Intel SSDPED1K375GA01, SSDPED1K375GAQ1 User Manual

Product brief
Intel® Optane™ SSD DC P4800X/P4801X Data Center (DC), PCI Express* (P)
Breakthrough Performance Expands Datasets, Eliminates Bottlenecks
Solve the most demanding storage and memory challenges with the Intel® Optane™ SSD DC P4800X/P4801X
Every day, the amount of data created across the world is exploding to new levels. Enterprises and cloud ser vice providers thrive on this data to make critical decisions,
gain new insights from the data, and dierentiate services. But, today’s current storage
technologies leave a gap in data storage tiers. DRAM is far too expensive to scale and
while NAND has the capacity and cost structure to scale, it lacks sucient performance
to function in the memory space. To address the gap, a storage solution that behaves like system memory is needed.
Combines Attributes of Memory and Storage
memory and storage. With an industry-leading combination of high throughput, low latency, high QoS and high endurance, this innovative solution is optimized to break through data access bottlenecks by providing a new data storage tier. The DC P4800X/ P4801X accelerates applications with fast caching and fast storage to increase scale per server and reduce transaction costs for latency sensitive workloads. In addition, the Intel®
Optane™ DC P4800X enables data centers to deploy bigger and more aordable datasets to
gain new insights from large memory pools.
High Throughput for Breakthrough Performance
Realize breakthrough application performance with the Intel® Optane™ DC P4800X/P4801X. It is designed to deliver up to 6x faster performance at low queue depth workloads,1 exhibiting extremely high throughput for single accesses and super low latency. Where NAND-based SSDs are often measured at a queue depth of 32 (SATA) or 128 (NVMe*) in order to showcase maximum throughput, the Intel® Optane™ DC P4800X/P4801X can reach as many as 550,000 IOPS at a queue depth of 16.2 This new technology is perfectly suited to accelerate enterprise applications to new, breakthrough levels of performance.
Low Latency: Responsive Under Load
With a new data storage tier created by Intel® Optane™ technology, data centers can consistently realize amazing response times under any workload. With NAND-based SSDs, random write operations require an immense amount of background media management.
These tasks can add signicant delay to the read operations. The Intel® Optane™ SSD
DC P4800X/P4801X maintains consistent read response times regardless of the write throughput applied to the drive. Average read response times remain below <30µs while
maintaining a 70/30 mixed read/write bandwidth of 2GB/s.
Predictably Fast Service: QoS
In an environment of fast growing data and ever demanding needs, data centers must deploy solutions that enable predictably fast service. The Intel® Optane™ DC P4800X/ P4801X is ideal for critical applications with demanding latency requirements. Its 99% read response time is up to 63x better than that of a high-endurance NAND SSD under random write workload.3 Optimized to minimize delays in data access times, the Intel® Optane™ DC P4800X /P4801X results in faster time to insight for decision making.
Product Brief | Intel® Optane™ SSD DC P480 0X/P4801X
High Endurance
Endurance aects the life expectancy and costs of enterprise SSDs.
The DC P4800X/P4801X is designed for high write environments,
and can withstand intense write trac that is typically demanded
of memory. With its extremely high endurance, the life of the DC P4800X/P4801X is extended, making it suitable for write­intensive applications such as online transaction processing, high performance computing, write caching, boot, and logging.
Caching and fast storage refer to the tiering and layering that support a better memory-to-storage hierarchy. The Intel® Optane™ SSD facilitates dynamic placement of data that enables fast access to both read and/or write data. In addition, this high performing SSD meets the requirement of an application to accelerate storage access.
An Intel Optane SSD can also extend memory, oering bigger or more aordable memory by participating in a shared memory pool with DRAM at either the OS or application level. Bigger
Use Cases for Today’s Data Center
The Intel® Optane™ DC P4800X provides a new storage tier that breaks through the bottlenecks of traditional NAND storage to accelerate applications and enable more work to get done per server. This unique capability means data centers can explore
memory dramatically increases the size of ‘working sets’ to enable new insights from data in growing segments such as scientic computing, healthcare and autonomous driving. More aordable
memory means data centers can use Intel® Optane™ SSDs to displace some DRAM.
three key use cases, including caching, fast storage, and extended memory. The DC P4801X can also provide fast logging, caching, boot, or extended memory.
Capacity per Form Fac tor Half-height, Half-leng th (HHHL) Add-in-Card (A IC): 375GB, 750 GB, 1.5TB
Form Factor Add-in-Card (AIC), Half-height, Half-length, Low-prole; U.2 2.5in, 15mm; M.2 110mm
Interface PCIe* 3.0 x4, NVMe*
Latency (typical) R/W
Quality of Service (QoS): 99.999%
Endurance (JESD219 worklo ad )
Drive Wr ites per Day=D WPD; Petaby tes Written =PBW
Power Enhanced power-loss data protection
2.5” x15mm, Small Form Factor U.2: 375GB, 750 GB, 1.5TB P4801X: U. 2: 100GB M. 2: 100GB, 20 0GB, 375GB
4KB Random, Queue Depth 1, Read/Write: <60/100 µs ; 4KB Random, Queue Depth 16, R/W: <150/200 µs
4KB Random, Queue Depth 16, Read/Write: up to 550/550k IOPS 4KB Random, Queue Depth 16, Mixed 70/30 Read/Write: up to 50 0k IOPS
30 DWPD: 375GB - 20.5 PBW; 750GB - 41 PBW
60 DWPD: 100GB - 10.9 PBW; 200GB - 21.9 PBW; 375GB - 41.0 PBW; 750GB - 82.0 PBW; 1.5TB - 164 PBW
P4800X: Active/Idle: Up to 18 W / 7 W P4801X: Ac tive/Idle: Up to 11 W / 3 W
For more up-to-date product specications, visit
For more information, visit
1. Source – Inte l-tes ted: 4K 70/30 RW Perf orma nce at Low Que ue Depth. Meas ured using FIO 3.1. Common Conguratio n - Intel 2U Ser ver System, OS: CentOS 7.5, Kernel 4.17.6-1.el7.x86_64, CP U 2 x Intel® Xe on® 6154 Gold @ 3.0G Hz (18 cores), RA M 256GB DDR4 @ 2666MHz . Congurat ion – Intel® Opt ane™ SSD DC P480 0X 375GB compar ed to *Intel® SS D DC P4600 1.6T B. Intel Mic rocode: 0x20 00043; Sys tem BIO S: 00. 01.0013; ME Fi rmwa re:; BMC Firmware: 1.43.91f76955; FRUS DR: 1.43 . The benchmar k result s may need to be revised as addi tiona l testing is condu cted . Perf orma nce results are ba sed on testing as of November 15, 2018 and may not reect all pu blicly availa ble securit y update s. See congur ation disclos ure for de tail s. No product c an be abso lutely
2. In tel drive eva luated - Intel® O ptane™ SSD DC P4800X 375GB. Test a nd System Con guration : CPU: Intel® Xeo n® E5-2687W v4 3. 0GHz 30MB 160 W 12 cores , CPU Sockets : 2, RAM Cap acity: 32GB ,
RAM M odel: DDR4 2133MHz , PCIe Attac h: CPU (not PCH lan e att ach), Chipset : Intel C610 chipse t, BIOS: SE5 C610.86B.01.01.00 24.021320181901, Sw itch/ReTimer M odel/Vendor: Intel A2U 44X25N­VMEDK, OS: Cent OS 7.3.1611, Kernel: 4.14.50, FI O versio n: 3.5; NV Me Driver: Inb ox, C-states : Disab led, Hyper Thre ading : Disabled, CPU Governo r (throu gh OS): Per formance Mod e; EIST (Sp eed Step): Disabl ed, Intel Turbo Mode : Disabled, P-states = Disabled; IR Q Balancing Se rvices (OS) = O ; SMP An ity, set in the OS; QD1 utilizes I/O Polling Mod e. Per formance results are based on te sting as of Au gust 31, 2018 and may not reect the publicl y available securit y updates. S ee congur ation disc losure for d etails.
3. So urce – Intel -tested: Response Ti me refers to avera ge read late ncy measure d at queue dep th 1 during 4K ra ndom wr ite work load using FIO 3.1. See conguration in Footnot e 1 above.
Intel technologies’ featur es and ben ets depend on syste m congurati on and may re quire enable d hardw are, so ftware or se rvi ce acti vation. Per formance varies dependi ng on system conguration. No
computer sys tem can be abs olutely secure. Ch eck with your s ystem manu facture r or retailer o r learn more at i . Software and workloads used in performance tests may have been optimized for performance only on Intel microprocessors.
Perf orma nce test s, such as SYSma rk and Mob ileMark, are measured usi ng spec ic comp uter systems, compo nents, sof tware, ope rations and fu ncti ons. Any change to any of those factor s may cause
the res ults to var y. You shoul d consult othe r informati on and perf ormance tes ts to assist y ou in fully eva luating your co ntemplate d purchase s, includin g the perfo rmance of that produ ct when com ­bined with other products. For more complete information visit
The product s described in this docu ment may contain design de fects or errors known as err ata which may caus e the product to de viate fr om published sp ecicatio ns. Current charac terized errata are
avail able on reque st. No product o r component c an be absolut ely secure.
Cost red uction scena rios described are intende d as examples of how a giv en Intel -based product , in the spe cied circumstances and congur ations, may aect future costs and pro vide cos t savin gs.
Circu mstances w ill vary. Int el does not gua rantee any co sts or cost re duction . Intel , the Intel log o, Optane, a nd 3D XPoint ar e trademar ks of Intel Cor poration i n the U.S. an d/or other count ries. *Ot her names an d brands may b e claimed as t he proper ty of others . © Intel Co rporatio n. Printed in the USA . Pleas e Recycle 0119/RA/ MH/NSG 335696 -011US