Product brief
Intel® SSD D5-P4326
Data Center, PCI Express*
Store More. Save More. Do More.
Intel® QLC Technology and PCIe* Performance
Designed to deliver massive, aordable capacities with PCIe* performance, the Intel® SSD
D5-P4326 consolidates storage footprints and reduces operational cost vs. legacy storage.
The Intel® SSD D5-P4326 oers Intel® QLC technology, PCIe* performance and the
exibility to scale solutions, maximize capacity, and improve operational eciency at
scale. In addition to a U.2 form factor, the Intel SSD D5-P4326 is also the industry’s
rst SSD in the innovative E1.L form factor to oer Intel® QLC technology based on
The Intel® SSD D5-P4326 includes Intel® QLC’s 33% more bits per cell than prior
generation Intel® 3D NAND drives,1 consolidating the data center storage footprint up
to 20x.2 In addition to capacity, replacing HDDs with Intel® QLC SSDs reduces power,
cooling and drive replacement costs.3 Thanks to the PCIe-based design, performance
also gets a boost over SATA drives, allowing greater usable capacity meeting IOPS/TB
What is EDSFF?
The Enterprise and Datacenter
SSD Form Factor, created by a
workgroup of 15 industry leaders
to address data center storage
concerns and dene industry
standard form factors, driven by
three guiding principles:
• enable scale
• optimize total cost of
• enable dynamic range of
Store More: Large Capacity in a Small Space
The D5-P4326 with Intel® QLC technology was designed to optimize per drive
capacity with initial capacity at 15.36TB and future scaling to 30.72TB later in 2019.
And, when delivered on the rst-in-industry E1.L form factor, the D5-P4326 takes
storage eciency to another level with initial chassis designs supporting up to 32
drives in a 1U server. The combination of per drive and per rack capacity eciency
provides up to 10x storage consolidation compared to 8TB U.2 SSDs and up to 20x
consolidation compared to 4TB HDDs. In fact, with E1.L-based chassis designs up to
36 drives possible, the D5-P4326 can scale to 1PB in 1U.
Save More: Innovations Delivering Operational Eciency
The D5-P4326 is a cost optimized addition to Intel’s QLC family. This aordability
makes the D5-4326 ideally suited to displace hard discs in all-HDD arrays and hybrid
arrays. In addition to storage consolidation noted in the previous section, data centers
choosing to displace their HDDs can lower power cost, reduce cooling cost and
signicantly save on drive replacement cost. When delivered on the operationally
ecient E1.L form factor, data centers can realize even more cooling savings with
the thermally optimized design and improve manageability and serviceability at
scale with capabilities such as LED status lights, drive specic power cycling and
opportunities to reduce component count.
Do More: PCIe Accelerates Workloads at Large Capacities
The IOPS of a drive is a xed number meaning that as a drives capacity gets larger
IOPS/TB get smaller. This can be problematic with certain storage workloads
that have minimum IOPS/TB requirements. The performance advantage of the
PCIe interface vs. SATA interface means IOPS/TB remain suciently high even as
capacities scale.

Product Brief | Intel® SSD D5- P4326
Backed by Intel Experience and Innovation
Intel brings longstanding expertise and disruptive innovation in data management to address the capacity and performance
issues of today’s data centers. Prepare for the future with PCIe Intel® QLC SSDs, backed by Intel’s technology and manufacturing
Features At-a-Glance
Model Intel® SSD D5-P4326
Capacity and Form Factor U.2 15mm: 15.36TB
Interface PCIe* Gen3.1 x 4
Media 64-layer, QLC 3D NAND
Performance Sequential R/ W up to 3,200/1,600 MB/s
Endurance 0.18 DWPD (Random) / 0.9 DWPD (Sequential)
Reliability AFR: < 0.44%
Power Active: 20W
Operating Temperature 00 C to 700 C
Warranty 5-year limited warranty
E1.L 9.5mm: 15.36TB, 30.72TB (Available Q3 2019)
E1.L 18mm: 15.36TB, 30.72TB (Avai lable Q3 2019)
Random R/W up to 580K/15K IOPS
DWPD = drive wri tes per d ay
UBER: 10
bits read
MTBF: 2 million hours
Idle: 5W
Enhanced power-loss data protection
IDEA Award Winner
The inspiration for EDSFF*,
the Intel® SSD DC P4500
in the “ruler” form factor
won an International Design
Excellence award in 2018.
A shift toward intentional
industrial design in the
storage industry, Intel® SSDs
based on EDSFF show how
Intel is reimaging data center
storage for ash.
For more up-to-date product specications, visit ark.intel.com
Learn more now at intel.com/ssd
1. Sourc e: Intel. 33% mo re bits per ce ll. TLC (tri -level cell) co ntains 3 bit s per cell and QLC ( quad level cell ) contains 4 bi ts per cell. C alculated a s (4-3)/3 = 33% more bits pe r cell.
2. Source : Inte l. Consolid ate storage f ootprints up to 20x. Compar ing 3.5’ 4TB WD Go ld TB Enterprise cla ss 7200 RPM HDD en abling up 24 HDDs p er 2U to 30.72TB E1.L Intel® SSD D -5 P4326 (availab le
at a future date) en abling up to 32 per 1U.
3. 2U (1971W total power) https://www.seagate.com/les/www-content/datasheets/pdfs/exos-7-e8-data-sheet-DS1957-1-1709US-en_US.pdf SSD: 22W activ e power 44% AFR , 32 drives in 1U
(704W total power); Coo ling cost based on deploymen t term of 5 years w ith Kwh cost of $.158 and num ber of watts to cool 1 wat t 1.20 B ased on 3.5” HDD 2U 24 drive s and ED SFF 1U Long 1U 32
drive s. Hybrid storage base d o usi ng Intel TLC SSD fo r cache. Dri ve Replaceme nt cost saving s. Calculat ion: HDD 2% AFR x 256 d rives x 5 years = 25.6 repl acements in 5 years; SS D: 0.44% AFR x 32
drive s x 5 years = 0.7 replaceme nts in 5 years
4. Source: NetA pp. Sca le usable capacity. Usab le capac ity is dened as any drive capacity that ca n provid e up to 10K ran dom 4K read IOPS/ TB no matter how much total ca pacit y the drive has. This
was based on Net App blog (https://blog.netapp.com/ blogs/the-importa nce-of-i o-density-i n-delive ring-storage -as-a-s ervice- part-1/), which identies ~8K IO PS/T B as the “e xtre me” workload
5. Intel® SS D D5-P4326 uses 16K B Indirection Unit ( IU). Intel re commends the w rite size to be aligned wi th the IU size. Please cont act your Inte l represen tative for det ails on how to optimize th e performance and endurance on coarse IUSSD
Soft ware and workloads used in per formance test s may have been opti mized for performan ce only on Intel micr oprocessor s. Performance tes ts, such as SYSmark and MobileMark , are meas ured using
speci c computer sys tems, components , sof tware, operations and functions. Any change to any of th ose factors may cause th e result s to var y. You should consult oth er informatio n and perfor mance
tests to assist you in fully ev aluating your contempl ated purchases, including th e per formance of that produc t when combined with othe r prod ucts. For more complete inform ation vi sit www.intel. com/
Intel technolo gies’ feature s and benets depend on system conguratio n and may require ena bled har dware, sof tware or service activation. Perfor mance va ries depending on sys tem conguration.
Check wi th your system manufacture r or retailer or learn more at intel. com/ssd.
Cost red uction scena rios described are int ended as examples of how a given Intel- ba sed product, in the specie d circum stan ces and congurations , may aect fut ure cost s and provide cos t savi ngs.
Circumstances will vary. Intel does not guarantee any cos ts or cost re duction.
Intel an d the Intel logo are trademar ks of Intel Corpor ation in the U.S . and/or other countr ies.
*Other names and brands may be clai med as the proper ty of others .
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