Table 1. Pin Description (Continued)
Symbol Pin No. Type Name and Function
NMI 17 I NON-MASKABLE INTERRUPT: is an edge triggered input which causes a
type 2 interrupt. A subroutine is vectored to via an interrupt vector lookup
table located in system memory. NMI is not maskable internally by
software. A transition from a LOW to HIGH initiates the interrupt at the end
of the current instruction. This input is internally synchronized.
RESET 21 I RESET: causes the processor to immediately terminate its present activity.
The signal must be active HIGH for at least four clock cycles. It restarts
execution, as described in the instruction set description, when RESET
returns LOW. RESET is internally synchronized.
CLK 19 I CLOCK: provides the basic timing for the processor and bus controller. It is
asymmetric with a 33% duty cycle to provide optimized internal timing.
40 VCC: is thea5Vg10% power supply pin.
GND 1, 20 GND: are the ground pins.
MN/MX 33 I MINIMUM/MAXIMUM: indicates what mode the processor is to operate in.
The two modes are discussed in the following sections.
The following pin function descriptions are for the 8088 minimum mode (i.e., MN/MXeVCC). Only the pin
functions which are unique to minimum mode are described; all other pin functions are as described above.
Symbol Pin No. Type Name and Function
IO/M 28 O STATUS LINE: is an inverted maximum mode S2 . It is used to distinguish a
memory access from an I/O access. IO/M
becomes valid in the T4 preceding a
bus cycle and remains valid until the final T4 of the cycle (I/O
LOW). IO/M floats to 3-state OFF in local bus ‘‘hold acknowledge’’.
WR 29 O WRITE: strobe indicates that the processor is performing a write memory or write
I/O cycle, depending on the state of the IO/M
signal. WR is active for T2, T3, and
Tw of any write cycle. It is active LOW, and floats to 3-state OFF in local bus
‘‘hold acknowledge’’.
INTA 24 O INTA: is used as a read strobe for interrupt acknowledge cycles. It is active LOW
during T2, T3, and Tw of each interrupt acknowledge cycle.
ALE 25 O ADDRESS LATCH ENABLE: is provided by the processor to latch the address
into an address latch. It is a HIGH pulse active during clock low of T1 of any bus
cycle. Note that ALE is never floated.
DT/R 27 O DATA TRANSMIT/RECEIVE: is needed in a minimum system that desires to use
a data bus transceiver. It is used to control the direction of data flow through the
transceiver. Logically, DT/R
is equivalent to S1 in the maximum mode, and its
timing is the same as for IO/M
(TeHIGH, ReLOW). This signal floats to
3-state OFF in local ‘‘hold acknowledge’’.
DEN 26 O DATA ENABLE: is provided as an output enable for the data bus transceiver in a
minimum system which uses the transceiver. DEN
is active LOW during each
memory and I/O access, and for INTA cycles. For a read or INTA cycle, it is
active from the middle of T2 until the middle of T4, while for a write cycle, it is
active from the beginning of T2 until the middle of T4. DEN
floats to 3-state OFF
during local bus ‘‘hold acknowledge’’.