Intel SSDSC2BW480H601, SSDSC2BW480H6R5 Product sheet

product brief
Intel® Solid State Drive 535 Series
Level Up
The Next Level of Consumer Computing
Enjoy the snappy performance and ruggedness of the Intel® Solid State Drive 535 Series.
Intel Evolving Storage Technology
Intel® Solid State Drives (Intel® SSDs) continue to evolve with the introduction of the Intel® SSD 535 Series.
Designed for a wide range of consumer and embedded platforms, including Ultrabook™, traditional desktops and lap­tops, mini computers, and digital signage, as well as the latest tablets and small form factor mobile systems, Intel SSD 535 Series combines high quality, reliable performance and low power consumption for space conscious computing.
Small Form Factors
The Intel SSD 535 Series M.2 form factor delivers outstanding performance for thin and light computing devices. Intel’s SSD
M.2 form factor requires far less space than a traditional 2.5-inch form factor storage device. Intel SSD 535 Series is also available in traditional 2.5-inch form factors, providing a variety of solid state technology solutions.
The Intel SSD 535 Series product line is available in capacities ranging from 56GB to 480GB.
A New Generation of Power Efficient Performance
With the Intel SSD 535 Series, your
computer will eortlessly manage
demanding consumer client applications and easily handle intense multi-tasking.
The Intel SSD 535 Series accelerates platform performance with sequential reads of up to 540 megabytes and sequential writes of up to 490 megabytes per second (MB/s) and random read and write input/output operations (IOPS) of up to 48K and 80K respectively.
In addition to strong performance gains, Intel SSD 535 Series provides extended battery life through low power modes. Idle power consumption of Intel SSD 535 Series is reduced by >90% over a typical hard disc drive, thereby reducing power consumption from watts to milliwatts. When the Intel SSD 535 Series is coupled with a 4th or 5th generation Intel® Core-based platform, advanced power mode settings reduce power dissipation another order of magnitude – from milliwatts to microwatts.
Latest NAND Technology
Intel SSD 535 Series uses the latest 16nm NAND technology.
You will also benet from the high quality
and reliability you’ve come to expect from Intel. Along with power and space savings, reliability, and peace of mind, the Intel SSD 535 Series comes with Intel’s outstanding customer support and 5-year limited warranty.
Product Spotlight
• High performance for demanding applications
• High quality and reliability
• Low power consumption
• Space-conscious form factors
• 16nm NAND technology
Non-Volatile Memory Storage Solutions
Intel® Solid State Drive 535 Series
Model Name Intel Solid State Drive 535 Series
Capacity (GB)
M.2 - 120, 180, 240, 360
2.5-inch - 56, 120, 180, 240, 360, 480
NAND Flash Memory 16nm NAND Flash Memory Multi-Level Cell (MLC)
Form Factor Capacity Point
Sequential Read (up to)
Sequential Write (up to)
Random Read (up to)
120GB, 180GB, 240GB 360GB
540 MB/s 490 MB/s 48K IOPs 80K IOPs
2.5-inch 56GB, 120GB, 180GB, 240GB,
540 MB/s 490 MB/s 48K IOPs 80K IOPs
360GB, 480GB
Interface SATA 6Gb/s, compatible with SATA 3Gb/s
Form Factor Height/Weight
Form Factor, Height and Weight
M.2 (80mm) Up to 3.58mm / up to 10 grams
2.5-inch Up to 7mm / up to 78 grams
Life Expectancy
Power Consumption M.2 Active: 140 mW Typical
Power Consumption 2.5-inch Active: 165 mW Typical
1.2 million hours Mean Time Between Failures (MTBF)
Idle: 55 mW Typical
Idle: 55 mW Typical
Operating Temperature 0 C to 70 C
RoHS Compliance Meets the requirements of European Union (EU) RoHS Compliance Directives
Software Tools
Intel® Solid State Drive Toolbox with Intel® SSD Optimizer at Intel® Data Migration Software at
Random Write (up to)
DevSleep: 200µW
DevSleep: 5mW
Solid State Drive Computing Starts with Intel Inside®. For more information, visit
Bas ed on the Intel SS D 535 Series Prod uct Speci cations: ht tp://ww om/content/ www/us/en/s olid-sta te-driv es/ssd-535 -spec.h tml and http: //ww com/content/ www/us/en /solid-st ate-dri ves/
All ca pacities an d form fac tors will not b e available at l aunch.
Per formance v aries by cap acity and is m easured by I ntel using IO Meter* wit h Queue Dept h 32.
Per formance me asured by In tel using IOM eter 1.1.0 with Queu e Depth 32. Mea surement s are perf ormed on 8GB of l ogical bloc k address (L BA) range on a f ull SSD.
All documented en durance test results ar e obtained in comp liance with JE SD218 Standa rds. See ww w.jedec. org for detailed deni tions of JESD218 Stan dards.
Act ive power mea sured duri ng executio n of MobileMa rk* 2007 Work load with SATA Link Po wer Manage ment (LPM) en abled.
Idle powe r dened as SSD at idl e with SATA Link Powe r Manag ement (LPM) ena bled.
Tests docu ment perfor mance of compone nts on a particu lar test, in spe cic system s. Dierences in hardw are, soft ware, or congu ration will a ect actual pe rformance . Consult other sou rces of informat ion to
evalu ate perfor mance as you co nsider your pu rchase.
IOMet er* Test and Syst em Congur ations: Inte l® Core™ i5-240 0S (6MB L3 C ache, 2.5G Hz), Intel Des ktop Boar d DH67CF, Intel HD Gr aphics dr iver, BI OS: BLH6710H .84A. 0160.2012.1204.1156, Chipset :
Intel I NF, Mem ory: 4GB ( 2X2GB) Kin gston DDR3 -1333, Intel R ST driver 12. 9, Microsof t Windows 7 En terprise 6 4-bit wit h SP1.
For more complete information about performance and benchmark results, visit
The prod ucts descr ibed in this docum ent may contain de sign defect s or errors known a s errata which may c ause the produc t to deviate from pu blished spec ications . Curre nt characte rized errata a re available on reque st. Contac t your loca l Intel sa les oce or your distr ibutor to obtai n the lates t specicat ions and befor e placin g your pro duct order. Copi es of documents w hich have an order num ber and are refe renced in
this do cument, or o ther Intel lit erature, m ay be obtaine d by calling 1- 800-54 8-4725, or by v isiting Int el’s Web site at w .com.
Copyri ght © 2014 Intel Corp oration . All rights re served. I ntel, the In tel logo, and In tel Inside ar e trademar ks of Intel Cor poration i n the U.S. an d other countr ies.
* Other n ames and bra nds may be cla imed as the pr operty of o thers. Printe d in the USA 201512102/jm/ra 331852-00 3US