The motherboard contains numerous delicate electronic circuits and components which can
become damaged as a result of electrostatic discharge (ESD). Thus, prior to installation, please
follow the instructions below:
1. Please turn off the computer and unplug its power cord.
2. When handling the motherboard, avoid touching any metal leads or connectors.
3. It is best to wear an electrostatic discharge (ESD) cuff when handling electronic components
4. Prior to installing the electronic components, please have these items on top of an antistatic pad or
within a electrostatic shielding container.
5. Please verify that you the power supply is switched off before unplugging the power supply connector
from the motherboard.
Installation Notices
1. Prior to installation, please do not remove the stickers on the motherboard. These stickers are required
for warranty validation.
2. Prior to the installation of the motherboard or any hardware, please first carefully read the information
in the provided manual.
3. Before using the product, please verify that all cables and power connectors are connected.
4. To prevent damage to the motherboard, please do not allow screws to come in contact with the
motherboard circuit or its components.
5. Please make sure there are no leftover screws or metal components placed on the motherboard or
within the computer casing.
6. Please do not place the computer system on an uneven surface.
7. Turning on the computer power during the installation process can lead to damage to system
components as well as physical harm to the user.
8. If you are uncertain about any installation steps or have a problem related to the use of the product,
please consult a certified computer technician.
Instances of Non-Warranty
1. Damage due to natural disaster, accident or human cause.
2. Damage as a result of violating the conditions recommended in the user manual.
3. Damage due to improper installation.
4. Damage due to use of uncertified components.
5. Damage due to use exceeding the permitted parameters.
6. Product determined to be an unofficial Gigabyte product.
Hardware Installation- 9 -
1-2Feature Summary
CP Uw Supports the latest Intel® Pe ntium® 4 LGA77 5 CPU
w Supports 800/533 MHz FSB
w L2 cac he v ari es with CPU
Motherboardw GA-8I915P Series M otherboard:
GA-8I915P U ltra/GA-8I915P Pr o/GA-8I915P- G/GA-8I915P
Chip setw Northbridge : Intel® 915P Ex press Chips et
w Southbridge: Intel® ICH6
Me mo ryw 4 DDR DIMM m emo ry slots (sup ports up to 4GB m emory)
w Supports dual channel DDR400/333 /266 DIMM
w Supports 2.5V DDR D IMM
Slotsw 1 PC I Expr ess x 16 slo t
w 3 P CI Exp res s x 1 slots
w 2 PCI slots
IDE Conn ectionsw 1 IDE c onnection (UDM A 33/ATA 66/ATA 100), allows connection of 2
IDE devi ces (IDE1)
w 2 IDE co nnection (UDM A 33/ATA 66/ATA 100/ATA 133), com patible with
RAID, a llows conn ection o f 4 IDE de vices (IDE2,IDE 3)
FDD C onnec tionsw 1 FDD con nection, allo ws conne ction of 2 FDD devic es
Onboard SATAw 4 Seria l ATA connectio ns
Peripheralsw 1 parallel port supporting Normal/EPP/ECP mode
w 1 Serial p ort (COM A)
w 8 USB 2.0/1.1 ports (rear x 4, front x 4 via cable)
w 3 IEEE1394 ports ( requires cable)
w 1 front audio connector
w 1 IR connector
w 1 PS/2 keyboard port
w 1 PS/2 mouse port
w Supports Jack Sensing function
w Supports 2 / 4 / 5.1 / 7. 1 chan nel aud io
w Supports Li ne In ; Line Out ; MIC ; Back S urround Sp eaker Out ;
Center/Su bwoofer Speake r O ut ; Surro und Spe aker Out conn ection
w Supports SPDIF In/Out connection
w CD In
(Note 1)
(Note 1) Due to standard PC architecture, a certain amount of memory is reserved for system usage and
therefore the actual memory size is less than the stated amount.
For example, 4 GB of memory size will instead be shown as 3.xxGB memory during system startup.
Only for G A-8I915P Ultra.
Only for GA- 8I915P Pr o.
Only for GA- 8I915P-G.
GA-8I915P Series M otherboard- 10 -
On-Boar d IDE RAID w Onboard Gig aRAID IT8212 chip set
(IDE2, IDE3)w Supports disk striping (RAID 0) or dis k m irrorin g (R AID 1) or
striping + mirr oring (R AID 0 + RAID 1)
w Supports JBOD function
w Supports concurre nt dual ATA133 IDE con troller operation
w Supports ATAPI mode for HDD
w Supports IDE bus master op eration
w Suppor ts ATA133 /RAID m ode s witch b y BIOS
w Displays status and er ror checki ng m essage s durin g boot-up
w Mirrorin g supports autom atic background rebuilds
w Features LBA and Extended Interrupt 13 drive translation in
controller onb oard BIOS
I/O Controlw IT8712
Hardware M onitorw CPU / System / Power fan speed detection
w CPU tempe rature detection
w System voltag e detection
w CPU / Sy stem / Power fan failu re warni ng
w CPU Sm art FAN Control
BIOSw Use of licens ed AWA RD BIOS
w Supports Dual BIOS /Q-Flash
Additional F eaturesw Supports @BIOS
w Suppor ts Easy Tune
Ove rclo ckin gw Over Vol tage via BIOS (CPU /DDR/ PCI-E)
w Over Cloc k via BIOS (CPU/D DR)
Form Factorw ATX form factor; 3 0.5cm x 24.4 cm
Only for G A-8I915P Ultra.
Only for GA- 8I915P Pr o.
Hardware Installation- 11 -
1-3Installation of the CPU and Heatsink
Before installing the CPU, plea se comply with the following conditions:
1. Please make sure that the motherboard supports the CPU.
2. Please take note of the one indented corner of the CPU. If you install the CPU in the wrong
direction, the CPU will not insert properly. If this occurs, please change the insert direction
of the CPU.
3. Please add an even layer of heat sink paste between the CPU and heatsink.
4. Please ma ke sure the heatsink is installed on the CPU prior to system use, otherwise
overheating and permanent damage of the CPU may occur.
5. Please set the CPU host frequency in accordance with the processor specifications. It is not
recomm ended that the system bus frequency be set beyond hardware specifications since it
does not meet the required standards for the peripherals. If you wish to set the frequency
beyond the proper specifications, please do so according to your hardware specifications
including the CPU, graphics card, memory, hard drive, etc.
HT functionality r equirement content :
Enabling the functionality of Hyper-Threading Technology for your comp uter system requires all
of the following platform com ponents:
- CPU: An Intel® Pentium 4 Processor with HT Tec hnology
- Chipset: An Intel® Chipset that supports HT Technology
- BIOS: A BIOS that supports HT Tech nology and has it enabled
- OS: An operation system that has optimizations for HT Technology
1-3-1 Installation of the CPU
Metal Lever
Fig. 1
Gently lift the m etal
le ver lo cate d on the
CPU socke t to the
upright position.
Fig. 2
Re m ov e the pl as tic
cov erin g on the CPU
Fig . 3
Notice the sm all gold
colored triangle
located on the edge of
the C PU socket.
Align the i ndented
corner o f the CPU with
(Gr as pin g the CPU firm ly between you r thum b
and forefinger, car efully place it into the socket in a
straig ht and downwards m otion. A void twisting or
bendi ng m otions that m ight cau se dam age to the
CPU du ring installa tion.)
GA-8I915P Series M otherboard- 12 -
Fig. 4
Once the CPU is
properly inserted,
please replace the
plastic covering and
push the m etal lever
back into its original
position.the triangle and gently insert the CPU in to position.
1-3-2 Installation of the Heatsink
Ma le Pus h Pin
The top of Female P ush P in
Fema le P ush Pin
Please apply an e ven layer of heatsink paste on
the sur face o f the in stalled CPU.
Fig . 3
Place the hea tsink atop the CPU and m ake sure
the push p ins aim to the p in hole on the
m oth er bo ar d. Pr es si ng do wn the pu sh pin s
diag onall y.
Fig . 2
(Turn ing the pu sh pin alo ng the dir ection of arrow
is to r em ove the heatsi nk, on the c ontrar y, is to
install .)
Please no te the dire ction of arrow sign on the male
push pin doesn't face in wards b efore instal lation.
(This instruc tion i s onl y for Intel boxed fan)
Fig . 4
Please make sure the M ale and F emal e push p in
ar e joi n ed cl ose ly . (fo r de tail ed i nsta llation
instructions, please r efer to the heatsink ins tallation
section of the u ser m anual)
Fig . 5
Pl eas e ch eck the back of m othe rbo ard after
installing. If the push pin is inserted as the picture,
the installation is com plete.
Fig . 6
Fina lly, plea se attach the power con nector of the
hea tsin k to the C PU fan head er loca ted on the
The heatsink m ay adh ere to the CPU as a res ult of hardening of the heatsink paste.To prevent
such an occurrence, it is suggested that either therm al tape rather than heat sink paste be used
for heat dissi pation or using extrem e care when rem oving the h eatsink.
Hardware Installation- 13 -
1-4Installation of Memory
Bef ore ins talli ng the memory mod ules , ple ase comply wit h t he fol lowin g cond itions:
1 .Please m ake sure t hat t he memo ry used is suppor ted by the mothe rbo ard. I t is rec ommen de d that
me mory of si mi l a r c a pa ci ty , s pe ci fi ca ti on s an d br an d be u se d.
2 .Be fo re ins ta ll i n g o r r em ov ing me mo ry m odu le s, p le as e m ak e su re tha t th e co mp ut er
p ow er i s sw i t ch ed
o ff to p re v e n t h ar dw a re d ama ge .
3 .Memory modules have a foo lproof i nser tio n design . A me mory mo dule can be ins talle d i n o nly one
dir ectio n. If you are unable to i nsert t he modul e, ple ase switc h the dire ction .
The m otherboard supports DDR memory modules, whereby BIOS will automatically detect memory
capac ity and specifications . M emo ry m odul es are de signed so that they can b e inse rted onl y i n one
dire ction. T he me mor y cap acity used can differ with eac h slo t.
The DIMM socket has a notch, so the DIMM m emory module can
only fit in one direction. Insert the DIMM memory module vertically
into the DIMM socket. Then push it down.
Close the plastic cli p at both edges o f the DIMM sockets to lock
the DIMM module.
Reverse the installation steps when you wish to remove the DIMM
GA-8I915P Series M otherboard- 14 -
Dual Channel DDR
GA-8I915P Series supports the Dual C hannel Technology. After operating the Dual Ch annel Technology,
the ban dwidth o f Mem ory Bus will add double up to 6.4GB/s.
GA-8I915 P Seri es includ es 4 D IMM so ckets, an d eac h C hanne l has two DIM M s ockets as following:
Chann el A : DDR 1, DDR 2
Chann el B : DDR 3, DDR 4
If you wan t to operate the Dua l Chan nel Technology, p lease no te the following explanation s due
to the lim itation of Intel c hipset spe cifications.
1. One/three DDR m em ory modu le is i nstalled: T he Dual Channel Technology can't opera te
when on ly one DD R mem ory module is installed.
2. Two DDR mem ory modules are installed (the same memory size and type): The Dual
Chan nel Techno logy will opera te when two mem ory m odules are inserted individually into
Channe l A and B. If you install two mem ory modules in the same channel, the Dual Channel
Tech nolo gy will n ot oper ate.
3. Four D DR m emo ry modu les are installed : If you in stall four m em ory m odule s at the sa me
time, the Dual Channe l Technolo gy will ope rate onl y when those mod ules have the sa me
me mo ry s ize and type.
We'll strongly re com men d our user to slot two DDR m em ory m odules into the DIMMs with the same
color in o rder for Du al Cha nnel Techno logy to work.
The follo wing tabl e is for D ual Channe l Technology com bination: (DS: Doub le Side , SS: Single Sid e)
2 mem ory modules
4 mem ory modules
Hardware Installation- 15 -
1-5Install expansion cards
You can install your expansion card by following the steps outlined below:
1. Read the related expansion card's instruction document before install the expansion card into the
2. Remove your computer's chassis cover, screws and slot bracket from the computer.
3. Press the expansion card firmly into expansion slot in motherboard.
4. Be sure the metal contacts on the card are indeed seated in the slot.
5. Replace the screw to secure the slot bracket of the expansion card.
6. Replace your computer's chassis cover.
7. Power on the compu ter, if necessary, setup BIOS utility of expansion card from BIOS.
8. Install related driver from the operating system.
Installi ng a PCI Expr ess x 1 6 expan sion car d:
Pleas e carefull y p ull ou t the sm all whitedrawable b ar at the end of the
PCI Exp res s x 1 6 slo t whe n yo u try to
install/Uninstall the VGA card. Please align
the VGA car d to the onbo ard
PCI Exp res s x 16 slot an d pr ess fir ml y
down on the slo t .M ake sure y our VGA
card is locked by the sm all white- drawable ba r.
GA-8I915P Series M otherboard- 16 -
1-6I/O Back Panel Introduction
PS/2 Keyboard and PS/2 Mouse Connector
To install a PS/2 port keyboard and mouse, plug the mouse to the upper port (green) and the keyboard
to the lower port (purple).
Parallel Port
The pa rallel port a llows conne ction of a printer, scanner and other peripheral device s.
The S PDIF output is capab le of prov iding d igital audio to external s peaker s or com presse d AC3
data to an e xternal Dolby Digital De coder.
Use SPDIF In feature onl y when your dev ice has digi tal ou tput function.
COM A (Serial Port)
Conne cts to se rial-b ased m ouse or data processing devices.
USB port
Before you connect you r d evice(s) into USB co nnector(s), please make su re your device(s ) such
as U SB keybo ard, mo use, scanner, zip, s peake r...e tc. hav e a standa rd USB i nterface.
Also mak e s ure y our OS su pports US B control ler. If your O S d oes no t support USB controlle r,
please contact OS ve ndor for possi ble patch o r drive r upgra de. For m ore i nformation please
contac t your OS or dev ice( s) ve ndor s.
LAN Port
The pr ovided Interne t conne ction is Gi gabit Ethernet, pr oviding data trans fer speeds of
10/100/1 000Mb ps.
Line In
Devi ces l ike CD- ROM , walkm an etc. can be connected to Line In jack.
Line Out (Front Speaker Out)
Connec t the stere o sp eakers, earphon e or front surr ound ch annels to this conn ector.
Mi crophon e can be connected to MIC In jack.
Only for G A-8I915P Ultra.
Only for GA- 8I915P Pr o.
Only for GA- 8I915P-G.
Hardware Installation- 17 -
Back Surround Speaker Out
Conne ct the bac k surro und ch annels to this c onnector.
Center/Subwoofer Speaker Out
Conne ct the Ce nter/Sub woofer chann els to this co nnector.
Surround Speaker Out
Connec t the surroun d chann els to this conn ector.
You can u se a udio so ftware to configu re 2 -/4-/5 .1-/7.1 -channe l audio functioning.
1-7Connectors Introduction
1)ATX_12 V
2)ATX (Pow er Connecto r)
3)CP U_ FA N
5)PW R_ FA N
6)NB _ FA N
7)FD D
8)IDE 1
9)IDE 2/ IDE 3
10)S_ATA1 / S_ATA2 / S_ATA3 / S _ATA4
11)PW R_L ED
14)CD_ IN
15)F_U SB1 / F _USB 2
16)F1_1394 / F2_1394
17)I R
Only for G A-8I915P Ultra.
Only for GA- 8I915P Pr o.
GA-8I915P Series M otherboard- 18 -
1/2) ATX_12V/ATX (Power Connector)
With the use of the power connector, the power supply can supply enough stable power to all the
components on the motherboard. Before connecting the power connector, please make sure that all
components and devices are properly installed. Align the power connector with its proper location on
the mo therboard and connect tightly.
The ATX_12V power connector mainly supplies power to the CPU. If the ATX_12V power connector
is not connected, the system will not start.
Please use a power supply that is able to handle the system voltage requirements. It is
recomm ended that a power supply that can withstand high power consumption be used (300W or
greater). If a power supply is used that does not provide the required power, the result can lead to an
unstable system or a system that is unable to start.
Please remove the sticker on the motherboard before plugging in while the ATX power supplier is 24
pins; Otherwise, please do not remove it.
Pin No.Definition
1 3
2 4
1 2
Pin No.Definition
8Power Good
95V SB(stand by +5V)
12 3.3V(Only for 24pins AT X)
16PS_ON(soft On/Off)
Hardware Installation- 19 -
3/4/5) CPU_FAN / SYS_FAN / PWR_FAN (Cooler Fan Power Connector)
The c ooler fan p ower con nector suppl ies a +12V power voltage via a 3- pin/4- pin (onl y for
CPU_F AN) p ower conn ector and p ossess es a foo lproof conne ction de sign.
Mo st coole rs are de signe d with c olor-c oded p ower con nector wires. A red po wer conn ector
wire indica tes a positive conne ction and re quires a +12V power voltage. The blac k connec tor
wire is the grou nd wire (G ND).
Pleas e rem em ber to conne ct the power to the cool er to pre vent sy stem o verhea ting and
Cautio n! Please rem emb er to conn ect the power to the CPU fan to prevent CP U overh eating
and failure.
Pin No.Definition
4Speed Control
(Only for CPU_FAN)
6) NB_FAN (Chip Fan Connector)
If you installed wrong direction, the chip fan will not work. Som etimes will damage the chip fan.
(Usually black cable is GND)
Pin No.Definition
GA-8I915P Series M otherboard- 20 -
7) FDD (FDD Connector)
The FDD connector is used to connect the FDD cable while the other end of the cable connects to the
FDD drive. The types of FDD drives supported are:360KB, 720KB, 1.2MB, 1.44MB and 2.88MB.
Please connect the red power connector wire to the pin1 position.
3 33 4
8/9) IDE1/IDE2/IDE3 (IDE Connector)
An IDE de vice conne cts to the com puter via an IDE connector. One IDE conne ctor can c onnect
to one IDE cab le, an d the single IDE cabl e can then connec t to two IDE devic es (ha rd drive or
optica l d rive ).
If you wish to co nnect two IDE devices, please set the jum per on one IDE device as Master and
the other as Sla ve (for i nformation on settings, please r efer to the instructions lo cated on the IDE
dev ic e).
3 940
4 0
3 9
Hardware Installation- 21 -
10) S_ATA1/S_ATA2/S_ATA3/S_ATA4(Serial ATA Connector, Controlled by ICH6)
Seria l ATA can provid e 150M B/s transfer rate. Plea se refer to the BIOS se tting for the Se rial ATA
and i nstall the prop er dri ver in order to work p roperl y.
Pin No.Definition
PWR_LED is connect with the system power indicator to indicate whether the system is on/off. It will
blink when the system enters suspend mode.
GA-8I915P Series M otherboard- 22 -
Pin No.Definition
12) F_PANEL (Front Panel Jumper)
Plea se con nect the power LE D, PC peake r, res et switch and power s witch etc of yo ur cha ssis
front panel to the F_ PANEL connec tor ac cordin g to the pin assignm ent belo w.
Message LED/
Powe r/
Sleep L ED
Swit ch
Reset Swit ch
IDE Hard Disk Act ive L ED
HD (IDE Hard Disk Active LED)Pin 1: LED anode(+)
(Blue)Pin 2: LED cathode(-)
SPEAK ( Speaker Connector)Pin 1: VCC(+)
(Amber)Pin 2- Pin 3: NC
Pin 4: Data(-)
RES (Reset Switch)Open: Normal Operation
(Green)Close: Reset Hardware System
PW (Power Switch)Open: Normal Operation
(Red)Close: Power On/Off
MSG(M essage LED/Power/Sleep LED)Pin 1: LED anode(+)
(Yellow)Pin 2: LED cathode(-)
NC( Purple)NC
Speaker Connec tor
2 0
1 9
Hardware Installation- 23 -
13) AZALIA_FP (Front Audio Panel Connector)
Please make sure the pin assigment on the cable is the same as the pin assigment on the MB header.
To find out if the chassis you are buying support front audio panel connector, please contact your dealer.
Pin No.Definition
91 0
8No Pin
14) CD_IN (CD IN, Black)
Connect CD-ROM or DVD-ROM audio out to the connector.
GA-8I915P Series M otherboard- 24 -
Pin No.Definition
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