Intelmay make changes to specifications and product descriptions at any time,without notice.IntelCorporation may have patents or pending patent applications,trademarks, copyrights, or other intellectual property rights that relate tothe
presented subject matter. The furnishing of documents and other materials and information does not provide any license, express or implied, by estoppelor otherwise, to any such patents, trademarks, copyrights, or other intellectual property rights.
Designers must not rely on the absence or characteristics of any featuresor instructions marked “reserved” or “undefined.” Intel reserves these for future definition and shall have no responsibility whatsoever for conflicts or incompatibilities arising from future changes to them.
Intelprocessor numbers are not a measure of performance. Processor numbers differentiate features within each processor family, not across different processor families. See for details.
The Intel® Core™ 2 Duo Processor andIntel® Core™ Duo Processor with Intel® E7520 Chipset Development Kit may contain design defects or errors known as errata which may cause the product to deviate from published specifications. Current characterized errata are available on request.
Hyper-Threading Technology requires a computer systemwith an Intel® Pentium® 4 processor supporting HTTechnology and a HTTechnology enabled chipset, BIOS and operating system. Performance will vary depending on the specific hardware and software you use. See
This User’s Manual as well as thesoftware describedinit isfurnished underlicense and mayonly be used or copiedin accordance with the terms of the license. The information inthis manualis furnished for informationaluse only, is subject to change without notice, and should not be construed as a commitment by Intel Corporation. Intel Corporation assumes no responsibility or liability for any errors or inaccuracies that may appear in thisdocument or any software that may be provided inassociation with this document.
Except as permitted by such license, no part of this document may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted in any form or by any means without the express written consent of Intel Corporation.
Contact your localIntel sales office or your distributor to obtain the latest specifications and before placing your product order.Copies of documents which have an order number and are referenced inthis document, or other Intel literature may be obtained by calling
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Intel® Core™ 2 Duo Processor and Intel® Core™ Duo Processor with Intel® E7520 Chipset Development KitUser’s ManualJanuary 20072Order Number: 316068-001US
Intel® Core™ 2 Duo Processor and Intel® Core™ Duo Processor with Intel® E7520 ChipsetDevelopment Kit
Core™ 2 Duo Processor and Intel® Core™ Duo Processor with Intel® E7520 Chipset Development KitUser’s ManualJanuary 20074Order Number: 316068-001US
Intel® Core™ 2 Duo Processor and Intel® Core™ Duo Processor with Intel® E7520 ChipsetDevelopment Kit
Revision History
January 2007001Initial release.
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Intel® Core™ 2 Duo Processor and Intel® Core™ Duo Processor with Intel® E7520 Chipset Development Kit
Intel® Core™ 2 Duo Processor and Intel® Core™ Duo Processor with Intel® E7520 Chipset
1.0About This Manual
Development Kit
This manual describes how to setup and use the evaluationboard and other components included in the IntelProcessor withIntel
E7520 Chipset DevelopmentKit.
1.1Content Overview
Chapter1.0, “About This Manual” – Description of conventions used inthis manual and
instructions for obtaining literature and contacting customer support.
Chapter2.0, “GettingStarted” – Complete instructions on how to configure the
evaluation board and processorassembly by setting jumpers, connecting peripherals,providing power, and configuring the BIOS.
Chapter3.0, “Theory of Operation” – Information on the system design.
Chapter4.0, “Platform Management”– Information on the system power management
Chapter5.0, “Driver and Operating System Support” – List of supported drivers and
operating systems.
Chapter6.0, “Hardware Reference” – Reference information on the hardware, including
locations of evaluation board components, connector pinoutinformation, and jumper settings.
Chapter7.0, “Board Setup Checklist” – Checklist of items to ensure proper functionality
of theevaluation board.
Chapter8.0, “DebugProcedure” – Debug procedure to determine baseline functionality
for the Development Kit.
Core™ 2 Duo Processor and Intel® Core™ Duo
1.2Text Conventions
The following notations may be used throughout this manual:
# -
The pound symbol(#) appended to a signalname indicates thatthe signal is active
Variables -
Instructions -
programming, instructions are not case-sensitive. You may use either upper- orlowercase.
Numbers -
followed by the character “h”. A zero prefix is added to numbers that begin with Athrough F.For example, FFis shown as 0FFh. Decimal and binary numbers arerepresented by their customary notations. That is, 255 is a decimal number and 1111 1111 is a binary number. In some cases, the character “b” is added for clarity.
Signal Names -
common name, anindividual signal is represented by the signal name followed by anumber, while the group is represented by the signal name followed by a variable (n).For example, the lower chip-select signals are named CS0#, CS1#, CS2#, and so on;
Core™ 2 Duo Processor and Intel® Core™ Duo Processor with Intel® E7520 Chipset Development KitUser’s ManualJanuary 20076Order Number: 316068-001US
Variables are shown initalics. Variables must bereplaced with correct
Instruction mnemonics are shown in uppercase. Whenyou are
Hexadecimal numbers are represented by a string of hexadecimal digits
Signal names are shown inuppercase. When several signals sharea
Intel® Core™ 2 Duo Processor and Intel® Core™ Duo Processor with Intel® E7520 ChipsetDevelopment Kit
they are collectively called CSn#. A pound symbol (#) appended to a signal name identifies an active-low signal. Port pins are represented by the port abbreviation, aperiod, and the pin number (e.g., P1.0).
Units of Measure -
The following abbreviations are used to represent units of
A amps, amperes
GB GByte,gigabytes
GHz gigahertz
KBKByte, kilobytes
mA milliamps,milliamperes
MBMByte, megabytes
MHz megahertz
ms milliseconds
mW milliwatts
ns nanoseconds
pF picofarads
W watts
V volts
A microamps, microamperes
F microfarads
s microseconds
W microwatts
1.3Technical Support
SupportServices for your hardware and software are provided through the secure
Premier Support Web site at After you log on, you can obtain technical support, review “What’s New,” and download any items required tomaintain the platform. Support is provided through the following product:
Kit (Embedded/Core Duo/Core 2 Duo/E7520)
1.3.1Additional Technical Support
If you require additional technical support, please contact your field salesrepresentative or local distributor.
January 2007User’s ManualOrder Number: 316068-001US7
Intel® Core™ 2 Duo Processor and Intel® Core™ Duo Processor with Intel® E7520 Chipset Development Kit
Intel® Core™ 2 Duo Processor and Intel® Core™ Duo Processor with Intel® E7520 Chipset
1.4Product Literature
You can order product literature from the following Intel literature centers.
Table 1.Intel Literature Centers
U.S. and Canada1-800-548-4725
U.S. (fromoverseas)708-296-9333
Europe (U.K.)44(0)1793-431155
Japan (fax only)81(0)120-47-88-32
1.5Related Documents
Table2 is a partial list of the available collateral. For the full lists, contact your local
Intel® Core™ 2 Duo and Intel® Core™ Duo Processor with Intel® E7520 Chipset PlatformDesign Guide
Extended Debug Port Design Guide for UP and DPplatforms
6700PXH PCI Hub Datasheet
82571EBGigabitEthernet Controller Datasheet
IMVP-6 Mobile Processor and Mobile Chipset Voltage Regulation
Core™ Duo Processoron 65nm Process Datasheet
Core™ 2 Duo Processor for Intel Centrino Mobile technology
Development Kit
Contact your Intelfieldrepresentative for access.
Core™ 2 Duo Processor and Intel® Core™ Duo Processor with Intel® E7520 Chipset Development KitUser’s ManualJanuary 20078Order Number: 316068-001US
Intel® Core™ 2 Duo Processor and Intel® Core™ Duo Processor with Intel® E7520 ChipsetDevelopment Kit
2.0Getting Started
This chapter identifies the Intel® Core™ 2 Duo Processor and Intel® Core™ Duo Processor with Intelspecifications. It also describes howto set up the board for operation. Developmentsoftware isincluded in the kit.
Thismanual assumesyou are familiar with basicconcepts involved with installing andconfiguring hardwarefor a PC or server system.
The development kit contains a baseboard with an Intel® Core™ 2 Duo Processor(2.16GHz), Intelcomponents andperipheral connectors.
The development kit also contains anadditional processor,an IntelProcessor (2GHz), thatcan be installed inplace of the Intel
The evaluationboard is shipped as an open system allowing for maximum flexibilityinchanging hardware configuration and peripherals in a lab environment.Since the boardis not in a protective chassis, the user is required to observe extraprecautions whenhandling and operating the system.Some assembly is required before use.
Review the documentprovided with the DevelopmentKit titled Important Safety andRegulatory Information. This documentcontainsaddition safetywarnings and cautions.
E7520Chipset Development Kit key components, featuresand
E7520 MCH, Intel® 6300ESB ICH, and other system board
Core™ 2 Duo Processor.
Core™ Duo
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Intel® Core™ 2 Duo Processor and Intel® Core™ Duo Processor with Intel® E7520 Chipset Development Kit
Intel® Core™ 2 Duo Processor and Intel® Core™ Duo Processor with Intel® E7520 Chipset
2.2Evaluation Board Features
Table3 provides an overview of the supported processor pairing for the Intel® E7520
Table 3.SupportedProcessors
Development Kit
Processor BrandProcessClock Speed
Core™ Duo Processor T2500
Core™ Duo Processor L2400 (BGA Only)1.66GHz667MHz2MB L2
Core™ 2 DuoProcessor T74002.16GHz667MHz4MB L2
Core™ 2 Duo Processor L74001.5GHz667MHz4MB L2
The Intel
Core™ Duo ProcessorL2400 is supported by the Intel® E7520 MCH platform, buta BGA partis not supported by the Customer Reference Board that is included inthis Development Kit.
The Intel
Core™ 2 Duo Processor (T7400 and L7400) and the Intel® Core™Duo Processor (T2500) are supported by the Customer Reference Board that is includedinthis Development kit. The Customer Reference Board comes with the IntelDuo Processor (T7400) installed at the factory. An Intelis included in the Development Kit and can be installed inplace of IntelProcessor. A separate BIOSflash chip is also included in this kitand must be installedwhen using the Intel
Core™ Duo Processor.
The evaluation board features are summarized below:
Core™ 2 Duo Processor (2.16GHz) or Intel® Core™ Duo Processor (2GHz)—667MHz front side bus—On-board processorvoltage regulator compatible with IMVP-6 Design Guide
E7520 MCH—1PCI Express* x8 slot—1PCI Express x4 slot—2DDR2–400DIMMs on two channels (4 slots total)
6300ESBICH—From Intel
6300ESB ICH1PCI 2.2 32/33 Slot2PCI-X 66MHz slots2 IDE connectors2Serial ATA connectors2 Serialports4 USB 2.0 ports
Front Side Bus
2GHz667MHz2MB L2
Core™ Duo Processor (T2500)
Core™ 2
Core™ 2 Duo
Core™ 2 Duo Processor and Intel® Core™ Duo Processor with Intel® E7520 Chipset Development KitUser’s ManualJanuary 200710Order Number: 316068-001US
Intel® Core™ 2 Duo Processor and Intel® Core™ Duo Processor with Intel® E7520 ChipsetDevelopment Kit
—Super I/O via LPC busfrom the Intel® 6300ESBICH
1 Floppy port1 Parallel port1 Serial port1 PS/2 port
The following hardware is included in the development kit:
•Processor heatsink
•Pre-installed jumpers
•Two 512MB DDR2-400 DIMMs
•Unformatted IDE Hard Drive
•IDE cable
•CD with drivers
•FWH mounted and flashed with the BIOS, additional BIOS chip for the Intel
•Standoffsfor benchtop use
Core™ 2 Duo Processor 2.16GHz, 667MHz FSB (installed)
Core™ Duo Processor 2GHz, 667MHz FSB (additional processor)
Core™ Duo Processor
2.4Software Key Features
The software in the development kit was chosen to facilitate development ofreal-time applications based on the components used in the evaluation board. The software tools included are described inthissection.
Drivers included:
•Chipset INF Install Utilityfor Microsoft Windows*
•Optional Intel
•Linux* driver packages
January 2007User’s ManualOrder Number: 316068-001US11
Software inthe kit is provided free by the vendor and is only licensed for evaluation purposes.
Intel® Core™ 2 Duo Processor and Intel® Core™ Duo Processor with Intel® E7520 Chipset Development Kit
6300ESB ICH driver updates
Intel® Core™ 2 Duo Processor and Intel® Core™ Duo Processor with Intel® E7520 Chipset
Refer to the documentation in yourkit for further details onany terms and conditionsthatmay be applicable to the granted licenses. Customers using tools that work withother third party products must have licensed those products. Any targets created by those tools should also have appropriate licenses. Software included in the kit is subjectto change.
Refer to details on additional software fromother third party vendors.
2.4.1AMIBIOS* forthe Development Kit
The evaluation board is pre-installed and licensed with a copy of AMIBIOS* fromAmerican Megatrends*.
BIOS updatesmay be updatedperiodically. Please contact anfield salesrepresentative for BIOS updates.
2.5Before You Begin
Table4 presents the additional hardware you may need for your kit.
Table 4.Additional Hardware
VGA MonitorYou can use any standard VGA or greater resolution monitor.
KeyboardYou can use a keyboard with a PS/2* connector or adapter as well as USB.
MouseYoucan use a mouse with a PS/2* connector or adapter as well as USB.
Hard DrivesYou can connect up to four IDE and two SATA devices to the evaluation board.
Floppy Drive(optional)
Other Devices and Adapters
450W or greater SSI12V externalpowersupply
You can connect a floppy drive to the connector on the evaluation board. No floppy drives or cables are included inthe development kit.
The evaluation board behaves muchlike a standard PC motherboard. ManyPC-compatible peripherals can be attached and configured towork with the evaluation board. For example, you may want to install a sound card or additionalnetwork adapters. You are responsible for procuring and installing any drivers required for additional devices.
Power supply for the Evaluation Board. Nopower supply is included inthe development kit.
Development Kit
2.5.1Setting up theEvaluationBoard
Onceyou havegathered the hardware described inSection2.5, follow the steps below to set up the development kit. This manual assumes you are familiar with basic concepts involved with installing and configuring hardware for a PC or server system.
Core™ 2 Duo Processor and Intel® Core™ Duo Processor with Intel® E7520 Chipset Development KitUser’s ManualJanuary 200712Order Number: 316068-001US
Reviewthe document provided with the Development Kit titled Important Safety and Regulatory Information. This document containsaddition safety warningsand cautions.
Intel® Core™ 2 Duo Processor and Intel® Core™ Duo Processor with Intel® E7520 ChipsetDevelopment Kit
before removing any components fromtheir anti-static packaging. The evaluation board is susceptible toelectrostatic discharge, which may cause productfailure orunpredictable operation.
January 2007User’s ManualOrder Number: 316068-001US13
Connecting the wrongcable or reversing a cable may damage theevaluationboard and may damage the devicebeing connected. Since the boardisnotin aprotective chassis,usecaution whenconnecting cables tothis product.
Make sure AC cord of power supplyis unplugged beforeperformingthe following stepsinSection2.6.
Intel® Core™ 2 Duo Processor and Intel® Core™ Duo Processor with Intel® E7520 Chipset Development Kit
Make sure you are in a static-free environment
Intel® Core™ 2 Duo Processor and Intel® Core™ Duo Processor with Intel® E7520 Chipset
2.5.3Package Contents
Development Kit
Verify kitcontents.
Inspect the contents of your kit and ensure that everything listedinSection2.3is included.Check for damage that may haveoccurred during shipment.Contact your sales representative if any items are missing or damaged.
Check jumpersettings.
Section6.4for detailed descriptions of all jumpers and their default settings indicated
in bold.
2.5.4Installed Hardware
Verifyinstalled hardware.
evaluation board:
E7520 MCH heatsink
6700PXH PCI Hub heatsink
•Battery in holder
Theabove hardware should have beencorrectlyinstalled at the factory.If componentsare not installed correctly,DO NOT power on the board. Correctly re-install the components before proceeding. If you suspectthatany of the kit components have been damaged, contact your Intel field sales representative or local distributor for assistance.
2.5.5Installing Standoffs
The evaluationboard in this development kit is shipped as anopen system allowing for maximum flexibility in changing hardware configuration and peripherals in the labenvironment. Since the board is not in a protective chassis, the user is required toobserve extra precautionswhen handling and operating the system.
Verify that the jumpers areset in their default state.Refer to
Makesure the following hardware is populatedon your
The board is astandard ATX form factor and provides non-plated mounting holes withtopand bottom ground rings. If the board is not going tobe used ina chassis,standoffs are included for bench top use inthe lab environment.
The development kit includeseight standoffs and eight screwsthatyou can usetoattachto the board for bench top use. Standoffs should be attached to board at the following mounting hole locations, A1, A4, A9, E1, E3, K1, J6, and J9.
1.Insert screw through top mounting hole.
2.Place standoff onback side of board and hand tighten to screw.
3.Repeat for additional standoffs on the board until all eight standoffs are installed.
2.5.6Installing the Heatsinks for Processor and MCH
Heatsink Installation:
installed on the processor and on the Intelwithout a processor thermal solution. Heatsinks may alreadycome pre-installedontheMCH. Please refer to this section if you need to remove or re-install the heatsinks.
Tools Needed:
Flat head screwdriver and Phillips head screwdriver
Consumable Items Needed:
Core™ 2 Duo Processor and Intel® Core™ Duo Processor with Intel® E7520 Chipset Development KitUser’s ManualJanuary 200714Order Number: 316068-001US
Processorheatsink may besilver or copper in color.
In order for the boardto operate properly,a heatsinkmustbe
E7520 MCH.
power on board
Disposable towels and isopropyl alcohol
Intel® Core™ 2 Duo Processor and Intel® Core™ Duo Processor with Intel® E7520 ChipsetDevelopment Kit
Figure2.Location for the Processor, MCH, and PXH for Heatsink Installation
Applying excess pressure may cause damage to the processor.
Do not turn poweron until the processor thermal solution has beeninstalled.
2.5.7Processor HeatsinkInstallation
This sectiondetails how to install the processor heatsink.
January 2007User’s ManualOrder Number: 316068-001US15
If the Thermal Interface Material (TIM) is scratched, scrape it off and replace with newmaterial. If a replacement is needed, use a TIM with high thermal conductivity such asthermal grease or a phase change material. The gasket ensures the heatsinkis sitting flat on the package.
Intel® Core™ 2 Duo Processor and Intel® Core™ Duo Processor with Intel® E7520 Chipset Development Kit
Intel® Core™ 2 Duo Processor and Intel® Core™ Duo Processor with Intel® E7520 Chipset
Figure 3.Processor Heatsink Top and Bottom View
1.Makecertain that the processoris firmly seated in socket U6G1,andthe package issecured using a flatheadscrewdriver.
Development Kit
The processor socket has a screw locking mechanism.The socket hasan indication toshow if the processor is locked in place. To remove the processor, turn the screwcounter-clockwise all the way until it stops. The processor will be loose and will come outeasily. Toinserttheprocessor, line upthe socket and processor corners thatdo nothave pins and insert the processor in the socket. Turn the screw clock-wise until itis tightand the processor is firmly held.
Figure 4.Processor in Socketand Package Secured
Core™ 2 Duo Processor and Intel® Core™ Duo Processor with Intel® E7520 Chipset Development KitUser’s ManualJanuary 200716Order Number: 316068-001US
Intel® Core™ 2 Duo Processor and Intel® Core™ Duo Processor with Intel® E7520 ChipsetDevelopment Kit
2.Clean the top surface of the processor die with a cleantowel and isopropylalcohol(IPA).
Figure5.Clean Topof Processor Die
3.Install the back plate to the bottomside of the PCB at the processor location. Align the standoffsto the four mounting holes intheboard.
There is a non-electrically conductive tape to hold the back plate inplace until the heatsink is completely installed.
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Intel® Core™ 2 Duo Processor and Intel® Core™ Duo Processor with Intel® E7520 Chipset Development Kit
Intel® Core™ 2 Duo Processor and Intel® Core™ Duo Processor with Intel® E7520 Chipset
Figure 6.Back Plate inPlace
Development Kit
4.Mount the heatsink to the processor. Ensure the TIM and die have contact.
Figure 7.Heatsink Mounted on Processor
5.Align the screws (4x at corners)to the threaded holesof thestandoffs on thebackplate. Using the Phillips head screwdriver, tighten the four screws in a diagonalmanner (as shown in the diagram).Tighten each screwhalf ofthe screwlength for A to B and follow by ¼ for C to D. Then tighten A to B until the screw hard stopsand repeat for C to D. The screws are designed to compress the springs a predetermined amount.
Core™ 2 Duo Processor and Intel® Core™ Duo Processor with Intel® E7520 Chipset Development KitUser’s ManualJanuary 200718Order Number: 316068-001US
Intel® Core™ 2 Duo Processor and Intel® Core™ Duo Processor with Intel® E7520 ChipsetDevelopment Kit
Figure 8.Screw TighteningOrder
6.Plug the fanconnector to the fan pin header J7J1on the board.
The heatsink removal process is the reverse of the installation procedure.
2.5.8MCH Heatsink Installation
This section may not apply if the MCH heatsink is pre-installed on the board. However,you may want to briefly look over the procedure to verify that the heatsink is properlyinstalled and it has not been damaged in the packaging.
Figure9.MCH Heatsink Top View
If the Thermal Interface Material (TIM) is scratched, scrape it off and replace with newmaterial. Use a TIM with high thermal conductivity, such as thermal grease or phase change material.
1.Clean the topsurfaceof the MCHdie withaclean towel and isopropyl alcohol (IPA).
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Intel® Core™ 2 Duo Processor and Intel® Core™ Duo Processor with Intel® E7520 Chipset Development Kit
Intel® Core™ 2 Duo Processor and Intel® Core™ Duo Processor with Intel® E7520 Chipset
Figure 10.Clean Top ofMCH Die
Development Kit
2.Hookone end of the heatsink clip to one of the anchors located nearthecorner oftheMCH. Securely holdthe other end of the heatsink clip.
Figure 11.HookHeatsink Clip to Anchor
3.Hold the clip firmly to the anchor to prevent the heatsink from moving. Attach the other end of the clip to the other anchor. Ensure that the heatsink is level with the MCH package.
Core™ 2 Duo Processor and Intel® Core™ Duo Processor with Intel® E7520 Chipset Development KitUser’s ManualJanuary 200720Order Number: 316068-001US
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