Intel SSDSC2BP240G401, SSDSC2BP240G410, SSDSC2BP240G4R5 Product sheet

product brief
Intel® Solid State Drive 730 Series
Data Center DNA
Performance Unleashed
Factory overclocked 3rd generation Intel controller infused with DNA stolen from the Intel SSD Data Center Family.
Optimized for Performance
Maximize your computing experience with the Intel® Solid State Drive (Intel® SSD) 730 Series, built with a specially qualied 3rd generation Intel con­troller, 20nm NAND and optimized
NAND bus speed. Intel SSD 730 Series
are optimized for the most demanding tasks including digital content creation, video capture/editing, extreme gaming and other client usages where stor­age performance improves the user’s
experience and eciency. Applications will benet from the 50µs read latency,
up to 550MB/s sequential reads and
89,000 IOPs random reads.
730 Series + Intel® Rapid Storage Technology = Amazing Performance
Digital Content Creation experts and PC Enthusiasts know the highest storage performance is achieved
with RAID-0 congurations as SSDs saturate the SATA interface. Comparing
two Intel SSD 730 Series drives in a RAID-0 array to a single alternative SSD, results in the same capacity
and nearly double the performance.
As shown below, two Intel SSD 730
Series drives in a RAID-0 conguration
can provide throughput numbers exceeding 1000MB/s when coupled with Intel platforms supporting Intel
Rapid Storage Technology (Intel® RST).
Similarly four Intel SSD 730 Series drives in a RAID-0 array with an Intel® chipset based platform can provide
performance exceeding 1500MB/s.
Internal Intel test results with IOMeter 2009. 10/22 on Intel Core i7 4770K, Z87 Chipset, 8GB PC3-10700, RST version 12.8. For more information go to:
Non-Volatile Memory Storage Solutions
Intel® Solid State Drive 730 Series
Intel Data Center DNA = Extreme Endurance & Performance Consistency
Intel® SSD 730 Series also delivers excellent endurance to support the needs of the
most demanding client usages. Support for up to 70GB writes per day for ve years (compared to the industry typical 20GB) provides piece of mind for digital content
creators and PC enthusiasts who demand dependable up-time from their workstations
and gaming rigs. The Intel SSD 730 Series drive also brings greater performance consistency to the client market in both single drive and multiple drive RAID arrays. Intel’s advanced rmware algorithms allow Intel to deliver client SSDs with “data center” eciency and dependability throughout the life of the drive.
Solid State Drive Computing Starts with Intel Inside®. For more information, visit
Product Spotlight
• Intel® SSD Architecture designed and optimized for leading client storage performance
• Intel Data Center DNA brings performance consistency for all data types and extreme endurance to client storage
• Intel® Rapid Storage Technology plus 730 Series delivers top performance for the most demanding storage workloads
Model Name Intel® Solid State Drive 730 Series
Capacity 2.5-inch: 240GB and 480GB
NAND Flash Memory 20nm Intel® NAND Flash Memor y Multi-Level Cell (MLC) Compute-Quality Components
Sustained Sequential Reads / Writes
Bandwidth2 Sustained Sequential Reads / Writes 2 Drive RAID-0
Read /Write Latency 50 µs / 65 µs
4KB Reads / Writes
Random I/O Operations per Second3
Interface SATA 6Gb/s, compatible with SATA 3Gb/s and 1.5Gb/s
Form Factor, Height and Weight Form Factor: 2.5-inch
Life Expectancy 2 million hours Mean Time Between Failures (MTBF)
Lifetime Endurance 240GB - 50GB Writes per Day 480GB – 70GB Writes per Day
Usage 24/7 operation
Power Consumption4 12V 240GB 480GB 5V 240GB 480GB
Operating Temperature 0° C to 70° C
RoHS Compliance Meets the requirements of European Union (EU) RoHS Compliance Directives
Product Ordering Information To order, visit
240GB: up to 550 / 270 MB/s 240GB: up to 1020 / 530 MB/s
480GB: up to 550 / 470 MB/s 480GB: up to 1020 / 910 MB/s
4 KB Reads / Writes 2 Drive R AID-0
240GB: up to 86,00 0 IOPS / 56,000 IOPS 240GB: up to 136,000 IOPS / 111,000 IOPS
480GB: up to 89,000 IOPS / 74,00 0 IOPS 480GB: up to 168,000 IOPS / 145,000 IOPS
Height: Up to 7mm
Weight: Up to 78 grams
Active: 3.8W 5.5W Active: 3.8W 5.0W
Idle: 1.5W 1.5W Idle: 1.2W 1. 3W
Based on th e Intel® SSD D C 730 Serie s Produc t Specicat ion.
Device m easured usi ng Iometer wi th 4K Random Wri tes QD=32 across 10 0% span of the dri ve. Latenc y measured u sing write tr ansfer size of 4 KB (4,096 by tes) and queue de pth set to 1.
Base d on JESD218 stan dard with JE SD219 workload b ased on JES D SSD standa rd
Based on J ESDEC SSD stan dard JC64.8 Intel may ma ke changes to speci cations an d produc t descripti ons at any time, with out notice. Desi gners must not re ly on the absence or cha racteris tics of any featur es or instruc tions marked “r eserved” or “unde ned.” Intel re serves thes e for futu re denition an d shall have no respo nsibility wh atsoever for co nicts or incom patibiliti es arising fro m future c hanges to them. Th e infor mation here is sub ject to cha nge witho ut notice. Do not na lize a desig n with this i nform ation.
Soft ware and work loads used in per formance tes ts may have been opti mized for perf ormance only on Int el microproce ssors. Per formance test s, such as SYSma rk and MobileM ark, are meas ured using spec ic comput er systems, co mponents , soft ware, oper ations and func tions. Any cha nge to any of those fac tors may cause the re sults to vary. You shou ld consult other inf ormation and pe rforman ce tests to as sist you in fully ev aluating your con templa ted purchase s, including th e performa nce of that produc t when combined wi th other produc ts.
Perf ormance test s and rati ngs are measur ed using speci c computer sys tems and/or compon ents and reec t the approxim ate perform ance of Intel produ cts as measu red by those tests . Any dieren ce in syste m hardw are or softw are design or con guration may a ect actual pe rformanc e. Buyers shou ld consult ot her sources of info rmation to eval uate the perfo rmance of syste ms or component s they are con sidering purch asing. For more in formation on pe rformanc e tests an d on the perform ance of Intel prod ucts, go to: htt p://www.i erforman ce/resources /benchmar k_limit m.
The prod ucts descr ibed in this docum ent may contain de sign defect s or error s known as erra ta which may cause th e produ ct to deviate fro m publish ed specica tions. Curre nt characte rized errat a are avail able on reque st. Contac t your loca l Intel sal es oce or your distr ibutor to obtain t he latest speci cations and be fore placing yo ur product ord er. Copies of docume nts which have an or der number and are r eferenced in this doc ument, or othe r Intel lite rature, may be ob tained by calli ng 1-800-5 48-4725, or by vis iting Intel’s Web si te at www.inte
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