Intel Corporation N80960SB-16, N80960SB-10, S80960SB-10, S80960SB-16 Datasheet

Intel Corporation assumes no responsibility for the use of any circuitry other than circuitry embodied in an Intel product. No other circuit patent licenses are implied. Information contained herein supersedes previously published specifications on these devices from Intel. © INTEL CORPORATION, 1993 November 1993 Order Number: 272207-002
The 80960SB is a member of Intel’s i960® 32-bit processor family, which is designed especially for low cost embedded applications. It includes a 512-byte instruction cache, an integrated floating-point unit and a built-in interrupt controller. The 80960SB has a large register set, multiple parallel execution units and a 16-bit burst bus. Using advanced RISC technology, this high performance processor is capable of execution rates in excess of 5 million instructions per second
. The 80960SB is well-suited for a wide range of cost sensitive embedded
applications including non-impact printers, network adapters and I/O controllers.
Figure 1. The 80960SB Processor’s Highly Parallel Architecture
* Relative to Digital Equipment Corporation’s VAX-11/780 at 1 MIPS (VAX-11™ is a trademark of Digital Equipment
High-Performance Embedded Architecture
— 16 MIPS* Burst Execution at 16 MHz — 5 MIPS Sustained Execution at 16 MHz
512-Byte On-Chip Instruction Cache
— Direct Mapped — Parallel Load/Decode for Uncached
Multiple Register Sets
— Sixteen Global 32-Bit Registers — Sixteen Local 32-Bit Registers — Four Local Register Sets Stored
— Register Scoreboarding
Pin Compatible with 80960SA
Built-in Interrupt Controller
— 4 Direct Interrupt Pins — 31 Priority Levels, 256 Vectors
Built-In Floating Point Unit
— Fully IEEE 754 Compatible
Easy to Use, High Bandwidth 16-Bit Bus
— 25.6 Mbytes/s Burst — Up to 16 Bytes Transferred per Burst
32-Bit Address Space, 4 Gigabytes
80-Lead Quad Flat Pack (EIAJ QFP)
— 84-Lead Plastic Leaded Chip Carrier
Software Compatible with
80960KA/KB/CA/CF Processors
64- BY 32-BIT
1.0 THE i960® PROCESSOR ...........................................................................................................................1
1.1 Key Performance Features .................................................................................................................2
1.1.1 Memory Space And Addressing Modes ...................................................................................4
1.1.2 Data Types ...............................................................................................................................4
1.1.3 Large Register Set ...................................................................................................................4
1.1.4 Multiple Register Sets ..............................................................................................................5
1.1.5 Instruction Cache .....................................................................................................................5
1.1.6 Register Scoreboarding ...........................................................................................................5
1.1.7 Floating-Point Arithmetic ..........................................................................................................6
1.1.8 High Bandwidth Bus ................................................................................................................6
1.1.9 Interrupt Handling ....................................................................................................................7
1.1.10 Debug Features .....................................................................................................................7
1.1.11 Fault Detection .......................................................................................................................7
1.1.12 Built-in Testability ...................................................................................................................7
1.1.13 CHMOS ..................................................................................................................................7
2.0 ELECTRICAL SPECIFICATIONS............................................................................................................. 11
2.1 Power and Grounding ....................................................................................................................... 11
2.2 Power Decoupling Recommendations .............................................................................................. 11
2.3 Connection Recommendations ......................................................................................................... 11
2.4 Characteristic Curves ....................................................................................................................... 11
2.5 Test Load Circuit ...............................................................................................................................13
2.6 ABSOLUTE MAXIMUM RATINGS* ..................................................................................................14
2.7 DC Characteristics ............................................................................................................................14
2.8 AC Specifications ..............................................................................................................................15
3.0 MECHANICAL DATA ...............................................................................................................................20
3.1 Packaging .........................................................................................................................................20
3.2 Pin Assignment .................................................................................................................................20
3.3 Pinout ................................................................................................................................................22
3.4 Package Thermal Specifications ......................................................................................................26
4.0 WAVEFORMS...........................................................................................................................................27
5.0 REVISION HISTORY ................................................................................................................................33
Figure 1 The 80960SB Processor’s Highly Parallel Architecture ................................................................0
Figure 2 80960SB Programming Environment ...........................................................................................1
Figure 3 Instruction Formats ......................................................................................................................4
Figure 4 Multiple Register Sets Are Stored On-Chip ..................................................................................6
Figure 5 Connection Recommendation for LOCK
Figure 6 Typical Supply Current vs. Case Temperature ........................................................................... 12
Figure 7 Typical Current vs. Frequency (Room Temp) .............................................................................12
Figure 8 Typical Current vs. Frequency (Hot Temp) .................................................................................13
Figure 9 Capacitive Derating Curve .........................................................................................................13
Figure 10 Test Load Circuit for Three-State Output Pins ............................................................................ 13
Figure 11 Drive Levels and Timing Relationships for 80960SB Signals ..................................................... 15
Figure 12 Processor Clock Pulse (CLK2) ...................................................................................................18
Figure 13 RESET
Signal Timing .................................................................................................................18
Figure 14 HOLD Timing ..............................................................................................................................19
Figure 15 80-Lead EIAJ Quad Flat Pack (QFP) Package ..........................................................................20
Figure 16 84-Lead Plastic Leaded Chip Carrier (PLCC) Package .............................................................21
Figure 17 Non-Burst Read and Write Transactions Without Wait States ....................................................27
Figure 18 Quad Word Burst Read Transaction With 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 Wait States ................................ 28
Figure 19 Burst Write Transaction With 2, 1, 1, 1 Wait States (6-8 Bytes Transferred) ..............................29
Figure 20 Accesses Generated by Quad Word Read Bus Request,
Misaligned One Byte from Quad Word Boundary 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 Wait States 30
Figure 21 Interrupt Acknowledge Cycle ......................................................................................................31
Figure 22 Cold Reset Waveform ................................................................................................................32
Table 1 80960SB Instruction Set ..............................................................................................................3
Table 2 Memory Addressing Modes .........................................................................................................4
Table 3 Sample Floating-Point Execution Times (
µs) at 16 MHz ..............................................................6
Table 4 80960SB Pin Description: Bus Signals ........................................................................................8
Table 5 80960SB Pin Description: Support Signals ................................................................................10
Table 6 DC Characteristics .....................................................................................................................14
Table 7 80960SB AC Characteristics (10 MHz) ......................................................................................16
Table 8 80960SB AC Characteristics (16 MHz) ......................................................................................17
Table 9 80960SB QFP Pinout — In Pin Order ........................................................................................ 22
Table 10 80960SB QFP Pinout — In Signal Order ...................................................................................23
Table 11 80960SB PLCC Pinout — In Pin Order ......................................................................................24
Table 12 80960SB PLCC Pinout — In Signal Order ................................................................................. 25
Table 13 80960SB QFP Package Thermal Characteristics ......................................................................26
Table 14 80960SB PLCC Package Thermal Characteristics .................................................................... 26
The 80960SB is a member of the 32-bit architecture from Intel known as the i960 processor family. These microprocessors were especially designed to serve the needs of embedded applications. The embedded market includes applications as diverse as industrial automation, avionics, image processing, graphics and networking. These types of applications require high integration, low power consumption, quick interrupt response times and high performance.
Since time to market is critical, embedded micropro­cessors need to be easy to use in both hardware and software designs.
All members of the i960 processor family share a common core architecture which utilizes RISC technology so that, except for special functions, the family members are object-code compatible. Each new processor in the family adds its own special set of functions to the core to satisfy the needs of a specific application or range of applications in the embedded market.
Figure 2. 80960SB Programming Environment
g0 g15
r0 r15
0000 0000H
1.1 Key Performance Features
The 80960SB architecture is based on the most recent advances in microprocessor technology and is grounded in Intel’s long experience in the design and manufacture of embedded microprocessors. Many features contribute to the 80960SB’s excep­tional performance:
1. Large Register Set. Having a large number of registers reduces the number of times that a processor needs to access memory. Modern compilers can take advantage of this feature to optimize execution speed. For maximum flexi­bility, the 80960SB provides thirty-two 32-bit registers and four 80-bit floating point registers. (See Figure 2.)
2. Fast Instruction Execution. Simple functions make up the bulk of instructions in most programs so that execution speed can be improved by ensuring that these core instruc­tions are executed as quickly as possible. The most frequently executed instructions — such as register-register moves, add/subtract, logical operations and shifts — execute in one to two cycles. (Table 1 contains a list of instruc­tions.)
3. Load/Store Architecture. One way to improve execution speed is to reduce the number of times that the processor must access memory to perform an operation. As with other processors based on RISC technology, the 80960SB has a Load/Store architecture. As such, only the LOAD and STORE instructions reference memory; all other instructions operate on registers. This type of architecture simplifies instruction decoding and is used in combination with other techniques to increase parallelism.
4. Simple Instruction Formats. All instructions in the 80960SB are 32 bits long and must be aligned on word boundaries. This alignment makes it possible to eliminate the instruction alignment stage in the pipeline. To simplify the instruction decoder, there are only five instruction formats; each instruction uses only one format. (See Figure 3.)
5. Overlapped Instruction Execution. Load operations allow execution of subsequent instructions to continue before the data has been returned from memory, so that these instructions can overlap the load. The 80960SB manages this process transparently to software through the use of a register score­board. Conditional instructions also make use of a scoreboard so that subsequent unrelated instructions may be executed while the condi­tional instruction is pending.
6. Integer Execution Optimization. When the result of an arithmetic execution is used as an operand in a subsequent calculation, the value is sent immediately to its destination register. At the same time, the value is put on a bypass path to the ALU, thereby saving the time that otherwise would be required to retrieve the value for the next operation.
7. Bandwidth Optimizations. The 80960SB gets optimal use of its memory bus bandwidth because the bus is tuned for use with the on­chip instruction cache: instruction cache line size matches the maximum burst size for instruction fetches. The 80960SB automatically fetches four words in a burst and stores them directly in the cache. Due to the size of the cache and the fact that it is continually filled in anticipation of needed instructions in the program flow, the 80960SB is relatively insen­sitive to memory wait states. The benefit is that the 80960SB delivers outstanding performance even with a low cost memory system.
8. Cache Bypass. If a cache miss occurs, the processor fetches the needed instruction then sends it on to the instruction decoder at the same time it updates the cache. Thus, no extra time is spent to load and read the cache.
Table 1. 80960SB Instruction Set
Data Movement Arithmetic Logical Bit and Bit Field
Load Store Move Load Address
Add Subtract Multiply Divide Remainder Modulo Shift Extended Multiply Extended Divide
And Not And And Not Or Exclusive Or Not Or Or Not Nor Exclusive Nor Not Nand Rotate
Set Bit Clear Bit Not Bit Check Bit Alter Bit Scan For Bit Scan Over Bit Extract Modify
Comparison Branch Call/Return Fault
Compare Conditional Compare Compare and Increment Compare and Decrement
Unconditional Branch Conditional Branch Compare and Branch
Call Call Extended Call System Return Branch and Link
Conditional Fault Synchronize Faults
Debug Miscellaneous Decimal Floating Point
Modify Trace Controls Mark Force Mark
Atomic Add Atomic Modify Flush Local Registers Modify Arithmetic
Controls Scan Byte for Equal Test Condition Code
Move Add with Carry Subtract with Carry
Move Real Scale Round Square Root Sine Cosine Tangent Arctangent Log Log Binary Log Natural Exponent Classify Copy Real Extended Compare
Synchronous Conversion
Synchronous Load Synchronous Move
Convert Real to Integer Convert Integer to Real
Figure 3. Instruction Formats
Compare and Branch
Register to Register
Memory Access--­Short
Memory Access--­Long
Opcode Displacement
Opcode DisplacementReg/Lit Reg M
Opcode Reg
Reg Reg/Lit
Ext’d Op Reg/Lit
X Offset
Scale xx Offset
1.1.1 Memory Space And Addressing Modes
The 80960SB offers a linear programming environment so that all programs running on the processor are contained in a single address space. Maximum address space size is 4 Gigabytes (2
bytes). For ease of use the 80960SB has a small number of
addressing modes, but includes all those necessary to ensure efficient execution of high-level languages such as C. Table 2 lists the memory addressing modes.
Table 2. Memory Addressing Modes
• 12-Bit Offset
• 32-Bit Offset
• Register-Indirect
• Register + 12-Bit Offset
• Register + 32-Bit Offset
• Register + (Index-Register x Scale-Factor)
• Register x Scale Factor + 32-Bit Displacement
• Register + (Index-Register x Scale-Factor) + 32-Bit Displacement
Scale-Factor is 1, 2, 4, 8 or 16
1.1.2 Data Types
The 80960SB recognizes the following data types: Numeric:
• 8-, 16-, 32- and 64-bit ordinals
• 8-, 16-, 32- and 64-bit integers
• 32-, 64- and 80-bit real numbers Non-Numeric:
• Bit
• Bit Field
• Triple Word (96 bits)
• Quad-Word (128 bits)
1.1.3 Large Register Set
The 80960SB programming environment includes a large number of registers. In fact, 32 registers are available at any time. The availability of this many registers greatly reduces the number of memory accesses required to perform algorithms, which leads to greater instruction processing speed.
There are two types of general-purpose register: local and global. The global registers consist of sixteen 32-bit registers (g0 though g15) and four
80-bit registers (fp0 through fp3). These registers perform the same function as the general-purpose registers provided in other popular microprocessors. The term global refers to the fact that these registers retain their contents across procedure calls.
The local registers, on the other hand, are procedure specific. For each procedure call, the 80960SB allocates 16 local registers (r0 through r15). Each local register is 32 bits wide. Any register can also be used for single or double-precision floating-point operations; the 80-bit floating-point registers are provided for extended precision.
1.1.4 Multiple Register Sets
To further increase the efficiency of the register set, multiple sets of local registers are stored on-chip (See Figure 4). This cache holds up to four local register frames, which means that up to three procedure calls can be made without having to access the procedure stack resident in memory.
Although programs may have procedure calls nested many calls deep, a program typically oscillates back and forth between only two to three levels. As a result, with four stack frames in the cache, the proba­bility of having a free frame available on the cache when a call is made is very high. In fact, runs of representative C-language programs show that 80% of the calls are handled without needing to access memory.
If four or more procedures are active and a new procedure is called, the 80960SB moves the oldest local register set in the stack-frame cache to a procedure stack in memory to make room for a new set of registers. Global register g15 is the frame pointer (FP) to the procedure stack.
Global and floating point registers are not exchanged on a procedure call, but retain their contents, making them available to all procedures for fast parameter passing.
1.1.5 Instruction Cache
To further reduce memory accesses, the 80960SB includes a 512-byte on-chip instruction cache. The instruction cache is based on the concept of locality of reference; most programs are not usually executed in a steady stream but consist of many branches, loops and procedure calls that lead to
jumping back and forth in the same small section of code. Thus, by maintaining a block of instructions in cache, the number of memory references required to read instructions into the processor is greatly reduced.
To load the instruction cache, instructions are fetched in 16-byte blocks; up to four instructions can be fetched at one time. An efficient prefetch algorithm increases the probability that an instruction will already be in the cache when it is needed.
Code for small loops often fits entirely within the cache, leading to a great increase in processing speed since further memory references might not be necessary until the program exits the loop. Similarly, when calling short procedures, the code for the calling procedure is likely to remain in the cache so it will be there on the procedure’s return.
1.1.6 Register Scoreboarding
The instruction decoder is optimized in several ways. One optimization method is the ability to overlap instructions by using register scoreboarding.
Register scoreboarding occurs when a LOAD moves a variable from memory into a register. When the instruction initiates, a scoreboard bit on the target register is set. Once the register is loaded, the bit is reset. In between, any reference to the register contents is accompanied by a test of the scoreboard bit to ensure that the load has completed before processing continues. Since the processor does not need to wait for the LOAD to complete, it can execute additional instructions placed between the LOAD and the instruction that uses the register contents, as shown in the following example:
ld data_2, r4 ld data_2, r5 Unrelated instruction Unrelated instruction add r4, r5, r6
In essence, the two unrelated instructions between LOAD and ADD are executed “for free” (i.e., take no apparent time to execute) because they are executed while the register is being loaded. Up to three load instructions can be pending at one time with three corresponding scoreboard bits set. By exploiting this feature, system programmers and compiler writers have a useful tool for optimizing execution speed.
Figure 4. Multiple Register Sets Are Stored On-Chip
1.1.7 Floating-Point Arithmetic
In the 80960SB, floating-point arithmetic has been made an integral part of the architecture. Having the floating-point unit integrated on chip provides two advantages. First, it improves the performance of the chip for floating-point applications, since no additional bus overhead is associated with floating­point calculations, thereby leaving more time for other bus operations such as I/O. Second, the cost of using floating-point operations is reduced because a separate coprocessor chip is not required.
The 80960SB floating-point (real-number) data types include single-precision (32-bit), double-precision (64-bit) and extended precision (80-bit) floating-point numbers. Any registers may be used to execute floating-point operations.
The processor provides hardware support for both mandatory and recommended portions of IEEE Standard 754 for floating-point arithmetic, including all arithmetic, exponential, logarithmic and other transcendental functions. Table 3 shows execution times for some representative instructions.
1.1.8 High Bandwidth Bus
The 80960SB CPU resides on a high-bandwidth address/data bus. The bus provides a direct commu­nication path between the processor and the
memory and I/O subsystem interfaces. The processor uses the bus to fetch instructions, manipulate memory and respond to interrupts. Bus features include:
• 16-bit data path multiplexed onto the lower bits of the 32-bit address path
• Eight 16-bit half-word burst capability which allows transfers from 1 to 16 bytes at a time
• High bandwidth reads and writes with
25.6 MBytes/s burst (at 16 MHz)
Table 4 defines bus signal names and functions; Table 5 defines other component-support signals such as interrupt lines.
Table 3. Sample Floating-Point Execution Times
µs) at 16 MHz
Function 32-Bit 64-Bit
Add 0.6 0.8 Subtract 0.6 0.8 Multiply 1.1 2.0 Divide 2.0 4.5
Square Root 5.8 6.1 Arctangent 15.8 20.5 Exponent 17.7 19.5 Sine 23.8 25.9 Cosine 23.8 25.9
1.1.9 Interrupt Handling
The 80960SB can be interrupted in one of two ways: by the activation of one of four interrupt pins or by sending a message on the processor’s data bus.
The 80960SB is unusual in that it automatically handles interrupts on a priority basis and can keep track of pending interrupts through its on-chip interrupt controller. Two of the interrupt pins can be configured to provide 8259A-style handshaking for expansion beyond four interrupt lines.
1.1.10 Debug Features
The 80960SB has built-in debug capabilities. There are two types of breakpoints and six trace modes. Debug features are controlled by two internal 32-bit registers, the Process-Controls Word and the Trace­Controls Word. By setting bits in these control words, a software debug monitor can closely control how the processor responds during program execution.
The 80960SB provides two hardware breakpoint registers on-chip which, by using a special command, can be set to any value. When the instruction pointer matches either breakpoint register value, the breakpoint handling routine is automati­cally called.
The 80960SB also provides software breakpoints through the use of two instructions: MARK and FMARK. These can be placed at any point in a program and cause the processor to halt execution at that point and call the breakpoint handling routine. The breakpoint mechanism is easy to use and provides a powerful debugging tool.
Tracing is available for instructions (single step execution), calls and returns and branching. Each trace type may be enabled separately by a special debug instruction. In each case, the 80960SB executes the instruction first and then calls a trace handling routine (usually part of a software debug monitor). Further program execution is halted until the routine completes, at which time execution resumes at the next instruction. The 80960SB’s tracing mechanisms, implemented completely in hardware, greatly simplify the task of software test and debug.
1.1.11 Fault Detection
The 80960SB has an automatic mechanism to handle faults. Fault types include floating point, trace and arithmetic faults. When the processor detects a fault, it automatically calls the appropriate fault handling routine and saves the current instruction pointer and necessary state information to make efficient recovery possible. Like interrupt handling routines, fault handling routines are usually written to meet the needs of specific applications and are often included as part of the operating system or kernel.
For each of the fault types, there are numerous subtypes that provide specific information about a fault. For example, a floating point fault may have the subtype set to an Overflow or Zero-Divide fault. The fault handler can use this specific information to respond correctly to the fault.
1.1.12 Built-in Testability
Upon reset, the 80960SB automatically conducts an exhaustive internal test of its major blocks of logic. Then, before executing its first instruction, it does a zero check sum on the first eight words in memory to ensure that the memory image was programmed correctly. If a problem is discovered at any point during the self-test, the 80960SB asserts its FAIL
pin and will not begin program execution. Self test takes approximately 47,000 cycles to complete.
System manufacturers can use the 80960SB’s self­test feature during incoming parts inspection. No special diagnostic programs need to be written. The test is both thorough and fast. The self-test capability helps ensure that defective parts are discovered before systems are shipped and, once in the field, the self-test makes it easier to distinguish between problems caused by processor failure and problems resulting from other causes.
1.1.13 CHMOS
The 80960SB is fabricated using Intel’s CHMOS IV (Complementary High Speed Metal Oxide Semicon­ductor) process. The 80960SB is available at 10 MHz in the QFP package and at 10 and 16 MHz in the PLCC package.
Table 4. 80960SB Pin Description: Bus Signals (Sheet 1 of 2)
CLK2 I SYSTEM CLOCK provides the fundamental timing for 80960SB systems. It is
divided by two inside the 80960SB to generate the internal processor clock.
A31:16 O
ADDRESS BUS carries the upper 16 bits of the 32-bit physical address to memory. It is valid throughout the burst cycle; no latch is required.
AD15:1, D0 I/O
ADDRESS/DATA BUS carries the low order 32-bit addresses and 16-bit data to and from memory. AD15:4 must be latched since the cycle following the address cycle carries data on the bus.
A3:1 O
ADDRESS BUS carries the word addresses of the 32-bit address to memory. These three bits are incremented during a burst access indicating the next word address of the burst access. Note that A3:1 are duplicated with AD3:1 during the address cycle.
ADDRESS LATCH ENABLE indicates the transfer of a physical address. ALE is asserted during a T
cycle and deasserted before the beginning of the Td state. It is
active HIGH and floats to a high impedance state during a hold cycle (T
ADDRESS STATUS indicates an address state. AS is asserted every Ta state and deasserted during the following T
state. AS is driven HIGH during reset.
WRITE/READ specifies, during a Ta cycle, whether the operation is a write or read. It is latched on-chip and remains valid during T
DATA ENABLE is asserted during Td cycles and indicates transfer of data on the AD lines. The AD lines should not be driven by an external source unless DEN
asserted. When DEN
is asserted, outputs from the previous cycle are guaranteed
to be three-stated. In addition, DEN
deasserted indicates inputs have been
captured; therefore input hold times can be disregarded. DEN
is driven HIGH
during reset.
DATA TRANSMIT / RECEIVE indicates the direction of data transfer to and from the bus. It is low during T
and Td cycles for a read or interrupt acknowledgment; it
is high during T
and Td cycles for a write. DT/R never changes state when DEN is
asserted. DT/R
is driven HIGH during reset.
I READY indicates that data on AD lines can be sampled or removed. If READY is
not asserted during a T
cycle, the Td cycle is extended to the next cycle by
inserting a wait state (T
I/O = Input/Output, O = Output, I = Input, O.D. = Open Drain, T.S. = Three-state
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