82562ET 10/100 Mbps Platform LAN
Connect (PLC)
Networking Silicon
Datashe et
Product Features
■ IEEE 802.3 10BASE-T/100BASE-TX
compliant physical la yer interfa ce
■ IEEE 802.3u Auto-Negotiation support
■ Digital Adaptive Equalization control
■ Link status interrupt capability
■ XOR tree mode support
■ 3-port LED support (speed, link and
■ 10BASE-T auto-polarity correction
■ LAN Connect Inter face
■ Diagnostic loopback mode
■ 1:1 transmit trans f orm er ratio support
■ Low power (less than 300 mW in active
transmit mode)
■ Reduced po wer in “ unplugged mode” (less
than 50 mW )
■ Automatic detection of “unplugged mode”
■ 3.3 V device
■ 48-pin S h r in k Small Ou tl in e Packag e
Revision 1.3
March 2003

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The 82562ET PLC may contain design defects or errors known as errata which may cause the product to deviate from published specifications.
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Datasheet iii
Networking Silicon — 82562ET
Revision History
Revision Revision Date Description
1.3 March 2003 Added product ordering code in Section 1.0.
1.2 October 2001 Removed confidential status.
• Removed sections: “Physical Layer Interface Functionality” and “Platform
LAN Connect”.
• Changed “Electrical and Timing Specifications” section to “Voltage and Temperature Specifications” and remove d timing specifications.
1.1 June 2000 Advance Information Datasheet release (Intel Confidential).
• On cover page, replac ed Boundary Scan Supp ort with XOR tr ee mode support. Adde d bullet for LA N Connect I/F.
• Pg. 3, added a Solution Block Diag ram as included in OR-2338 Pg. 4 but
replaced EM with ET in diagram.
• Pg. 11, removed Figure 4, “NRZ to MLT-3 Encoding Diagram”.
• Pg. 35, changed the Rev. number on the 82562 Pinout symbo l to 1.0.
1.0 May 2000 Advance Information Datasheet release (Intel Secret).
• Modif ied Tab le 1 “8256 2E T H ard w a re C onf ig ur at io n” to ad d o ne ro w for XOR
Tree and include column for comments.
• Updated the desc rition of the Activity LED signal in Section 3.6, “LED Pins”.
• Revised Sect ion 3.7, “Miscellaneous Control Pins” to reflect references to
Table 1 “82562ET H ardware Configuration”.
• Updated Section 4.0, “Voltage and Temperature Specifications”.
• Replaced diagrams in Sec tion 5.1 , “Package Information”.
0.6 Nov. 1999 • Corrected Figure 4 “NRZ to MLT-3 Encoding Diagram on Pg. 11 to reflect
correct signal transitions.
• Removed “10BASE-T Error Detection and Reporting” section since the
82562 does not do 10BASE-T error reporting.
0.55 Sept. 1999 Initial rele ase.

82562ET — Networking Silicon
iv Datasheet

Datasheet v
Networking Silicon — 82562ET
1.0 Introduction.........................................................................................................................1
1.1 Overview...............................................................................................................1
1.2 Features................................................................................................................1
1.3 References............................................................................................................1
2.0 82562ET Architect ural Overview........................................................................................3
3.0 82562ET Signal Descript ions.............................................................................................5
3.1 Signal Type Definitions ................................................................................ ....... ..5
3.2 Twisted Pair Ethernet (TPE) Pins .........................................................................5
3.3 External Bia s Pins ............ ................ ................. ....................... .......... ..................5
3.4 Clock Pins ............................................................................................................6
3.5 Platform LAN Con nect Interface Pins....................................................................6
3.6 LED Pins ..............................................................................................................7
3.7 Miscellan eous Control Pins ......... ................. ................. ................ ................. ......7
3.8 Power and Ground Connections .......................................................................... 8
4.0 Voltage and Temperature S pecifications ...........................................................................9
4.1 Absolute Maximum Ratings...................................................................................9
4.2 DC Characteristics ............................................................................................... 9
4.2.1 X1 Clock DC Specifications .................. ................ .......... ................ .........9
4.2.2 LAN Connect Interface DC Specifications . ............................................10
4.2.3 LED DC Specifications .......................................................................... 10
4.2.4 10BASE-T Voltage and Current DC Specifications ...............................10
4.2.5 100BASE-TX Voltage and Current DC Specifications ..........................11
5.0 Package and Pinout Information ......................................................................................13
5.1 Package Information ...........................................................................................13
5.2 Pinout Information ...............................................................................................14
5.2.1 8256 2ET Pin Assignm ents ....................................................................14
5.2.2 82562E T Shrink Small Outlying Package Diagram ...............................15

82562ET — Networking Silicon
vi Datasheet

Networking Silicon — 82562ET
Datasheet 1
1.0 Introduction
1.1 Overview
The Intel® 82562ET is a highly-integrated Platform LAN Connect device designed for 10 or 100
Mbps Ethernet systems. It i s ba sed on the IEEE 10 B ASE -T and 100B ASE-TX s tanda rds. The IEEE
802.3u standard for 100BASE-TX defines networking over two pairs of Category 5 unshielded
twisted pair cable or Type 1 shielded twist ed pair cable.
The 82562ET complie s with th e IEEE 802.3u Auto- Ne goti ation standa rd and the IEEE 802.3 x Full
Duplex Flow Control standard. The 8256 3ET als o includes a PHY interface compliant to the
current platform LAN connect interface.
1.2 Features
• IEEE 802.3 10BASE-T/ 100BASE-TX compliant physical layer int erface
• IEEE 802.3u Auto-Negotiation support
• Digital Adaptive Equalization control
• Link status interru pt capability
• XOR Tree mode support for board testing
• 3-port LED support (speed, link and activity)
• 10BASE-T auto-pol arity correction
• Diagnostic loopback mode
• 1:1 transmit transformer ratio support
• Low power (less than 300 mW in active transmit mode)
• Reduced power in “un plugged mode” (less than 50 mW)
• Automatic detecti on of “unplugged mode”
• 3.3 V device
• 48-pin Shrink Small Outline Package
• Platform LAN connect interface support
1.3 References
• IEEE 802.3 Standard for Local and Metropolitan Area Networks, Institute of Electrical and
Electronics Engineers
• 82555 10/100 Mbps LAN Physical Layer Interface Datasheet, Intel Corporation
• LAN Connect Interface Specification, Intel Corporation