Intel BOXD945GCLL - Socket 775 MicroATX Motherboard, D945GCL User Manual

Intel® Desktop Board D945GCL
Technical Product Specification
The Intel® Desktop Board D945GCL may contain design defects or errors known as errata that may cause the product to deviate from published specifications. Current characterized errata are documented in the Intel Desktop Board D945GCL Specification Update.
September 2006
Order Number: D73644-001US
Revision History
Revision Revision History Date
-001 First release of the Intel® Desktop Board D945GCL Technical Product Specification.
This product specification applies to only the standard Intel Desktop Board D945GCL with BIOS identifier CL94510J.86A.
Changes to this specification will be published in the Intel Desktop Board D945GCL Specification Update before being incorporated into a revision of this document.
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September 2006
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desktop boards may contain design defects or errors known as errata, which may cause the product
Intel to deviate from published specifications. Current characterized errata are available on request.
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This Technical Product Specification (TPS) specifies the board layout, components, connectors, power and environmental requirements, and the BIOS for the Intel Desktop Board D945GCL. It describes the standard product and available manufacturing options.
Intended Audience
The TPS is intended to provide detailed, technical information about the Desktop Board D945GCL and its components to the vendors, system integrators, and other engineers and technicians who need this level of information. It is specifically not intended for general audiences.
What This Document Contains
Chapter Description
1 A description of the hardware used on the Desktop Board D945GCL 2 A map of the resources of the Desktop Board 3 The features supported by the BIOS Setup program 4 A description of the BIOS error messages, beep codes, and POST codes 5 Regulatory compliance and battery disposal information
Typographical Conventions
This section contains information about the conventions used in this specification. Not all of these symbols and abbreviations appear in all specifications of this type.
Notes, Cautions, and Warnings
Notes call attention to important information.
Integrator’s notes are used to call attention to information that may be useful to system integrators.
Cautions are included to help you avoid damaging hardware or losing data.
Intel Desktop Board D945GCL Technical Product Specification
Warnings indicate conditions, which if not observed, can cause personal injury.
Other Common Notation
# Used after a signal name to identify an active-low signal (such as USBP0#). (NxnX) When used in the description of a component, N indicates component type, xn are the
relative coordinates of its location on the Desktop Board D945GCL, and X is the instance of the particular part at that general location. For example, J5J1 is a connector, located at 5J.
It is the first connector in the 5J area. GB Gigabyte (1,073,741,824 bytes) GB/sec Gigabytes per second Gbits/sec Gigabits per second KB Kilobyte (1024 bytes) Kbit Kilobit (1024 bits) kbits/sec 1000 bits per second MB Megabyte (1,048,576 bytes) MB/sec Megabytes per second Mbit Megabit (1,048,576 bits) Mbit/sec Megabits per second xxh An address or data value ending with a lowercase h indicates a hexadecimal value. x.x V Volts. Voltages are DC unless otherwise specified. * This symbol is used to indicate third-party brands and names that are the property of their
respective owners.
1 Product Description
1.1 Overview........................................................................................ 10
1.1.1 Feature Summary ................................................................ 10
1.1.2 Board Layout ....................................................................... 12
1.1.3 Block Diagram ..................................................................... 14
1.2 Online Support................................................................................ 15
1.3 Processor ....................................................................................... 15
1.4 System Memory .............................................................................. 16
1.4.1 Memory Configurations ......................................................... 18
1.5 Intel® 945G Chipset......................................................................... 20
1.5.1 Intel 945G Graphics Subsystem.............................................. 20
1.5.2 USB ................................................................................... 22
1.5.3 IDE Support ........................................................................ 23
1.5.4 Real-Time Clock, CMOS SRAM, and Battery .............................. 24
1.6 PCI Express* Connectors .................................................................. 24
1.7 Legacy I/O Controller ....................................................................... 25
1.7.1 Serial Port........................................................................... 25
1.7.2 Parallel Port......................................................................... 25
1.7.3 Diskette Drive Controller ....................................................... 25
1.7.4 Keyboard and Mouse Interface ............................................... 25
1.8 Audio Subsystem............................................................................. 26
1.8.1 Audio Subsystem Software .................................................... 26
1.8.2 Audio Connectors ................................................................. 26
1.8.3 6-Channel (5.1) Audio Subsystem........................................... 27
1.9 LAN Subsystem ............................................................................... 28
1.9.1 LAN Subsystem Software....................................................... 28
1.9.2 Intel® 82562G Physical Layer Interface Device ......................... 28
1.10 Hardware Management Subsystem .................................................... 30
1.10.1 Hardware Monitoring and Fan Control ASIC .............................. 30
1.10.2 Chassis Intrusion and Detection.............................................. 30
1.10.3 Fan Monitoring..................................................................... 30
1.10.4 Thermal Monitoring .............................................................. 31
1.11 Power Management ......................................................................... 32
1.11.1 ACPI .................................................................................. 32
1.11.2 Hardware Support ................................................................ 34
2 Technical Reference
2.1 Memory Resources .......................................................................... 39
2.1.1 Addressable Memory............................................................. 39
2.1.2 Memory Map........................................................................ 41
2.2 DMA Channels................................................................................. 41
2.3 Fixed I/O Map ................................................................................. 42
2.4 PCI Configuration Space Map ............................................................ 43
Intel Desktop Board D945GCL Technical Product Specification
2.5 Interrupts ...................................................................................... 44
2.6 PCI Conventional Interrupt Routing Map ............................................. 45
2.7 Connectors and Headers................................................................... 46
2.7.1 Back Panel Connectors .......................................................... 47
2.7.2 Component-side Connectors and Headers ................................ 48
2.8 Jumper Block .................................................................................. 56
2.9 Mechanical Considerations ................................................................ 57
2.9.1 Form Factor......................................................................... 57
2.9.2 I/O Shield ........................................................................... 58
2.10 Electrical Considerations................................................................... 59
2.10.1 DC Loading.......................................................................... 59
2.10.2 Add-in Board Considerations .................................................. 59
2.10.3 Fan Header Current Capability................................................ 60
2.10.4 Power Supply Considerations ................................................. 60
2.11 Thermal Considerations.................................................................... 61
2.12 Reliability....................................................................................... 63
2.13 Environmental ................................................................................ 64
3 Overview of BIOS Features
3.1 Introduction ................................................................................... 65
3.2 BIOS Flash Memory Organization ....................................................... 66
3.3 Resource Configuration .................................................................... 66
3.3.1 PCI Autoconfiguration ........................................................... 66
3.3.2 PCI IDE Support................................................................... 66
3.4 System Management BIOS (SMBIOS)................................................. 67
3.5 BIOS Updates ................................................................................. 68
3.5.1 Language Support ................................................................ 68
3.5.2 Custom Splash Screen .......................................................... 68
3.6 Legacy USB Support ........................................................................ 69
3.7 Boot Options................................................................................... 69
3.7.1 CD-ROM Boot ...................................................................... 69
3.7.2 Network Boot....................................................................... 69
3.7.3 Booting Without Attached Devices........................................... 70
3.7.4 Changing the Default Boot Device During POST ........................ 70
3.8 Adjusting Boot Speed....................................................................... 71
3.8.1 Peripheral Selection and Configuration..................................... 71
3.8.2 BIOS Boot Optimizations ....................................................... 71
3.9 BIOS Security Features .................................................................... 72
4 Error Messages and Beep Codes
4.1 Speaker ......................................................................................... 73
4.2 BIOS Beep Codes ............................................................................ 73
4.3 BIOS Error Messages ....................................................................... 73
4.4 Port 80h POST Codes ....................................................................... 74
5 Regulatory Compliance and Battery Disposal Information
5.1 Regulatory Compliance..................................................................... 79
5.1.1 Safety Regulations................................................................ 79
5.1.2 European Union Declaration of Conformity Statement................ 80
5.1.3 Product Ecology Statements................................................... 81
5.1.4 EMC Regulations .................................................................. 85
5.1.5 Product Certification Markings (Board Level)............................. 86
5.2 Battery Disposal Information............................................................. 87
1. Board Components .......................................................................... 12
2. Block Diagram ................................................................................ 14
3. Memory Channel and DIMM Configuration........................................... 18
4. Dual Channel (Interleaved) Mode Configuration with Two DIMMs............ 18
5. Single Channel (Asymmetric) Mode Configuration with One DIMM .......... 19
6. Single Channel (Asymmetric) Mode Configuration with Two DIMMs......... 19
7. Front/Back Panel Audio Connector Options.......................................... 27
8. LAN Connector LED Locations............................................................ 29
9. Thermal Sensors and Fan Headers ..................................................... 31
10. Location of the Standby Power Indicator LED....................................... 37
11. Detailed System Memory Address Map ............................................... 40
12. Back Panel Connectors ..................................................................... 47
13. Component-side Connectors and Headers ........................................... 48
14. Connection Diagram for Front Panel Header ........................................ 53
15. Connection Diagram for Front Panel USB Headers ................................ 55
16. Location of the Jumper Block............................................................. 56
17. Board Dimensions ........................................................................... 57
18. I/O Shield Dimensions...................................................................... 58
19. Localized High Temperature Zones..................................................... 62
1. Feature Summary............................................................................ 10
2. Board Components Shown in Figure 1 ................................................ 13
3. Supported Memory Configurations ..................................................... 16
4. Memory Operating Frequencies ......................................................... 17
5. LAN Connector LED States ................................................................ 29
6. Effects of Pressing the Power Switch .................................................. 32
7. Power States and Targeted System Power........................................... 33
8. Wake-up Devices and Events ............................................................ 34
9. System Memory Map ....................................................................... 41
10. DMA Channels................................................................................. 41
11. I/O Map ......................................................................................... 42
12. PCI Configuration Space Map ............................................................ 43
13. Interrupts ...................................................................................... 44
14. PCI Interrupt Routing Map ................................................................ 45
Intel Desktop Board D945GCL Technical Product Specification
15. Component-side Connectors and Headers Shown in Figure 13................ 49
16. Front Panel Audio Header ................................................................. 50
17. Chassis Intrusion Header .................................................................. 50
18. Serial ATA Connectors ...................................................................... 50
19. Processor Fan Header ...................................................................... 50
20. Front and Rear Chassis Fan Headers .................................................. 50
21. Main Power Connector...................................................................... 51
22. Processor Core Power Connector........................................................ 51
23. Auxiliary Front Panel Power/Sleep LED Header ..................................... 52
24. Front Panel Header .......................................................................... 53
25. States for a One-Color Power LED ...................................................... 54
26. States for a Two-Color Power LED ...................................................... 54
27. BIOS Setup Configuration Jumper Settings.......................................... 56
28. DC Loading Characteristics ............................................................... 59
29. Fan Header Current Capability........................................................... 60
30. Thermal Considerations for Components ............................................. 63
31. Environmental Specifications............................................................. 64
32. BIOS Setup Program Menu Bar .......................................................... 66
33. BIOS Setup Program Function Keys.................................................... 66
34. Boot Device Menu Options ................................................................ 70
35. Supervisor and User Password Functions............................................. 72
36. Beep Codes .................................................................................... 73
37. BIOS Error Messages ....................................................................... 73
38. Port 80h POST Code Ranges.............................................................. 74
39. Port 80h POST Codes ....................................................................... 75
40. Typical Port 80h POST Sequence........................................................ 78
41. Safety Regulations........................................................................... 79
42. Lead-Free Board Markings ................................................................ 84
43. EMC Regulations ............................................................................. 85
44. Product Certification Markings ........................................................... 86
1 Product Description
What This Chapter Contains
1.1 Overview........................................................................................ 10
1.2 Online Support................................................................................ 15
1.3 Processor ....................................................................................... 15
1.4 System Memory .............................................................................. 16
1.5 Intel® 945G Chipset......................................................................... 20
1.6 PCI Express* Connectors .................................................................. 24
1.7 Legacy I/O Controller ....................................................................... 25
1.8 Audio Subsystem............................................................................. 26
1.9 LAN Subsystem ............................................................................... 28
1.10 Hardware Management Subsystem .................................................... 30
1.11 Power Management ......................................................................... 32
Intel Desktop Board D945GCL Technical Product Specification
1.1 Overview
1.1.1 Feature Summary
Table 1 summarizes the major features of the board.
Table 1. Feature Summary
Form Factor microATX (9.60 inches by 9.60 inches [243.84 millimeters by
243.84 millimeters])
Processor Support for the following:
Video Intel® GMA950 onboard graphics subsystem Audio 6-channel (5.1) audio subsystem with three analog audio outputs using the
Legacy I/O Control Legacy I/O controller for diskette drive, serial, parallel, and PS/2* ports USB Support for USB 2.0 devices
Peripheral Interfaces
LAN Support 10/100 Mbits/sec LAN subsystem using the Intel® 82562G Platform LAN Connect
Expansion Capabilities
Two 240-pin DDR2 SDRAM Dual Inline Memory Module (DIMM) sockets
Support for DDR2 667, DDR2 533, or DDR2 400 MHz DIMMs
Support for up to 4 GB of system memory
Sigmatel* 9220 audio codec
Eight USB ports
One serial port
One parallel port
Four Serial ATA interfaces
One Parallel ATA IDE interface with UDMA 33, ATA-66/100 support
One diskette drive interface
PS/2 keyboard and mouse ports
(PLC) device
Support for Advanced Configuration and Power Interface (ACPI), Plug and Play,
Two PCI Conventional* bus connectors
One PCI Express* x1 bus add-in card connector
One PCI Express x16 bus add-in card connector
Core™2 Duo processor in an LGA775 socket with a 1066 or 800 MHz
system bus
Pentium® D processor in an LGA775 socket with an 800 or 533 MHz
system bus
Pentium® 4 processor in an LGA775 socket with an 800 or 533 MHz
system bus
Celeron® D processor in an LGA775 socket with a 533 MHz system bus
945G Chipset, consisting of:
82945G Graphics Memory Controller Hub (GMCH)
82801GB I/O Controller Hub (ICH7)
BIOS (resident in the SPI Flash device)
Table 1. Feature Summary (continued)
Instantly Available PC Technology
Hardware Monitor Subsystem
For information about Refer to
Available configurations for the board Section 1.2, page 15
Support for PCI Local Bus Specification Revision 2.3
Support for PCI Express Revision 1.0a
Suspend to RAM support
Wake on PCI, RS-232, front panel, PS/2 devices, and USB ports
Hardware monitoring and fan control ASIC
Voltage sense to detect out of range power supply voltages
Thermal sense to detect out of range thermal values
Three fan headers
Three fan sense inputs used to monitor fan activity
Fan speed control
Product Description
Intel Desktop Board D945GCL Technical Product Specification
1.1.2 Board Layout
Figure 1 shows the location of the major components.
Table 2 lists the components identified in Figure 1.
Figure 1. Board Components
Table 2. Board Components Shown in Figure 1
Figure 1 Description
Front panel audio header PCI Conventional bus add-in card connectors [2] PCI Express x16 bus add-in card connector Back panel connectors Processor core power connector Rear chassis fan header LGA775 processor socket Intel 82945G GMCH Processor fan header DIMM sockets Main Power connector Diskette drive connector Parallel ATE IDE connector Battery Front chassis fan header BIOS Setup configuration jumper block Chassis intrusion header Serial ATA connectors [4] Auxiliary front panel power LED header Front panel header Front panel USB headers [2] Intel 82801GB I/O Controller Hub (ICH7) Speaker PCI Express x1 bus add-in card connector
Product Description
Intel Desktop Board D945GCL Technical Product Specification
1.1.3 Block Diagram
Figure 2 is a block diagram of the major functional areas.
PCI Express x1 Interface
PCI Express x1 Slot 1
Parallel ATA
IDE Connector
LGA775 Processor
Parallel ATA
IDE Interface
System Bus
Back Panel/Front Panel
USB Ports
Serial Port
Parallel Port
PS/2 Mouse
PS/2 Keyboard
Diskette Drive
PCI Express
x16 Interface
PCI Express
VGA Port
Channel A
Channel B
PCI Slot 1
PCI Slot 2
Intel 945G Chipset
Intel 82945G Graphics and
Memory Controller
Hub (GMCH)
Display Interface
Memory Bus
Intel 82801GB
I/O Controller Hub
DMI Interconnect
LAN Connect
Serial ATA
IDE Interface
High Definition Audio Link
Line In/Retasking Jack
Line Out/Retasking Jack
Mic In/Retasking Jack
Serial Peripheral
Interface (SPI)
Flash Device
Serial ATA IDE Connectors (4)
Line Out
Mic In
= connector or socket
Hardware Monitoring
and Fan Control ASIC
Figure 2. Block Diagram
Product Description
1.2 Online Support
To find information about… Visit this World Wide Web site:
Desktop Board D945GCL under
Intel “Desktop Board Products” or “Desktop Board Support”
Available configurations for the Desktop Board D945GCL
Processor data sheets ICH7 addressing Custom splash screens Audio software and utilities LAN software and drivers Supported video modes
1.3 Processor
The board is designed to support the following processors:
Intel Core 2 Duo processor in an LGA775 socket with a 1066 or 800 MHz
system bus
Intel Pentium D processor in an LGA775 processor socket with an 800 or 533 MHz
system bus
Intel Pentium 4 processor in an LGA775 processor socket with an 800 or 533 MHz
system bus
Intel Celeron D processor in an LGA775 processor socket with a 533 MHz
system bus
See the Intel web site listed below for the most up-to-date list of supported processors.
For information about… Refer to:
Supported processors
Use only the processors listed on web site above. Use of unsupported processors can damage the board, the processor, and the power supply.
Use only ATX12V-compliant power supplies.
For information about Refer to
Power supply connectors Section, page 51
Intel Desktop Board D945GCL Technical Product Specification
1.4 System Memory
The board has two DIMM sockets and supports the following memory features:
1.8 V (only) DDR2 SDRAM DIMMs with gold-plated contacts
Unbuffered, single-sided or double-sided DIMMs with the following restriction:
Double-sided DIMMS with x16 organization are not supported.
4 GB maximum total system memory. Refer to Section
2.1.1 on page 39 for
information on the total amount of addressable memory.
Minimum total system memory: 128 MB
Serial Presence Detect
DDR2 667, DDR2 533, or DDR2 400 MHz SDRAM DIMMs
Remove the PCI Express x16 video card before installing or upgrading memory to
avoid interference with the memory retention mechanism.
To be fully compliant with all applicable DDR SDRAM memory specifications, the
board should be populated with DIMMs that support the Serial Presence Detect (SPD) data structure. This allows the BIOS to read the SPD data and program the chipset to accurately configure memory settings for optimum performance. If non­SPD memory is installed, the BIOS will attempt to correctly configure the memory settings, but performance and reliability may be impacted or the DIMMs may not function under the determined frequency.
Table 3 lists the supported DIMM configurations.
Table 3. Supported Memory Configurations
DIMM Capacity Configuration SDRAM Density
128 MB SS 256 Mbit 16 M x 16/empty 4 256 MB SS 256 Mbit 32 M x 8/empty 8 256 MB SS 512 Mbit 32 M x 16/empty 4 512 MB DS 256 Mbit 32 M x 8/32 M x 8 16 512 MB SS 512 Mbit 64 M x 8/empty 8 512 MB SS 1 Gbit 64 M x 16/empty 4 1024 MB DS 512 Mbit 64 M x 8/64 M x 8 16 1024 MB SS 1 Gbit 128 M x 8/empty 8 2048 MB DS 1 Gbit 128 M x 8/128 M x 8 16
Note: In the second column, “DS” refers to double-sided memory modules (containing two rows of SDRAM)
and “SS” refers to single-sided memory modules (containing one row of SDRAM).
SDRAM Organization Front-side/Back-side
Number of SDRAM Devices
Product Description
Regardless of the DIMM type used, the memory frequency will either be equal to or less than the processor system bus frequency. For example, if DDR2 667 memory is used with a 533 MHz system bus frequency processor, the memory will operate at 533 MHz.
Table 4 lists the resulting operating memory frequencies based on the
combination of DIMMs and processors.
Table 4. Memory Operating Frequencies
DIMM Type Processor system bus frequency Resulting memory frequency
DDR2 400 533 MHz 400 MHz DDR2 400 800 MHz 400 MHz DDR2 400 1066 MHz 400 MHz DDR2 533 533 MHz 533 MHz DDR2 533 800 MHz 533 MHz DDR2 533 1066 MHz 533 MHz DDR2 667 533 MHz 533 MHz DDR2 667 800 MHz 667 MHz DDR2 667 1066 MHz 667 MHz
Intel Desktop Board D945GCL Technical Product Specification
1.4.1 Memory Configurations
The Intel 82945G GMCH supports two types of memory organization:
Dual channel (Interleaved) mode. This mode offers the highest throughput for
real world applications. Dual channel mode is enabled when the installed memory capacities of both DIMM channels are equal. Technology and device width can vary from one channel to the other but the installed memory capacity for each channel must be equal. If different speed DIMMs are used between channels, the slowest memory timing will be used.
Single channel (Asymmetric) mode. This mode is equivalent to single channel
bandwidth operation for real world applications. This mode is used when only a single DIMM is installed or the memory capacities are unequal. Technology and device width can vary from one channel to the other. If different speed DIMMs are used between channels, the slowest memory timing will be used.
Figure 3 illustrates the memory channel and DIMM configuration.
Figure 3. Memory Channel and DIMM Configuration Dual Channel (Interleaved) Mode Configurations
Figure 4 shows a dual channel configuration using two DIMMs. In this example, the DIMM sockets are populated with identical DIMMs.
Figure 4. Dual Channel (Interleaved) Mode Configuration with Two DIMMs
Product Description Single Channel (Asymmetric) Mode Configurations
Dual channel (Interleaved) mode configurations provide the highest memory throughput.
Figure 5 shows a single channel configuration using one DIMM. In this example, only the Channel A is populated. Channel B is not populated.
Figure 5. Single Channel (Asymmetric) Mode Configuration with One DIMM
Figure 6 shows a single channel configuration using two DIMMs. In this example, the capacity of the DIMM in Channel A does not equal the capacity of the DIMM in Channel B.
Figure 6. Single Channel (Asymmetric) Mode Configuration with Two DIMMs
Intel Desktop Board D945GCL Technical Product Specification
1.5 Intel® 945G Chipset
The Intel 945G chipset consists of the following devices:
Intel 82945G Graphics Memory Controller Hub (GMCH) with Direct Media Interface
(DMI) interconnect
Intel 82801GB I/O Controller Hub (ICH7) with DMI interconnect The GMCH component provides interfaces to the CPU, memory, PCI Express, and the
DMI interconnect. The component also provides integrated graphics capabilities supporting 3D, 2D and display capabilities. The ICH7 is a centralized controller for the board’s I/O paths.
For information about Refer to
The Intel 945G chipset Resources used by the chipset Chapter 2
1.5.1 Intel 945G Graphics Subsystem
The Intel 945G chipset contains two separate, mutually exclusive graphics options. Either the GMA950 graphics controller (contained within the 82945G GMCH) is used, or a PCI Express x16 add-in card can be used. When a PCI Express x16 add-in card is installed, the GMA950 graphics controller is disabled. Intel® GMA950 Graphics Controller
The Intel GMA950 graphics controller features the following:
400 MHz core frequency
High performance 3-D setup and render engine
High quality texture engine DX9* Compliant Hardware Pixel Shader 2.0 Alpha and luminance maps Texture color-keying/chroma-keying Cubic environment reflection mapping Enhanced texture blending functions
3D Graphics Rendering enhancements 1.3 Dual Texture GigaPixel/Sec Fill Rate 16 and 32 bit color Maximum 3D supported resolution of 1600 x 1200 x 32 at 85 Hz Vertex cache Anti-aliased lines OpenGL* version 1.4 support with vertex buffer and EXT_Shadow extensions
2D Graphics enhancements 8, 16,and 32 bit color Optimized 256-bit BLT engine Color space conversion Anti-aliased lines
Video Hardware motion compensation for MPEG2 Software DVD at 30 fps full screen
Display Integrated 24-bit 400 MHz RAMDAC Up to 2048 x 1536 at 75 Hz refresh (QXGA) DDC2B compliant interface with Advanced Digital Display 2 or 2+
(ADD2/ADD2+) cards, support for TV-out/TV-in and DVI digital display connections
Supports flat panels up to 2048 x 1536 at 60Hz or digital CRT/HDTV at
1920 x 1080 at 85 Hz (with ADD2/ADD2+)
Two multiplexed DVO port interfaces with 200 MHz pixel clocks using an
ADD2/ADD2+ card
Dynamic Video Memory Technology (DVMT) support up to 224 MB
Zoom Utility
For information about Refer to
Obtaining graphics software and utilities Section
Product Description
1.2, page 15 Dynamic Video Memory Technology (DVMT)
DVMT enables enhanced graphics and memory performance through Direct AGP, and highly efficient memory utilization. DVMT ensures the most efficient use of available system memory for maximum 2-D/3-D graphics performance. Up to 224 MB of system memory can be allocated to DVMT on systems that have 512 MB or more of total system memory installed. Up to 128 MB can be allocated to DVMT on systems that have 256 MB but less than 512 MB of total installed system memory. Up to 64 MB can be allocated to DVMT when less than 256 MB of system memory is installed. DVMT returns system memory back to the operating system when the additional system memory is no longer required by the graphics subsystem.
DVMT will always use a minimal fixed portion of system physical memory (as set in the BIOS Setup program) for compatibility with legacy applications. An example of this would be when using VGA graphics under DOS. Once loaded, the operating system and graphics drivers allocate additional system memory to the graphics buffer as needed for performing graphics functions.
The use of DVMT requires operating system driver support.
Intel Desktop Board D945GCL Technical Product Specification Advanced Digital Display (ADD2/ADD2+) Card Support
The GMCH routes two multiplexed DVO ports that are each capable of driving up to a 200 MHz pixel clock to the PCI Express x16 connector. The DVO ports can be paired for a dual channel configuration to support up to a 400 MHz pixel clock. When an ADD2/ADD2+ card is detected, the Intel GMA950 graphics controller is enabled and the PCI Express x16 connector is configured for DVO mode. DVO mode enables the DVO ports to be accessed by the ADD2/ADD2+ card. An ADD2/ADD2+ card can either be configured to support simultaneous display with the primary VGA display or can be configured to support dual independent display as an extended desktop configuration with different color depths and resolutions. ADD2/ADD2+ cards can be designed to support the following configurations:
TV-Out (composite video)
Transition Minimized Differential Signaling (TMDS) for DVI 1.0
Low Voltage Differential Signaling (LVDS)
Single device operating in dual channel mode
VGA output
HDTV output Configuration Modes
A list of supported modes for the Intel GMA950 graphics controller is available as a downloadable document.
For information about Refer to
Supported video modes for the board Section
1.2, page 15
1.5.2 USB
The board supports up to eight USB 2.0 ports, supports UHCI and EHCI, and uses UHCI- and EHCI-compatible drivers.
The ICH7 provides the USB controller for all ports. The port arrangement is as follows:
Four ports are implemented with dual stacked back panel connectors
Four ports are routed to two separate front panel USB headers
Computer systems that have an unshielded cable attached to a USB port may not meet FCC Class B requirements, even if no device is attached to the cable. Use shielded cable that meets the requirements for full-speed devices.
For information about Refer to
The location of the USB connectors on the back panel The location of the front panel USB headers Figure 13, page 48
Figure 12, page 47
Product Description
1.5.3 IDE Support
The board provides five IDE interface connectors:
One parallel ATA IDE connector that supports two devices
Four serial ATA IDE connectors that support one device per connector Parallel ATE IDE Interface
The ICH7’s Parallel ATA IDE controller has one bus-mastering Parallel ATA IDE interface. The Parallel ATA IDE interface supports the following modes:
Programmed I/O (PIO): processor controls data transfer.
8237-style DMA: DMA offloads the processor, supporting transfer rates of up to
16 MB/sec.
Ultra DMA: DMA protocol on IDE bus supporting host and target throttling and transfer rates of up to 33 MB/sec.
ATA-66: DMA protocol on IDE bus supporting host and target throttling and transfer rates of up to 66 MB/sec. ATA-66 protocol is similar to Ultra DMA and is device driver compatible.
ATA-100: DMA protocol on IDE bus allows host and target throttling. The ICH7’s ATA-100 logic can achieve read transfer rates up to 100 MB/sec and write transfer rates up to 88 MB/sec.
ATA-66 and ATA-100 are faster timings and require a specialized cable to reduce reflections, noise, and inductive coupling.
The Parallel ATA IDE interface also supports ATAPI devices (such as CD-ROM drives) and ATA devices using the transfer modes.
The BIOS supports Logical Block Addressing (LBA) and Extended Cylinder Head Sector (ECHS) translation modes. The drive reports the transfer rate and translation mode to the BIOS.
For information about Refer to
The location of the Parallel ATA IDE connector Serial ATA Interfaces
The ICH7’s Serial ATA controller offers four independent Serial ATA ports with a theoretical maximum transfer rate of 3 Gbits/sec per port. One device can be installed on each port for a maximum of four Serial ATA devices. A point-to-point interface is used for host to device connections, unlike Parallel ATA IDE which supports a master/slave configuration and two devices per channel.
For compatibility, the underlying Serial ATA functionality is transparent to the operating system. The Serial ATA controller can operate in both legacy and native modes. In legacy mode, standard IDE I/O and IRQ resources are assigned (IRQ 14 and 15). In Native mode, standard PCI Conventional bus resource steering is used. Native mode is the preferred mode for configurations using the Windows* XP and Windows 2000 operating systems.
Figure 13, page 48
Intel Desktop Board D945GCL Technical Product Specification
Many Serial ATA drives use new low-voltage power connectors and require adaptors or power supplies equipped with low-voltage power connectors.
For more information, see:
For information about Refer to
The location of the Serial ATA IDE connectors
Figure 13, page 48
1.5.4 Real-Time Clock, CMOS SRAM, and Battery
A coin-cell battery (CR2032) powers the real-time clock and CMOS memory. When the computer is not plugged into a wall socket, the battery has an estimated life of three years. When the computer is plugged in, the standby current from the power supply extends the life of the battery. The clock is accurate to ± 13 minutes/year at 25 ºC with 3.3 VSB applied.
If the battery and AC power fail, custom defaults, if previously saved, will be loaded into CMOS RAM at power-on.
1.6 PCI Express* Connectors
The board provides the following PCI Express connectors:
One PCI Express x16 connector supporting simultaneous transfer speeds up to 4 GBytes/sec of peak bandwidth per direction and up to 8 GBytes/sec concurrent bandwidth
One PCI Express x1 connector. The x1 interface supports simultaneous transfer speeds up to 250 Mbytes/sec of peak bandwidth per direction and up to 500 MBytes/sec concurrent bandwidth
The PCI Express interface supports the PCI Conventional bus configuration mechanism so that the underlying PCI Express architecture is compatible with PCI Conventional compliant operating systems. Additional features of the PCI Express interface include the following:
Support for the PCI Express enhanced configuration mechanism
Automatic discovery, link training, and initialization
Support for Active State Power Management (ASPM)
SMBus 2.0 support
Wake# signal supporting wake events from ACPI S1, S3, S4, or S5
Software compatible with the PCI Power Management Event (PME) mechanism
defined in the PCI Power Management Specification Rev. 1.1
Product Description
1.7 Legacy I/O Controller
The legacy I/O controller provides the following features:
One serial port
One parallel port with Extended Capabilities Port (ECP) and Enhanced Parallel Port
(EPP) support
Serial IRQ interface compatible with serialized IRQ support for PCI Conventional bus systems
PS/2-style mouse and keyboard interfaces
Interface for one 1.44 MB or 2.88 MB diskette drive
Intelligent power management, including a programmable wake-up event interface
PCI Conventional bus power management support
The BIOS Setup program provides configuration options for the legacy I/O controller.
1.7.1 Serial Port
The Serial port A connector is located on the back panel. The serial port supports data transfers at speeds up to 115.2 kbits/sec with BIOS support.
For information about Refer to
The location of the serial port A connector
Figure 12, page 47
1.7.2 Parallel Port
The 25-pin D-Sub parallel port connector is located on the back panel. Use the BIOS Setup program to set the parallel port mode.
For information about Refer to
The location of the parallel port connector
Figure 12, page 47
1.7.3 Diskette Drive Controller
The legacy I/O controller supports one diskette drive. Use the BIOS Setup program to configure the diskette drive interface.
For information about Refer to
The location of the diskette drive connector
Figure 13, page 48
1.7.4 Keyboard and Mouse Interface
PS/2 keyboard and mouse connectors are located on the back panel.
The keyboard is supported in the bottom PS/2 connector and the mouse is supported in the top PS/2 connector. Power to the computer should be turned off before a keyboard or mouse is connected or disconnected.
For information about Refer to
The location of the keyboard and mouse connectors
Figure 12, page 47
Intel Desktop Board D945GCL Technical Product Specification
1.8 Audio Subsystem
The board supports the Intel High Definition audio subsystem based on the Sigmatel 9220 audio codec. The audio subsystem supports the following features:
Advanced jack sense for the back panel audio jacks that enables the audio codec to recognize the device that is connected to an audio port. The back panel audio jacks are capable of retasking according to user’s definition, or can be automatically switched depending on the recognized device type.
Stereo input and output for all back panel jacks
Line out and Mic in functions for front panel audio jacks
A signal-to-noise (S/N) ratio of 95 dB
1.8.1 Audio Subsystem Software
Audio software and drivers are available from Intel’s World Wide Web site.
For information about Refer to
Obtaining audio software and drivers Section 1.2, page 15
1.8.2 Audio Connectors
The board contains audio connectors/headers on both the back panel and the component side of the board. The front panel audio header provides mic in and line out signals for the front panel.
For information about Refer to
The location of the front panel audio header The signal names of the front panel audio header Table 16, page 50 The back panel audio connectors Section 2.7.1, page 47
Figure 13, page 48
Product Description
1.8.3 6-Channel (5.1) Audio Subsystem
The 6-channel (5.1) audio subsystem includes the following:
Intel 82801GB I/O Controller Hub (ICH7)
Sigmatel 9220 audio codec
Microphone input that supports a single dynamic, condenser, or electret
The back panel audio connectors are configurable through the audio device drivers. The available configurable audio ports are shown in
Figure 7.
Front Panel Audio Connectors [Routed from Front Panel Audio Header]
Line Out/
Retasking Jac
Mic In/ Retasking Jack [Pink]
Back Panel Audio Connectors
Line In/Retasking Jack [Blue]
Line Out/Retasking Jack [Green]
Mic In/Retasking Jack [Pink]
Figure 7. Front/Back Panel Audio Connector Options
For information about Refer to
The back panel audio connectors Section 2.7.1, page 47
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