Intel Corporation N87C51FC, N87C51FC-20, P87C51FC-20, P87C51FC, P87C51FA Datasheet

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September 1993COPYRIGHT©INTEL CORPORATION, 1995 Order Number: 270961-003
FX Core Architecture Device
Extended Automotive Temperature Range (
40§Ctoa125§C Ambient)
Available in 12 MHz, 16 MHz and 20 MHz Versions
High Performance CHMOS EPROM
Three 16-Bit Timer/Counters Ð Timer 2 (Up/Down Counter)
Programmable Counter Array with: Ð High Speed Output, Ð Compare/Capture, Ð Pulse Width Modulator, Ð Watchdog Timer Capabilities
One-to-Three Level Program Lock System on EPROM
8K On-Chip User Programmable EPROM in 87C51FA
16K On-Chip User Programmable EPROM in 87C51FB
32K On-Chip User Programmable EPROM in 87C51FC
256 Bytes of On-Chip Data RAM
Quick Pulse Programming Algorithm
Boolean Processor
32 Programmable I/O Lines
7 Interrupt Sources
Four Level Interrupt Priority
Programmable Serial Channel with: Ð Framing Error Detection Ð Automatic Address Recognition
TTL and CMOS Compatible Logic Levels
64K External Program Memory Space
64K External Data Memory Space
MCSÉ-51 Fully Compatible Instruction Set
Power Saving Idle and Power Down Modes
ONCE (On-Circuit Emulation) Mode
RFI Reduction Mode
Available in PLCC and PDIP Packages
PROGRAM MEMORY: Up to 8 Kbytes of the program memory can reside in the 87C51FA On-Chip EPROM. Up to 16 Kbytes of the program memory can reside in the 87C51FB on-chip EPROM. Up to 32 Kbytes of the program memory can reside in the 87C51FC on-chip EPROM. In addition the device can address up to 64K of program memory external to the chip.
DATA MEMORY: This microcontroller has a 256 x 8 on-chip RAM. In addition it can address up to 64 Kbytes of external data memory.
The Intel 87C51FA/87C51FB/87C51FC is a single-chip control-oriented microcontroller which is fabricated on Intel’s reliable CHMOS EPROM technology. Being a member of the MCS-51 family, the 87C51FB/87C51FC uses the same powerful instruction set, has the same architecture, and is pin-for-pin compatible with the existing MCS-51 family of products. The 87C51FA is an enhanced version of the 87C51. The 87C51FB is an enhanced version of the 87C51FA. The 87C51FC is an enhanced version of the 87C51FB. With 8 Kbytes of program memory in the 87C51FA and 16 Kbytes of program memory in the 87C51FB and 32 Kbytes of program memory in the 87C51FC, it is an even more powerful microcontroller for applications that require Pulse Width Modulation, High Speed I/O, and up/down counting capabilities such as brake and traction control.
For the remainder of this document, the 87F51FA, 87C51FB and 87C51FC will be referred to as the 87C51FA/FB/FC.
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Figure 1. 87C51FB/FC Block Diagram
Intel’s extended and automotive temperature range products are designed to meet the needs of those applications whose operating requirements exceed commercial standards.
With the commercial standard temperature range, operational characteristics are guaranteed over the temperature range of 0
Cto70§C ambient. With the extended temperature range option, operational characteristics are guaranteed over the temperature
range ofb40§Ctoa85§C ambient. For the automo­tive temperature range option, operational charac­teristics are guaranteed over the temperature range of
40§Ctoa125§C ambient. The automotive, ex­tended, and commercial temperature versions of the MCS-51 product families are available with or with­out burn-in options.
As shown in Figure 2 temperature, burn-in, and package options are identified by a one- or two-letter prefix to the part number.
VCC: Supply voltage.
: Circuit ground.
: Secondary ground (in PLCC only). Provided to
reduce ground bounce and improve power supply by-passing.
This pin is NOT a substitute for V
pin (pin 22).
Port 0: Port 0 is an 8-bit, open drain, bidirectional I/O port. As an output port each pin can sink several LS TTL inputs. Port 0 pins that have 1’s written to them float, and in that state can be used as high-im­pedance inputs.
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AN87C51FA/FB/FC indicates an automotive temperature range version of the 87C51FA/FB/FC in a PLCC package with 16 Kbyte/32 Kbyte EPROM program memory.
Figure 2. Package Options
Table 1. Temperature Options
Temperature Temperature
Classification Designation
C Ambient
Extended T
40 toa85 Standard
40 toa85 Extended
Automotive A
40 toa125 Standard
40 toa125 Extended
Port 0 is also the multiplexed low-order address and data bus during accesses to external Program and Data Memory. In this application it uses strong inter­nal pullups when emitting 1’s, and can source and sink several LS TTL inputs.
Port 0 also receives the code bytes during EPROM programming, and outputs the code bytes during program verification. External pullup resistors are re­quired during program verification.
Port 1: Port 1 is an 8-bit bidirectional I/O port with internal pullups. The Port 1 output buffers can drive LS TTL inputs. Port 1 pins that have 1’s written to them are pulled high by the internal pullups, and in that state can be used as inputs. As inputs, Port 1 pins that are externally pulled low will source current (I
, on the data sheet) because of the internal pull-
In addition, Port 1 serves the functions of the follow­ing special features of the 87C51FB/FC:
Port Pin Alternate Function
P1.0 T2 (External Count Input to
Timer/Counter 2)
P1.1 T2EX (Timer/Counter 2 Capture/
Reload Trigger and Direction Control) P1.2 ECI (External Count Input to the PCA) P1.3 CEX0 (External I/O for Compare/
Capture Module 0) P1.4 CEX1 (External I/O for Compare/
Capture Module 1) P1.5 CEX2 (External I/O for Compare/
Capture Module 2) P1.6 CEX3 (External I/O for Compare/
Capture Module 3) P1.7 CEX4 (External I/O for Compare/
Capture Module 4)
Port 1 receives the low-order address bytes during EPROM programming and verifying.
Port 2: Port 2 is an 8-bit bidirectional I/O port with internal pullups. The Port 2 output buffers can drive LS TTL inputs. Port 2 pins that have 1’s written to them are pulled high by the internal pullups, and in that state can be used as inputs. As inputs, Port 2 pins that are externally pulled low will source current (I
, on the data sheet) because of the internal pull-
Part Prefix Package Type
87C51FA/FB/FC P 40-Pin Plastic DIP
N 44-Pin PLCC
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*EPROM only
**Do not connect reserved pins.
Diagrams are for pin reference only. Package sizes are not to scale.
Figure 3. Pin Connections (Top View)
Port 2 emits the high-order address byte during fetches from external Program Memory and during accesses to external Data Memory that use 16-bit addresses (MOVX
DPTR). In this application it uses strong internal pullups when emitting 1’s. Dur­ing accesses to external Data Memory that use 8-bit addresses (MOVX
Ri), Port 2 emits the contents
of the P2 Special Function Register.
Some Port 2 pins receive the high-order address bits during EPROM programming and program verifica­tion.
Port 3: Port 3 is an 8-bit bidirectional I/O port with internal pullups. The Port 3 output buffers can drive LS TTL inputs. Port 3 pins that have 1’s written to them are pulled high by the internal pullups, and in that state can be used as inputs. As inputs, Port 3 pins that are externally pulled low will source current (I
, on the data sheet) because of the pullups.
Port 3 also serves the functions of various special features of the MCS-51 Family, as listed below:
Port Pin Alternate Function
P3.0 RXD (serial input port) P3.1 TXD (serial output port) P3.2 INT0 (external interrupt 0) P3.3 INT1
(external interrupt 1) P3.4 T0 (Timer 0 external input) P3.5 T1 (Timer 1 external input) P3.6 WR
(external data memory write strobe)
P3.7 RD
(external data memory read strobe)
RST: Reset input. A high on this pin for two machine cycles while the oscillator is running resets the de­vice. The port pins will be driven to their reset condi­tion when a minimum V
is applied, whether the oscillator is running or not. An internal pulldown re­sistor permits a power-on reset with only a capacitor connected to V
: Address Latch Enable output pulse for
latching the low byte of the address during accesses to external memory. This pin (ALE/PROG
) is also the program pulse input during EPROM program­ming for the 87C51FA/FB/FC.
In normal operation ALE is emitted at a constant rate of (/6 the oscillator frequency, and may be used for external timing or clocking purposes. Note, how­ever, that one ALE pulse is skipped during each ac­cess to external Data Memory.
Throughout the remainder of this data sheet, ALE will refer to the signal coming out of the ALE/PROG pin, and the pin will be referred to as the ALE/PROG pin.
: Program Store Enable is the read strobe to
external Program Memory.
When the 87C51FA/FB/FC is executing code from external Program Memory, PSEN
is activated twice
each machine cycle, except that two PSEN
activa­tions are skipped during each access to external Data Memory.
/VPP: External Access enable. EA must be
strapped to V
in order to enable the device to fetch code from external Program Memory locations 0000H to 0FFFFH. Note, however, that if either of the Program Lock bits are programmed, EA
will be
internally latched on reset.
should be strapped to VCCfor internal program
This pin also receives the programming supply volt­age (V
) during EPROM programming.
XTAL1: Input to the inverting oscillator amplifier.
XTAL2: Output from the inverting oscillator amplifier.
XTAL1 and XTAL2 are the input and output, respec­tively, of an inverting amplifier which can be config­ured for use as an on-chip oscillator, as shown in Figure 4. Either a quartz crystal or ceramic resonator may be used. More detailed information concerning the use of the on-chip oscillator is available in Appli­cation Note AP-155, ‘‘Oscillators for Microcontrol­lers’’, and in Application Note AP-486,
Design for Microcontrollers’’.
To drive the device from an external clock source, XTAL1 should be driven, while XTAL2 floats, as shown in Figure 5. There are no requirements on the duty cycle of the external clock signal, since the in­put to the internal clocking circuitry is through a di­vide-by-two flip-flop, but minimum and maximum high and low times specified on the data sheet must be observed.
An external oscillator may encounter as much as 100 pF load at XTAL1 when it starts up. This is due to interaction between the amplifier and its feedback capacitance. Once the external signal meets V
specifications the capacitance will not exceed
20 pF.
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C1, C2e30 pFg10 pF for Crystals For Ceramic Resonators, contact resonator manufac­turer.
Figure 4. Oscillator Connections
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Figure 5. External Clock Drive Configuration
The user’s software can invoke the Idle Mode. When the microcontroller is in this mode, power consump­tion is reduced. The Special Function Registers and the onboard RAM retain their values during Idle, but the processor stops executing instructions. Idle Mode will be exited if the chip is reset or if an en­abled interrupt occurs. The PCA timer/counter can optionally be left running or paused during Idle Mode.
To save even more power, a Power Down mode can be invoked by software. In this mode, the oscillator is stopped and the instruction that invoked Power Down is the last instruction executed. The on-chip RAM and Special Function Registers retain their val­ues until the Power Down mode is terminated.
On the 87C51FA/FB/FC either a hardware reset or external interrupt can cause an exit from Power Down. Reset redefines all the SFRs but does not change the on-chip RAM. An external interrupt al­lows both the SFRs and the on-chip RAM to retain their values.
To properly terminate Power Down the reset or ex­ternal interrupt should not be executed before V
is restored to its normal operating level and must be held active long enough for the oscillator to restart and stabilize (normally less than 10 ms).
With an external interrupt. INT0 or INT1 must be en­abled and configured as level-sensitive. Holding the pin low restarts the oscillator (the oscillator must be allowed time to stabilize after start up, before this pin is released high) but bringing the pin back high com­pletes the exit. Once the interrupt is serviced, the next instruction to be executed after RETI will be the one following the instruction that put the device into Power Down.
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