Intel SSDPELKX010T801 User Manual

Product brief
Intel® SSD DC P4511 Data Center (DC), PCI Express (P), 64-Layer TLC 3D NAND
Cloud Inspired. Optimized for Low Power Storage.
Designed to meet demanding service levels and support broader cloud workloads while reducing operational costs.
Built from the success of its cloud-inspired predecessor and architected with 64-layer Intel® 3D NAND technology, the Intel® SSD DC P4511 delivers performance, quality of service (QoS), and capacity improvements to help optimize storage eciency, enabling data centers to do more per server, minimize service disruptions, and eciently manage at scale.
The PCIe Intel SSD DC P4511 is available in 1 TB and 2 TB in the M.2 (110mm) form factor, and in 4 TB in the E1.S form factor.
E1.S: Big Performance in a Tiny Package
Enable a dynamic range of solutions
with scalable, exible, powerful, and thermally ecient E1.S Intel® SSDs. The
form factor designed for high-volume
hyperscale increases system exibility and storage density while optimizing capacity. Built-in serviceability and thermal eciency enable scale while reducing costs and increasing reliabilit y.
Power-Ecient SSD Built for Cloud Storage Architectures
Multi-cloud has become a core element for any enterprise strategy, and top cloud providers have responded by openly embracing PCIe/NVMe-based SSDs with scalable performance, low latency, and continued innovation.
As software-dened and converged infrastructures are swiftly adopted, the need increases to maximize eciency, revitalize existing hardware, deploy new workloads, and yet reduce operational expenditures.
Do More per Server
The Intel SSD DC P4511, with 64-layer 3D NAND technology and M.2 and E1.S form factors, increases server agility and utilization, and accelerates applications across a wide range of cloud workloads. bandwidth, up to 1.5x performance/watt, and up to 3.4x reduction of service time at QoS metric of 99.99% availability for random access workload. ensured with an intelligent rmware algorithm that keeps host and background data reads and writes at an optimum balance.
The SSD DC P4511 delivers up to 5x faster read
Better QoS is
Minimize Service Disruptions
To ensure telemetry information without disrupting ongoing I/Os, the SSD DC P4511 includes enhanced SMART monitoring of drive health and status, using an in-band mechanism and out-of-band access. A power loss imminent (PLI) protection scheme with a built-in self-test guards against data loss if system power is suddenly cut.
Coupled with industry-leading end-to-end data path protection scheme, PLI features enables ease of deployment into resilient data centers where data corruption from system-level glitches is not tolerated.4 The DC P4511 combines rmware enhancements with 3D NAND features to prioritize host workload and meet service levels.
Product Brief | Intel® Solid State Drive DC P4511
Eciently Manage at Scale
To help data centers make the most of increased SSD capacity per server, dynamic namespace management delivers the exibility to permit more users and scale deployment.
With the capability to manage multiple rmware versions on a drive and to support updates without a reset, the SSD DC P4511 improves integration and increases the ease and eciency of deploying at scale.
Features At-a-Glance
MODEL Intel® SSD DC P4511 M.2 Intel® SSD DC P4511 E1.S
Capacity and Form Factor M.2 1 TB, 2 TB E1.S 5.9mm 4 TB
Interface PCIe 3.1 x4, NVMe 1.2 PCIe 3.1 x4, NVMe 1.2
Media Intel® 3D NAND technology, 64-layer, TLC Intel® 3D NAND technology, 64-layer, TLC
Performance 128k Sequential Read/Write – up to 1900/1430 MB/s 128k Sequential Read/Write – up to 2800/2400 MB/s
Random 4KB R/ W: Up to 295K /36K IOPs Random 4KB R/W: Up to 610.2K/ 75K IOPs
Reliability UBER: 1 sector per 10
MTBF: 2 million hours
bits read
UBER: 1 sector per 10 MTBF: 2 million hours
Endurance Up to 1.95 PBW Up to 3.33 PBW
Power Up to 8.25 Watt Up to 12.5 Watt
Warranty 5-year limited warranty 5-year limited warranty
bits read
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Test and Sys tem Congur ation: Pro cessor: Int el®Xeon® Gold 6140 C PU @ 2.30GHz , DRAM: D DR4 – 32GB, OS: Li nux Centos 7.3 ker nel 4.8.6 /4.15.rc1, Inte l® SSD DC P4510 Serie s, rmware v ersion
VDV10301. I ntel BIOS Pat ch rev13 was used - https://a .com/prod ucts/890 10/Inte l-Server-S ystem-R 2208WFTZ S. Perfo rmance resu lts are base d on testing a s of July 2018 and may n ot reec t all publicly ava ilab le secur ity updates . S ee congurat ion dis closure for det ails . No product or component can be abs olute ly secur e.
1. Intel te st: Comparing 128KB Se quential Read Band width between In tel® SSD DC S3520 Ser ies 760 GB and Int el® SSD DC P4511 Series 1 TB . Measured bandwi dth was 400MB/se c and 2.0GB/s ec respe ctively. FIO wa s u sed using the con gura tion lis ted above.
2. Intel te st: Comparing 4KB 70/ 30 Random Rea d/Write que ue depth 1 latency at 99 .99% percentile, betw een Intel® SSD DC S3520 Ser ies 760 GB and Inte l® SSD DC P4511 Series 1 TB Any d ierences in your system hardware, sof tware or con guration may a ect your actual per formance. In tel exp ect s to see certain lev el of vari ation in data mea surement acr oss mult iple dri ves. FIO uses the conguration listed above.
3. Intel test: Compa ring Sequent ial Write bandwi dth and power for 128KB tra nsfe r size with que ue depth 128 between Int el® SSD DC P4510 Series 2 TB and Intel® SSD DC P450 0 Serie s 2 TB. Also comparing S352 0 and P4511 drives . FIO was used using th e congurat ion listed ab ove.
4. Source - Int el. End-to -end data protection refers to the se t of metho ds used to de tect and corre ct the integri ty of dat a across the full path as it is read or written bet ween the host and th e SSD contro ller and media . C laim is ba sed on average of In tel drive error r ates vs. avera ge of compe titor dr ive error rates. Neut ron radiation is used to de termine silent data cor ruption rates and as a measure of over all end -to-end data prot ecti on eectiveness . Silent error s w ere mea sured at run-t ime and at po st-r eboot after a drive “hang” by comp aring expec ted data vs actu al data re turned by drive . T he annual rate of data corruption was project ed from th e rate dur ing accelerated testing divided by the ac celer ation of th e b eam (see JEDEC st andard JESD 89A).
Intel technologies ’ features and be net s d epend on syste m congu rati on and may re quire enable d hardw are, software , or service activat ion. Performance varie s d epending on sy stem con guration . No compu ter sys tem can be absolutely sec ure. Check with your sys tem manufac turer or retai ler to lear n more.
Cost red uction scena rios described are intende d a s examp les of how a given Intel- based produc t, in the specied circumst ances and cong urations, may aec t f uture costs an d provide cost sav ings . Circumsta nces will vary. Intel doe s not guar antee any costs or cost redu ction.
Soft ware and work loads us ed in perform ance tes ts may have been opti mized for perf ormance only on Intel micr opro cesso rs. Perr mance te sts , such as SYSmark and MobileMar k, are measur ed using speci c computer sys tems, components, sof twa re, ope rations, an d func tions. Any cha nge to any of tho se fac tors may cause results to vary. You shou ld consult other informa tion and perf ormance test s to assist you in fully evaluating your contem plate d p urchases , i nclud ing the pe rfo rmance of that pro duct when comb ined wi th other produc ts. For more complete informa tion vi sit ww com/ benchmarks
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