product brief
Intel® Solid State Drive Pro 6000p Series
Professional Client, PCIe*, 3D NAND
Built for Business. Engineered for IT.
Intel Inside. Performance that Matters Outside.
The Intel® SSD Pro 6000p Series delivers power-ecient performance
with enterprise-ready security and remote manageability capabilities.
Product Spotlight
• Intel quality and reliability
• Performance that matters
• Single-sided capacities up to 1TB
• M.2 (80 mm) form factor
• Low power consumption
• AES 256-bit self-encryption
• Backed by Intel’s ve year
Ideal for Corporate IT Users
Intel® Solid State Drive Pro 6000p Se-
ries is architected for the M.2 form factor
with the PCIe* Gen3 x4, NVMe* interface.
Designed for a range of devices from
desktops to laptops, the Intel® SSD Pro
6000p Series will effortlessly manage
demanding client applications and easily
handle intense multi-tasking.
Intel® 3D NAND SSDs
The Intel® SSD Pro 6000p Series is
part of the Intel® 3D NAND SSD family
of products. Built on breakthrough 3D
NAND and delivered by a proven and
trusted supplier, the Intel® 3D NAND SSDs
transform the economics of storage.
The combination of 3D NAND and PCIe
enables Intel® SSDs to push the limits of
performance and value.
Intel® Remote Secure Erase
In addition to fast performance and
extreme reliability, Intel® Solid State Drive
Professional Family of products deliver
differentiated security features at a time
when data security dominates all IT
decisions. Exclusive to the Intel® SSD
Professional Family, the Intel® Remote
Secure Erase-based solution offers an
advanced data security and remote
manageability capability for immediate
and effective data sanitation when retiring
or reusing a PC.¹ IT managers can save
time by efficiently “wiping” drives clean
using a familiar IT console.
Manage Client and Workstation PCs
The Pro 6000p Series accelerates
platform performance with sequential
reads of up to 1,800 megabytes
and sequential writes of up to 560
megabytes per second (MB/s) and
random read and write input/output
operations (IOPS) of up to 155K and
128K, respectively.²
The Pro 6000p Series is designed to
enable users ecient access to the most
used applications, with up to 3x better
performance than SATA SSDs.³
Enable Longer Battery Life
The Pro 6000p Series provides extended
battery life through low power modes.
It reduces idle consumption by >90%
compared to a typical hard disk drive,
reducing power consumption from watts
to milliwatts.⁴ When coupled with a 6th
generation Intel® Core™ processor-based
platform, the advanced power mode
settings reduce power consumption
by another order of magnitude—from
milliwatts to microwatts.
Quality & Reliability You Can Trust
The Pro 6000p Series is backed by Intel’s
ve year limited warranty, including
Intel’s world-class post sales customer
Non-Volatile Memory Solutions

Intel Solid State Drive Pro 6000p Series
Model Name Intel® Solid State Drive Pro 6000p Series
Capacity (GB) 128, 256, 512, 1024 (all single-sided)
NAND Flash Memory 3D Tri-Level Cell (TLC)
Sequential Read
(up to)⁵
Sequential Write
(up to)⁵
Random Read
(up to)⁵
Random Write
(up to)⁶
1800 MB/s 560 MB/s 155K IOPS 128K IOPS
Interface PCIe* Gen3x4, NVMe*
Form Factor Height/Weight
Form Factor, Height and Weight M.2 (80mm) Up to 1.5mm / up to 40 grams
Life Expectancy⁷ 1.6 million hours Mean Time Between Failure (MTBF)
Power Consumption Active: <100mW Typical⁸
Idle: <40 mW Typical⁴ L1.2 Sleep: <5mW
Operating Temperature 0 C to 70 C
RoHS Compliance Meets the requirements of European Union (EU) RoHS Compliance Directives
Software Tools Intel® Solid State Drive Toolbox with Intel® SSD Optimizer at www.intel.com/go/ssdtoolbox
For more information, visit www.intel.com/ssd
1. Intel® Remote Secure Erase is capable with Intel SSD Professional Family SATA-based SSDs on 6th and 7th Gen Intel® Core-based systems and with Intel SSD Professional Family PCIe*-based SSDs on 7th Gen
Intel® Core-based systems.
2. Based on the Intel® SSD Pro 6000p Series Product Specifications: Contact your local Intel sales office or your distributo
3. Performance Tests: Software and workloads used in performance tests may have been optimized for performance only on Intel microprocessors. Performance tests, such IOMeter, are measured using specific computer
systems, components, software, operations and functions. Any change to any of those factors may cause the results to vary. You should consult other information and performance tests to assist you in fully evaluating
your contemplated purchases, including the performance of that product when combined with other products.
System Con iguration: Intel® Core i7-6700K 4.00Ghz (8MB L3 Cache), Gigabyte Z170X-UD5-CF Motherboard, Intel HD Graphics 530 Driver . BIOS: American Megatrends F4, Chipset: Intel® INF,
Memory: 8GB (2x4GB) Corsair Vengence DDR4-3200, Microsoft Windows 10 Pro v1511 using native NVMe storage driver.
4. Power measured during Windows Idle on system with PCIe ASPM and NVMe low power states.
5. Performance varies by capacity and is measured by Intel using IOMeter* with Queue Depth 32.
6. Random 4KB writes measured using out-of-box SSD.
7. All documented endurance test results are obtained in compliance with JESD218 Standards. See www.jedec.org for detailed definitions of JESD218 Standards.
8. Active power measured during execution of MobileMark* 2014 with PCIe ASPM and NVMe low power state.
9. Power consumption during PCIe L1.2 link state with NVMe PS4 for lowest power consumption.
10. Toolbox available November 2016.
Intel tec hnologies’ f eatures and ben ets depend on s ystem congur ation and may req uire enabled ha rdware, sof tware or ser vice activa tion. Perfo rmance vari es depending on s ystem congur ation. No comp uter system
can be abs olutely secure. Check wi th your system manufac turer or retailer or lear n more at w ww.intel .com/ssd.
Tests docu ment perfor mance of compone nts on a particu lar test, in spe cic system s. Dierences in hardware, so ftware , or cong uration will a ect actual pe rformance. Consult ot her sources of inf ormation to eval uate
perf ormance as you con sider your purch ase.
IOMet er* Test and Syst em Congur ations: Inte l® Core™ i7-4790 (8 MB L3 Cache , 3.60GHz ), ASUS* Delu xe Z97I-PLU S motherboa rd, Intel® HD G raphics 4 600 drive r , BIOS: AMI* 26 05 5/19/2015, Chipse t:
Intel® INF, Mem ory: 8GB (2X4G B) Kings ton DDR3-1555, Intel® RST dr iver 13.5, Mi crosoft* Windows 7 Enter prise 64-b it with SP1.
For more com plete informa tion about per formance and b enchmark res ults, visit ht tp://www. intel.com /performa nce
The prod ucts descr ibed in this docum ent may contain de sign defect s or erro rs known as erra ta which may cause the produ ct to deviate from publish ed specica tions. Curre nt characte rized errata are avail able on
reque st. Contac t your loca l Intel sa les oce or your distr ibutor to obtai n the late st specica tions and befor e placi ng your product order.
Intel , the Inte l logo, Ultraboo k, and Intel Core ar e trademark s of Intel Corpora tion in the U.S. an d/or other countri es.
* Other na mes and brands ma y be claim ed as the proper ty of others.
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