LCD Display
Control Pane l
Power Switch
Access Handle
Label Release Paper Slot
Label Exit Slot
Front Panel
Figure 1-1 Model 48 and Model 412 Features (Front and Left Side View)
General Information 1-3
Left Side Panel
External Label Entrance
Serial Port
Parallel Port
AC Power Inlet
Power Supply
Label Supply Spindle
Front Panel
Print Head
Print Head Release Lever
Ribbon Takeup Spindle
Ribbon Supply Spindle
Figure 1-2 Model 48 and Model 412 Features (Rear and Left Side View)
The features of the Model 88 are shown in Figure 1-3 and Figure 1-4 and described in the following subsections. For printer specifications, see “Specifications” in this section.
1-4 General Information
Access Handle (hidden)
Label Exit Slot
Front Panel
Figure 1-3 Model 88 Feature s (Front and Right Side View)
Control Panel
LCD Display
Ribbon T ak eup Spindle
Print Head
Label Supply Spindle
Power Switch
Print Head Release Latch
External Label Entrance Slot
Serial Port
Parallel Port
Ribbon Supply Spindle
AC Power Inlet
Power Supply
Figure 1-4 Model 88 Features (Rear and Left Side View)
General Information 1-5
Printer operat ions are coordinated by control panel settings and the main boar d components under DC voltage from t he po wer supply. The fo llowing subsections describe how pr inting is carried o u t.
power supply co ntrol pa nel
main board
ribbo n and paper feed mechanisms
print mechanism (printer engine)
Power Supply
Alt er nat ing current (AC) is fed directly into the po wer supply and converted into the various DC voltages that drive and cont r ol printer operat ion (+5 V, +12 V, - 12 V, +18 V, +24 V). The power supply contains one replaceable fuse.
Control Panel
The contro l panel contains t he LCD display, power and alert indicators, and butto ns that allow you t o cont rol and monitor printer operation. The 2-line display provides printer status and err or messages and the printer settings menu tree. The power indicator shows whether the printer is turned on or off, while the alert indicator shows whether the print er has a fault or error condition that may affect o per ation. The co nt r ol panel buttons allow yo u to view or change the printer settings (user parameters) via the menu tree.
For more infor mation, see Sect ion 3, “Unit Operation.”
Main Board
The main board (located behind the right side panel) controls communications between the computer and printer engine and coor dinates the printer’s logic and mechanical functions. The printing pro cess begins when t he co mputer sends dat a to the main board thro ugh either the serial or parallel interface. T he main bo ar d r eceives and int er pr ets the data (HP LaserJet emulation and HP PCL language), develops the data in RAM, transmits the data t o the print head for thermal tr ansference, and coordinates the paper and ribbon feeding mechanisms.
Th e main boar d is fun ctionally divided into two a reas: t he main or control area fo r image (video) processing and the sub area for engine contr ol and print processing.
Figure 1-5 and Figure 1-6 show t he locations of the connectors on each main board revision.
1-6 General Information
CN11 (Power) 6-pin
CN7 (Power) 2-pin
CN6 (Print Head) 14-pin
CN8 (Front Panel Open) 4-pin
CN4 (Label Sensor Diode) 2-pin
CN3 (Label Sensor LED) 3-pin
CN2 (Label Cutter Option)
CN1 (Ribbon Present) 4-pin
CN5 (Print Head Open /Closed) 4-pin
CN13 (Control Panel Print Mode - Peel, Cut, Rewind) 10-pin
CN12 (Power) 4-pin
P3 (Control Panel) 26-pin
CN14 (Model 412 Pre-Heater) 2-pin
CN17 (Stepper Motor) 4-pin
CN16 (Stepper Motor) 6-pin
P2 (Serial) 25-pin
P1 (Parallel) 36-pin
Figure 1-5 Main Board Revision 12, 13, or 14 Connector Locations
General Information 1-7
CN 6 (Print Head) 14-pin
CN 8 (Front P anel
O p en) 4-pin
CN 4 (Label S ensor
Diode) 2-pin
CN3 (Lab el S ensor LE D ) 3-pin
CN2 (Lab el
C utte r Optio n ) 5-pin
CN1 (R ibbon Present) 4-pin
CN 5 (Print Head O p en/Closed
P3 (Control Panel) 26-pin
CN13 (C ontrol P anel P rint M od e - P eel, Cut, Rewind) 10-pin
CN 11 (P ow er) 6-pin
CN7 (Pow er) 2-pin
CN 12 (P ow er) 4-pin
CN14 ( Powe r fo r Mo del 412 Pre-Heater ) 2-pin
CN17 (Stepper Motor Power) 4-pin
CN 16 (S tepper M otor) 6-pin
P2 (S erial) 25-pin
P1 (P arallel) 36-pin
Parallel Port Bus Connector
Figure 1-6 Main Board Revision 15 and 16 Connector Locations
Ribbon and Label Feed Mechanisms
This section describes the thermal transfer printing process carried out by the ribbon and label feed mech anisms.
ribbon is required a nd heat se nsitive labels or tag stock are printed on directly, is not described in t his section.
During the thermal tr ansfer process, the ribbon and label feed mechanisms move the ribbon and labels between the platen and t hermal print head. T his confined space causes the ribbon to pr ess against the label. Ink fro m the ribbon is applied to the label each time it crosses the print head by the heating of individual print head elements (resistor s) . The combination of heat from the resistors and pressure between t he ribbon and label lays down the printed image.
Direct thermal printing, where no
1-8 General Information
The ribbo n is fed by the stepper mot or and is controlled by the main boar d and LED sensor settings (ribbon end sensor).
During the printing process, t he label feed mechanism moves the label from the supply roller to the thermal print head and platen. Labels are fed by the stepper motor and by friction with the ribbon. Label feeding is coordinated by the main board, s ensor se ttings ( label sensor), and the co nt r ol panel (see Section 3 for contro l panel settings that affect label feeding).
Figure 1-7 shows a simplified view o f how thermal transference works. A cut-away diagram of the ribbon and label feed mechanism subassemblies for the Mo del 48 and 412 printers is provided in Figure 1-8.
NOTE: The ribbon and label feed subassemblies in the Model 88 printer differ in appearance from the Model 48 and 412, but the theory of operation is essentially identical as described below.
When the label and ribbon are fed between the platen and thermal print head, the label se nsor detects the loca tio n of the 0 .08 -inch (2 mm) minimum gap between the lab els o n the paper roll and thus determines the pos ition of the first print line on t he label. A print command is then sent to the thermal print head by the engine control processor on the main board (see “Print Mechanism”).
Simultaneously, heat builds up in the thermal head heater, which contains a bank of resistor s that selectively heat up, forming a printable image. The heat t r ansfers ink on the ribbon t o areas on the label surface t hat correspond to the heat ed r esistors. This process fuses the image to t he label.
Thermal Head
Thermal Transfer Ink
Transferred Ink
Figure 1-7 Thermal Transference
General Information 1-9
Ribbon Supply Spindle
Stepper Motor
Label Supply Spindle
Figure 1-8 Ribbon and La bel Feed Mechanisms (Model 48 and 412)
Print Mechanism
Ribbon Take-Up Spindle
Label Width Guide
Print Head (Open)
Label Exit Slot
Sensor Plate
Printer engine functions are controlled by t he engine control processor on the main board sub-area. The engine control processo r sends cont rol signals in response t o commands and data received from the computer via the PC/AT co r e. T he co ntr ol and data signals heat the thermal print head element s ( r esisto r s) as previously described in “Ribbon and Paper Feed Mechanisms.” Control and data signals from the engine control processor also drive the stepper motor fo r feeding the ribbon and labels through the printer. When the label or ribbon s ensors d etect that the printer has r un out of labels or ribbon (or w hen label jams occur), the information is relayed from the engine control processor, and t he appropriat e message appears on the contro l panel LCD (see Section 3 for display messages).
Depending on print speed, a specified “high” o r “low” voltage is sent from the power supply to the heater inside the thermal print head. During normal speed printing (2.4 ips to 12 ips) typically used with wax ribbons, the power supply provides a “high” voltage of approximately 24V. This vo ltage can be changed using the cont r ol panel menu buttons (see “Print Head Volt age Adjustment” in Section 5).
During low speed printing (0.6 ips to 1.6 ips) typically used with resin ribbons, a “low” voltage of approximat ely 12V is used. This voltage can also be changed using the control panel menu buttons (see “Print Head Voltage Adjustment ” in Section 5).
1-10 General Information
Print speed is controlled by sending the appro pr iate st r obe (STB) pulse (STB1 or STB2 applied pulse) according to t he t emperatur e information sent from the print head thermist or. For high speed printing (10 ips to 12 ips), the print head is pre-heat ed to an optimum head temperature of 50o C per resistor. I f the head temperatur e exceeds 70o C, printing stops and a head temperature message is reported on the control panel (see Section 2 for display messages).
NOTE: During print ing, the actual temperature of a resistor can exceed 200o C for a few milliseconds.
Depending on t he main b oard revision installed in the printer, memory expansion ca n be done in the Int elliBar Mo del 48 and 412 through the purchase of industry-standard, user­inst allable, SIMM memor y modules made for Apple or PC products. SIMM modules are available from retail or mail order compute r hardware suppliers. T h ese modu les install in pairs in two expansion slots on the main boar d and increase the printer’s standard memory capacity fro m the standard 2 MB to a maximum o f 10 MB.
NOTE: The Model 88 contains a total of 10 MB o f sta ndard print er memory which is not expandable.
See Table 4-1 and Table 4-2 in Sectio n 4 for memory installat ion guidelines and procedures.
IntelliTech I nternational, Inc. option s for the Int elliBar printer ar e divid ed into two categor ies: user-installable and factory-inst allable. Each cat egory is described below. Section 4 provides additio nal information on IntelliTech International, Inc. printer options (including installation procedures and dealer order numbers) .
User-Installable Options
Us er installable opt ions for the IntelliBar Models 4 8 and 412 include the following.
Label Cutter (Model 2401) — Let s you quickly print and process labels for immediate application . This use r-installable opt ion fits in the front panel in pla ce of the standard peel-off assembly. You must also remove the tear bar from above the platen roller ( see Section 3 for label cutter installation procedures).
General Information 1-11
The cutter is designed for users who require on-demand label print ing (usually one label at a t ime) and the convenience of a label precut and ready to apply. The printer can be pro gr ammed to print a number of labels (up to 32, 767) and then perform the cut function.
The cutter is designed to cut o nly paper or synthetic label backing (liner) and can also c ut co ntinuous med ia that c ontains no rubber ba s ed adhesives.
NOTE: The maximum t h ickness of labels used with the cutter option is 0.005 in. (0. 127 mm).
External Rewinder (Model 2402) — Mounts in front of the printer and rewinds
labels. Allows you t o output labels t hat can be conveniently spooled for storage or shipment to anoth er location .
Factory-Installable Options
Fa ctory-inst allable option s for the IntelliBar Mode ls 48 and 412 include the following.
Internal Rewinder (Model 2405) — This option mo unt s inside the IntelliBar and can be used to spoo l printed media (labels and backing paper) for convenient stor age or transport ation o f labels in volume quantity. You can also use the rewinder option to spoo l only the backing paper in peel-off print mode.
Reflective Label Sensor (Model 2404) — This field- or dealer-installable option replaces the printer’s standard, t r ansmissive (see-through) label sensor. This option reflects light off the black stripe when tag o r ticket stock is fed through t he printer and thereby detects the label’s home position (used for determining the first print line on the label). This option can also be used on butt-cut o r specialty die-cut labels.
1-12 General Information
Table 1-2 lists printer spec ificat ions for the IntelliBar St anda rd series. Specificat ions for the In telliB ar AS Series, ax S eries, an d LPR Series are the s ame except as differ entiate d in Table 1-1 for the printer command language, emulat ion, and connectivit y.
specifications and other informatio n about IntelliTech International, Inc. product s, visit our Web sit e at
Table 1-2 IntelliBar Standard Series Specifications
Feature Model 48, 48E Model 412, 412E Model 88, 88E
Print method Thermal transfer or direct thermal Resolution 300 x 300 dots per inch (11.81 dots per mm)
For updates on IntelliBar print er
http://www.intellibar.c o m
Print widths 4.37" (111 mm) maxim um) 8.65 in. (220 mm)
maximum Print length (standar d)* 14 in. (356 m m) 28 in. (711. 2 mm) 14 in. ( 356 mm) Print length
(maximum)* Print speed .6 in. up to 8 in. per
Memory 2 MB standard, 10 MB
Dimensions 12.4 in. H x 9.4 in. W x 16 in. D
Control Panel LCD, 16 character, 2 line status and error displ ay Interface IEEE 1284 (parall el) and RS-232C/RS-422C (serial)
Emulation Hewlett Packard LaserJet III (HP PCL 5, HP GL/2) Fonts 14 bit map fonts, 8 AGFA IntelliFont scalable typefaces (CG Times, Univers
Bar codes UPC-A, UPC-E, EAN/JAN-13, EAN/JAN-8, UPC/EAN ext ension (2 of 5 digi t
99 in. (2,515 mm) 99 i n. (2,515 mm) 99 i n. ( 2,515 mm)
.6 in. up to 12 in. per
(315 H mm x 239 m m W x 406 mm D)
supplemental), 3 of 9 ( Code 39), Extended 3 of 9, Interleaved 2 of 5, Code 128, Codebar, Zip +4, Postnet, MSI Plessey, Code 93, Extended 93, UCC-128, HIBC, PDF417
second 2 MB standard, 10 MB
Baud rate: 1200 - 38, 400 bps
.6 in. up to 8 in. per
10 MB standard (not
13.2 in. H x 14.4 in. W
x 17 in. D (335 mm H x
366 mm W x 432 mm D)
Electrical 115 VAC + 10%, 50/60 Hz.
230 VAC + 10% 50/60 Hz IEEE 1284 compl iant cable required
* See Section 2 for pri nt media specif ications.
General Information 1-13
Table 1-2 IntelliBar Standard Series Specifications
Feature Model 48, 48E Model 412, 412E Model 88, 88E
Operating environment 41o F – 104o F (5o C – 40 C); below 85%
non-condensing humidi t y
Agency certifications UL-1950, C-UL, FCC Class A (115 VAC); TUV EN69050, CE mark (230 VAC) User-installabl e options Label Backing Cutter: Model No. 2401**
External Label Rewinder: Model No. 2402
Factory-install ed options
Warr ant y ( U. S) One-year l imited warranty; printhead warranted for 90 days or 500,000 linear
Media Die cut and continuous paper stocks, synthetic stocks, tag st ock, t icket stock Label finishing Standard: Cont inuous, tear off and on-demand peel off (self strip). Cut off:
Label specifications Label print width: .75 in. min. to 4.37 in. max.
Reflective Sensor (Model 2404) Internal Rewinder (Model 2405)
inches, whichever comes first
(19 mm to 111 mm)
Label print length: .5 in. minimum . to 99 in. maximum *** (13 mm to 2,515 m m) Minimum. label gap: .125 in. (3.2 mm) Maximum label thickness: .01 i n. (.245 mm) Maximum roll diameter: 8 in. (203 m m); 7 in.(178
mm) with Internal Rewinder installed Inner core diameter: 3 in. (76. 2 mm)
Label Cutter: 240X
Reflective Sensor 240X Internal Rewinder 240X
4.37 in. m inimum to
8.65 in. m aximum (111 mm to 222 mm)
8 in. (203 m m)
Label web width: .75 in. m in. to 4.56 in. max. (19 mm to 116 mm)
Ribbon types Express W ax for hi gh- speed printing up t o 12 inches per second
Dura Wax for econom ical printing Rugged Resin for durability and smudge resistance Dura Resin Plus for chemical, heat and scrat ch r esistance
Dura Wax/Resin for monochromatic color pri nt i ng Ribbon length Wax Ribbons: 1, 475 f eet (450 m eters); Resin Ribbons: 984 f eet (300 m eters) Ribbon widths 1.06 in., 2.12 in. , 3.27 in., 4.37 in.
(27 mm, 54 mm, 83 m m, 111 mm)
** Not int ended for use with rubber-based adhesives. *** Wi t h addi t ional optional memory i nst alled and page protect turned off.
4.56 in. m in. to 9.5 in. max. (116 m m to 241 mm)
4.37 in., 7 i n. , 8. 65 in. (111 mm, 178 mm, 222 mm)
1-14 General Information
This section descr ibes IntelliBar interfaces for communicating with the host computer or network co mputer. T he printer is equipped with two interface communication ports:
36-pin IEEE 1284 parallel (connector P1)
25-pin RS-232C serial/RS-422 serial (connector P2)
To select the interface, use the control panel menu tree as described in Section 3.
Parallel Interface
This section descr ibes the IntelliBar parallel por t interf ace. The IEEE 1284 parallel input allows no parameters. It always accepts 8-bit data with no
parity. For communication functions, it reserves the same set of characters reserved by the serial po r t, wit h t he exception of X-ON and X-OFF characters.
Note that the IEEE 1284 parallel interface is essentially an input- only channel. The parallel port communicat es in one direction, which is from the host computer to the printer.
IEEE 1284 Cable Requirements
The cable co nnected to the parallel int er face port must be fully shielded and fitted with t he proper connector shell. Keep parallel cables as shor t as possible (8 ft. maximum) and do not rout e or connect them near electrical conduits or high-voltage po wer lines.
To ensure the cable meets IEEE 1284 specifications, a cable labeled IEEE-1284 compliant is required and is a simple wa y to guarantee good cable desig n . A cable with this label contains the IEEE 1284-standard of 36 twisted-pair wires and is properly shielded.
Serial Interface
This section descr ibes the IntelliBar serial interface. I nt e lliBar serial co mmunica tio ns meets the follo wing specifications:
8 data bits per character
no p arity
one start bit
one stop bit
Three parameters are used to control serial communicatio n: channel, baud rate, and options.
General Information 1-15
The baud rate is given as an integer (such as 1200 or 9600), and t he maximum supported baud rate is 38,400 bits per second (bps). Standard baud rates suppor ted by the IntelliBar are as follo ws.
4800 9600
Data Transmission
The printer uses Robust X–ON/X–OFF prot ocol to contro l transmitted and received character flow.
At power-on, the serial contr oller carries out communicat ion as soon as the hardware and software are initia lized. Hence, the first cha racter sent in X-ON/X-OFF mode will be X-ON (rather than X-OFF).
Available in Menu Mode using the control panel menu buttons, Robust X-ON/X-OFF flow cont rol det ermines if ad ditional X-ONs should be transmitted.
If Robust X-O N/X-ON is set to ON (th e default), additional X-ONs will be transmitted at one second intervals unt il data is received. I f it is set to OFF using the control panel (see Section 3), no additional X-ONs are sent.
NOTE: Th e information in this section is subject to change without notice. This information is provided "as is " wit hou t either express or implied warranty. IntelliTech International, I n c. d isclaims any and all warranties with regard to this information. IntelliTech shall not b e liable in any event for any special, indirect or consequential damages or any damages whatsoever resulting from loss of data, profits or use, for any reason or in any action, arising out of or in connection with the use or performance of this information.
Section 2
Th is section provides p rint er setup information, wh ich includes inst ruc tio n s on connecting power and interface cables, replacing the thermal ribbo n, and replacing the label roll. See Sect ion 3 for in struction s on in sta lling memory a nd printer opt ions.
In additio n, t his section includes instructions on printin g test labels to chec k pr inter operat ion before performing service or as a check after performing service.
Th is sec tio n also provides information on using the p rint er’s con trol pa nel buttons to affect operat ion. Contr ol panel LED indicators, status messages, menu descriptions, and factory settings of printer operating parameters are described. The 2-line by 16-charact er liquid crystal display (LCD) on the control panel shows the printer’s operational stat us, error codes, and parameter values. The LCD also displays the menus used t o change printer parameters.
Printer operat ion and print quality are affected by the environment in which the printer is placed. When setting up the printer or do ing any service procedure, always be sure the printer meets the environmental specifications listed below and the media specifications in Section 1 of this manual. If the print er has not yet been unpacked (or t o repack it for shipping), see Appendix A fo r unpacking/packing procedur es.
Th e IntelliBar is designed to function reliably even under ha rsh c onditio ns, s uch as th ose that might be present in manufact ur ing or warehouse environment s.
Optimu m print quality is achieved under the follow ing condition s:
Temperature: 41° to 104° F (5° to 40° C)
Relative humidity: 15 to 85%
To maintain the best conditions for trouble-free operation, observe t he following enviro nmental standards.
Place the printer in a well-ventilated area. Adequat e clearance should be provided
on all sides of the unit to allow heat to dissipate.
A minimum of 14 inches of clearance is needed above the Model 48 and 412
printers to open the hinged access door o n t he left side of the unit. Fo r the Model 88, a minimum of 11 inches is needed to open t he t op cover.
2-2 Setup
Note the printer dimensions and the clearance guidelines shown in the fo llowing figures.
Wit h t he front panel open on the Model 48 and 412, the dist ance from the front of the printer to t he back (printer depth) is 24.5 inches
24.50 Inches
Front Panel
Figure 2-1 Printer Depth (Model 48 and 412)
With the left side cover open, t he distance from the left side of the Model 48 and Model 412 to the right side (printer width) is 17 inches.
Setup 2-3
17.00 Inches
Figure 2-2 Printer Width (Model 48 and 412)
With the left side cover completely open, the distance from the bott om of the Model 48 and Model 412 t o the top (printer height ) is 24.25 inches.
2-4 Setup
24.25 Inches
Figure 2-3 Printer Height (Model 48 and 412)
The following figure shows the width and height specifications fo r the Model 88 printer with the top and side covers open.
Top Cover
Setup 2-5
Side Cover
Figure 2-4 Printer Clearances (Model 88)
Keep the printer away from direct sunlight.
Do not expo se the printer to extreme changes in temperature, as might occur near a heating or air condit ioning unit.
Place the printer away from devices that generate str ong magnetic fields such as electric mo tors or t ransformers.
Connecting the Power Cord
The power cor d supplied with the printer plugs into the ac inlet connector on the back of the printer. The ot her (male) end of the power cord plugs into a properly grounded, three­prong wall receptacle or other grounded po wer outlet. Always ensure the power switch is in the OFF position before plugging in the cord. Figure 2-5 shows the location of the power cord inlet connector and power switch and explains the power switch markings.
2-6 Setup
Th e power source for the IntelliBa r is either 110Vac ±10%, 50/60Hz or 220Vac ±10%, 50/60Hz (for “E” Versions). Voltage higher or lower than specified can cause printer malfunctions.
The electric power line should be free fro m electric noise caused by other machines. A dedica ted power line for th e IntelliBar, separate fr om noise p roducing equipmen t, is reco mmende d and must be in close pr oximity to the pr in ter. I f a separate line (for e xample, a different wall receptacle) is not available, use a noise filter (pur chasable from an electrical supplies dealer).
CAUTION: Turn off the printer before plugging in the power cord, and always use a properly­grounded power outlet.
Power Switch 0=Off 1=On
Figure 2-5 Connecting Power
Connecting the Communications Interface Cables
The following subsections describe how t o install the communications int er face cable in the In telliBar s tandar d, AS Series, and ax S eries printers.
Standard IntelliBar Communications Interface
The back of the print er has one RS-232C/RS - 422 serial inter face port and one Cent r onics parallel interface port.
Figure 2-6 identifies the interface port s. When plugging in the interface cable, observe the alignment shape of the connectors to
ensure proper co nnection.
CAUTION: Turn off the computer and printer before installing or removing any interface cable.
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