Intel® SSDs Based on EDSFF*
Built with Purpose,
Designed for Performance.
Intel® Data Center SSDs based on EDSFF*; the perfect t
Break free from the limitations of legacy data center SSD form factors with the
revolutionary new E1.L and E1.S Intel® SSDs based on EDSFF*. Featuring a common
connector and pinout, the array of exible, future-ready features enable a broad
range of interoperable designs. Purpose-built to meet your toughest storage
challenges and to always be the perfect t.
Simply Revolutionary
Designed from the ground up, these revolutionary new EDSFF-based SSDs deliver
exible building blocks for scalable solutions, increased operational eciency at
scale and space-ecient capacity consolidating the storage footprint.
EDSFF was created to limit storage form factor proliferation by dening
revolutionary industry standard form factors. This was driven by three guiding
principles: enable scale, optimize total cost of ownership, and enable a dynamic
range of solutions.
These principles were driven by key data center storage challenges, as surveyed
from top IT decision makers: ability to scale capacity to support data and application
growth, driving down the cost of storage—lowering operating and capital
expenditures, while increasing storage agility, and to deliver required application
performance without compromises. With a healthy and growing ecosystem, Intel
supports EDSFF as the data center form factor standard of the future.
Now You Have Options
The E1.L and E1.S give you options for a variety of data center needs.
E1.L is a purpose-built form factor optimized for disaggregated systems. Providing
high per server capacity, enabling up to 32 drives per rack unit for massive storage
power. In addition to capacity, this form factor provides key features of thermal
eciency, full serviceability, scalability, and future ready performance.
E1.S provides the best of U.2 and M.2. E1.S in a scalable, exible, power, and
thermally ecient SSD building block. This form factor was designed for highvolume hyperscale, and allows system exibility, increased storage density, modular
scaling, improved serviceability, and more ecient cooling optimized for 1U servers.

Technolog y Brief | Intel® SSDs Based on EDSFF
Intentional Design
The inspiration for EDSFF, the
Intel® SSD DC P4500 in the
“ruler” form factor won an
International Design Excellence
Award (IDEA) in 2019. This
award is a benchmark of design
and positions Intel® SSDs based
on EDSFF to become an icon
in the storage industry. A shift
toward intentional industrial
design in the storage industry,
Intel® SSDs based on EDSFF
show how Intel is reimagining
data center storage for ash.
Optimized Capacity
EDSFF drives were designed to optimize capacity per drive. With 36 media sites on
the E1.L this drive can scale to higher capacities without expensive and complex
die stacking. The Intel® E1.L will scale up to 30.72TB of capacity in 2019.
30.72TB E1.L form factor, you will be able to reach nearly 1PB of storage in 1U.
provides up to 10 times rack consolidation
compared to 8TB U.2 15mm drives.
Using the
Space Isn’t All it Saves
E1.L provides programmable LEDs to quickly locate failed drives, oine drives,
and un-populated slots. With a carrier-less design and an integrated latch, the E1.L
removes the need for drive carriers. Advanced enclosure management with slot level
power control enables single drive isolation. The E1.L is up to 2 times more thermally
ecient than U.2 15mm drives,
ecient than U.2 7mm drives.
thermal eciency, EDSFF drives allow you to increase operational eciency at scale.
while the E1.S is up to 3 times more thermally
With a combination of built in serviceability and
1. Sou rce – Inte l. Comp aring a irow requ ired to maintain equi valent temper ature of a 4TB U. 2 15mm Intel® SSD DC P450 0 to a 4TB EDSFF- based form factor f or Intel® SSD DC P450 0. Results
have been estimated or simulated using internal analysis or architecture simulation or modeling, and provided for informational purposes. Simulation involves three drives for each form
factor in a she et metal representation of a server, 12.5mm pitch for t he EDSFF-based for m factor, 1000 m elevation , limiti ng SSD on c ase temp of 70° C or ther mal throttling per forma nce,
which ever com es rs t. 5°C gu ard band. Results us ed as a pr oxy for airow antic ipated o n EDSFF spec com pliant form factor I ntel® SSD P4510.
2. Source – Intel . Comparing airow requi red to ma intai n equiv alent temperature of an 8TB U. 2 7mm Intel® SSD DC P45 00 to a 8TB EDSFF E1.S form factor for Int el® SSD DC P4510. Result s
have been estimated or simulated using internal analysis or architecture simulation or modeling, and provided for informational purposes. Simulation involves comparing the 1U server
implementations of e ach for m factor. E1.S is ve rtic ally oriente d at an 11mm pitch , and the U.2 7mm is horizontally o rient ed at an 18mm p itch. B oth form fac tors are surr ounde d in a shee t
metal repre sentation of a se rver. Each form fac tor is limited by condition to ini tiate th ermal t hrottling .
3. Source- Inte l. 30.72TB EDSFF-based SSD comin g in 2019. All infor mation provided here is sub ject to change without noti ce. Conta ct your Intel Repre sentative to obt ain the latest Intel
produ ct specic ation and roa dmaps .
4. Source- Int el. 983TB total u sing 32 30.72TB SSDs; 32 SSDs per 1U node usi ng E1.L for m fact or. Base d on 30.72T B Intel® SS D D5-P4326 availa ble at a fut ure date .
5. Source- Int el. Com parin g maxi mum capacity per 1 rack u nit of 32 Intel® SSD D5-P4326 30.72 TB (avai lable at a l ater date) of 983TB to 10 rack unit s of Intel® S SD DC P4500 8TB of 960 TB.
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