Intel® Xeon™ Processor with
512 KB L2 Cache and Intel®
E7500 Chipset Platform
Design Guide
March 2002
Document Number: 298649-002
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Added: Section 12.5.4; New P64H2 Power Sequencing
Updated Schematics to reflect changes identified above.
March 2002
14Design Guide
The Intel® Xeon™ Processor with 512 KB L2 Cache and Intel® E7500 Chipset Platform Design
Guide documents In tel’s design recommendations fo r systems based on the Intel
Processor with 512 KB L2 Cache and the E7500 chipset. In addition to providing motherboard
design recommendations such as layout and routing guidelines, this document addresses system
design issues such as power delivery.
Carefully follow the design information, board schematics, debug recommendations, and system
checklists provided in this document. These design guidelines have been developed to ensure
maximum flexibility for board designers while reducing the risk of board related issues.
Note that the guidelines recommended in this document are based on experience and simulation
work done at Intel while developing Intel Xeon processor with 512 KB L2 cache / E7500 chipsetbased systems. This work is ongoing, and the recommendations are subject to change.
Board designers may use the associated I ntel schematics as a referen ce. While the schematics cover
a specific design implementation, the core schematics remain the same for most E7500 chipsetbased platforms. The schematic set provides a reference schematic for each E7500 chipset
component as well as common motherboard options. Additional flexibility is possible through
other permutations of these options and components.
1.1Reference Documentation
Note:For the latest revision and documentation number, contact your appropriate field representative.
This section defines conventions and terminology used throughout the design guide.
Aggressor A network that transmits a coupled signal to another network.
AGTL+ The Xeon™ processor family system bus uses a bus technology called AGTL+,
Asynchronous GTL+Xeon processors do not utilize CMOS voltage levels on any signals that connect
Bus AgentA component or group of components that, when combined, represent a single
Core PowerCore power refers to a power rail that is on only during full-power operation.
CrosstalkThe reception on a victim network of a signal imposed by aggressor network(s)
Derived powerA derived power rail is any power rail that is generated from another power rail
Dual Processor (DP)Used to specify a system configuration using two processors.
Compatibility (EMC)
Interference (EMI)
or Assisted Gunning Transceiver Logic. AGTL+ buffers are open-drain, and
require pull-up resistors to provide the high logic level and termination. AGTL+
output buffers differ from GTL+ buffers with the addition of an active pMOS pullup transistor to assist the pull-up resistors during the first clock of a low-to-high
voltage transition.
to the processor. As a result, legacy input signals such as A20M#, IGNNE#,
GTL+ input buffers. Legacy output signals (FERR# and IERR#) and non-AGTL+
signals (THERMTRIP# and PROCHOT#) also utilize GTL+ output buffers. All of
these signals follow the same DC requirements as AGTL+ signals, however the
outputs are not actively driven high (during a logical 0 to 1 transition) by the
processor (the major difference between GTL+ and AGTL+). These signals do
not have setup or hold time specifications in relation to BCLK[1:0], and are
therefore referred to as “Asynchronous GTL+ Signals”. However, all of the
Asynchronous GTL+ signals are required to be asserted for at least two BCLKs
in order for the processor to recognize them.
load on the AGTL+ bus.
These power rails are on when the active-low PSON signal is asserted to the
power supply. The core power rails that are distributed directly from the power
supply are: +12 V, +5 V, and +3.3 V.
through inductive and capacitive coupling between the networks.
• Backward Crosstalk – Coupling that creates a signal in a victim network that
travels in the opposite direction as the aggressor’s signal.
• Forward Crosstalk – Coupling that creates a signal in a victim network that
travels in the same direction as the aggressor’s signal.
• Even Mode Crosstalk – Coupling from a signal or multiple aggressors when
all the aggressors switch in the same direction that the victim is switching.
• Odd Mode Crosstalk – Coupling from a signal or multiple aggressors when
all the aggressors switch in the opposite direction that the victim is switching.
using an on-board voltage regulator. For example, +2.5 V is derived from a +5 V
power rail using a voltage regulator.
The successful operation of electronic equipment in its intended electromagnetic
Electromagnetic radiation from an electrical source that interrupts the normal
function of an electronic device.
Design Guide17
Flight TimeFlight time is a term in the timing equation that includes the signal propagation
Full-powerDuring full-power operation, all components on the motherboard remain
GTLREFReference voltage for AGTL+ input pins.
Interference (ISI)
NetworkThe network is the trace of a Printed Circuit Board (PCB) that completes an
OvershootThe maximum voltage observed for a signal at the device pad, measured with
PadThe electrical contact point of a semiconductor die to the package substrate. A
PinThe contact point of a component package to the traces on a substrate, such as
Power-Good“Power-Good,” “PWRGOOD,” or “CPUPWRGOOD” (an active high signal)
Power RailsA power supply has five power rails: +12 V, –12 V, +5 V, +3.3 V, and +5 VSB. In
RingbackThe voltage to which a signal changes after reaching its maximum absolute
System BusThe System Bus is the bus which connects the processor to the platform.
Setup WindowThe time between the beginning of Setup to Clock (TSU_MIN) and the arrival of
delay, any effects the system has on the Tco of the driver, plus any adjustments
to the signal at the receiver needed to guarantee the setup time of the receiver.
More precisely, flight time is defined as:
• The time difference between a signal at the input pin of a receiving agent
crossing the switching voltage (adjusted to meet the receiver manufacturer’s
conditions required for AC timing specifications; i.e., ringback, etc.) and the
output pin of the driving agent crossing the switching voltage when the driver
is driving a test load used to specify the driver’s AC timings.
• Maximum and Minimum Flight Time – Flight time variations are caused by
many different parameters. The more obvious causes include variation of
the board dielectric constant, changes in load condition, crosstalk, power
noise, variation in termination resistance, and differences in I/O buffer
performance as a function of temperature, voltage, and manufacturing
process. Some less obvious causes include effects of Simultaneous
Switching Output (SSO) and packaging effects.
• Maximum flight time is the largest acceptable flight time that a network
experiences under all conditions.
• Minimum flight time is the smallest acceptable flight time that a network
experiences under all conditions.
powered. Note that full-power operation includes both the full-on operating state,
and the S1 (processor stop-grant) state.
The effect of a previous signal (or transition) on the interconnect delay. For
example, when a signal is transmitted down a line, and the reflections due to the
transition have not completely dissipated, the following data transition launched
onto the bus is affected. ISI is dependent upon frequency, time delay of the line,
and the reflection coefficient at the driver and receiver. ISI can impact both timing
and signal integrity.
electrical connection between two or more components.
respect to VCC.
pad is only observable in simulations.
the motherboard. Signal quality and timings can be measured at the pin.
indicates that all of the system power supplies and clocks are stable.
PWRGOOD should go active a predetermined time after system voltages are
stable and should go inactive as soon as any of these voltages fail their
addition to these power rails from the power supply, several other power rails are
created by voltage regulators on the Reference Board.
value. Ringback may be caused by reflections, driver oscillations, or other
transmission line phenomena.
a valid clock edge. This window may be different for each type of bus agent in
the system.
18Design Guide
Simultaneous Switching
Output (SSO)
Standby Power RailStandby power is supplied by the power supply during times when the system is
StubThe branch from the bus trunk terminating at the pad of an agent.
TrunkThe main connection, excluding interconnect branches, from one end agent pad
UndershootThe minimum voltage extending below VSS observed for a signal at the device
VCC_CPUVCC_CPU is the core power for the processor. The system bus is terminated to
VictimA network that receives a coupled crosstalk signal from another network is called
VRM 9.1 “VRM 9.1” refers to the Voltage Regulator Module specification for the Xeon
Effects which are differences in electrical timing parameters and degradation in
signal quality caused by multiple signal outputs simultaneously switching voltage
levels in the opposite direction from a single signal or in the same direction.
These are called odd mode and even mode switching, respectively. This
simultaneous switching of multiple outputs creates higher current swings that
may cause additional propagation delay (“push-out”) or a decrease in
propagation delay (“pull-in”). These SSO effects may impact the setup and/or
hold times and are not always taken into account by simulations. System timing
budgets should include margin for SSO effects.
powered down. The purpose is to maintain functions that always need to be
enabled, such as the date and time-of-day within the BIOS. The power supply
provides a +5 VSB power rail.
to the other end agent pad.
the victim network.
processor. It is a DC-DC converter module that supplies the required voltage and
current to a single processor.
1.3System Overview
The E7500 chipset is Intel’s first generation server chipset designed for use with the Xeon
processor. The architecture of the chipset provides the performance and feature-set required for
dual-processor based severs in the entry- level and mid-range, front -end and g eneral-purp ose server
market segments. A new chipset component interconnect, the Hub Interface 2.0 (HI2.0), is
designed into the E7500 chipset to provide more efficient communication between chipset
components for high-speed I/O . Each HI2.0 prov ides 1.066 GB/s I/O bandwidt h. The E7500 MC H
has three HI2.0 connectio ns , d eliv eri ng 3.2 G B /s b andw id th fo r h i gh- sp eed I /O, which can be used
for PCI/PCI-X bridges. The system bus, used to connect the processor with the E7500 chipset,
utilizes a 400 MHz transfer rate for data transfers, delivering 3.2 GB/s. The E7500 chipset
architecture supports a 144-bit wide, 200 MHz DDR memory interface also capable of transferring
data at 3.2 GB/s.
In addition to these performance features, E7500 chipset-based platforms also provide the RASUM
(Reliability, Availability, Serviceability, Usability, and Manageability) features required for entrylevel and mid-range servers. These features include: Chipkill* technology ECC for memory, ECC
for all high-performance I/O, out-of-band manageability through SMBus target interfaces on all
major components, memory scrubbing and auto-initialization, processor thermal monito ring, and
hot-plug PCI. For a complete list of the features on this platform, refer to the component datasheets
listed inSection 1.1.
Design Guide19
1.3.1Intel® Xeon™ Processor with 512 KB L2 Cache
The Intel Xeon processor with 512 KB L2 cache is the second generation of microprocessors
targeted for severs and workstations using the Intel
processor delivers performance levels that are sign ificantly hig her th an previou s g eneratio ns of IA32 processors. The E7500 chipset supports all speeds of the Intel Xeon processor with 512 KB L2
Table 1-2. Intel
L2 Cache512 KB
Data Bus Transfer Rate3.2 GB/s
Multi-Processor Support1–2 CPUs
Manageability Features
Package603-pin micro-PGA
Operating Voltage1.50 V
Unless otherwise noted, the term “processor” refers to the Xeon processor.
The Xeon processor includes the following advanced microarchitecture features:
• Hyper Pipelined Technology.
• Advanced Dynamic Execution.
• Execution Trace Cache.
NetBurst™ microarchitecture. The Xeon
Xeon™ Processor with 512 KB L2 Cache Feature Set Overview
The Intel Xeon processor system bus utilizes a split-transaction, deferred reply protocol similar to
that of the Intel
with the Pentium III Xeon processor bus. The system bus uses source-synchronous transfer of
address and data to improve performance and enables addressing at 2X the system bus frequency
of 100 MHz and data transfers at 4X the system bus frequency of 100 MHz. This allows the
processors to transfer data at 3.2 GB/s.
The Xeon processor provides manageability features consistent with Intel
processors. These features include the Processor Information ROM, the OEM EEPROM, and the
processor thermal sensor; all of which are accessed through the System Management Bus
(SMBus). The Processor Information ROM is a 128-byte read-only device that incorporates Intel
processor specific data. The OEM EEPROM, also known as the “scratchpad EEPROM,” is a
128-byte read/write EEPROM in which an OEM may program system specific data. The thermal
sensor monitors the temperature of the processor die.
Pentium III Xeon™ processor bus, however the system bus is not compatible
Pentium® III Xeon™
20Design Guide
1.3.2Intel® E7500 Chipset
The E7500 chipset consists of three major components: the Intel® E7500 Memory Controller Hub
(referred to throughout this document as the MCH), the Intel
(hereafter referred to as ICH3-S), and th e Intel
P64H2). The chipset components communicate via hub interfaces (HIs). The MCH provides four
hub interface connections: one for the ICH3-S and three for high-speed I/O using 82870P2 P64H2
components. The hub interfaces are point-to-po int and therefore on ly support two agents (the MCH
plus one I/O device). Therefore, the system supports a total of three P64H2s.
82870P2 PCI/ PCI-X 64-bit Hub 2 (abbreviated to® E7500 Memory Controller Hub (MCH)
The MCH is a 1005-ball FC-BGA package and contains the following functionality:
• System Bus Features:
— Supports dual processors at 100 MHz (x4 transfers).
— System bus bandwidth of 3.2 GB/s (400 MHz).
— Supports 36-bit system bus addressing model.
— 12 deep in-order queue, 2 deep defer queue.
• Memory Bus Features:
— 144-bit wide, DDR-200 memory interface with memory bandwidth of 3.2 GB/s.
— Supports x72, ECC, registered DDR-200 DIMMs using 64-Mb, 128-Mb, 256-Mb and
512-Mb DRAMs.
— Supports a maximum of 16 GB of memory.
— Supports Single 4-bit Error Correct, Double 4-bit Error Detect (S4EC/D4ED) Chipkill
technology ECC (x4 Chipkill technology).
— Supports up to 32 simultaneous open pages.
82801CA I/O Controller Hub 3-S
• I/O Features:
— Provides HI1.5 connection for ICH3-S (Hub Interface A):
- 266 MB/s point-to-point connection for ICH3-S with parity protection.
- 8-bit wide, 66 MHz base clock, 4X data transfer.
- Parallel termination mode for longer trace lengths.
— Supports C0, C1, C2, S0, S1, S4, and S5 power states. (Does not support C3, C4, S2,
and S3).
Design Guide21
Introduction Controller Hub 3 (Intel® ICH3-S)
The I/O Controller Hub (ICH3-S) provides the legacy I/O subsystem for E7500 chipset-based
platforms. Additionally, it integrates many advanced I/O functions. The ICH3-S includes the
following features:
• Provides HI1.5 Connection to MC H:
— 266 MB/s point-to-point connection for ICH3-S with parity protection.
— 8-bit wide, 66 MHz base clock, 4X data transfer.
— Parallel termination mode for longer trace lengths.
— 64-bit inbound addressing, 32-bit outbound addressing.
• 2 channel Ultra ATA/100 bus master IDE controller.
The P64H2 provides PCI/PCI-X, high-performance I/O capability on E7500 chipset based
platforms. Each P64H2 component includes:
• 16-bit, HI2.0 Connection to MCH:
— 1 GB/s point-to-point connection for I/O bridges with ECC protection.
— 16-bit wide, 66 MHz base clock, 8X data transfer.
— Parallel termination mode for longer trace lengths.
— 64-bit inbound addressing, 32-bit outbound addressing.
• Two Independent, 64-bit PCI/PCI-X Interfaces:
— PCI-X Specification, Revision 1.0a compliant.
— PCI Local Bus Specification, Revision 2.2 compliant.
— PCI-PCI Bridge Architecture Specification, Revision 1.1 compliant.
— PCI Hot Plug Specification, Revision 1.1 compliant.
— One PCI Hot Plug Controller (PHPC) per PCI/PCI-X interface.
— One IOxAPIC per PCI/PCI-X Interface (16 external, 8 internal interrupts).
— SMBus target for access to all internal PCI registers.
22Design Guide
1.3.3Bandwid th Summary
Table 1-3 describes the clock maximum speed, sample rate, and bandwidth for each of the
interfaces in the E7500 chipset based platform.
Table 1-3. Platform Maximum Bandwidth Summary
Clock Speed
Samples per
Data Width
System Bus (Data)100483200
DDR Interface1002163200
Hub Interface A6641266
Hub Interface B, C, D66821066
1.3.4System Configurations
Figure 1-1 illustrates an example E7500 chipset-based system configuration for server platforms
using Xeon processors.
Figure 1-1. Example Intel® Xeon™ Processor with 512 KB L2 Cache / Intel® E7500 Chipset
Based System Configuration
System Memory
200 MHz
200 MHz
Hot Plug
Hot Plug
Hot Plug
Super I/O
1–4 FWHs
10/100 LAN
AC '97
SMBus 1.1
AC'97 2.1
HI 2.0
HI 2.0
HI 1.5
HI 2.0
USB 1.1, 6 Ports
4 IDE Devices
Design Guide23
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24Design Guide
Component Quadrant Layout
Component Quadrant Layout2
The following figures show only general quadrant information, not exact component ball count.
Designers should use only the exact ball assignment to conduct routing analyses. Reference the
following documents for exact ball assignment information.
• Intel
• Intel
• Intel
• Intel
Xeon™ Process or wi th 512 KB L2 Cache at 1.80 G Hz, 2 GH z , a nd 2.2 0 G Hz Dat as heet