Product brief
Intel® SSD D5-P4320 / D5-P4420
Data Center, PCI Express*
Intel® QLC 3D NAND SSD with PCIe*
Large, Aordable Capacity. Reliable Storage.
Intel delivers the industry’s rst PCIe* QLC 3D NAND SSD for the Data Center1 –
a new generation of large, aordable, and reliable drives
The Intel® SSD D5-P4320 and D5-P4420 deliver big, aordable, and reliable storage
to the warm data tier. With 33% more bits per cell than TLC,2 the Intel® QLC 3D NAND
SSDs enables 3x storage consolidation3 compared to hard disk drives (HDDs), leading
to lower operational costs. As the industry’s rst PCIe*-enabled QLC drive for the data
center, the D5-P4320 provides the ability to scale to large capacities and deliver the
performance needed for storage workload requirements. The D5-P4420 drive oers
double the endurance, supporting an even wider range of workloads.
Store More: Big Capacities Store Massive Quantities of Data
The Intel® QLC technology oers an aerial density advantage of 33% more bits per
cell than the prior generation of Intel® 3D NAND SSDs. The result? Higher capacity,
cost-eective PCIe drives optimized for read-intensive storage workloads. Both the
D5-P4320 and D5-P4420 are currently available in a U.2 form factor with 7.68TB
Save More: High Density Reduces Operational Cost
Today’s data center storage often relies on a mix of HDD and SSD technologies. The
Intel® SSD D5-P4320 and D5-P4420 deliver high capacity and lower operational
cost for the capacity or “warm” data storage layer traditionally served by hybrid or
HDD arrays. With its higher density, Intel® QLC 3D NAND SSDs mean fewer drives to
support, power and cool. In addition, Intel® Data Center SSDs have a lower annual
failure rate,4 which further reduces costs.
Do More: PCIe Accelerates Workloads at Large Capacities
All QLC-enabled SSDs are not created equal. In addition to massive capacities, the
D5-P4320 and D5-P4420 are built on the PCIe* interface, which delivers higher
maximum performance than the SATA interface.5 Both SKUs allow for much denser
systems while enabling performance per TB to continue scaling well beyond
SATA-based QLC SSDs. The Intel® QLC SSDs, when combined with Intel® Optane™
technology, accelerate the speed of frequently accessed data, at the price and
capacity of massive storage.
Backed by Intel Experience and Innovation
Intel brings longstanding expertise and leadership in data management to address
the capacity and performance issues of today’s data centers. Prepare for the
future with PCIe Intel® QLC SSDs, backed by Intel’s technology and manufacturing

Product Brief | Intel® SSD D5- P4320 / D5-P4420
Features At-a-Glance
Model Intel® SSD D5-P4320 / D5-P4420
Capacity and Form Factor U.2 2.5” (15mm): 7.68 TB
Interface PCIe Gen3.1 x 4
Media 64-layer, QLC 3D NAND
Performance Sequential R/W up to 3200/1000 MB/s
Random R/W up to 427K/36K IOPS
Endurance D5-P4320: Sequential write up to 12.3 PBW; Random write up to 2.8 PBW
D5-P4420: Sequential write up to 24.6 PBW; Random write up to 5.6 PBW
PBW = Petabyte s writen
Reliability AFR: < 0.44%
Power Active: 15W
Idle: 5W
Enhanced power-loss data protection
Operating Temperature 00 C – 700 C SMART temperature
Warranty 5-year limited warranty
For more up-to-date product specications, visit ark.intel.com
Learn more now at intel.com/ssd
1. Base d on Intel achie ving PRQ status of Intel® SSD D5- P4320 on July 13, 2018
2. Source : Intel. 33% mo re bits per cel l. TLC (tri- level cell) con tains 3 bits p er cell and QLC (q uad level cell) co ntains 4 bit s per cell. Ca lculated as (4-3)/3 = 33 % more bits pe r cell.
3. Consoli date storage footpr int up to 3x. B ased on 4T B 3.5’ HDD - WD Gold TB Enter prise class 7200 RPM SSD c ongurati on based on 7.68 TB Intel® D5- P4320 QLC SSD: 3 2U nodes per 1PB - 1,106T B
total u sing 144 7.68TB D5- P4320 SSDs; 48 2 .5” SSDs per 2U n ode using 2. 5” U.2 from fa ctor; 3 2U nod es for 6U total . HDD congu ration bas ed on 4TB 3.5’ H DD: - 10 2U nodes pe r 1PB – 960 TB total
base d on 24 3.5” HDDs per 2U.
4. Indus try AF R Averag e: Source – https: //ww w.bac kbla ze.com/blog /2018-hard -drive-failure- rates/. Source – Intel. Inte l® SSD Annualized Failure Rate Report for 2018 for pr oduc ts shipping >1Mu
5. Source : Microcontroller Tips, March 29, 2018 - SATA has throughput up to 6GB/s ; SAS throu ghput is up to 12GB/s; PCIe 3.0 thro ughpu t is up to 16GB/s. https://www.microcontrollertips.com/why-
Perf ormance test s, such as SYSmar k and MobileMark, ar e measu red usin g spec ic comp uter sy stems , comp onent s, software, operati ons and functions. Any change to any of th ose factors may cause
the resu lts to var y. You shoul d consult other info rmation and per formance tes ts to assist you in fully evaluating yo ur contem plated purchases , includ ing the perfor mance of that product whe n combined with other produc ts. For more complete inf ormat ion visit www.inte l.com/ben chmar ks.
Intel technolo gies’ feature s and benets depend on syste m conguratio n and may require ena bled har dwar e, softwar e or ser vice activa tion. Perfo rmance varie s depending on system conguration.
Check wi th your system manufacture r or ret ailer or learn more at in tel. com/ssd .
Cost red uction scena rios described are int ended as examp les of how a give n Intel- ba sed product, in the specie d circum stan ces and congurations , may aect fut ure cost s and provide cos t savi ngs.
Circumstances will v ary. Int el does not guarantee any cos ts or cost re duction.
Intel an d the Intel lo go are trademar ks of Intel Corpor ation in the U.S . and/or oth er countr ies.
*Other names and brands may be clai med as the proper ty of others .
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