Intel Pocket Digital PC Camera Quick Reference Field Manual

Wrist Strap
Card Door
Flash Mode
Ready Light
Power Button
Mode Button
Microphone/ Infinity-focus
Intel® Pocket Digital PC Camera
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Field Guide
Display Panel
SmartMedia* Card (Optional)
Card Inserted – All snapshots and audio/ video recordings will be saved on the SmartMedia* card, if one is inserted.
Auto Flash – Only use flash when needed.
Flash On – Always use flash.
Flash Off – Never use flash.
Red-eye Reduction – Use extra flashes to
reduce red-eye effect.
Flash Modes
Press Flash Mode button to change modes.
* Other names and brands may be claimed as
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Normal Quality Mode – Takes a snapshot at 640x480 resolution.
High Quality Mode Tak es a snapshot at 1024x768 resolution.
Super High Quality Mode – Takes a snapshot at 1280x960 resolution.
Multi-Snap Mode – Takes five normal quality snapshots in rapid succession. Press Snapshot button to start. Flash not available.
Video Clip Mode – Captures continuous video with corresponding audio. Press Snapshot button to begin recording video. Press again to stop recording. Flash not available.
Voice Recorder Mode Records audio only. Press Snapshot b utton once to begin, and again to stop recording.
Self-timer Mode – Waits 10 seconds before taking snapshot. Can be used with any snapshot mode, including Multi­Snap. Press Snapshot button to start. Timer light on front of camera shows countdown before snapshot is taken.
Capture Modes
Press Capture Mode button to change modes.
Speaker On – Press and hold Capture Mode button 3 seconds to turn camera sounds off or back on.
Focus Indicator Flashes when out of focus. Turn focus ring until it clicks into infinite-focus position. Other positions used only when connected to computer.
Full Battery – Indicates strong battery. Low Battery – Flashes when batteries
are low. Turns camera off after a short time.
Snapshot Indicator Shows number of snapshots and audio/video recordings in the camera. Press Snapshot button halfway to see remaining capacity. Displays REC when recording video or audio. Flashes when memory is full.
Low Light Indicator Appears when Snapshot button is pressed halfway if there is not enough light.
Remaining Memory – Press Snapshot button halfway . The Snapshot Indicator shows how many times you can press Snapshot button in the current mode. Shows available recording time for Video Clip (in seconds) and Voice Recorder (in minutes), up to 999.
Other Display Icons
Need more information?
The online help and manual contain complete information on connecting your camera and download­ing snapshots, audio and video clips to your computer.
To open program help , run Intel
Create & Share™ Software and click Help.
To open online manual, click Start > Programs > Intel Create & Share Software > PC Camera Software > Manual.
Camera Buttons
Power – Turns camera on and off. If camera beeps
twice when you turn it on, it means the camera is out of focus, batteries are low, or memory is full.
Capture Mode – Sets the current camera mode:
Normal Quality, High Quality , Super High Quality, Multi-Snap, Video Clip, Voice Recorder, Normal Quality Timer, High Quality Timer, Super High Quality Timer, Multi-Snap Timer.
Flash Mode – Sets the current flash mode: Auto
Flash, Flash On, Auto Flash with Red-Eye Reduction, Flash On with Red-Eye Reduction, Flash Off. Camera beeps if you try to set flash in a mode that does not use flash (Video Clip, V oice Recorder, or Multi-Snap modes).
Snapshot – Begins capturing in the current mode or
starts the self-timer. Press halfway to see how many more snapshots you can take, or how much video/audio recording time is available.
How to:
Take Snapshots – Chec k green Ready light on bac k
of camera. Wait until it stops blinking to take pictures. Press Snapshot button all the way down. To av oid blurry images, hold camer a still f or a second after shutter sound, especially under low light conditions.
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Change Modes – Press Capture Mode button to
cycle through the capture modes.
Use Flash – Press Flash Mode button to cycle
through the flash modes. When flash is on, Flash indicator blinks until it is ready to use.
Turn On/off Sounds – Press and hold Capture
Mode button for 3 seconds.
Use SmartMedia* Card Insert a SmartMedia card
to begin storing images and recordings on the card instead of the built-in memory. When the card is full, remove it to begin using the built-in memory.
Never remove the SmartMedia card while the green Ready light is blinking, or while downloading or deleting card content.
Erase Memory – Press and hold Capture Mode and
Snapshot buttons together for 3 seconds. If inserted, SmartMedia card will be erased. If no card is inserted, the built-in memory will be erased.
Check Light Level when not Using Flash – Press
Snapshot button halfway . If low-light warning appears, adjust lighting or turn on flash.
Check Memory – Press Snapshot button halfway
and check Snapshot Indicator. Number shows ho w many times Snapshot button can be pressed in current mode. In Video Clip or Voice Recorder mode, it shows av ailable seconds of recording time, up to 999 seconds.
Camera Warnings
The following error conditions indicate a problem with the camera:
Focus Indicator is Flashing: Turn focus ring until it
clicks into infinity-focus position.
Snapshot Indicator is Flashing: The camera’s
memory is full. Download your snapshots and recordings to the computer and erase the camera’s memory. If a SmartMedia* card is inserted, remove it to begin using the built-in memory.
Battery Icon is Flashing: The camera is about to
shut down due to low battery condition. Batteries must be replaced.
Low Light Warning: If you press Snapshot button
halfway and hear a beep, adjust lighting, turn on flash, or use a tripod.
Note: Erasing a SmartMedia card removes all data
stored on that card, including information recorded from other SmartMedia card devices.
Auto Shutoff
The camera will shut itself off to conserve battery life if you leave it on without pressing any buttons for about 3 minutes. Press the Pow er b utton to turn the camera back on.
Connecting to your Computer
Download camera content by attaching the camera to your computer. Connect one end of the supplied USB connection cable to the camera as shown below. Connect the other end of the cable to a USB port on your computer.
Changing Batteries
Slide the battery cover open as shown below. Insert 4 AAA batteries into the compartment. Be sure to insert all batteries with their polarity matching the + and – symbols marked inside the compartment.
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