(Chapter 4 is about positions, jumpers and connectors for TX2.
Due to the board supports full range of Pentium CPU MMX 75Mhz233Mhz, AMD K5/K6-PR233, CYRIX 6x86 CX 200+ .)
Simple features:
² Intel 430 TX PCISET. 82439TX System Controller (MTXC),
82371AB PIIX4 PCI to ISA / IDE Xcelerator, 82093AA I/O
Advanced Programmable Interrupt Controller (IOAPIC).
² Compatible SMC 669 super I/O on board.
² Supports full range of Pentium Processor Family, up to Intel
Pentium MMX-233Mhz, AMD K6-PR-233, CX 6x86 200
is an auto- switching mode from 3.3v to 2.8v.
² Installing (option) 82093AA to let the board supports two
Intel Pentium or MMX CPU at the same board for ATX586.
It is perfect to run the same voltage CPU!
² Support SDRAM/EDO/Fast page DRAM, 72-pin SIMM socket *
4pcs, 168-pin DIMM socket * 2pcs. 2 pairs/4 banks up to
256MB. 6-1-1-1 for SDRAM; 5-2-2-2 for EDO; 6-3-3-3 for FP.
² 64-MB DRAM cacheability. Direct Mapped organization-write
back only. Supports 256K and 512K Pipelined Burst SRAM.
² PCI V2.1 compatible. Concurrent PCI, enhanced CPU/PCI/ISA
² Provides Multiprocessor Interrupt Management: dynamic interrupt
distribution routing interrupt to the lowest priority processor;
software programmable control of interrupt inputs; off loads
interrupt related traffic from the memory bus.