Product brief
Intel® SSD DC P4610/P4618
Data Center (DC), PCI Express* (P), 64-Layer TLC 3D NAND
Cloud Inspired.
Storage Optimized.
Designed to meet today’s increasingly demanding service levels and support
broader cloud workloads, while reducing storage costs.
Built from the success of its cloud-inspired predecessor—the Intel® SSD DC P4600—
and architected with 64-layer TLC Intel® 3D NAND technology, the Intel® SSD DC
P4610 and Intel® SSD DC P4618 deliver performance, quality of service (QoS), and
capacity improvements to further optimize storage eciency, enabling data centers to
do more per server, minimize service disruptions, and eciently manage at scale.
An SSD Built for Cloud Storage Architectures
Multi-cloud has become a core element for any enterprise strategy, and top cloud
providers have responded by openly embracing PCIe*/NVMe*-based SSDs with
scalable performance, low latency, and continued innovation.
As software-dened and converged infrastructures are swiftly adopted, the SSD DC
P4610/P4618 meets the need to maximize eciency, revitalize existing hardware,
and accelerate applications across a wide range of cloud workloads, all while reducing
operational costs.
Do More per Server
Intel’s 3D NAND technology enables the SSD DC P4610 to increase available capacity
up to 20% more compared to its immediate predecessor, the SSD DC P4600.1 This
increased density is the key to supporting broader workloads, allowing cloud and
enterprise service providers to increase users, and improve data service levels. Better
QoS is ensured with an intelligent rmware algorithm that keeps host and background
data reads and writes at an optimum balance.
With the SSD DC P4610, host applications not only have access to higher capacity,
but are also serviced at up to 35% faster write rate,2 up to 35% more endurance per
drive,3 and up to 4x reduction of service time at a QoS metric of 99.99% availability
for random access workload.
With the SSD DC P4618, write bandwidth is doubled and endurance is increased 50%
over Intel® SSD DC P4608.
2, 3
Minimize Service Disruptions
To ensure telemetry information without disrupting ongoing I/Os, the SSD DC P4610/
P4618 includes enhanced SMART monitoring of drive health and status, using an
in-band mechanism and out-of-band access. A power loss imminent (PLI) protection
scheme—with a built-in self-test—guards against data loss if system power is
suddenly cut.
Coupled with our industry-leading end-to-end data path protection scheme, PLI
features enable ease of deployment into resilient data centers where data corruption
from system-level glitches is not tolerated.5 The SSD DC P4610/P4618 combines
rmware enhancements with new 3D NAND features to prioritize host workload and
ensure better service levels.

Product Brief | Intel® Solid State Drive DC P4610/P4618
Eciently Manage at Scale
To help data centers make the most of increased SSD capacity per server, dynamic namespace management delivers the exibility
to enable more users and scale deployment. The SSD DC P4610 also provides security features like TCG Opal* 2.0 and built-in
AES-XTS 256-bit encryption engine, required by some secure platforms.
With the capability to manage multiple rmware versions on a drive and to support updates without a reset, the DC P4610
improves integration and increases the ease and eciency of deploying at scale.
Features At-a-Glance SSD DC P4610 SSD DC P4618
Model Intel® Solid State Drive DC P4610 Series Intel® Solid State Drive DC P4618 Series
Capacity 1.6 TB, 3.2 TB , 6.4 TB, and 7.68 TB 6.4 TB
Interface PCIe 3.1 x4, NVMe 1.2 PCIe 3.1 x8, NVMe 1.2
Form Factor U.2 2.5in x 15mm (for serviceability, hot-plug, and densit y) HHHL Add-in Card
Media Intel® 3D NAND technology, 64-layer, TLC Intel® 3D NAND technolog y, 64-layer, TLC
Endurance Up to 3 DWPD (JESD219 workload) Up to 4.56 DWPD (JESD219 workload)
Warranty 5-year limited warrant y 5-year limited warrant y
128k Sequential Read/Write – up to 3200/3200 MB/s 128k Sequential Read/Write – up to 6650/5350 MB/s
Random 4KB R/W: Up to 654K/220K IOPs Random 4KB R/W: Up to 1210K/484.5K IOPs
End-to-end data protection from silent data corruption,
uncorrectable bit error rate < 1 sector per 1017 bits read
End-to-end data protection from silent data corruption,
uncorrectable bit error rate < 1 sector per 1017 bits read
Up to 15 Watt Up to 29 Watt
Learn more now at www.intel.com/ssd
Intel® SSD DC P4608 Source: https://ark.intel.com/content/www/us/en/ark/products/96958/intel-ssd-dc-p4608-series-6-4tb-1-2-height-pcie-3-1-x8-3d1-tlc.html
Intel® SSD DC P4600 Source: https://www.intel.com/content/dam/www/public/us/en/documents/product-briefs/ssd-dc-p4600-brief.pdf
1. Comparing Intel® SSD DC P4610 Series 7.68 TB an d Intel® SS D DC P4600 Serie s 6.4 TB .
2. Compar ing 128KB Seq uential Write Ba ndwidth at queu e depth 128, bet ween Intel® SSD DC P4610 Seri es 6.4 TB and In tel® SSD DC P4600 Seri es 6.4 TB . Measured ban dwid th was 3. 04 GB/se c and
2.2 GB /sec on Intel® SS D DC P4610 and P460 0 Series res pectivel y. Meas ured write bandwidth fo r Intel® DC P4618 6.4 T B and Intel® DC P4 608 6.4 TB ar e 5.3 GB/sec a nd 2.5 GB/sec r especti vely for
30W mode .
3. Compar ing JED EC enterprise workload endur ance betwee n Intel® SSD DC P4610 Series 6. 4 TB and Intel® SSD DC P4600 Se ries 6.4 TB and bet ween In tel SSD DC P4618 6.4 TB and Intel SSD DC
P4608 6 .4 TB.
4. Intel Test: Compar ing 4KB Ra ndom Read and 70/30 Ra ndom Read/Wr ite queue depth 1 latency at 99.99 % percen tile, betwe en Intel® SSD DC P4610 Serie s 6.4 TB and In tel® SSD DC P46 00 Series 6. 4
TB. For example, measured latenc y for 99. 99% was 0.72ms and 3.13ms for Intel® SSD DC P4610 and P460 0 Series, res pectively. Re sults have been measured for 15min run for all capaci ties Any
dierence s in your sys tem hardwar e, sof twa re or congurat ion may a ect you r actual performance. In tel exp ects to see certain lev el of variation in data mea surement acr oss multiple dri ves. FIO*
uses the co nguration liste d on footnote 6.
5. Source - Intel. En d-to -end data protection refers to th e set of meth ods use d to detec t and corr ect th e integr ity of data across the full path as it is read or writ ten between the host an d the SSD
contro ller and media . Claim is ba sed on average of Intel dri ve erro r rates vs . average of competitor drive er ror rat es. Ne utron radiation is used to determine si lent data corruption r ates and as a
measure of over all end-to- end data prote ction eec tiveness . Silent er rors were measured at r un-t ime and at po st-r eboot after a drive “ha ng” by comparin g expected da ta vs act ual data retur ned
by drive . The annu al rate of da ta corr uption was projec ted fro m the rate during acceler ated tes ting divide d by the accele rati on of the bea m (see JED EC stan dard JE SD89A). Per formance results ar e
base d on testi ng as of May 2019 and may not reect all pub licly av aila ble secu rity update s. See congur ation disclosure for details. No pr oduc t or compo nent ca n ve absolu tely secure.
6. Test and Sy stem Congu ration: Pro cessor: In tel® Xeon® Gold 6140 C PU @ 2.30 GHz, D RAM: DDR4 – 32 GB, OS : Linux* Cent os* 7.3 ker nel 4.8.6 /4.15.rc1, Inte l® SSD DC P4610 Seri es, rmwa re version
VDV10140. I ntel BIOS Pat ch rev13 was use d (https://a rk.intel .com/prod ucts/890 10/Inte l-Serve r-Syste m-R2208W FTZS) .
7. Avera ge power for Intel® SSD DC P4618 rmw are VDV1016 0 measu red by sequenti al write workload with trans fer size of 128KB and queu e depth of 128. FIO* uses the congu rati on listed in
footn ote 6.
† All mana geability featur es are not av aila ble at the tim e of the prod uct re lease but will be av ailable in future maintenance release. Please re fer to pro duct speci cation for det ails ab out feature
description and availability.
Soft ware and work loads in performance test s may have bee n optimized for pe rformance only on Inte l micro proce ssor s. Perform ance tests such a s SYSma rk and MobileM ark , are measured using
speci c computer sys tems, components, sof tware, ope rati ons and funct ions . Any chan ge to any of thos e factors may cause the result s to vary. You should consult other information and per formance
test s to assis t you in fully evaluating you r contemplate d purchases , including the performance of that produc t when combined with othe r produ cts . For more co mplete informatio n visit
Intel technologies ’ featur es and benet s depen d on system cong urat ion and may requir e enabled hard ware , soft ware, or ser vice activation. Performance varies dep ending on system conguration.
No compu ter sys tem can be absolutely secure. Check with your sys tem manufac turer or retailer to lear n more.
The product s descr ibed in this docu ment may contain design defec ts or errors known as errata wh ich may ca use the pr oduc t to deviate from publish ed spec ications . Curre nt char acterized errat a are
avail able on re ques t. No pro duct or compon ent can be absolutely sec ure.
Intel , the Intel logo, and Xeon are tra demarks of Intel Corpo ration or its sub sidi arie s in the U.S . and/or oth er countries .
*Other names and brands may be claimed as the property of othe rs.
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