Intel SSDPE7KX010T701 User Manual

Product brief
Intel® 3D NAND SSD DC P4501 Series Data Center (DC), PCIe* (P)
Cloud Inspired. Optimized for Low Power Storage.
Designed for power conscious and space constrained cloud storage solutions.
The cloud continues to drive innovation, new services, and agility for businesses,
which need to deploy services faster, scale eectively, and reduce the human costs of managing assets. Software-dened and converged infrastructures are central to cloud solutions that help businesses meet these goals. In addition, today’s data centers face space and power constraints.
To meet these challenges, Intel oers space and power optimized SSD options in a variety of form factors to give solution designers choices to reduce Opex, increase agility, and reduce Capex.
The Intel® Solid State Drive Data Center P4501 Series—a member of the 2nd Gen Intel® 3D NAND SSD family—combines a new Intel-developed controller, unique rmware innovations, and industry-leading 3D NAND density in ecient, low power, small form factor designs. These drives are optimized for the storage needs of cloud and software-dened infrastructures and enable data centers to do more per server. To minimize service disruptions and help eciently manage at scale, the Intel SSD DC P4501 Series integrates industry-leading reliability, durable performance, and advanced manageability features.
The DC P4501 Series is optimized for the read intensive workloads of cloud storage solutions and is architected to maximize CPU utilization. With controller support for up to 128 queues, these SSDs minimize the risk of idle CPU cores and perform most eectively on Intel® Xeon® processor-based platforms.
Solutions Optimized for Space and Power Ecient Capacity
Available in U.2 (2.5 in x 7mm) and M.2 (110mm) form factors, the DC P4501 Series enables data centers to optimize for space and power ecient capacity. The drives pack up to 4 TB in 7mm U.2 form factors, so data centers can deliver up to 4x more storage in the same space compared to current generation PCIe*-based SSDs.1 Optimized for power eciency, the drives can free up to 45% of a rack’s power budget at equivalent capacity to standard power drives.2 This savings enables data centers to increase rack compute capability to address the needs of emerging workloads or increase storage density.
Manageability to Maximize IT Eciency
DC P4501 drives are built to maximize IT eciency within existing server footprints. New rmware manageability features—including improved rmware updates, health monitoring, and secure erase—help reduce server downtime through improved update processes and expanded monitoring capabilities. In addition, the DC P4501 is platform­compatible with Intel® Volume Management Device (VMD) which delivers seamless management of PCIe-based NVMe* SSDs and enables enhanced serviceability and hot­plug to minimize service interruptions during drive swaps.
Product Brief | Intel® SSD DC P4501 Series
SMART management and Intel custom log pages provide advanced drive telemetry to manage thermals, monitor endurance, and track drive health status. Management coverage is now expanded across a wider range of drive states with support for the NVM Express* Management Interface (NVMe­MI) specication, an industry standard way to manage the SSD
Power Loss Imminent (PLI) provides protection from unplanned power loss, and is obtained through a propriety combination of power management chips, capacitors, rmware algorithms, and a built-in PLI self-test. Intel’s PLI feature provides data centers with high condence of preventing data loss during unplanned power interrupts.
Future Proof Your Data Center with Low Power
Industry-Leading Reliability and Security
As capacity per server continues to scale, the risk of data corruption and errors increases. With an eye toward this risk, Intel has built industry-leading end-to-end data protection4 into the DC P4501. This includes protection from silent data corruption, which can cause catastrophic downtime and errors in major businesses.
Capacity 500 GB, 1 TB, 2 TB, 4 TB
Manageability Support for NVM Express Management Interface (NVMe-MI), NVMe SMART/Health and Log Pages
Interface PCIe 3.1 x4, NVMe 1.2
64k Sequential Read/ Write: up to 3200/900 MB/s 4k Random Read/Write: up to 360,0 00/46,00 0 IOPS
End-to-end data protection, including silent data corruption; uncorrec table bit error rate < 1 sector per 1017 bits read Power Loss Imminent (PLI) protects data during power loss
Storage Solutions
Built with the same cloud inspired design as the Intel® SSD DC P4500 Series, the low power Intel® SSD DC P4501 Series enables energy and space ecient storage solutions to help data centers do more per server, minimize ser vice disruptions and eciently manage at scale.
Learn more now at
Form Factors U.2 2.5in x 7mm (for serviceability, hot-plug, and density)
Tunable Maximum Power
Idle Power U.2 <5 watts
Warranty 5-year warranty
Cost red uction scena rios described are intended as examp les of how a given Intel- based pr oduc t, in the speci ed circumsta nces and conguratio ns, may a ect fu ture cos ts and provide cos t savings . Circumsta nces will vary. Intel does no t guara ntee any costs or cos t reduc tion.
Intel technolo gies’ features and ben ets depend on s ystem conguratio n and may require ena bled hardware, sof tware or ser vice activa tion. Perfo rmance varie s dep endin g on system congurati on. No computer system can be ab solute ly sec ure. Check with your system manu facturer or retailer or learn more at .
Intel di sclai ms all exp ress and implie d warranties, including wi thout li mitat ion, th e implie d war ranties of merchant abili ty, tne ss for a particu lar pur pose, and non- infringem ent, a s well as any wa rranty arisi ng from course of pe rformance, cours e of dealin g, or usage in trade.
1. Space/capaci ty comparison: 2 TB U. 2 15mm I ntel® SSD DC P3520 at up to 4 8 TB compared to 4 TB U.2 7mm In tel® SSD DC P4501, cap able of up to 192 TB.
2. Power e cient capacity. Sou rces – Inte l and Facebo ok. Facebook Li ghtening JBOF: https ://code.face book .com/posts /9896388044580 07/in trodu cing- lightning-a- exible-nv me-jbof/. Inte l – Speci­cati ons for Intel® SSD DC P450 0 and Intel® SSD DC P4501. Each rac k populates 24U with 15x 4 TB dri ves in each r ack unit . Storage on the DC P450 0 48U rack consumes 9kW (24U x 15 SSDs/U x 25 W/ drive) while the DC P4501 rac k consumes 3.6 kW (24U x 15 SSDs/U x 10 W/drive).
3. Test and Sy stem Congu ration: In tel® Server Board S 2600WT TR, Intel® Xeon® E5 -2699 v3, Spee d: 2.30GH z, Intel BIOS: Inter nal Releas e, DRAM: D DR3 – 32GB, OS : Linux* Cento s* 7.0 ker nel 4.8, Intel® SSD DC P450 0 Serie s, 1 TB, 2 TB, 4 TB. Testing pe rformed by Intel.
4. Sour ce - Intel. End-to -end data protect ion ref ers to the se t of methods used to detect an d correc t the in tegri ty of data across the full pat h as it is read or wr itten betw een the host and the SS D con­trolle r and media. Test perf ormed on Inte l® SSD DC S3520, Inte l® SSD DC P3520, Inte l® SSD DC P3510, Intel® SS D DC P450 0, Samsung * PM953, Samsung PM1725, Sa msung PM961, Sam sung PM863, Micro n* 7100, Micron 510DC , Micron 9100, HGST* SN100, Sea gate* 1200.2, SanDis k* CS ECO dri ves. Claim is bas ed on average of Inte l drive er ror rates vs. aver age of competit or drive error ra tes. Neutr on radi ation is used to dete rmine silent dat a corruption rates and as a measure of over all end-to- end data protection eec tiven ess. Among the causes of data corru ption in an SSD controller are ionizing radiation , sig nal nois e and cr osst alk, an d SRAM instabilit y. Sile nt errors were me asured at run-time an d at post-reboo t after a dr ive “hang” by comp aring expec ted data vs actual data returne d by drive . The an nual ra te of data cor rupti on was projec ted from the rate du ring acce lerated testing divided by the acceleration of the beam (see JEDEC sta ndard JESD89A).
Intel , the Intel logo, and Xeon are tr ademarks of In tel Corp oration in the U. S. and/or other countrie s. *Other name s and br ands may be claim ed as the proper ty of othe rs. Copyright © 2017 Intel Cor poration Plea se Recycle Printed in U SA 0517/NH/JMH 335966- 001US
M.2 110mm (for ultra-high density)
Intel 3D NAND, TLC
Random/JEDEC up to 1 DWPD or 5PBW, sequential up to 3 DWPD or 20PBW
U.2: 8, 10, 12.5 W M.2: 6 to 8.25 W
M.2 <3 watts