The 80296SA is a member of Intel’s 16-bit MCS® 96 microcontroller family. The 80296SA features 6 Mbytes
of linear address space, a demultiplexed bus, and a chip-select unit . The external bus can dynamically switch
between multiplexed and demultiplexed operation. The device has hardware and instructions to support
various dig i tal signal proces sing algorithms.
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The 80296SA is a member of Intel’s 16-bit MCS® 96 microcontrol l er family. The 80296SA features 6 Mbytes
of linear address space, a demultiplexed bus, and a chi p-select unit. The external bus can dynamically switch
between multiplexed and demultiplexed operation. The device has hardware and instructions to support
various dig i tal signal proces sing algorithms.
(2 Kbytes)
Memory Addr Bus (24)
Memory Data Bus (16)
Port 3
Bus Control Signals
Source 1 Addr (24)
Source 1 Data (16)
Source 2 Addr (24)
Source 2 Data (16)
Register File
(3-port RAM)
Destination Addr (24)
Destination Data (16)
Memory Addr Bus (24)
Memory Data Bus (16)
Figure 1. 80296 SA Block Diagram
Port 2
Port 4
Port 1
Peripheral Addr Bus (8)
Peripheral Data Bus (16)
Timer 1
Timer 2
Program-memory Options
Packaging Options
Temperature and Burn-in Options
Figure 2. The 80296SA Family Nomenclature
Table 1. Description of Product Nomenclature
Temperature and Burn-in Options
Packaging OptionsSQFP
Program–memory Options0Without ROM
Process Informationno markCHMOS
Product Famil y296SA—
Device Speed
no markCommercial operating temperature range (0°C to 70°C)
These address pins provide address bits 0–15 during the entire external memory
cycle during bot h multiplexed and demultiplexed bus modes.
A19:16I/OAddress Pins 16–19
These address pin s provide address bits 16–19 during the entire ext ernal memory
cycle during bot h multiplexed and demultiplexed bus modes, supporting extended
addressing of the 1-Mbyte address space.
NOTE: Internally, there are 24 address bits; however, only 20 external ad dress
A19:16 share pac kage pins with EPORT. 3:0.
AD15:0I/OAddress/Data Lines
These pins provi de a multiplexed address and data bus. During the address phase
of the bus cycle, address bits 0–15 are presen te d on the bus and can be latched
using ALE or ADV#. Du ring the data phase, 8- or 16-bit data is trans ferred.
AD7:0 share pack age pins with P3.7:0. AD15:8 share package pins with P4.7:0.
ALEOAddress Latch Enable
This active-high output signal is asserted only during external memory cycles. ALE
signals the start of an external bus cycle and indi cate s t hat val id a ddre ss inf ormati on
is available on the system address/data bus (A19:16 and AD15:0 for a multiplex ed
bus; A19:0 for a demultiplexed bus).
An external latch can use this signal to demultip lex address bits 0–15 from the
address/data bus i n mul tiplexed mode.
BHE#OByte High Enable
During 16-bit bus cycles, this active-lo w output signal is asserted for word and high byte reads and writes to external memory. BHE# indicates that valid data is being
transferred ov er the upper half of th e system data bus. Use BHE#, in conjunction
with address bit 0 (A0 for a demultiplexed address bus, AD0 for a multiplexed
address/data bus), to determine which memory byte is being tr ansferred over the
system bus:
BHE#AD0 or A0 Byte(s) Accessed
00both bytes
01high byte only
10low byte only
BHE# shares a package pin with WRH#.
pins (A19:0) are implemented. The internal address space is 16 Mbytes
(000000–FFFFFFH) and the external address space is 1 Mbyte (00000–
FFFFFH). The microcontroller resets to FF2080H.
Chip configuration register 0 (CCR0) determines whether this pin functions as
BHE# or as WRH#. CCR0.2 = 1 selects BHE#; CCR0.2 = 0 selects WRH#.
Table 4. Signal D escriptions (Conti nued)
BREQ#OBus Request
This active-low output signal is asserted during a hold cycle w hen the bus controller
has a pending external memory cycle. When t he bus-hold protocol i s enabled
(WSR.7 is set), the P2.3/BREQ# pin can function only as BREQ#, regardless of the
configurati on selected through the port configuration registers (P2_MODE, P2_DIR,
and P2_REG). An attempt to change the pin configuration is ignored until the bus hold protocol is disabled (WSR.7 is cleared).
The microcontroller can assert BREQ# at the same time as or after it asserts
HLDA#. Once it is asserted, BREQ# remains asserted until HOLD# is deasserted.
BREQ# shares a package pin with P2.3.
CLKOUTOClock Output
Output of the internal clock generator. The CLKOUT frequency is ½ the internal
operating freq uency (f). CLKOUT has a 50% duty cycle.
CLKOUT shares a package pin with P2.7.
CS5:0#OChip-select Lines 0–5
The active-low output CS
address to be accessed is in the range programmed for chip select
+1 if remapping is enabled. If the external memory address is outside the range
assigned to the si x chip selects, no chi p-select output is asserted and the bus
configurat i on defaults to th e C S5# values.
Immediately fol lowing reset, CS0# is automatically as signed to the range FF2000–
High-speed input/output signa ls for the EPA capture/c ompare channels. Fo r highspeed PWM applica ti ons, the outputs of two EPA channels (either EPA0 and EPA1
or EPA2 and EPA3) can be remapped to produce a PWM wave form on a shared
output pin.
EPA3:0 share pac kage pins with P1.3:0.
EPORT.3:0I/OExtended Addressing Port
This is a standard 4-bit, bidirectional port.
EPORT.3:0 share package pins with A19:16.
# is asserted during an external memory cycle when the
or chip select
Table 4. Signal Descriptions (Continued)
EXTINT3:0IExternal Interrupts
These programmable interrupts are controlled by the EXTINT_CON register. Th i s
register controls whether the interrupt is edge-triggered or level-sensitive and
whether a rising edge/high level or falling edge/low level activates the interrupt.
In standby and powerd own mode s, ass erti ng the E XTINT
to resume normal operation. The interrupt does not need to be ena bl ed, but the pin
must be configured as a special-function input. If the EXTINT
the CPU executes the interrupt service routine. Otherwise, the CPU executes the
instruction that immediately follow s the command that invoked the power-saving
In idle mode, asserting any enabled interrupt causes the device to resume normal
EXTINT0 shares a package pin with P2.2, EXTINT1 shares a package pin with
P2.4, EXTI NT 2 sha res a pa c kage pin wi th P 3. 6, an d E XTINT 3 shar es a pac kag e p in
with P3.7.
HLDA#OBus Hold Acknowledge
This active-l ow output indicat es that the CPU has releas ed the bus as the result of
an external devic e asserting HOLD#. When the bus-hold protocol is enabled
(WSR.7 is set), the P2.6/HLDA # pin can function only as HLDA#, regardless of the
configurati on sele cted thro ugh the port conf igur ati on reg ister s (P2 _MODE, P2 _DIR ,
and P2_REG). An attempt to change the pin configuration is ignored until the bushold protocol is di sabled (WSR.7 is cl eared).
HLDA# shares a package pin with P2.6.
HOLD#IBus Hold Request
An external device uses this active-low input s i gnal to request c ontrol of the bus.
When the bus-hold protocol is enabled (WSR.7 is set), the P2.5/HOLD# pin can
function only as HOLD#, regardless of the configuration selected through the port
configurati on registers (P2_MODE, P2_DIR, and P2_REG ). An attempt to change
the pin configuration is ignored until the bus-hold protocol is disabled (WSR.7 is
HOLD# shares a package pin with P2.5.
INSTOInstruction Fetc h
When high, INST indicates that an instruction is b ei n g fetched from ext ernal
memory. The signal remains high during the entire bus cycle of an external
instruction fetch. INST is low for data accesses, including interrupt vector fetches
and chip configuration byte reads . INST is low during internal memory fetches.
signal causes the de vice
interrupt is enabled,
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