Intel Gigabit Ethernet Controllers, PCI-X, PCI User Manual

PCI/PCI-X Family of Gigabit Ethernet Controllers Software Developer’s Manual
82540EP/EM, 82541xx, 82544GC/EI, 82545GM/EM, 82546GB/EB, and 82547xx
Revision 3.8
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Copyright © Intel Corporation, 2008
ii Software Developer’s Manual
Revision History
Date Version Comments
June 2008 3.8 June 2008 3.7
Jan 2007 3.6
Sept 2007 3.5
May 2007 3.4 Dec 2006 3.3
June 2006 3.2 Updated Table 13.47. Changed the default setting of reserved bit 3 from 0b
April 2006 3.1 Added bit definitions (bits 9:8) to PHY register PSCON (16d).
Nov 2005 3.0 Updated Device Control/Status, EEPROM Flash Control & Data, Extended
July 2005 2.5 Initial Public Release.
Updated EEPROM Word 21h bit descriptions (section 5.6.18).
Updated Sections 13.4.30 and 13.4.31 (added text stating to use the Interrupt Throttling Register (ITR) instead of registers RDTR and RADV for applications requiring an interrupt moderation mechanism).
Added a note to sections 13.4.20 and 13.4.21 for the 82547Gi/EI. Updated section 13.4.16. Updated section 6.4.1. Changed acronym “WCR” to “WUC”. Updated Table 13-87. Changed bit 24 settings to:
0b = Cache line granularity. 1b = Descriptor granularity.
to 1b.
Updated Figure 3.2 (added Receive Queue artwork). Changed 81541ER-C0 to 82541ER-CO in Table 5-1.
Device Control, and TCTL register bit assignments. Updated PHY register 00d - 03d, 07d, 09d, 17d - 21d, and 23d bit assign-
Software Developer’s Manual iii
Note: This page is intentionally left blank.
iv Software Developer’s Manual
1 Introduction ..................................................................................................................1
1.1 Scope .................................................................................................................... 1
1.2 Overview ...............................................................................................................1
1.3 Ethernet Controller Features .................................................................................2
1.3.1 PCI Features ........................................................................................ 2
1.3.2 CSA Features (82547GI/EI Only) .........................................................2
1.3.3 Network Side Features......................................................................... 2
1.3.4 Host Offloading Features ..................................................................... 3
1.3.5 Additional Performance Features.........................................................4
1.3.6 Manageability Features (Not Applicable to the 82544GC/EI or
82541ER) ............................................................................................. 5
1.3.7 Additional Ethernet Controller Features ............................................... 5
1.3.8 Technology Features............................................................................ 5
1.4 Conventions .......................................................................................................... 6
1.4.1 Register and Bit References ................................................................ 6
1.4.2 Byte and Bit Designations ....................................................................6
1.5 Related Documents ...............................................................................................6
1.6 Memory Alignment Terminology............................................................................6
2 Architectural Overview ............................................................................................7
2.1 Introduction............................................................................................................7
2.2 External Architecture ............................................................................................. 8
2.3 Microarchitecture ................................................................................................. 10
2.3.1 PCI/PCI-X Core Interface ................................................................... 10
2.3.2 82547GI/EI CSA Interface .................................................................. 11
2.3.3 DMA Engine and Data FIFO .............................................................. 11
2.3.4 10/100/1000 Mb/s Receive and Transmit MAC Blocks ...................... 12
2.3.5 MII/GMII/TBI/Internal SerDes Interface Block ....................................12
2.3.6 10/100/1000 Ethernet Transceiver (PHY) .......................................... 13
2.3.7 EEPROM Interface............................................................................. 13
2.3.8 FLASH Memory Interface ................................................................... 14
2.4 DMA Addressing ................................................................................................. 14
2.5 Ethernet Addressing ............................................................................................ 15
2.6 Interrupts ............................................................................................................. 16
2.7 Hardware Acceleration Capability ....................................................................... 17
2.7.1 Checksum Offloading ......................................................................... 17
2.7.2 TCP Segmentation ............................................................................. 17
2.8 Buffer and Descriptor Structure...........................................................................17
3 Receive and Transmit Description.................................................................... 19
3.1 Introduction.......................................................................................................... 19
3.2 Packet Reception ................................................................................................19
3.2.1 Packet Address Filtering .................................................................... 19
3.2.2 Receive Data Storage ........................................................................ 20
3.2.3 Receive Descriptor Format................................................................. 20
3.2.4 Receive Descriptor Fetching .............................................................. 25
Software Developer’s Manual v
3.2.5 Receive Descriptor Write-Back .......................................................... 26
3.2.6 Receive Descriptor Queue Structure.................................................. 26
3.2.7 Receive Interrupts .............................................................................. 28
3.2.8 82544GC/EI Receive Interrupts ......................................................... 31
3.2.9 Receive Packet Checksum Offloading ............................................... 31
3.3 Packet Transmission ........................................................................................... 34
3.3.1 Transmit Data Storage ....................................................................... 35
3.3.2 Transmit Descriptors .......................................................................... 35
3.3.3 Legacy Transmit Descriptor Format ................................................... 36
3.3.4 Transmit Descriptor Special Field Format .......................................... 40
3.3.5 TCP/IP Context Transmit Descriptor Format...................................... 41
3.3.6 TCP/IP Context Descriptor Layout ..................................................... 42
3.3.7 TCP/IP Data Descriptor Format ......................................................... 46
3.4 Transmit Descriptor Ring Structure..................................................................... 51
3.4.1 Transmit Descriptor Fetching ............................................................. 53
3.4.2 Transmit Descriptor Write-back.......................................................... 53
3.4.3 Transmit Interrupts ............................................................................. 54
3.5 TCP Segmentation .............................................................................................. 55
3.5.1 Assumptions....................................................................................... 56
3.5.2 Transmission Process ........................................................................ 56
3.5.3 TCP Segmentation Performance ....................................................... 57
3.5.4 Packet Format .................................................................................... 57
3.5.5 TCP Segmentation Indication............................................................. 58
3.5.6 TCP Segmentation Use of Multiple Data Descriptors ........................ 59
3.5.7 IP and TCP/UDP Headers.................................................................. 60
3.5.8 Transmit Checksum Offloading with TCP Segmentation ................... 64
3.5.9 IP/TCP/UDP Header Updating ........................................................... 65
3.6 IP/TCP/UDP Transmit Checksum Offloading...................................................... 68
4 PCI Local Bus Interface......................................................................................... 71
4.1 PCI Configuration ................................................................................................ 71
4.1.1 PCI-X Configuration Registers ........................................................... 79
4.1.2 Reserved and Undefined Addresses.................................................. 82
4.1.3 Message Signaled Interrupts.............................................................. 83
4.2 Commands .......................................................................................................... 85
4.3 PCI/PCI-X Command Usage............................................................................... 87
4.3.1 Memory Write Operations .................................................................. 87
4.3.2 Memory Read Operations .................................................................. 89
4.4 Cache Line Information ....................................................................................... 90
4.4.1 Target Transaction Termination ......................................................... 91
4.5 Interrupt Assignment (82547GI/EI Only) ............................................................. 91
4.6 LAN Disable ........................................................................................................ 91
4.7 CardBus Application (82541PI/GI/EI Only) ......................................................... 92
5 EEPROM Interface ................................................................................................... 93
5.1 General Overview ............................................................................................... 93
5.2 Component Identification Via Programming Interface......................................... 94
5.3 EEPROM Device and Interface........................................................................... 95
5.3.1 Software Access................................................................................. 96
5.4 Signature and CRC Fields .................................................................................. 96
vi Software Developer’s Manual
5.5 EEUPDATE Utility ............................................................................................... 97
5.5.1 Command Line Parameters ............................................................... 97
5.6 EEPROM Address Map....................................................................................... 98
5.6.1 Ethernet Address (Words 00h-02h)..................................................103
5.6.2 Software Compatibility Word (Word 03h) .........................................103
5.6.3 SerDes Configuration (Word 04h) .................................................... 104
5.6.4 EEPROM Image Version (Word 05h)............................................... 104
5.6.5 Compatibility Fields (Word 05h - 07h) .............................................. 104
5.6.6 PBA Number (Word 08h, 09h) .........................................................104
5.6.7 Initialization Control Word 1 (Word 0Ah) ..........................................105
5.6.8 Subsystem ID (Word 0Bh)................................................................ 106
5.6.9 Subsystem Vendor ID (Word 0Ch)................................................... 106
5.6.10 Device ID (Word 0Dh, 11h) .............................................................. 107
5.6.11 Vendor ID (Word 0Eh)......................................................................107
5.6.12 Initialization Control Word 2 (Word 0Fh) .......................................... 107
5.6.13 PHY Register Address Data (Words 10h, 11h, and 13h - 1Eh) .......109
5.6.14 OEM Reserved Words (Words 10h, 11h, 13h - 1Fh) .......................109
5.6.15 EEPROM Size (Word 12h)............................................................... 109
5.6.16 Common Power (Word 12h).............................................................109
5.6.17 Software Defined Pins Control (Word 10h, 20h) ..............................109
5.6.18 CSA Port Configuration 2 (Word 21h) .............................................. 111
5.6.19 Circuit Control (Word 21h)................................................................112
5.6.20 D0 Power (Word 22h high byte) .......................................................112
5.6.21 D3 Power (Word 22h low byte) ........................................................ 112
5.6.22 Reserved Words (23h - 2Eh)............................................................ 112
5.6.23 Reserved Words (23h - 2Fh)............................................................112
5.6.24 Management Control (Word 13h, 23h)............................................. 113
5.6.25 SMBus Slave Address (Word 14h low byte, 24h low byte) ..............114
5.6.26 Initialization Control 3 (Word 14h high byte, 24h high byte)............. 115
5.6.27 IPv4 Address (Words 15h - 16h and 25h - 26h) ............................... 116
5.6.28 IPv6 Address (words 17h - 1Eh
5.6.29 LED Configuration Defaults (Word 2Fh)........................................... 116
5.6.30 Boot Agent Main Setup Options (Word 30h) ....................................116
5.6.31 Boot Agent Configuration Customization Options (Word 31h) ......... 118
5.6.32 Boot Agent Configuration Customization Options (Word 32h) ......... 120
5.6.33 IBA Capabilities (Word 33h) .............................................................121
5.6.34 IBA Secondary Port Configuration (Words 34h-35h) ....................... 121
5.6.35 Checksum Word Calculation (Word 3Fh)......................................... 122
5.6.36 82546GB/EB Dual-Channel Fiber Wake on LAN (WOL) Mode and
Functionality (Word 0Ah, 20h)..........................................................122
5.6.37 EEPROM Images .............................................................................122
5.7 Parallel FLASH Memory .................................................................................... 123
and 27h - 2Eh) .............................116
7 FLASH Memory Interface .................................................................................... 125
7.1 FLASH Interface Operation ............................................................................... 125
7.2 FLASH Control and Accesses ........................................................................... 125
7.2.1 Read Accesses ................................................................................126
7.2.2 Write Accesses.................................................................................126
Software Developer’s Manual vii
6 Power Management............................................................................................... 129
6.1 Introduction to Power Management .................................................................. 129
6.2 Assumptions...................................................................................................... 129
6.3 D3cold support .................................................................................................. 130
6.3.1 Power States .................................................................................... 130
6.3.2 Timing............................................................................................... 132
6.3.3 PCI Power Management Registers .................................................. 137
6.4 Wakeup ............................................................................................................. 141
6.4.1 Advanced Power Management Wakeup .......................................... 141
6.4.2 ACPI Power Management Wakeup.................................................. 142
6.4.3 Wakeup Packets .............................................................................. 143
8 Ethernet Interface .................................................................................................. 153
8.1 Introduction ....................................................................................................... 153
8.2 Link Interfaces Overview................................................................................... 153
8.2.1 Internal SerDes Interface/TBI Mode– 1Gb/s .................................... 154
8.2.2 GMII – 1 Gb/s ................................................................................... 155
8.2.3 MII – 10/100 Mb/s............................................................................. 156
8.3 Internal Interface ............................................................................................... 156
8.4 Duplex Operation .............................................................................................. 156
8.4.1 Full Duplex ....................................................................................... 157
8.4.2 Half Duplex....................................................................................... 157
8.5 Auto-Negotiation and Link Setup ...................................................................... 159
8.6 Auto-Negotiation and Link Setup ...................................................................... 159
8.6.1 Link Configuration in Internal Serdes/TBI Mode............................... 160
8.6.2 Internal GMII/MII Mode..................................................................... 163
8.6.3 Internal SerDes Mode Control Bit Resolution................................... 166
8.6.4 Internal PHY Mode Control Bit Resolution ....................................... 167
8.6.5 Loss of Signal/Link Status Indication................................................ 169
8.7 10/100 Mb/s Specific Performance Enhancements .......................................... 170
8.7.1 Adaptive IFS..................................................................................... 170
8.7.2 Flow Control ..................................................................................... 171
8.7.3 MAC Control Frames & Reception of Flow Control Packets ............ 171
8.7.4 Discard PAUSE Frames and Pass MAC Control Frames ................ 173
8.7.5 Transmission of PAUSE Frames...................................................... 173
8.7.6 Software Initiated PAUSE Frame Transmission............................... 174
8.7.7 External Control of Flow Control Operation...................................... 174
9 802.1q VLAN Support ........................................................................................... 175
9.1 802.1q VLAN Packet Format ............................................................................ 175
9.1.1 802.1q Tagged Frames .................................................................... 175
9.2 Transmitting and Receiving 802.1q Packets ..................................................... 176
9.2.1 Adding 802.1q Tags on Transmits ................................................... 176
9.2.2 Stripping 802.1q Tags on Receives ................................................. 176
9.3 802.1q VLAN Packet Filtering ........................................................................... 176
10 Configurable LED Outputs................................................................................. 179
10.1 Configurable LED Outputs ................................................................................ 179
10.1.1 Selecting an LED Output Source ..................................................... 179
10.1.2 Polarity Inversion.............................................................................. 180
viii Software Developer’s Manual
10.1.3 Blink Control .....................................................................................180
11 PHY Functionality and Features ...................................................................... 183
11.1 Auto-Negotiation................................................................................................ 183
11.1.1 Overview ..........................................................................................183
11.1.2 Next Page Exchanges......................................................................184
11.1.3 Register Update ...............................................................................184
11.1.4 Status ............................................................................................... 185
11.2 MDI/MDI-X Crossover (copper only) ................................................................. 185
11.2.1 Polarity Correction (copper only) ......................................................186
11.2.2 10/100 Downshift (82540EP/EM Only).............................................186
11.3 Cable Length Detection (copper only)............................................................... 187
11.4 PHY Power Management (copper only)............................................................ 187
11.4.1 Link Down – Energy Detect (copper only)........................................ 187
11.4.2 D3 State, No Link Required (copper only)........................................188
11.4.3 D3 Link-Up, Speed-Management Enabled (copper only)................. 188
11.4.4 D3 Link-Up, Speed-Management Disabled (copper only) ................188
11.5 Initialization........................................................................................................ 189
11.5.1 MDIO Control Mode ......................................................................... 189
11.6 Determining Link State ...................................................................................... 190
11.6.1 False Link .........................................................................................191
11.6.2 Forced Operation ............................................................................. 191
11.6.3 Auto Negotiation............................................................................... 192
11.6.4 Parallel Detection .............................................................................192
11.7 Link Criteria .......................................................................................................192
11.7.1 1000BASE-T ....................................................................................192
11.7.2 100BASE-TX ....................................................................................192
11.7.3 10BASE-T ........................................................................................193
11.8 Link Enhancements........................................................................................... 193
11.8.1 SmartSpeed .....................................................................................193
11.8.2 Flow Control ..................................................................................... 193
11.9 Management Data Interface.............................................................................. 194
11.10 Low Power Operation........................................................................................ 194
11.10.1 Powerdown via the PHY Register .................................................... 195
11.10.2 Smart Power-Down ..........................................................................195
11.11 1000 Mbps Operation........................................................................................ 195
11.11.1 Introduction....................................................................................... 195
11.11.2 Transmit Functions ........................................................................... 197
11.11.3 Transmit FIFO .................................................................................. 197
11.11.4 Receive Functions............................................................................ 199
11.12 100 Mbps Operation.......................................................................................... 200
11.13 10 Mbps Operation............................................................................................ 200
11.13.1 Link Test...........................................................................................201
11.13.2 10Base-T Link Failure Criteria and Override .................................... 201
11.13.3 Jabber ..............................................................................................201
11.13.4 Polarity Correction............................................................................ 201
11.13.5 Dribble Bits .......................................................................................201
11.14 PHY Line Length Indication...............................................................................201
Software Developer’s Manual ix
12 Dual Port Characteristics.................................................................................... 203
12.1 Introduction ....................................................................................................... 203
12.2 Features of Each MAC...................................................................................... 203
12.2.1 PCI/PCI-X interface .......................................................................... 203
12.2.2 MAC Configuration Register Space ................................................. 205
12.2.3 SDP, LED, INT# output .................................................................... 205
12.3 Shared EEPROM ..............................................................................................206
12.3.1 EEPROM Map.................................................................................. 206
12.3.2 EEPROM Arbitration ........................................................................206
12.4 Shared FLASH .................................................................................................. 207
12.4.1 FLASH Access Contention............................................................... 207
12.5 LAN Disable ...................................................................................................... 208
12.5.1 Overview .......................................................................................... 208
12.5.2 Values Sampled on Reset................................................................ 208
12.5.3 Multi-Function Advertisement........................................................... 209
12.5.4 Interrupt Use..................................................................................... 209
12.5.5 Power Reporting............................................................................... 209
12.5.6 Summary .......................................................................................... 210
13 Register Descriptions........................................................................................... 211
13.1 Introduction ....................................................................................................... 211
13.2 Register Conventions........................................................................................ 211
13.2.1 Memory and I/O Address Decoding ................................................. 212
13.2.2 I/O-Mapped Internal Register, Internal Memory, and Flash .............213
13.3 PCI-X Register Access Split.............................................................................. 219
13.4 Main Register Descriptions ............................................................................... 220
13.4.1 Device Control Register ................................................................... 220
13.4.2 Device Status Register..................................................................... 225
13.4.3 EEPROM/Flash Control & Data Register ......................................... 228
13.4.4 EEPROM Read Register.................................................................. 230
13.4.5 Flash Access .................................................................................... 232
13.4.6 Extended Device Control Register ................................................... 233
13.4.7 MDI Control Register........................................................................ 238
13.4.8 Flow Control Address Low ............................................................... 279
13.4.9 Flow Control Address High............................................................... 279
13.4.10 Flow Control Type ............................................................................ 280
13.4.11 VLAN Ether Type ............................................................................. 280
13.4.12 Flow Control Transmit Timer Value.................................................. 281
13.4.13 Transmit Configuration Word Register ............................................. 282
13.4.14 Receive Configuration Word Register .............................................. 283
13.4.15 LED Control...................................................................................... 285
13.4.16 Packet Buffer Allocation ................................................................... 288
13.4.17 Interrupt Cause Read Register......................................................... 289
13.4.18 Interrupt Throttling Register.............................................................. 291
13.4.19 Interrupt Cause Set Register............................................................ 292
13.4.20 Interrupt Mask Set/Read Register .................................................... 293
13.4.21 Interrupt Mask Clear Register .......................................................... 294
13.4.22 Receive Control Register ................................................................. 296
13.4.23 Flow Control Receive Threshold Low............................................... 300
13.4.24 Flow Control Receive Threshold High.............................................. 301
x Software Developer’s Manual
13.4.25 Receive Descriptor Base Address Low ............................................ 302
13.4.26 Receive Descriptor Base Address High ........................................... 302
13.4.27 Receive Descriptor Length ............................................................... 303
13.4.28 Receive Descriptor Head ................................................................. 303
13.4.29 Receive Descriptor Tail ....................................................................304
13.4.30 Receive Delay Timer Register..........................................................304
13.4.31 Receive Interrupt Absolute Delay Timer...........................................305
13.4.32 Receive Small Packet Detect Interrupt.............................................306
13.4.33 Transmit Control Register ................................................................ 306
13.4.34 Transmit IPG Register ...................................................................... 308
13.4.35 Adaptive IFS Throttle - AIT ............................................................... 310
13.4.36 Transmit Descriptor Base Address Low ...........................................311
13.4.37 Transmit Descriptor Base Address High .......................................... 312
13.4.38 Transmit Descriptor Length .............................................................. 312
13.4.39 Transmit Descriptor Head ................................................................ 313
13.4.40 Transmit Descriptor Tail ...................................................................314
13.4.41 Transmit Interrupt Delay Value......................................................... 314
13.4.42 TX DMA Control (82544GC/EI only) ................................................315
13.4.43 Transmit Descriptor Control ............................................................. 315
13.4.44 Transmit Absolute Interrupt Delay Value.......................................... 317
13.4.45 TCP Segmentation Pad And Minimum Threshold............................ 318
13.4.46 Receive Descriptor Control .............................................................. 320
13.4.47 Receive Checksum Control.............................................................. 321
13.5 Filter Registers ..................................................................................................323
13.5.1 Multicast Table Array........................................................................ 323
13.5.2 Receive Address Low....................................................................... 325
13.5.3 Receive Address High...................................................................... 325
13.5.4 VLAN Filter Table Array ................................................................... 326
13.6 Wakeup Registers ............................................................................................. 327
13.6.1 Wakeup Control Register .................................................................327
13.6.2 Wakeup Filter Control Register ........................................................ 328
13.6.3 Wakeup Status Register................................................................... 329
13.6.4 IP Address Valid............................................................................... 331
13.6.5 IPv4 Address Table .......................................................................... 332
13.6.6 IPv6 Address Table .......................................................................... 333
13.6.7 Wakeup Packet Length ....................................................................334
13.6.8 Wakeup Packet Memory (128 Bytes)............................................... 334
13.6.9 Flexible Filter Length Table .............................................................. 334
13.6.10 Flexible Filter Mask Table ................................................................ 335
13.6.11 Flexible Filter Value Table................................................................336
13.7 Statistics Registers............................................................................................ 336
13.7.1 CRC Error Count .............................................................................. 337
13.7.2 Alignment Error Count...................................................................... 337
13.7.3 Symbol Error Count..........................................................................338
13.7.4 RX Error Count................................................................................. 338
13.7.5 Missed Packets Count...................................................................... 339
13.7.6 Single Collision Count ......................................................................339
13.7.7 Excessive Collisions Count .............................................................. 340
13.7.8 Multiple Collision Count .................................................................... 340
13.7.9 Late Collisions Count ....................................................................... 341
Software Developer’s Manual xi
13.7.10 Collision Count ................................................................................. 341
13.7.11 Defer Count ...................................................................................... 342
13.7.12 Transmit with No CRS...................................................................... 342
13.7.13 Sequence Error Count...................................................................... 343
13.7.14 Carrier Extension Error Count .......................................................... 343
13.7.15 Receive Length Error Count............................................................. 344
13.7.16 XON Received Count ....................................................................... 344
13.7.17 XON Transmitted Count ................................................................... 345
13.7.18 XOFF Received Count ..................................................................... 345
13.7.19 XOFF Transmitted Count ................................................................. 345
13.7.20 FC Received Unsupported Count .................................................... 346
13.7.21 Packets Received (64 Bytes) Count................................................. 346
13.7.22 Packets Received (65-127 Bytes) Count ......................................... 347
13.7.23 Packets Received (128-255 Bytes) Count ....................................... 347
13.7.24 Packets Received (256-511 Bytes) Count ....................................... 348
13.7.25 Packets Received (512-1023 Bytes) Count ..................................... 348
13.7.26 Packets Received (1024 to Max Bytes) Count................................. 349
13.7.27 Good Packets Received Count ........................................................ 349
13.7.28 Broadcast Packets Received Count................................................. 350
13.7.29 Multicast Packets Received Count................................................... 350
13.7.30 Good Packets Transmitted Count .................................................... 351
13.7.31 Good Octets Received Count........................................................... 351
13.7.32 Good Octets Transmitted Count....................................................... 352
13.7.33 Receive No Buffers Count................................................................ 352
13.7.34 Receive Undersize Count................................................................. 353
13.7.35 Receive Fragment Count ................................................................. 353
13.7.36 Receive Oversize Count................................................................... 354
13.7.37 Receive Jabber Count...................................................................... 354
13.7.38 Management Packets Received Count ............................................ 355
13.7.39 Management Packets Dropped Count ............................................. 356
13.7.40 Management Pkts Transmitted Count.............................................. 356
13.7.41 Total Octets Received ...................................................................... 356
13.7.42 Total Octets Transmitted .................................................................. 357
13.7.43 Total Packets Received.................................................................... 358
13.7.44 Total Packets Transmitted................................................................ 358
13.7.45 Packets Transmitted (64 Bytes) Count............................................. 359
13.7.46 Packets Transmitted (65-127 Bytes) Count ..................................... 359
13.7.47 Packets Transmitted (128-255 Bytes) Count ................................... 360
13.7.48 Packets Transmitted (256-511 Bytes) Count ................................... 360
13.7.49 Packets Transmitted (512-1023 Bytes) Count ................................. 361
13.7.50 Packets Transmitted (1024 Bytes or Greater) Count ....................... 361
13.7.51 Multicast Packets Transmitted Count............................................... 362
13.7.52 Broadcast Packets Transmitted Count............................................. 362
13.7.53 TCP Segmentation Context Transmitted Count ............................... 363
13.7.54 TCP Segmentation Context Transmit Fail Count ............................. 363
13.8 Diagnostics Registers ....................................................................................... 364
13.8.1 Receive Data FIFO Head Register................................................... 364
13.8.2 Receive Data FIFO Tail Register ..................................................... 364
13.8.3 Receive Data FIFO Head Saved Register ....................................... 365
13.8.4 Receive Data FIFO Tail Saved Register .......................................... 365
xii Software Developer’s Manual
13.8.5 Receive Data FIFO Packet Count ....................................................366
13.8.6 Transmit Data FIFO Head Register..................................................366
13.8.7 Transmit Data FIFO Tail Register .................................................... 367
13.8.8 Transmit Data FIFO Head Saved Register ......................................367
13.8.9 Transmit Data FIFO Tail Saved Register ......................................... 368
13.8.10 Transmit Data FIFO Packet Count ...................................................368
13.8.11 Packet Buffer Memory...................................................................... 369
14 General Initialization and Reset Operation.................................................. 371
14.1 Introduction........................................................................................................371
14.2 Power Up State ................................................................................................. 371
14.3 General Configuration ....................................................................................... 371
14.4 Receive Initialization..........................................................................................372
14.5 Transmit Initialization......................................................................................... 373
14.5.1 Signal Interface ................................................................................376
14.5.2 GMII/MII Features not Supported ..................................................... 377
14.5.3 Avoiding GMII Test Mode(s)............................................................. 378
14.5.4 MAC Configuration ........................................................................... 378
14.5.5 Link Setup ........................................................................................379
14.6 PHY Initialization (10/100/1000 Mb/s Copper Media) ....................................... 380
14.7 Reset Operation ................................................................................................ 381
14.8 Initialization of Statistics .................................................................................... 384
15 Diagnostics and Testability ...............................................................................385
15.1 Diagnostics........................................................................................................385
15.1.1 FIFO State........................................................................................ 385
15.1.2 FIFO Data......................................................................................... 385
15.1.3 Loopback.......................................................................................... 385
15.2 Testability ..........................................................................................................386
15.2.1 EXTEST Instruction.......................................................................... 387
15.2.2 SAMPLE/PRELOAD Instruction ....................................................... 387
15.2.3 IDCODE Instruction.......................................................................... 387
15.2.4 BYPASS Instruction .........................................................................387
A Appendix (Changes From 82544EI/82544GC) ............................................389
B Appendix (82540EP/EM and 82545GM/EM Differences)......................... 391
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xiv Software Developer’s Manual

Introduction 1

1.1 Scope

This document serves as a software developer’s manual for 82546GB/EB, 82545GM/EM, 82544GC/EI, 82541(PI/GI/EI), 82541ER, 82547GI/EI, and 82540EP/EM Gigabit Ethernet
Controllers. Throughout this manual references are made to the PCI/PCI-X Family of Gigabit Ethernet Controllers or Ethernet controllers. Unless specifically noted, these references apply to all the Ethernet controllers listed above.

1.2 Overview

The PCI/PCI-X Family of Gigabit Ethernet Controllers are highly integrated, high-performance Ethernet LAN devices for 1000 Mb/s, 100 Mb/s and 10 Mb/s data rates. They are optimized for LAN on Motherboard (LOM) designs, enterprise networking, and Internet appliances that use the Peripheral Component Interconnect (PCI) and PCI-X bus.
Note: The 82541xx and 82540EP/EM do not support the PCI-X bus.
The 82547GI(EI) connects to the motherboard chipset through a Communications Streaming Architecture (CSA) port. CSA is designed for low memory latency and higher performance than a comparable PCI interface.
The remaining Ethernet controllers provide a 32-/64-bit, 33/66 MHz direct interface to the PCI Local Bus Specification (revision 2.2 or 2.3), as well as the emerging PCI-X extension to the PCI Local Bus (revision 1.0a).
The Ethernet controllers provide an interface to the host processor by using on-chip command and status registers and a shared host memory area, set up mainly during initialization. The controllers provide a highly optimized architecture to deliver high performance and PCI/CSA/PCI-X bus efficiency. By implementing hardware acceleration capabilities, the controllers enable offloading various tasks such as TCP/UDP/IP checksum calculations from the host processor. They also minimize I/O accesses and interrupts required to manage the Ethernet controllers and provide a highly configurable design that can be used effectively in various environments.
The PCI/PCI-X Family of Gigabit Ethernet Controllers handle all IEEE 802.3 receive and transmit MAC functions. They contain fully integrated physical-layer circuitry for 1000 Base-T, 100 Base­TX, and 10 Base-T applications (IEEE 802.3, 802.3u, and 802.3ab) as well as on-chip Serializer/ Deserializer (SerDes)
functionality that fully complies with IEEE 802.3z PCS.
1. The 82541xx, 82547GI/EI, and 82540EP/EM do not support any SerDes functionality.
Software Developer’s Manual 1
For the 82544GC/EI, when connected to an appropriate SerDes, it can alternatively provide an Ethernet interface for 1000 Base-SX or LX applications (IEEE 802.3z).
Note: The 82546EB/82545EM is SerDes PICMG 2.16 compliant. The 82546GB/82545GM is SerDes
PICMG 3.1 compliant.
82546GB/EB Ethernet controllers also provide features in an integrated dual-port solution comprised of two distinct MAC/PHY instances. As a result, they appear as multi-function PCI devices containing two identically-functioning Ethernet controllers. See Section 12 for details.

1.3 Ethernet Controller Features

This section describes the features of the PCI/PCI-X Family of Gigabit Ethernet Controllers.

1.3.1 PCI Features

32/64-bit 33/66 MHz, PCI Rev 2.3 and PCI-X 1.0a compliant Host interface (82546GB/
32/64-bit 33/66 MHz, PCI Rev 2.2 and PCI-X 1.0a compliant Host interface (82546EB,
82545EM, and 82544GC/EI)
32/64-bit 33/66 MHz, PCI Rev 2.3 compliant Host interface (82541xx)
32/64-bit 33/66 MHz, PCI Rev 2.2 compliant Host interface (82540EP/EM)
64-bit addressing for systems with more than 4 GB of physical memory
Efficient PCI bus master operation
Command usage optimization for advanced PCI commands

1.3.2 CSA Features (82547GI/EI Only)

Uses dedicated port for client LAN controller directly on an MCH device
High-speed interface with twice the peak bandwidth of a 32-bit 33 MHz PCI bus
PCI power management registers recognized by the MCH
Interface only uses 13 signals

1.3.3 Network Side Features

Auto-Negotiation and Link Setup
— Automatic link configuration including speed, duplex and flow control under IEEE
802.3ab for copper media
— For GMII/MII mode, the driver complies with the IEEE 802.3ab standard requirements
for speed, duplex, and flow control Auto-Negotiation capabilities
Supports half and full duplex operation at 10 Mb/s and 100 Mb/s speeds while working with
the internal PHY
2 Software Developer’s Manual
IEEE 802.3x compliant flow control support
— Enables control of the transmission of Pause packets through software or hardware
— Provides indications of receive FIFO status
State-of-the-art internal transceiver (PHY) with DSP architecture implementation
— Digital adaptive equalization and crosstalk
— Echo and crosstalk cancellation
— Automatic MDI/MDI-X crossover at all speeds and compensation for cable length
— Media Independent Interfaces (MII) IEEE 802.3e for supporting 10/10BASE-T
Integrated dual-port solution comprised of two distinct MAC/PHY instances (82546GB/EB)
Provides on-chip IEEE 802.3z PCS SerDes functionality (82546GB/EB and 82545GM/EM)

1.3.4 Host Offloading Features

Receive and transmit IP and TCP/UDP checksum offloading capabilities
Transmit TCP Segmentation (operating system support required)
Packet filtering based on checksum errors
Support for various address filtering modes:
— 16 exact matches (unicast, or multicast)
— 4096-bit hash filter for multicast frames
— Promiscuous, unicast and promiscuous multicast transfer modes
IEEE 802.1q VLAN support
— Ability to add and strip IEEE 802.1q VLAN tags
— Packet filtering based on VLAN tagging, supporting 4096 tags
SNMP and RMON statistic counters
Support for IPv6 including (not applicable to the 82544GC/EI):
— IP/TCP and IP/UDP receive checksum offload
— Wake up filters
— TCP segmentation
1. Not applicable to the 82541ER.
Software Developer’s Manual 3

1.3.5 Additional Performance Features

Provides adaptive Inter Frame Spacing (IFS) capability, enabling collision reduction in half
duplex networks (82544GC/EI)
Programmable host memory receive buffers (256 B to 16 KB)
Programmable cache line size from 16 B to 128 B for efficient usage of PCI bandwidth
Implements a total of 64 KB (40 KB for the 82547GI/EI) of configurable receive and transmit
data FIFOs. Default allocation is 48 KB for the receive data FIFO and 16 KB for the transmit data FIFO
Descriptor ring management hardware for transmit and receive. Optimized descriptor fetching
and write-back mechanisms for efficient system memory and PCI bandwidth usage
Provides interrupt coalescing to reduce the number of interrupts generated by receive and
transmit operations (82544GC/EI)
Supports reception and transmission of packets with length up to 16 KB
New intelligent interrupt generation features to enhance driver performance (not applicable to
the 82544GC/EI):
— Packet interrupt coalescing timers (packet timers) and absolute-delay interrupt timers for
both transmit and receive operation
— Short packet detection interrupt for improved response time to TCP acknowledges
— Transmit Descriptor Ring “Low” signaling
— Interrupt throttling control to limit maximum interrupt rate and improve CPU utilization
4 Software Developer’s Manual

1.3.6 Manageability Features (Not Applicable to the 82544GC/EI or 82541ER)

Manageability support for ASF 1.0 and AoL 2.0 by way of SMBus 2.0 interface and either:
— TCO mode SMBus-based management packet transmit / receive support
— Internal ASF-compliant TCO controller

1.3.7 Additional Ethernet Controller Features

Implements ACPI
register set and power down functionality supporting D0 and D3 states
Supports Wake on LAN (WoL)
Provides four wire serial EEPROM interface for loading product configuration information
— Allows use of either 3.3 V dc or 5 V dc powered EEPROM
Provides external parallel interface for up to 512 KB of FLASH memory for support of Pre-
Boot Execution Environment (PXE)
Provides seven general purpose user mode pins
Provides Activity and Link LED indications
Supports little-endian byte ordering for 32- and 64-bit systems
Provides loopback capabilities under TBI (82544GC/EI)
EB and 82545GM/EM) and GMII/MII modes of operation
Provides IEEE JTAG boundary scan support
Four programmable LED outputs (Not applicable to the 82544GC/EI).
—For the 82546GB/EB, four programmable LED outputs for each port
Detection and improved power-management with LAN cable unconnected (82546GB/EB)

1.3.8 Technology Features

Implemented in 0.15µ CMOS process (0.13µ for the 82541xx and 82547GI/EI)
(internal SerDes for the 82546GB/
Packaged in 364 PBGA.
—For the 82544EI, packaged in 416 PBGA.
—For the 82540EP/EM, 82541xx, and 82547GI/EI, packaged in 196 PBGA.
Implemented in low power (3.3 V dc or 5 V dc compatible PCI signaling) CMOS process
1. Not applicable to the 82541ER.
2. Not applicable to the 82541xx, 82547GI/EI or 82540EP/EM.
Software Developer’s Manual 5

1.4 Conventions

This document uses notes that call attention to important comments:
Note: Indicates details about the hardware’s operations that are not immediately obvious. Read these
notes to get information about exceptions, unusual situations, and additional explanations of some PCI/PCI-X Family of Gigabit Ethernet Controller features.

1.4.1 Register and Bit References

This document refers to Ethernet controller register names using all capital letters. To refer to a specific bit in a register the convention REGISTER.BIT is used. For example, CTRL.ASDE refers to the Auto-Speed Detection Enable bit in the Device Control Register (CTRL).

1.4.2 Byte and Bit Designations

This document uses “B” to abbreviate quantities of bytes. For example, a 4 KB represents 4096 bytes. Similarly, “b” is used to represent quantities of bits. For example, 100 Mb/s represents 100 Megabits per second.

1.5 Related Documents

IEEE Std. 802.3, 2000 Edition. Incorporates various IEEE standards previously published
PCI Local Bus Specification, Revision 2.2 and 2.3, PCI Local Bus Special Interest Group.

1.6 Memory Alignment Terminology

Some PCI/PCI-X Family of Gigabit Ethernet Controller data structures have special memory alignment requirements. This implies that the starting physical address of a data structure must be aligned as specified in this manual. The following terms are used for this purpose:
BYTE alignment: Implies that the physical addresses can be odd or even. Examples:
0FECBD9A1h, 02345ADC6h.
WORD alignment: Implies that physical addresses must be aligned on even boundaries. For
example, the last nibble of the address can only end in 0, 2, 4, 6, 8, Ah, Ch, or Eh (0FECBD9A2h).
DWORD (Double-Word) alignment: Implies that the physical addresses can only be aligned
on 4-byte boundaries. For example, the last nibble of the address can only end in 0, 4, 8, or Ch (0FECBD9A8h).
QWORD (Quad-Word) alignment: Implies that the physical addresses can only be aligned on
8-byte boundaries. For example, the last nibble of the address can only end in 0 or 8 (0FECBD9A8h).
PARAGRAPH alignment: Implies that the physical addresses can only be aligned on 16-byte
boundaries. For example, the last nibble must be a 0 (02345ADC0h).
6 Software Developer’s Manual
Architectural Overview

Architectural Overview 2

2.1 Introduction

This section provides an overview of the PCI/PCI-X Family of Gigabit Ethernet Controllers. The following sections give detailed information about the Ethernet controller’s functionality, register description, and initialization sequence. All major interfaces of the Ethernet controllers are described in detail.
The following principles shaped the design of the PCI/PCI-X Family of Gigabit Ethernet Controllers:
1. Provide an Ethernet interface containing a 10/100/1000 Mb/s PHY that also supports 1000 Base-X implementations.
2. Provide the highest performance solution possible, based on the following:
— Provide direct access to all memory without using mapping registers
— Minimize the PCI target accesses required to manage the Ethernet controller
— Minimize the interrupts required to manage the Ethernet controller
— Off-load the host processor from simple tasks such as TCP checksum calculations
— Maximize PCI efficiency and performance
— Use mixed signal processing to assure physical layer characteristics surpass specifications
for UTP copper media
3. Provide a simple software interface for basic operations.
4. Provide a highly configurable design that can be used effectively in different environments.
The PCI/PCI-X Family of Gigabit Ethernet Controllers architecture is a derivative of the 82542 and 82543 designs. They take the MAC functionality and integrated copper PHY from their predecessors and adds SMBus-based manageability and integrated ASF controller functionality to the MAC solution comprised of two distinct MAC/PHY instances.
. In addition, the 82546GB/EB features this architecture in an integrated dual-port
1. Not applicable to the 82544GC/EI or 82541ER.
Software Developer’s Manual 7
Architectural Overview

2.2 External Architecture

Figure 2-1 shows the external interfaces to the 82546GB/EB.
MDI Interface A
1000Base-T PHY Interfaces
MDI Interface B
Design for Test Interface
External TBI Interface
Software Defined Pins
10/100/1000 PHY
Device Function 0 MAC/Controller (LAN A)
PCI (64-bit, 33/66 MHz)/PCI-X (133 MHz)
10/100/1000 PHY
Device Function 1 MAC/Controller (LAN B)
SMBus Interface
EEPROM Interface
Flash Interface
Software Defined Pins
Figure 2-1. 82546GB/EB External Interface
Figure 2-2 shows the external interfaces to the 82545GM/EM, 82544GC/EI, 82540EP/EM, and
MDI Interface
1000Base-T PHY Interface
Design for Test Interface
External TBI Interface (
82545GM/EM only
Software Defined Pins
10/100/1000 PHY
Device Function 0 MAC/Controller
SMBus Interface
EEPROM Interface
Flash Interface
PCI (64-bit, 33/66 MHz)/PCI-X (133 MHz)
Note: 82540EP/EM and 82541xx do not support PCI-X; 82544GC/EI and 82541ER do not support SMBus interface
Figure 2-2. 82545GM/EM, 82544GC/EI, 82540EP/EM, and 82541xx External Interface
8 Software Developer’s Manual
Figure 2-3 shows the external interfaces to the 82547GI/EI.
Architectural Overview
CSA Port
Trellis Viterbi
DMA Function
Descriptor Management
RX Filters
8 bits
8 bits
4 bits
4 bits
Media Dependent Interface
4DPAM5 Encoder
Pulse Shaper,
DAC, Filter
Line DriverHybrid
Figure 2-3. 82547GI(EI) External Interface
Software Developer’s Manual 9
Architectural Overview

2.3 Microarchitecture

Compared to its predecessors, the PCI/PCI-X Family of Gigabit Ethernet Controller’s MAC adds improved receive-packet filtering to support SMBus-based manageability, as well as the ability to transmit SMBus-based manageability packets. In addition, an ASF-compliant TCO controller is integrated into the controller’s MAC for reduced-cost basic ASF manageability.
Note: The 82544GC/EI and 82541ER do not support SMBus-based manageability.
For the 82546GB/EB, this new functionality is packaged in an integrated dual-port combination. The architecture includes two instances of both the MAC and PHY along with a single PCI/PCI-X interface. As a result, each of the logical LAN devices appear as a distinct PCI/PCI-X bus device.
The following sections describe the hardware building blocks. Figure 2-4 shows the internal microarchitecture.

2.3.1 PCI/PCI-X Core Interface

The PCI/PCI-X core provides a complete glueless interface to a 33/66 MHz, 32/64-bit PCI bus or a 33/66/133 MHz, 32/64 bit PCI-X bus. It is compliant with the PCI Bus Specification Rev 2.2 or 2.3 and the PCI-X Specification Rev. 1.0a. The Ethernet controllers provide 32 or 64 bits of addressing and data, and the complete control interface to operate on a 32-bit or 64-bit PCI or PCI-X bus. In systems with a dedicated bus for the Ethernet controller, this provides sufficient bandwidth to support sustained 1000 Mb/s full-duplex transfer rates. Systems with a shared bus (especially the 32-bit wide interface) might not be able to maintain 1000 Mb/s, but can sustain multiple hundreds of Mbps.
Host Arbiter
TX MAC (10/100/
1000 Mb)
RX MAC (10/100/
1000 Mb)
Link I/F
PCI Interface
SM Bus
Figure 2-4. Internal Architecture Block Diagram
10 Software Developer’s Manual
When the Ethernet controller serves as a PCI target, it follows the PCI configuration specification, which allows all accesses to it to be automatically mapped into free memory and I/O space at initialization of the PCI system.
When processing transmit and receive frames, the Ethernet controller operates as master on the PCI bus. As a master, transaction burst length on the PCI bus is determined by several factors, including the PCI latency timer expiration, the type of bus transfer being made, the size of the data transfer, and whether the data transfer is initiated by receive or transmit logic.
The PCI/PCI-X bus interfaces to the DMA engine.

2.3.2 82547GI/EI CSA Interface

CSA is derived from the Intel® Hub Architecture. The 82547EI Controller CSA port consists of 11 data and control signals, two strobes, a 66 MHz clock, and driver compensation resistor connec­tions. The operating details of these signals and the packet data protocol that accompanies them are proprietary. The CSA port has a theoretical bandwidth of 266 MB/s — approximately twice the peak bandwidth of a 32-bit 33 MHz PCI bus.
The CSA port architecture is invisible to both system software and the operating system, allowing conventional PCI-like configuration.
Architectural Overview

2.3.3 DMA Engine and Data FIFO

The DMA engine handles the receive and transmit data and descriptor transfers between the host memory and the on-chip memory.
In the receive path, the DMA engine transfers the data stored in the receive data FIFO buffer to the receive buffer in the host memory, specified by the address in the descriptor. It also fetches and writes back updated receive descriptors to host memory.
In the transmit path, the DMA engine transfers data stored in the host memory buffers to the transmit data FIFO buffer. It also fetches and writes back updated transmit descriptors.
The Ethernet controller data FIFO block consists of a 64 KB (40 KB for the 82547GI/EI) on-chip buffer for receive and transmit operation. The receive and transmit FIFO size can be allocated based on the system requirements. The FIFO provides a temporary buffer storage area for frames as they are received or transmitted by the Ethernet controller.
The DMA engine and the large data FIFOs are optimized to maximize the PCI bus efficiency and reduce processor utilization by:
Mitigating instantaneous receive bandwidth demands and eliminating transmit underruns by
buffering the entire out-going packet prior to transmission
Queuing transmit frames within the transmit FIFO, allowing back-to-back transmission with
the minimum interframe spacing
Allowing the Ethernet controller to withstand long PCI bus latencies without losing incoming
data or corrupting outgoing data
Allowing the transmit start threshold to be tuned by the transmit FIFO threshold. This
adjustment to system performance is based on the available PCI bandwidth, wire speed, and latency considerations
Software Developer’s Manual 11
Architectural Overview
Offloading the receiving and transmitting IP and TCP/UDP checksums
Directly retransmitting from the transmit FIFO any transmissions resulting in errors (collision
detection, data underrun), thus eliminating the need to re-access this data from host memory

2.3.4 10/100/1000 Mb/s Receive and Transmit MAC Blocks

The controller’s CSMA/CD unit handles all the IEEE 802.3 receive and transmit MAC functions while interfacing between the DMA and TBI/internal SerDes/MII/GMII interface block. The CSMA/CD unit supports IEEE 802.3 for 10 Mb/s, IEEE 802.3u for 100 Mb/s and IEEE 802.3z and IEEE 802.3ab for 1000 Mb/s.
The Ethernet controller supports half-duplex 10/100 Mb/s MII or 1000 Mb/s GMII mode and all aspects of the above specifications in full-duplex operation. In half-duplex mode, the Ethernet controller supports operation as specified in IEEE 802.3z specification. In the receive path, the Ethernet controller supports carrier extended packets and packets generated during packet bursting operation. The 82554GC/EI, in the transmit path, also supports carrier extended packets and can be configured to transmit in packet burst mode.
The Ethernet controller offers various filtering capabilities that provide better performance and lower processor utilization as follows:
Provides up to 16 addresses for exact match unicast/multicast address filtering.
Provides multicast address filtering based on 4096 bit vectors. Promiscuous unicast and
promiscuous multicast filtering are supported as well.
The Ethernet controller strips IEEE 802.1q VLAN tag and filter packets based on their VLAN
ID. Up to 4096 VLAN tags are supported
In the transmit path, the Ethernet controller supports insertion of VLAN tag information, on a packet-by-packet basis.
The Ethernet controller implements the flow control function as defined in IEEE 802.3x, as well as specific operation of asymmetrical flow control as defined by IEEE 802.3z. The Ethernet controller also provides external pins for controlling the flow control function through external logic.

2.3.5 MII/GMII/TBI/Internal SerDes Interface Block

The Ethernet controller provides the following serial interfaces:
A GMII/MII interface to the internal PHY.
Internal SerDes interface
82544GC/EI: The Ethernet controller implements the 802.3z PCS function, the Auto­Negotiation function and 10-bit data path interface (TBI) for both receive and transmit operations. It is used for 1000BASE-SX, -LX, and -CX configurations, operating only at 1000 Mb/s full-duplex. The on-chip PCS circuitry is only used when the link interface is configured for TBI mode and it is bypassed in internal PHY modes.
1. Not applicable to the 82541ER.
2. Not applicable to the 82544GC/EI, 82540EP/EM, 82541xx, and 82547GI/EI.
(82546GB/EB and 82545GM/EM)/Ten Bit Interface (TBI)2 for the
12 Software Developer’s Manual
Architectural Overview
Note: Refer to the Extended Device Control Register (bits 23:22) for mode selection (see Section 13.4.6).
The link can be configured by several methods. Software can force the link setting to Auto­Negotiation by setting either the MAC in TBI 82545GM/EM), or the PHY in internal PHY mode.
The speed of the link in internal PHY mode can be determined by several methods:
mode (internal SerDes for the 82546GB/EB and
Auto speed detection based on the receive clock signal generated by the PHY.
Detection of the PHY link speed indication.
Software forcing the configuration of link speed.

2.3.6 10/100/1000 Ethernet Transceiver (PHY)

The Ethernet controller provides a full high-performance, integrated transceiver for 10/100/ 1000 Mb/s data communication. The physical layer (PHY) blocks are 802.3 compliant and capable of operating in half-duplex or full-duplex modes.
Highlights of the PHY blocks are as follows:
Data stream serializers and encoders. Encoding techniques include Manchester, 4B/5B and
4D/PAM5. These blocks also perform data scrambling for 100/1000 Mb/s transmission as a technique to minimize radiated Electromagnetic Interference (EMI).
A multi-mode transmit digital to analog converter, which produces filtered waveforms
appropriate for the 10BASE-T, 100BASE-TX or 1000BASE-T Ethernet standards.
Receiver Analog-to-Digital Converter (ADC). The ADC uses a 125 MHz sampling rate.
Receiver decoders. These blocks perform the inverse operations of serializers, encoders and
Active hybrid and echo canceller blocks. The active hybrid and echo canceller blocks reduce
the echo effect of transmitting and receiving simultaneously on the same analog pairs.
NEXT canceller. This unit removes high frequency Near End Crosstalk induced among
adjacent signal pairs.
Additional wave shaping and slew rate control circuitry to reduce EMI.
Because the Ethernet controller is IEEE-compliant, the PHY blocks communicate with the MAC blocks through an internal GMII/MII bus operating at clock speeds of 2.5 MHz up to 125 MHz.
The Ethernet controller also uses an IEEE-compliant internal Management Data interface to communicate control and status information to the PHY.

2.3.7 EEPROM Interface

The PCI/PCI-X Family of Gigabit Ethernet Controllers provide a four-wire direct interface to a serial EEPROM device such as the 93C46 or compatible for storing product configuration information. Several words of the data stored in the EEPROM are automatically accessed by the Ethernet controller, after reset, to provide pre-boot configuration data to the Ethernet controller before it is accessible by the host software. The remainder of the stored information is accessed by various software modules to report product configuration, serial number and other parameters.
Software Developer’s Manual 13
Architectural Overview

2.3.8 FLASH Memory Interface

The Ethernet controller provides an external parallel interface to a FLASH device. Accesses to the FLASH are controlled by the Ethernet controller and are accessible to software as normal PCI reads or writes to the FLASH memory mapping area. The Ethernet controller supports FLASH devices with up to 512 KB of memory.
Note: The 82540EP/EM provides an external interface to a serial FLASH or Boot EEPROM device. See
Appendix B for more information.

2.4 DMA Addressing

In appropriate systems, all addresses mastered by the Ethernet controller are 64 bits in order to support systems that have larger than 32-bit physical addressing. Providing 64-bit addresses eliminates the need for special segment registers.
Note: The PCI 2.2 or 2.3 Specification requires that any 64-bit address whose upper 32 bits are all 0b
appear as a 32-bit address cycle. The Ethernet controller complies with the PCI 2.2 or 2.3 Specification.
PCI is little-endian; however, not all processors in systems using PCI treat memory as little-endian. Network data is fundamentally a byte stream. As a result, it is important that the processor and Ethernet controller agree about the representation of memory data. The default is little-endian mode.
Descriptor accesses are not byte swapped.
The following example illustrates data-byte ordering for little endian. Bytes for a receive packet arrive in the order shown from left to right.
01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 0a 0b 0c 0d 0e 0f 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 1a 1b 1c 1d 1e
Example 2-1. Byte Ordering
There are no alignment restrictions on packet-buffer addresses. The byte address for the major words is shown on the left. The byte numbers and bit numbers for the PCI bus are shown across the top.
Table 2-1. Little Endian Data Ordering
63 0
810 0f 0e0d0c0b0a09
10 18 17 16 15 14 13 12 11
18 20 1f 1e 1d 1c 1b 1a 19
14 Software Developer’s Manual

2.5 Ethernet Addressing

Several registers store Ethernet addresses in the Ethernet controller. Two 32-bit registers make up the address: one is called “high”, and the other is called “low”. For example, the Receive Address Register is comprised of Receive Address High (RAH) and Receive Address Low (RAL). The least significant bit of the least significant byte of the address stored in the register (for example, bit 0 of RAL) is the multicast bit. The LS byte is the first byte to appear on the wire. This notation applies to all address registers, including the flow control registers.
Figure 2-5 shows the bit/byte addressing order comparison between what is on the wire and the
values in the unique receive address registers.
Preamble & SFD Destination Address Source Address
...55 D5 00 11 22 33 ...XXX00 AA
Architectural Overview
Bit 0 of this byte is first on the wire
Destination address stored internally as shown here
2233 00AA0011
Multicast bit
Figure 2-5. Example of Address Byte Ordering
The address byte order numbering shown in Figure 2-5 maps to Table 2-2. Byte #1 is first on the wire.
Table 2-2. Intel® Architecture Byte Ordering
IA Byte # 1 (LSB) 2 3 4 5 6 (MSB)
Byte Value (Hex) 00 AA 00 11 22 33
Note: The notation in this manual follows the convention shown in Table 2-2. For example, the address in
Table 2-2 indicates 00_AA_00_11_22_33h, where the first byte (00h_) is the first byte on the wire,
with bit 0 of that byte transmitted first.
Software Developer’s Manual 15
Architectural Overview

2.6 Interrupts

The Ethernet controller provides a complete set of interrupts that allow for efficient software management. The interrupt structure is designed to accomplish the following:
Make accesses “thread-safe” by using ‘set’ and ‘clear-on-read’ rather than ‘read-modify-write’
Minimize the number of interrupts needed relative to work accomplished.
Minimize the processing overhead associated with each interrupt.
Intel accomplished the first goal by an interrupt logic consisting of four interrupt registers. More detail about these registers is given in sections 13.4.17 through 13.4.21.
Interrupt Cause ‘Set’ and ‘Read’ Registers
The Read register records the cause of the interrupt. All bits set at the time of the read are auto­cleared. The cause bit is set for each bit written as a 1b in the Set register. If there is a race between hardware setting a cause and software clearing an interrupt, the bit remains set. No race condition exists on writing the Set register. A ‘set’ provides for software posting of an interrupt. A ‘read’ is auto-cleared to avoid expensive write operations. Most systems have write buffering, which minimizes overhead, but typically requires a read operation to guarantee that the write operation has been flushed from the posted buffers. Without auto­clear, the cost of clearing an interrupt can be as high as two reads and one write.
Interrupt Mask ‘Set’ (Read) and ‘Clear’ Registers
Interrupts appear on PCI only if the interrupt cause bit is a 1b, and the corresponding interrupt mask bit is a 1b. Software can block assertion of the interrupt wire by clearing the bit in the mask register. The cause bit stores the interrupt event regardless of the state of the mask bit. The Clear and Set operations make this register more “thread-safe” by avoiding a ‘read­modify-write’ operation on the mask register. The mask bit is set to a 1b for each bit written in the Set register, and cleared for each bit written in the Clear register. Reading the Set register returns the current value.
Intel accomplished the second goal (minimizing interrupts) by three actions:
Reducing the frequency of all interrupts (see Section 13.4.17). Not applicable to the
Accepting multiple receive packets before signaling an interrupt (see Section 3.2.3)
Eliminating (or at least reducing) the need for interrupts on transmit (see Section 3.2.7)
The third goal is accomplished by having one interrupt register consolidate all interrupt information. This eliminates the need for multiple accesses.
Note that the Ethernet controller also supports Message Signaled Interrupts as defined in the PCI
2.2, 2.3, and PCI-X specifications. See Section for details.
16 Software Developer’s Manual
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