Intel BB5000XALR, S5000PAL, S5000XAL, SR1500AL, SR1550AL Specification

Monthly Specification Update
Intel® Server Board S5000PAL Intel® Server Board S5000XAL Intel® Server System SR1500AL Intel® Server System SR1550AL Intel® Server System SR2500AL
October 2011
Enterprise Platforms and Services Marketing
Enterprise Platforms and Services Marketing Monthly Specification Update
June 2006
Initial release.
August 2006
Updated errata #6, 8, 16, 18, 19, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26, and 27. Errata #28 were added.
November 2006
Errata #30, 31, 32 , 33, and 34 were added; documentation changes #3, 4 were added.
June 2007
Errata # 42, 43, 44, 45, 46, 47, 48, and 49 were added.
July 2007
Updated errata #36 and #42. Errata # 50 were added.
August 2007
Updated erratum #47.
September 2007
Errata #51, 52, and 53 were added.
October 2007
Updated errata # 42; err ata # 54 were added.
December 2007
Errata # 55 was added.
February 2008
Errata # 56 was added.
January 2009
Errata #60 and #61 were added.
April 2009
Errata #62 and #63 were added.
July 2009
Errata #64 was added.
September 2009
Errata #65 was added.
December 2010
Errata #66 was added.
February 2011
Errata #67 and #68 were added.
October 2011
Errata #69 was added
Revision History
February 2007 Errata # 35, 36, and 37 were added; updated errata # 25 and 33. March 2007 Errata # 38, 39, and 40 were added. April 2007 Errata #41 and 42 were added.
August 2008 Errata # 57 was added. October 2008 Errata # 58 and # 59 were added.
The Intel Products Specif i ed m ay contain design defects or er r or s known as errata that may cause the products to deviate from the published specificat ions. Current characteriz ed er r at a are documented in this Specification Update.
Information in this docum ent is provided in connection with I ntel products. No license, expr ess or implied, by estoppel or otherwise, to any intellectu al pr oper t y rights is granted by t his document. Except as provided in Intel's Terms and Conditions of Sale for such products, Intel assum es no liability whatsoever, and I nt el disclaims any express or im pl ied w arr anty, relating to sale and/or use of Intel products including lia bility or warranties relati ng t o fitness for a particular purpos e, merchantability, or infring em ent of any patent, copyright or ot her intellectual property r ight . I nt el products are not intended for use in medical, life saving, or l if e sust aining applications. Intel may make changes to specifications and product descri pt ions at any time, without notice.
Contact your local Intel sales office or your distributor to obtain the latest specifications and before placing your product order .
Intel, Itanium, Pentium, an d Xeon are trademarks or registered trademarks o f Int el C or por ation. *Other brands and names may be claimed as the property of other s.
Monthly Specification Update Enterprise Platforms and Services Marketing
Copyright © Intel Corporat ion 2006-2011.
Enterprise Platforms and Services Marketing Monthly Specification Update
Preface ....................................................................................................................................... 1
Summary Tables of Changes....................................................................................................... 2
Errata .......................................................................................................................................... 5
1. IPMI over serial direct connect not supported ......................................................... 5
2. Serial over LAN and IPMI over LAN connections may terminate unexpectedly
under certain conditions ........................................................................................................... 5
3. Intermittent beep code 1-5-2-1 when booting with two processors ......................... 5
4. Power supply population errors may not display in the SEL ................................... 5
5. Fan 5 may report a reading of 0 RPM after the BMC is updated ............................ 6
6. The BMC may not respond to the IPMI command, Send Message sent via LAN .... 6
7. Fans may take a long time to slow down after fan boosting .................................... 7
8. System requires ~35 seconds after AC power is applied before the power button responds 7
9. SEL events for Hot-swap Controller (HSC) may appear after a DC cycle ............... 7
10. Fans may run faster than expected after exiting BIOS setup .................................. 7
11. System fault LED may report incorrect status for some events ............................... 8
12. Fan removal does not generate a SEL event ......................................................... 8
13. Power supply redundancy state is misleading when only one power supply is installed 9
14. Hot-swap Controller (HSC) and Local Control Panel (LCP) updates may take a long time 9
15. Console Redirection Baud Rate Setting auto changing to 19.2K with Serial Over
LAN (SOL) active ..................................................................................................................... 9
16. Serial Over LAN (SOL) unable to redirect DOS output ......................................... 10
17. Password on boot not supported .......................................................................... 10
18. Intel® Embedded Server RAID Technology II option is not enabled in initial BIOS release 10
19. HSC and BMC versions intermittently not seen in BIOS setup ............................. 10
20. Intel® Server Boards S5000PAL/S5000XAL and Intel® Server System SR1500AL show a “Changes in Hardware or Drivers Detected” error message during WHQL ACPI stress testing 11
21. POST LEDs do not turn off after operating system loads ..................................... 11
22. Checkup7.exe (microcode update utility) is not storing microcode in BIOS .......... 12
23. Intel® RAID Controller SRCSAS144E causes systems to reset multiple times
before completing POST ........................................................................................................
24. Change Logo Utility does not save modified BIOS capsule files with correct extension 13
25. PS/2 keyboards and mice may stop functioning after Red Hat* Enterprise Linux is installed 13
Monthly Specification Update Enterprise Platforms and Services Marketing
26. Failures seen installing to a SATA drive when SATA is set to “Legacy” in the BIOS setup 14
27. System hangs after disabling on-board video in the BIOS setup .......................... 14
28. The SMBIOS entry point may not be visible under certain hardware configurations14
29. Intel® Embedded Server RAID Technology II and I/O module IRQ routing conflict15
30. SuSE* Linux Enterprise Server may not install successfully with Intel® Embedded
Server RAID Technology II enabled ....................................................................................... 15
31. Red Hat* Enterprise Linux 4 and BIOS setup display a different L2 cache size for
the Quad-Core Intel® Xeon® processor 5300 Series ............................................................. 16
32. Change Logo Utility causes BIOS corruption ........................................................ 16
33. Microsoft Windows System Event Viewer* may record Error Event with ID 11 ..... 16
34. After the system reboots, the POST screen may generate "NMI has been received
- System Halted" message ..................................................................................................... 17
35. Intel® RAID Web Console 2 utility displays “Unexpected Sensor” warning
message in Microsoft Windows* operating system ................................................................ 17
36. Random drives may go offline when a sixth drive is installed and Intel® Embedded
Server RAID Technology II is enabled in the Intel® Server System SR2500ALBRP .............. 18
37. Intel recommends enterprise-class hard drives for use with Intel® Server Systems18
38. Dual Gigabit Expansion Module may not properly reset ....................................... 18
39. SAS drive in a ROMB RAID 5 may drop offline during a reboot in the Intel® Server
System SR2500PALLX .......................................................................................................... 19
40. Intel® Server System SR2500ALLX sixth hard drive filler panel is difficult to remove 19
41. SuSE* Linux Enterprise Server unable to boot after basic installation .................. 20
42. Drives may not be detected or may go offline in the Intel® Server System
SR2500ALBRP when operating at SATA 3GB/s data rate ..................................................... 20
43. New versions of BMC firmware with previous versions of BIOS cause system
POST failure .......................................................................................................................... 21
44. Intel® Server System SR2500ALLX may operate louder than expected .............. 21
45. Red Hat* Enterprise Linux may report the wrong processor speed ....................... 21
46. The SuSE* Linux Enterprise Server 10 driver for SAS HW RAID causes unwanted
error logs during installation ................................................................................................... 21
47. IERR or thermal trip event reported in System Event Log (SEL) after system power on 22
48. USB device generates “The following boot-start or system-start driver(s) failed to
load: i8042prt" error message in Microsoft Windows* operating systems ............................... 23
49. Microsoft Windows* and Intel® RAID Web Console II report an error when the
ASR2500SATAPE kit is used ................................................................................................. 23
50. System may log IERRs when running certain Red Hat* Enterprise Linux versions
on the Intel® Server Board S5000PAL with video driver ati_drv.o 6.5.6 ................................. 23
51. Microsoft Windows* operating systems installed without a service pack will display
blue screen with BIOS 79 and 81 ...........................................................................................
52. Sluggish system performance may be experienced with BMC 60......................... 25
Enterprise Platforms and Services Marketing Monthly Specification Update
53. Downgrading the firmware of the Integrated RAID (ROMB), Intel® Embedded
Server RAID Technology II, or SAS may cause system damage ........................................... 25
54. In the Intel® Server Systems SR2500ALLX and SR1550ALSAS, flashing of SAS firmware 1.22 and SAS BIOS 06.16.00 makes hard drive #1 (upper left drive tray) undetected
during SAS controller scanning .............................................................................................. 25
55. Microsoft Windows 2003 R2 SP2* may display blue screen during an operating system boot or shutdown with a specific version of Intel
I/OAT driver .................................. 26
56. Server System Event Log (SEL) time may be one day later than BIOS time after
entering year 2008. ................................................................................................................ 27
57. Performance Power Management Error in Microsoft Windows Server 2008* ....... 27
58. Midplane2 hardware RAID produces unexpected beep sounds during system POST 28
59. Platform Confidence Test (PCT) fails with BIOS 89/91 on Intel® Server Board
S5000PAL/S5000XAL............................................................................................................ 28
60. USB mouse may hang in BIOS 94 RAID Console ................................................ 28
61. PCI IBIST Error with BIOS 84 ............................................................................... 29
62. System May Hang during Login or Shutdown ....................................................... 29
63. Hard Disks Are Difficult to I nstall in Intel® Server System SR2500AL and Intel®
Server Chassis SR2500 ......................................................................................................... 29
64. System May not Boot After Multiple DC power Cycles with BIOS Revision R009830
65. System will not skip CD/DVD drive with BIOS Revision R0098 when RMM2 installed 30
66. Please use AXXMINIDIMM512 as the replacement solution for AXXMINIDIMM
which is EOLed ...................................................................................................................... 31
67. Minus “year” number to go past “2000” at BIOS “system date” set up interface will
cause the server system to hang ........................................................................................... 31
68. Please do not downgrade BIOS from factory shipped BIOS 101 to any previous
version ............................................................................................................................. 31
69. The Serial Por t Console Redirection displays the Adaptec® 5805 RAID Configuration Utilitye incorrectly
Documentation Changes ........................................................................................................ 33
1. The SMBUS block diagram (Figure #16) provided in Rev. 1.1 of the Intel
Server Board S5000PAL/S5000XAL TPS requires changes to accurately reflect production hardware
design ............................................................................................................................. 33
2. The power block diagram (Figure #25) as provided in Rev. 1.1 of the Intel
Server Board S5000PAL/S5000XAL TPS does not reflect the final, production-level baseboard
design ............................................................................................................................. 34
3. SAS/SAS RAID midplane board (Figure #22) as provided in Rev.1.0 of the Intel
Server System SR2500AL TPS should swap the descriptions of items A and K .................... 35
4. Front panel pin-out in the Intel
Server Board S5000PAL Quick Reference Label is
incorrect ............................................................................................................................. 36
Monthly Specification Update Enterprise Platforms and Services Marketing


This document communicates product Errata and Documentation Changes and Corrections for the following Intel Server Products:
Refer to the Dual-Core Intel Number: 313065) for specification updates concerning the Dual-Core Intel 5000 Series processors. Items contained in the Dual-Core Intel
Server Board S5000PAL
Server Board S5000XAL
Server Chassis SR1500
Server Chassis SR1550
Server Chassis SR2500
Server System SR1500AL
Server System SR1550AL
Server System SR2500AL
Xeon® Processor 5000 Sequence Specification Update (Order
Xeon® Processor 5000
Xeon® Processor
Sequence Specification Update that do not apply to the products in this document or were worked around are noted in this document. Otherwise, it should be assumed that any processor errata for a given stepping are applicable to the Printed Board Assembly (PBA) revisions(s) associated with that stepping.
This document communicates the following types of changes:
Specification Changes are modifications to the current published specifications for a given product. These include typos, errors, or omissions. The next release of the document will incorporate the specified changes.
Specification Clarifications describe a supported feature or function in greater detail or further highlight their impact to a complex design requirement. The next release of the document will incorporate these clarifications.
Errata are design defects or deviations from current published specifications for a given product. Published errata may or may not be corrected. Hardware and software designed to be used with any given processor stepping must assume that all errata documented for that processor stepping is present on all devices.
Enterprise Platforms and Services Marketing Monthly Specification Update
Intel intends to update the appropriate documentation in a future revision.
Intel intends to correct this erratum.
This erratum was corrected.
No Fix
There are no plans to correct this erratum.
No. Plans
Description of Errata
IPMI over serial direct connect not supported.
Serial over LAN and IPMI over LAN connections may terminate unexpectedly under certain conditions.
The BMC may not respond to the IPMI command, Send Message sent via LAN.
Fans may take a long time to slow down after fan boosting.
System requires ~35 seconds after AC is power applied before the power button responds.
SEL events for Hot-swap Controller (HSC) may appear after a DC cycle
Fans may run faster than expected after exiting BIOS setup.
System fault LED may report incorrect status for some events.
Fan removal does not generate a SEL event.
Console Redirection Baud Rate Setting auto changing to 19.2K with Serial Over LAN (SOL) active.
Serial Over LAN (SOL) unable to redirect DOS output.
No Fix
Password on boot not supported.
Intel® Embedded Server RAID Technology II option is not enabled in the initial BIOS release.
HSC and BMC versions intermittently not seen in BIOS setup
Intel® Server Boards S5000PAL/S5000XAL and Intel® Server System SR1500AL show a “Changes in
Intel® RAID Controller SRCSAS144E causes systems to reset multiple times before completing POST.
Change Logo Utility does not save modified BIOS capsule files with correct extension.
PS/2 keyboards and mice may stop functioning after Red Hat* Enterprise Linux is installed.
Failures seen installing to a SATA drive when SATA is set to “Legacy” in BIOS setup.

Summary Tables of Changes

The following tables provide an overview of known errata and known document changes that apply to the specified Intel Server Products. The tables use the following notations:
This item is new or was modified from the previous specification update.
Table 1. Errata Summary
13. Fix Power supply redundancy state is misleading when only one power supply is installed.
14. Fix Hot-swap Controller (HSC) and Local Control Panel (LCP) updates may take a long time
Fix Intermittent beep code 1-5-2-1 when booting with two processors.
Doc Power supply population errors may not appear in the SEL.
Fix Fan 5 may report a reading of 0 RPM after the BMC is updated.
Hardware or Drivers Detected” error message during WHQL ACPI stress testing.
21. Fixed POST LEDs do not t urn off aft er operating system loads.
22. Fixed Checkup7.exe (microcode update utility) is not storing microcode in BIOS.
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