The Intel® Desktop Board DG41AN may contain design defects or errors known as errata that may cause the product to deviate from published
specifications. Current characterized errata are documented in the Intel Desktop Board DG41AN Specification Update.
June 2010
Revision History
Revision Revision History Date
-001 First release of the Intel® Desktop Board DG41AN Technical Product
This product specification applies to only the standard Intel® Desktop Board DG41AN with BIOS
identifier ANG4110H.86A.
Changes to this specification will be published in the Intel Desktop Board DG41AN Specification
Update before being incorporated into a revision of this document.
All Intel
computers (PC) for installation in homes, offices, schools, computer rooms, and similar locations. The
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medical, industrial, alarm systems, test equipment, etc. may not be supported without further evaluation by
desktop boards are evaluated as Information Technology Equipment (I.T.E.) for use in personal
June 2010
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Intel desktop boards may contain design defects or errors known as errata, which may cause the product to
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This Technical Product Specification (TPS) specifies the board layout, components,
connectors, power and environmental requirements, and the BIOS for the
Desktop Board DG41AN.
Intended Audience
The TPS is intended to provide detailed, technical information about the Intel Desktop
Board DG41AN and its components to the vendors, system integrators, and other
engineers and technicians who need this level of information. It is specifically not
intended for general audiences.
What This Document Contains
Chapter Description
1 A description of the hardware used on the Intel Desktop Board DG41AN
2 A map of the resources of the Intel Desktop Board
3 The features supported by the BIOS Setup program
4 A description of the BIOS error messages, beep codes, and POST codes
5 Regulatory compliance and battery disposal information
Typographical Conventions
This section contains information about the conventions used in this specification. Not
all of these symbols and abbreviations appear in all specifications of this type.
Notes, Cautions, and Warnings
Notes call attention to important information.
Cautions are included to help you avoid damaging hardware or losing data.
# Used after a signal name to identify an active-low signal (such as USBP0#)
GB Gigabyte (1,073,741,824 bytes)
GB/s Gigabytes per second
Gb/s Gigabits per second
KB Kilobyte (1024 bytes)
Kbit Kilobit (1024 bits)
kbits/s 1000 bits per second
MB Megabyte (1,048,576 bytes)
MB/s Megabytes per second
Mbit Megabit (1,048,576 bits)
Mbits/s Megabits per second
xxh An address or data value ending with a lowercase h indicates a hexadecimal value.
x.x V Volts. Voltages are DC unless otherwise specified.
* This symbol is used to indicate third-party brands and names that are the property of their
The board is designed to support the following processors:
• Intel
• Intel
• Intel
• Intel
• Intel
• Intel
Other processors may be supported in the future. This board is designed to support
processors with a maximum wattage of 65 W. The processors listed above are only
supported when falling within the wattage requirements of the board. See the Intel
web site listed below for the most up-to-date list of supported processors.
Use only the processors listed on the web site above. Use of unsupported processors
can damage the board, the processor, and the power supply.
Celeron® processor E1000/E3000 series in an LGA775 socket
Celeron® processor 400 Sequence in an LGA775 socket
Pentium® processor E2000/E5000/E6000 series in an LGA775 socket
Core™2 Duo processor E4000/E5000/E6000/E8000 series in an LGA775
Core™2 Quad Q8000s/Q9000s series in an LGA 775 socket
Xeon® processor 3000/E3000 series in an LGA775 socket
Product Description
Use only ATX12V-compliant power supplies.
For information about
Power supply connectors Section, page 46
Refer to
1.5 System Memory
The board has two DIMM sockets and supports the following memory features:
•1.5 V DDR3 SDRAM DIMMs with gold plated contacts, with the option to raise the
voltage to support higher performance DDR3 SDRAM DIMMs
• Dual channel interleaved mode support
• Unbuffered, single-sided or double-sided DIMMs with the following restriction:
Double-sided DIMMs with x16 organization are not supported.
•4 GB maximum total system memory (with two 2 GB DIMMs). Refer to
Section 2.1.1 on page 37 for information on the total amount of addressable
Note: DDR3-1333 memory operates at 1066 MHz by default until manually
overclocked through the system BIOS.
Altering PC memory frequency, voltage and/or latency may: (i) reduce
system stability and useful life of the system, memory and processor;
(ii) cause the processor and other system components to fail; (iii) cause
reductions in system performance; (iv) cause additional heat or other
damage; and (v) affect system data integrity. Intel has not tested, and does
not warranty, the operation of the memory beyond its specifications. Intel
assumes no responsibility that the memory, including if used with altered
clock frequencies and/or voltages, will be fit for any particular purpose.
Check with the memory manufacturer for warranty and additional details.
The Desktop Board supports multiple processor and memory speeds. It is important
to understand that not all memory speeds are supported with all processor speeds.
Memory speed cannot exceed the Front Side Bus (FSB) speed of the processor.
Table 3 lists the supported processor FSB and memory speeds.
Memory may be
overclocked to
1333 MHz; memory
runs at 1066 MHz
To be fully compliant with all applicable DDR SDRAM memory specifications, the board
should be populated with DIMMs that support the Serial Presence Detect (SPD) data
structure. This enables the BIOS to read the SPD data and program the chipset to
accurately configure memory settings for optimum performance. If non-SPD memory
is installed, the BIOS will attempt to correctly configure the memory settings, but
performance and reliability may be impacted or the DIMMs may not function under the
determined frequency.
The Intel 82G41 GMCH supports the following types of memory organization:
•Dual channel (Interleaved) mode. This mode offers the highest throughput for
real world applications. Dual channel mode is enabled when the installed memory
capacities of both DIMM channels are equal. Technology and device width can vary
from one channel to the other but the installed memory capacity for each channel
must be equal. If different speed DIMMs are used between channels, the slowest
memory timing will be used.
•Single channel (Asymmetric) mode. This mode is equivalent to single channel
bandwidth operation for real world applications. This mode is used when only a
single DIMM is installed or the memory capacities are unequal. Technology and
device width can vary from one channel to the other. If different speed DIMMs are
used between channels, the slowest memory timing will be used.
•Flex mode. This mode provides the most flexible performance characteristics.
The bottommost DRAM memory (the memory that is lowest within the system
memory map) is mapped to dual channel operation; the topmost DRAM memory
(the memory that is nearest to the 4 GB address space limit), if any, is mapped to
single channel operation. Flex mode results in multiple zones of dual and single
channel operation across the whole of DRAM memory. To use flex mode, it is
necessary to populate both channels.
Figure 3 illustrates the memory channel and DIMM configuration.
Figure 3. Memory Channel Configuration and DIMM Configuration
Regardless of the memory configuration used (dual channel, single channel, or flex
mode), DIMM 0 of Channel A must always be populated.
Product Description
1.6 Intel
The Intel G41 Express chipset consists of the following devices:
•Intel 82G41 Graphics and Memory Controller Hub (GMCH) with Direct Media
Interface (DMI) interconnect
•Intel 82801GB I/O Controller Hub (ICH7) with DMI interconnect
The GMCH component provides interfaces to the processor, memory, PCI, and the DMI
interconnect. The component also provides integrated graphics capabilities supporting
3D, 2D, and display capabilities. The ICH7 is a centralized controller for the board’s
I/O paths.
The chipset supports the following features:
• Onboard graphics
• Dynamic Video Memory Technology
• Serial ATA
For information about Refer to
The Intel G41 Express chipset
Resources used by the chipset Chapter 2
G41 Express Chipset
1.6.1 Intel G41 Graphics Subsystem
The Intel G41 Express chipset contains two separate graphics options. Either the Intel
Graphics Media Accelerator X4500 (Intel GMA X4500) graphics controller (contained
within the 82G41 GMCH) is used, or a PCI graphics card can be used. When a PCI
graphics card is installed, the Intel GMA X4500 graphics controller defaults to a
secondary display device and may be available for video output with the operating
system. Intel
Graphics Media Accelerator X4500 Graphics
The Intel GMA X4500 graphics controller features the following:
• High quality texture engine
⎯ DirectX10* and OpenGL* 2.0 compliant
⎯ Shader Model 4.0
• 3D Graphics Rendering enhancements
⎯ 1.6 dual texture GigaPixel/s maximum fill rate
⎯ 16-bit and 32-bit color
⎯ Vertex cache
• Video
⎯ High Definition content at up to 1080p resolution
⎯ Dynamic Video Memory Technology (DVMT) 5.0 uses system memory based on
the operating system and the amount of memory installed
• Display
⎯ Supports digital and analog displays up to 2048 x 1536 at 75 Hz refresh
(QXGA); also supports 1920 x 1080 resolution for full High Definition video
playback quality
⎯ Dual independent display support Dynamic Video Memory Technology (DVMT 5.0)
DVMT enables enhanced graphics and memory performance through highly efficient
memory utilization. DVMT ensures the most efficient use of available system memory
for maximum 2-D/3-D graphics performance. The amount of system memory
allocated to DVMT varies depending on the amount of total system memory installed
as well as the operating system being used. For Microsoft Windows Vista*, a
minimum of 128 MB can be allocated to DVMT and a maximum of over 2 GB can be
allocated to DVMT with the correct amount of memory installed. DVMT returns system
memory back to the operating system when the additional system memory is no
longer required by the graphics subsystem.
DVMT will always use a minimal fixed portion of system physical memory (as set in the
BIOS Setup program) for compatibility with legacy applications. An example of this
would be when using VGA graphics under DOS. Once loaded, the operating system
and graphics drivers allocate additional system memory to the graphics buffer as
needed for performing graphics functions.
The use of DVMT requires operating system driver support. Configuration Modes
The video modes supported by this board are based on the Extended Display
Identification Data (EDID) modes of the monitor to which the system is connected.
Standard monitors are assumed. Analog Display (VGA)
The VGA port supports analog displays. The maximum supported resolution is 2048 x
1536 (QXGA) at a 75 Hz refresh rate.
The VGA port is enabled for POST whenever a monitor is attached, regardless of the
DVI-D connector status. Digital Visual Interface (DVI-D)
The DVI-D port supports digital DVI displays. The maximum supported resolution is
2048 x 1536 (QXGA) at a 75 Hz refresh rate. The DVI port is compliant with the
DVI 1.0 specification.
Product Description
1.6.2 USB
The board supports up to eight USB 2.0 ports, supports UHCI and EHCI, and uses
UHCI- and EHCI-compatible drivers.
The ICH7 provides the USB controller for all ports. The port arrangement is as
• Four ports are implemented with stacked back panel connectors
• Four ports are routed to two separate front panel USB headers
For information about Refer to
The location of the USB connectors on the back panel Figure 9, page 41
The location of the front panel USB headers Figure 10, page 42
1.6.3 Serial ATA Interfaces
The board provides three Serial ATA (SATA) connectors, which support one device per
connector. Serial ATA Support
The board’s Serial ATA controller offers three independent Serial ATA ports with a
theoretical maximum transfer rate of 3 Gb/s per port. One device can be installed on
each port for a maximum of three Serial ATA devices. A point-to-point interface is
used for host to device connections, unlike Parallel ATA IDE which supports a
master/slave configuration and two devices per channel.
For compatibility, the underlying Serial ATA functionality is transparent to the
operating system. The Serial ATA controller can operate in both legacy and native
modes. In legacy mode, standard IDE I/O and IRQ resources are assigned (IRQ 14
and 15). In Native mode, standard Conventional PCI bus resource steering is used.
Native mode is the preferred mode for configurations using the Windows* XP
operating system.
Many Serial ATA drives use new low-voltage power connectors and require adapters or
power supplies equipped with low-voltage power connectors.
For more information, see:
For information about Refer to
The location of the Serial ATA connectors Figure 10, page 42
A coin-cell battery (CR2032) powers the real-time clock and CMOS memory. When
the computer is not plugged into a wall socket, the battery has an estimated life of
three years. When the computer is plugged in, the standby current from the power
supply extends the life of the battery. The clock is accurate to ± 13 minutes/year at
25 ºC with 3.3 VSB applied.
If the battery and AC power fail, custom defaults, if previously saved, will be loaded
into CMOS RAM at power-on.
When the voltage drops below a certain level, the BIOS Setup program settings stored
in CMOS RAM (for example, the date and time) might not be accurate. Replace the
battery with an equivalent one. Figure 1 on page 11 shows the location of the battery.
1.8 Legacy I/O Controller
The I/O controller provides the following features:
• One serial port header
• One parallel port
• Serial IRQ interface compatible with serialized IRQ support for PCI systems
• PS/2-style keyboard/mouse interface
• Intelligent power management, including a programmable wake-up event interface
• PCI power management support
The BIOS Setup program provides configuration options for the I/O controller.
1.8.1 Serial Port Interface
The serial port header is located on the component side of the board. The serial port
supports data transfers at speeds up to 115.2 kbits/s with BIOS support.
For information about Refer to
The location of the serial port header Figure 10, page 42
The serial port header signal mapping Table 14, page 44
1.8.2 PS/2 Keyboard/Mouse Interface
The one PS/2 keyboard/mouse connector is located on the back panel.
Product Description
Power to the computer should be turned off before a keyboard is connected or
For information about Refer to
The location of the keyboard/mouse connector Figure 9, page 41
1.9 Audio Subsystem
The onboard audio subsystem consists of the following:
• Intel 82801GB (ICH7)
• Realtek ALC888VC audio codec
• Back panel audio connectors
• Component-side audio headers/connectors:
⎯ Front panel audio header with support for Intel
HD Audio) and AC ’97 audio
The audio subsystem supports the following features:
• A signal-to-noise (S/N) ratio of 95 dB
• Independent 5.1 audio playback from back panel connectors and stereo playback
from the Intel High Definition Audio front panel header
High Definition Audio (Intel®
Systems built with an AC ‘97 front panel will not be able to obtain the Microsoft
Windows Vista logo.
Table 5 lists the supported functions of the front panel and back panel audio jacks.
Table 5. Audio Jack Support
Audio Jack
Front panel – Green No No No No Yes
Front panel – Pink No No No Yes No
Back panel – Blue Yes Yes No No No
Back panel – Green No No No No Yes
Back panel – Pink No No Yes Yes No
Audio software and drivers are available from Intel’s World Wide Web site.
For information about Refer to
Obtaining audio software and drivers Section 1.3, page 14
1.9.2 Audio Connectors and Headers
The board contains audio connectors on the back panel and audio headers on the
component side of the board. The front panel audio header provides mic in and line
out signals for the front panel. Microphone bias is supported for both the front and
back panel microphone connectors.
The front/back panel audio connectors are configurable through the audio device
drivers. The available configurable back panel audio ports are shown in Figure 4.
Item Description
A Line in
B Line out
C Mic in
Figure 4. Back Panel Audio Connectors
The back panel audio line out connector is designed to power headphones or amplified
speakers only. Poor audio quality occurs if passive (non-amplified) speakers are
connected to this output.
For information about Refer to
The location of the front panel audio header Figure 10, page 42
The signal names of the front panel audio header Table 17, page 45
The back panel audio connectors Section 2.2.1, page 41
Product Description
1.10 LAN Subsystem
The LAN subsystem consists of the following:
• Intel 82801GB ICH7
• Realtek RTL8111E Gigabit Ethernet controller for 10/100/1000 Mbits/s Ethernet
LAN connectivity
•RJ-45 LAN connector with integrated status LEDs
Additional features of the LAN subsystem include:
• CSMA/CD protocol engine
• LAN connect interface between ICH7 and the LAN controller
• Conventional PCI bus power management
⎯ ACPI technology support
⎯ LAN wake capabilities
• LAN subsystem software
For information about Refer to
LAN software and drivers
1.10.1 LAN Subsystem Software
LAN software and drivers are available from Intel’s World Wide Web site.
For information about Refer to
Obtaining LAN software and drivers Section 1.2, page 14
Two LEDs are built into the RJ-45 LAN connector (shown in Figure 5).
Item Description
A Link LED (Green)
B Data Rate LED (Green/Yellow)
Figure 5. LAN Connector LED Locations
Table 6 describes the LED states when the board is powered up and the LAN
subsystem is operating.
Table 6. LAN Connector LED States
LED LED Color LED State Condition
Off LAN link is not established.
Link Green
Data Rate Green/Yellow
On LAN link is established.
Blinking LAN activity is occurring.
Off 10 Mbits/s data rate is selected.
Green 100 Mbits/s data rate is selected.
Yellow 1000 Mbits/s data rate is selected.
Product Description
1.11 Hardware Management Subsystem
The hardware management features enable the board to be compatible with the Wired
for Management (WfM) specification. The board has several hardware management
features, including the following:
• Fan monitoring and control
• Thermal and voltage monitoring
• Chassis intrusion detection
1.11.1 Hardware Monitoring and Fan Control
The features of the hardware monitoring and fan control include:
• Fan speed control controllers and sensors integrated into the Legacy I/O Controller
• Four thermal sensors (processor, 82G41 GMCH, 82801GB ICH7, and a remote
thermal sensor)
•Power supply monitoring of five voltages (+12 V, +5 V, +3.3 V, +1.125 V, and
+VCCP) to detect levels above or below acceptable values
•Thermally monitored closed-loop fan control, for both fans, that can adjust the fan
speed according to thermal conditions
1.11.2 Fan Monitoring
Fan monitoring can be implemented using third-party software. The level of
monitoring and control is dependent on the I/O controller used with the board.
For information about Refer to
The functions of the fan headers Section, page 33
Location of the fan headers Figure 6, page 28
1.11.3 Chassis Intrusion and Detection
The board supports a chassis security feature that detects if the chassis cover is
removed. The security feature uses a mechanical switch on the chassis that attaches
to the chassis intrusion header. When the chassis cover is removed, the mechanical
switch is in the closed position.
For information about Refer to
The location of the chassis intrusion header Figure 10, page 42
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