B. Additional Information................................................................................................. 71
B.1. Cyclone V and Arria V SoC Device Guidelines Revision History....................................71
AN 796: Cyclone V and Arria V SoC Device Design Guidelines
AN-796 | 2018.06.18
1. Overview of the Design Guidelines for Cyclone® V SoC
FPGAs and Arria® V SoC FPGAs
The purpose of this document is to provide a set of design guidelines and
recommendations, as well as a list of factors to consider, for designs that use the
Cyclone V SoC and Arria V SoC FPGA devices. This document assists you in the
planning and early design phases of the SoC FPGA design, Platform Designer
(Standard) sub-system design, board design and software application design.
Note: This application note does not include all the Cyclone V/Arria V Hard Processor System
(HPS) device details, features or information on designing the hardware or software
system. For more information about the Cyclone V or Arria V HPS features and
individual peripherals, refer to the respective Hard Processor System Technical
Reference Manual.
Design guidelines for the FPGA portion of your design are provided in the Arria V andCyclone V Design Guidelines.
Related Information
•Arria V Hard Processor System Technical Reference Manual
•Cyclone V Hard Processor System Technical Reference Manual
•Intel MAX 10 FPGA Design Guidelines
Intel Corporation. All rights reserved. Intel, the Intel logo, Altera, Arria, Cyclone, Enpirion, MAX, Nios, Quartus
and Stratix words and logos are trademarks of Intel Corporation or its subsidiaries in the U.S. and/or other
countries. Intel warrants performance of its FPGA and semiconductor products to current specifications in
accordance with Intel's standard warranty, but reserves the right to make changes to any products and services
at any time without notice. Intel assumes no responsibility or liability arising out of the application or use of any
information, product, or service described herein except as expressly agreed to in writing by Intel. Intel
customers are advised to obtain the latest version of device specifications before relying on any published
information and before placing orders for products or services.
*Other names and brands may be claimed as the property of others.
1. Overview of the Design Guidelines for Cyclone® V SoC FPGAs and Arria® V SoC FPGAs
AN-796 | 2018.06.18
1.1. The SoC FPGA Designer’s Checklist
Table 1.The SoC FPGA Designer's Checklist
Step TitleLinksCheck (X)
HPS Designer's Checklist for SoC FPGAs
Start your SoC FPGA Design hereStart your SoC-FPGA design here on page 15
Determining your SoC FPGA Topology on page 15
Design Considerations for Connecting
Device I/O to HPS Peripherals and
HPS Clocking and Reset Design
HPS EMIF Design ConsiderationsConsiderations for Connecting HPS to SDRAM on page 21
DMA ConsiderationsChoosing a DMA Controller on page 24
Managing Coherency for FPGA
IP Debug ToolsIP Debug Tools on page 26
HPS Power Design ConsiderationsEarly System and Board Planning on page 33
Boundary Scan for HPSBoundary Scan for HPS on page 36
Design Guidelines for HPS InterfacesHPS EMAC PHY Interfaces on page 36
HPS Pin Assignment Design Considerations on page 17
HPS I/O Settings: Constraints and Drive Strengths on page 18
HPS Clock Planning on page 20
Early Pin Planning and I/O Assignment Analysis on page 20
Pin Features and Connections for HPS JTAG, Clocks, Reset and PoR
on page 20
Internal Clocks on page 21
HPS SDRAM I/O Locations on page 23
Integrating the HPS EMIF with the SoC FPGA Device on page 23
HPS Memory Debug on page 23
Optimizing DMA Master Bandwidth through HPS Interconnect on page
Timing Closure for FPGA Accelerators on page 24
Cache Coherency on page 25
Coherency between FPGA Logic and HPS: Accelerator Coherency Port
(ACP) on page 25
Data Size Impacts ACP Performance on page 25
FPGA Access to ACP via AXI or Avalon-MM on page 26
Data Alignment for ACP and L2 Cache ECC accesses on page 26
Board Designer's Checklist for SoC FPGAs
Early Power Estimation on page 33
Design Considerations for HPS and FPGA Power Supplies for SoC
FPGA devices on page 34
Pin Connection Considerations for Board Designs on page 34
Device Power-Up on page 34
Power Analysis and Optimization on page 35
AN 796: Cyclone V and Arria V SoC Device Design Guidelines
1. Overview of the Design Guidelines for Cyclone® V SoC FPGAs and Arria® V SoC FPGAs
Step TitleLinksCheck (X)
USB Interface Design Guidelines on page 43
QSPI Flash Interface Design Guidelines on page 44
SD/MMC and eMMC Card Interface Design Guidelines on page 45
NAND Flash Interface Design Guidelines on page 46
UART Interface Design Guidelines on page 46
I2C Interface Design Guidelines on page 47
SPI Interface Design Guidelines on page 47
Embedded Software Designer's Checklist for SoC FPGAs
Assemble the components of your
Software Development Platform
Select an Operating System (OS) for
your application
Assemble your Software
Development Platform for Linux
Assemble your Software
Development Platform for Bare-metal
Assemble your Software
Development Platform for Partner
OS/RTOS Application
Choose the Boot Loader SoftwareChoosing Boot Loader Software on page 58
Selecting Software Tools for
Development, Debug and Trace
Board Bring Up ConsiderationsBoard Bring Up Considerations on page 28
Selecting an Operating System for Your
Application on page 52
Choosing Boot Loader Software on
page 58
Boot and Configuration Design
Considerations on page 28
HPS ECC Design Considerations on
page 61
HPS SDRAM Considerations on page
AN 796: Cyclone V and Arria V SoC Device Design Guidelines
AN-796 | 2018.06.18
2. Background: Comparison between Cyclone V SoC FPGA
and Arria V SoC FPGA HPS Subsystems
While the HPS subsystems in Cyclone V SoC and Arria V SoC are architecturally
similar, there are a few differences in features as listed below.
HPS Features
Maximum MPU FrequencyUp to 925 MHzUp to 1.05 GHz
Controller Area Network (CAN)YesNo
Total HPS Dedicated I/O with Loaner capabilityUp to 6794
Automotive Grade OptionYesNo
Maximum supported DDR3 Frequency for HPS SDRAM400 MHz533 MHz
Cyclone V SoCArria V SoC
Related Information
Differences Among Intel SoC Device Families
2.1. Guidelines for Interconnecting the HPS and FPGA
The memory-mapped connectivity between the HPS and the FPGA fabric is a crucial
tool to maximize the performance of your design.
Design guidelines for the FPGA portion of your design are provided in the Arria V andCyclone V Design Guidelines.
Related Information
Arria V and Cyclone V Design Guidelines
2.1.1. HPS-FPGA Bridges
The HPS has three bridges that use memory-mapped interfaces to the FPGA based on
the Arm* Advanced Microcontroller Bus Architecture (AMBA*) Advanced eXtensible
Interface (AXI*). Their purpose determines the direction of each bridge.
You can only assign a maximum of 71 HPS I/O as Loaner I/O to the FPGA. For a detailed
comparison between the HPS subsystem for Cyclone V SoC and Arria V SoC, refer to
Differences Among Intel SoC Device Families.
Intel Corporation. All rights reserved. Intel, the Intel logo, Altera, Arria, Cyclone, Enpirion, MAX, Nios, Quartus
and Stratix words and logos are trademarks of Intel Corporation or its subsidiaries in the U.S. and/or other
countries. Intel warrants performance of its FPGA and semiconductor products to current specifications in
accordance with Intel's standard warranty, but reserves the right to make changes to any products and services
at any time without notice. Intel assumes no responsibility or liability arising out of the application or use of any
information, product, or service described herein except as expressly agreed to in writing by Intel. Intel
customers are advised to obtain the latest version of device specifications before relying on any published
information and before placing orders for products or services.
*Other names and brands may be claimed as the property of others.
2. Background: Comparison between Cyclone V SoC FPGA and Arria V SoC FPGA HPS Subsystems
AN-796 | 2018.06.18
Figure 1.HPS-FPGA Bridges Lightweight HPS-to-FPGA Bridge
GUIDELINE: Use the lightweight HPS-to-FPGA bridge to connect IP that
needs to be controlled by the HPS.
The lightweight HPS-to-FPGA bridge allows masters in the HPS to access memorymapped control slave ports in the FPGA portion of the SoC device. Typically, only the
MPU inside the HPS accesses this bridge to perform control and status register
accesses to peripherals in the FPGA.
GUIDELINE: Do not use the lightweight HPS-to-FPGA bridge for FPGA
memory. Instead use the HPS-to-FPGA bridge for memory.
When the MPU accesses control and status registers within peripherals, these
transactions are typically strongly ordered (non-posted). By dedicating the lightweight
HPS-to-FPGA bridge to register accesses, the access time is minimized because
bursting traffic is routed to the HPS-to-FPGA bridge instead.
The lightweight HPS-to-FPGA bridge has a fixed 32-bit width connection to the FPGA
fabric, because most IP cores implement 32-bit control and status registers. However,
Platform Designer (Standard) can adapt the transactions to widths other than 32 bits
within the FPGA-generated network interconnect.
AN 796: Cyclone V and Arria V SoC Device Design Guidelines
2. Background: Comparison between Cyclone V SoC FPGA and Arria V SoC FPGA HPS Subsystems HPS-to-FPGA Bridge
GUIDELINE: Use the HPS-to-FPGA bridge to connect memory hosted by the
FPGA to the HPS.
The HPS-to-FPGA bridge allows masters in the HPS such as the microprocessor unit
(MPU), DMA, or peripherals with integrated masters to access memory hosted by the
FPGA portion of the SoC device. This bridge supports 32, 64, and 128-bit datapaths,
allowing the width to be tuned to the largest slave data width in the FPGA fabric
connected to the bridge. This bridge is intended to be used by masters performing
bursting transfers and should not be used for accessing peripheral registers in the
FPGA fabric. Control and status register accesses should be sent to the lightweight
HPS-to-FPGA bridge instead.
GUIDELINE: If memory connected to the HPS-to-FPGA bridge is used for HPS
boot, ensure that its slave address is set to 0x0 in Platform Designer
When the HPS BSEL pins are set to boot from FPGA (BSEL = 1) the processor
executes code hosted by the FPGA residing at offset 0x0 from the HPS-to-FPGA
bridge. This is the only bridge that can be used for hosting code at boot time. FPGA-to-HPS Bridge
AN-796 | 2018.06.18
GUIDELINE: Use the FPGA-to-HPS bridge for cacheable accesses to the HPS
from masters in the FPGA.
The FPGA-to-HPS bridge allows masters implemented in the FPGA fabric to access
memory and peripherals inside the HPS. This bridge supports 32, 64, and 128-bit
datapaths so that you can adjust it to be as wide as the widest master implemented in
the FPGA.
GUIDELINE: Use the FPGA-to-HPS bridge to access cache-coherent memory,
peripherals, or on-chip RAM in the HPS from masters in the FPGA.
Although this bridge has direct connectivity to the SDRAM subsystem, the main intent
of the bridge is to provide access to peripherals and on-chip memory, as well as
provide cache coherency with connectivity to the MPU accelerator coherency port
To access the HPS SDRAM directly without coherency you should connect masters in
the FPGA to the FPGA-to-SDRAM ports instead, because they provide much more
bandwidth and lower-latency access.
2.1.2. FPGA-to-HPS SDRAM Access
In addition to the FPGA-to-HPS bridge, FPGA logic can also use the FPGA-to-SDRAM
interface to access the HPS SDRAM.
GUIDELINE: Use the FPGA-to-SDRAM ports for non-cacheable access to the
HPS SDRAM from masters in the FPGA.
The FPGA-to-SDRAM ports allow masters implemented in the FPGA fabric to directly
access HPS SDRAM without the transactions flowing through the L3 interconnect.
AN 796: Cyclone V and Arria V SoC Device Design Guidelines
2. Background: Comparison between Cyclone V SoC FPGA and Arria V SoC FPGA HPS Subsystems
AN-796 | 2018.06.18
These interfaces connect only to the HPS SDRAM subsystem so it is recommended to
use them in your design if the FPGA needs high-throughput, low-latency access to the
HPS SDRAM. The exception to this recommendation is if the FPGA requires cache
coherent access to SDRAM.
The FPGA-to-SDRAM interfaces cannot access the MPU ACP slave; so if you require a
master implemented in the FPGA to access cache coherent data, ensure that it is
connected to the FPGA-to-HPS bridge instead.
The FPGA-to-SDRAM interface has three port types that are used to create the AXI
and Avalon-MM interfaces:
•Command ports—issue read and/or write commands, and for receive write
acknowledge responses
•64-bit read data ports—receive data returned from a memory read
•64-bit write data ports—transmit write data
There is a maximum of six command ports, four 64-bit read data port and four 64-bit
write data port. The table below shows the possible port utilization.
Table 5.FPGA-to-HPS SDRAM Port Utilization
Bus ProtocolCommand PortsRead Data PortsWrite Data Ports
32- or 64-bit AXI211
128-bit AXI222
256-bit AXI244
32- or 64-bit Avalon-MM111
128-bit Avalon-MM122
256-bit Avalon-MM144
32- or 64-bit Avalon-MM write-only101
128-bit Avalon-MM write-only102
256-bit Avalon-MM write-only104
32- or 64-bit Avalon-MM read-only110
128-bit Avalon-MM read-only120
256-bit Avalon-MM read-only140
For more information about the FPGA-to-HPS SDRAM interface, refer to the "SDRAM
Controller Subsystem" chapter of the Cyclone V or Arria V SoC Hard Processor System
Technical Reference Manual.
Note: To access the HPS SDRAM via the FPGA-to-SDRAM interface, follow the guidelines in
Access HPS SDRAM via the FPGA-to-SDRAM Interface on page 67.
Related Information
•SDRAM Controller Subsystem - Cyclone V Hard Processor System Technical
Reference Manual
•SDRAM Controller Subsystem - Arria V Hard Processor System Technical Reference
AN 796: Cyclone V and Arria V SoC Device Design Guidelines
2. Background: Comparison between Cyclone V SoC FPGA and Arria V SoC FPGA HPS Subsystems
AN-796 | 2018.06.18
2.1.3. Connecting Soft Logic to HPS Component
Designers can connect soft logic components to the HPS using the Cyclone V/Arria V
HPS component in Platform Designer (Standard).
Note: Refer to the "Introduction to the HPS Component" and "Instantiating the HPS
Component" chapters of the appropriate Hard Processor System Technical ReferenceManual to understand the interface and available options. To connect a FPGA soft IP
component to the HPS, Platform Designer (Standard) provides the component editor
tool. For more information, refer to the "Creating Platform Designer (Standard)
Components" chapter of the Intel® Quartus® Prime Standard Edition Handbook,
Volume 1: Design and Synthesis.
Note: When designing and configuring high bandwidth DMA masters and related buffering in
the FPGA core, refer to the DMA Considerations on page 24 section of this document.
The principles covered in that section apply to all high bandwidth DMA masters (for
example Platform Designer (Standard) DMA Controller components, integrated DMA
controllers in custom peripherals) and related buffering in the FPGA core that access
HPS resources (for example HPS SDRAM) through the FPGA-to-SDRAM and FPGA-toHPS bridge ports, not just tightly coupled Arm CPU accelerators.
Related Information
•Introduction to the HPS Component - Cyclone V Hard Processor System Technical
Reference Manual
•Instantiating the HPS Component - Cyclone V Hard Processor System Technical
Reference Manual
•Introduction to the HPS Component - Arria V Hard Processor System Technical
Reference Manual
•Instantiating the HPS Component - Arria V Hard Processor System Technical
Reference Manual
AN 796: Cyclone V and Arria V SoC Device Design Guidelines
AN-796 | 2018.06.18
3. Design Guidelines for HPS portion of SoC FPGAs
3.1. Start your SoC-FPGA design here
3.1.1. Recommended Starting Point for HPS-to-FPGA Interface Design
Depending on your topology, you can choose one of the two hardware reference
designs as a starting point for your hardware design.
GUIDELINE: Use the Golden System Reference Design (GSRD) as a starting
point for a loosely coupled system.
The Golden Hardware Reference Design (GHRD) has the optimum default settings and
timing that you can use as a basis for your "getting started" system. After initial
evaluation, you can move on to the Cyclone V HPS-to-FPGA Bridge Design Example
reference design to compare performance among the various FPGA-HPS interfaces.
Refer to "Golden Hardware Reference Design" for more information.
GUIDELINE: Use the Cyclone V HPS-to-FPGA Bridge Design Example
reference design to determine your optimum burst length and data-width for
accesses between FPGA logic and HPS.
The Cyclone V FPGA-to-HPS bridge design example contains modular SGDMAs in the
FPGA logic that allow you to program the burst length for data accesses from the FPGA
logic to the HPS.
Related Information
Golden Hardware Reference Design on page 50
3.1.2. Determining your SoC FPGA Topology
To determine which system topology best suits your application, you must first
determine how to partition your application into hardware and software.
GUIDELINE: Profile your software to identify functions for hardware
Use any good profiling tool (such as DS-5 streamline profiler) to identify functions that
are good candidates for hardware acceleration, and isolate functions that are best
implemented in software.
Intel Corporation. All rights reserved. Intel, the Intel logo, Altera, Arria, Cyclone, Enpirion, MAX, Nios, Quartus
and Stratix words and logos are trademarks of Intel Corporation or its subsidiaries in the U.S. and/or other
countries. Intel warrants performance of its FPGA and semiconductor products to current specifications in
accordance with Intel's standard warranty, but reserves the right to make changes to any products and services
at any time without notice. Intel assumes no responsibility or liability arising out of the application or use of any
information, product, or service described herein except as expressly agreed to in writing by Intel. Intel
customers are advised to obtain the latest version of device specifications before relying on any published
information and before placing orders for products or services.
*Other names and brands may be claimed as the property of others.
Bank 8AHPS Column I/O
Bank 3BBank 4ABank 3A
Bank 5BHPS Row I/OBank 5A
Transceiver Block
HPS Core
3. Design Guidelines for HPS portion of SoC FPGAs
AN-796 | 2018.06.18
3.2. Design Considerations for Connecting Device I/O to HPS
Peripherals and Memory
One of the most important considerations when configuring the HPS is to understand
how the I/O is organized in the Cyclone V/Arria V SoC devices. The HPS I/O is
physically divided into:
•HPS Column I/O: Contains the HPS Dedicated Function Pins and HPS Dedicated
I/O with loaner capability
•HPS Row I/O: Contains the HPS External Memory Interface (EMIF) I/O and HPS
General Purpose Input (GPI) pins
Figure 2.Example layout for HPS Column I/O and HPS Row I/O in Cyclone V SX and ST
Note: For more information regarding the I/O pin layout, refer to the appropriate "I/O
Features" chapter in the Cyclone V or Arria V Device Handbook, Volume 1: DeviceInterfaces and Integration.
Table 6.HPS I/O Pin Type Summary
Pin TypePurpose
HPS Dedicated Function PinsEach I/O has only one function and cannot be used for other purposes.
HPS Dedicated I/O with loaner
HPS External Memory Interface (EMIF)
HPS General Purpose Input (GPI) PinsThese pins are also known as HLGPI pins. These input-only pins are located in
FPGA I/OThese are general purpose I/O that can be used for FPGA logic and FPGA
These I/Os are primarily used by the HPS, but can be used on an individual basis
by the FPGA if the HPS is not using them.
These I/Os are used for connecting to the HPS external memory interface
(EMIF). Refer to the "External Memory Interface in Cyclone V Devices" or
"External Memory Interface in Arria V Devices" chapter in the respective device
handbook for more information regarding the layout of these I/O pins.
the same bank as the HPS EMIF I/O. Note that the smallest Cyclone V SoC
package U19 (484 pins) does not have any HPS GPI pins.
External Memory Interfaces.
AN 796: Cyclone V and Arria V SoC Device Design Guidelines
3. Design Guidelines for HPS portion of SoC FPGAs
AN-796 | 2018.06.18
The table below summarizes the characteristics of each I/O type.
Table 7.I/O Types
HPS Dedicated
Function Pins
Number of Available I/O11Up to 67
Voltages Supported3.3V, 3.0V,
2.5V, 1.8V,
PurposeClock, Reset,
Timing ConstraintsFixedFixedFixed for legal
Recommended PeripheralsJTAGQSPI, NANDx8,
HPS Dedicated
I/O with
(Cyclone V
SoC) and 94
(Arria V SoC)
3.3V, 3.0V,
2.5V, 1.8V,
Boot source,
High speed
HPS External
Up to 8614 (except for
LVDS I/O for
and LPDDR2
Connect to
and LPDDR2
HPS General
Purpose Input
Cyclone V SoC
U19 package )
Same as the
I/O bank
voltage used
Purpose Input
FixedUser defined
GPISlow speed
Up to 288
(Cyclone V
SoC) and Up to
592 (Arria V
3.3V, 3.0V,
2.5V, 1.8V,
1.5V, 1.2V
Purpose I/O
(I2C, SPI,
Note: You can access the timing information to perform off-chip analysis by reviewing the
HPS timing in the Cyclone V Device Datasheet or Arria V Device Datasheet.
Related Information
•I/O Features in Cyclone V Devices
Chapter in the Cyclone V Device Handbook, Volume 1: Device Interfaces and
•I/O Features in Arria V Devices
Chapter in the Arria V Device Handbook, Volume 1: Device Interfaces and
3.2.1. HPS Pin Assignment Design Considerations
Because the HPS contains more peripherals than can all be connected to the HPS
Dedicated I/O, the HPS component in Platform Designer (Standard) offers pin
multiplexing settings as well as the option to route most of the peripherals into the
FPGA fabric. Any unused pins for the HPS Dedicated I/O with loaner capability
meanwhile can be used as general purpose I/O by the FPGA.
Note that a HPS I/O Bank can only support a single supply of either 1.2V, 1.35V, 1.5V,
1.8V, 2.5V, 3.0V, or 3.3V power supply, depending on the I/O standard required by the
specified bank. 1.35V is supported for HPS Row I/O bank only.
AN 796: Cyclone V and Arria V SoC Device Design Guidelines
3. Design Guidelines for HPS portion of SoC FPGAs
AN-796 | 2018.06.18
GUIDELINE: Ensure that you route USB, EMAC and Flash interfaces to HPS
Dedicated I/O first, starting with USB.
It is recommended that you start by routing high speed interfaces such as USB,
Ethernet, and flash to the HPS Dedicated I/O first. USB must be routed to HPS
Dedicated I/O because it is not available to the FPGA fabric. The flash boot source
must also be routed to the HPS dedicated I/O (and not any FPGA I/O) since these are
the only I/Os that are functional before the FPGA I/Os have been configured.
Note: For Cyclone V SoC U19 package (484 pin count) only one USB controller (instead of
two) is usable due to reduced number of available HPS I/O. For more information,
refer to Why can't I map USB0 to HPS IO in my Cyclone V SoC U19 package (484 pin
count)? in the Knowledge Base.
GUIDELINE: Enable the HPS GPI pins in the Platform Designer (Standard)
HPS Component if needed
By default, the HPS GPI interface is not enabled in Platform Designer (Standard). To
enable this interface, you must select the checkbox "Enable HLGPI interface" in the
Platform Designer (Standard) HPS Component for Cyclone V/Arria V. These pins are
then exposed as part of the Platform Designer (Standard) HPS Component Conduit
Interface and can be individually assigned at the top level of the design.
3.2.2. HPS I/O Settings: Constraints and Drive Strengths
GUIDELINE: Ensure that you have I/O settings for the HPS Dedicated I/O
(drive strength, I/O standard, weak pull-up enable, etc.)
The HPS pin location assignments are managed automatically when you generate the
Platform Designer (Standard) system containing the HPS. As for the HPS SDRAM, the
I/O standard and termination settings are done once you run the
“hps_sdram_p0_pin_assignments.tcl” script that is created once the Platform
Designer (Standard) HPS Component has been generated.
You can locate the script “hps_sdram_p0_pin_assignments.tcl” in the following
directory once the Platform Designer (Standard) HPS Component has been generated:
<Quartus project directory>\<Platform Designer (Standard) file
name>\synthesis\submodule. Shown below is an example of selecting the script in
Intel Quartus Prime.
AN 796: Cyclone V and Arria V SoC Device Design Guidelines
3. Design Guidelines for HPS portion of SoC FPGAs
AN-796 | 2018.06.18
The only HPS I/O constraints you must manage are for HPS Dedicated Function Pins
and HPS Dedicated I/O. Constraints such as drive strength, I/O standards, and weak
pull-up enables are added to the Intel Quartus Prime project just like FPGA constraints
and are applied to the HPS at boot time when the second stage bootloader configures
the I/O. For FPGA I/O, the I/O constraints are applied to the FPGA configuration file.
Note: During power up, the HPS Dedicated I/O required for boot flash devices are configured
by the Boot ROM, depending on the BSEL values.
3.3. HPS Clocking and Reset Design Considerations
The main clock and resets for the HPS subsystem are HPS_CLK1, HPS_CLK2,
HPS_nPOR, HPS_nRST and HPS_PORSEL. HPS_CLK1 sources the Main PLL that
generates the clocks for the MPU, L3/L4 sub-systems, debug sub-system and the
Flash controllers. It can also be programmed to drive the Peripheral and SDRAM PLLs.
HPS_CLK2 meanwhile can be used as an alternative clock source to the Peripheral and
HPS_nPOR provides a cold reset input, and HPS_nRST provides a bidirectional warm
reset resource. As for the HPS_PORSEL, it is an input pin that can be used to select
either a standard POR delay or a fast POR delay for the HPS block.
Note: Refer to the Cyclone V Device Family Pin Connection Guidelines or Arria V GT, GX, ST,
and SX Device Family Pin Connection Guidelines for more information on connecting
the HPS clock and reset pins.
AN 796: Cyclone V and Arria V SoC Device Design Guidelines
3. Design Guidelines for HPS portion of SoC FPGAs
3.3.1. HPS Clock Planning
GUIDELINE: Verify MPU and peripheral clocking using Platform Designer
Use Platform Designer (Standard) to initially define your HPS component
configuration. Set the HPS input clocks, and peripheral source clocks and frequencies.
Note any Platform Designer (Standard) warning or error messages. You can address
them by modifying clock settings. In some cases you might determine that a
particular warning condition does not impact your application.
3.3.2. Early Pin Planning and I/O Assignment Analysis
GUIDELINE: Choose an I/O voltage level for the HPS Dedicated Function I/O
HPS_CLK1, HPS_CLK2, HPS_nPOR and HPS_nRST are powered by
VCCRSTCLK_HPS. These HPS Dedicated Function Pins are LVCMOS/LVTTL at either
3.3V, 3.0V, 2.5V or 1.8V. The I/O signaling voltage for these pins are determined by
the supply level applied to VCCRSTCLK_HPS.
AN-796 | 2018.06.18
HPS_PORSEL can be connected to either VCCRSTCLK_HPS (for fast HPS POR delay) or
GND (for standard HPS POR delay).
VCCRSTCLK_HPS can share the same power and regulator with VCCIO_HPS and
VCCPD_HPS if they share the same voltage requirement. The functionality of powering
down the FPGA fabric, while keeping the HPS running, is not needed.
3.3.3. Pin Features and Connections for HPS JTAG, Clocks, Reset and PoR
GUIDELINE: With the HPS in use (powered), supply a free running clock on
HPS_CLK1 for SoC device HPS JTAG access.
Access to the HPS JTAG requires an active clock source driving HPS_CLK1.
GUIDELINE: When daisy chaining the FPGA and HPS JTAG for a single device,
ensure that the HPS JTAG is first device in the chain (located before the FPGA
Placing the HPS JTAG before the FPGA JTAG allows the ARM DS-5 debugger to initiate
warm reset to the HPS. However, in case of cold reset the entire JTAG chain is broken
until the cold reset completes, as discussed in the next section.
GUIDELINE: Consider board design to isolate HPS JTAG interface
The HPS Test Access Port (TAP) controller is reset on a cold reset. If the HPS JTAG and
FPGA JTAG are daisy-chained together, the entire JTAG chain is broken until the cold
reset completes. If access to the JTAG chain is required during HPS cold reset, design
the board to allow HPS JTAG to be bypassed.
GUIDELINE: HPS_nRST is an open-drain, bidirectional dedicated warm reset
HPS_nRST is an active low, open-drain-type, bidirectional I/O. Externally asserting a
logic low to the HPS_nRST pin initiates a warm reset of the HPS subsystem. HPS warm
and cold reset can also be asserted from internal sources such as software-initiated
AN 796: Cyclone V and Arria V SoC Device Design Guidelines
3. Design Guidelines for HPS portion of SoC FPGAs
AN-796 | 2018.06.18
resets and reset requests from the FPGA fabric. When the HPS is internally placed in a
warm reset state, the HPS component becomes a reset source and drives the
HPS_nRST pin low, resetting any connected board-level components.
GUIDELINE: Observe the minimum assertion time specifications of HPS_nPOR
and HPS_nRST.
Reset signals on the HPS_nPOR and HPS_nRST pins must be asserted for a minimum
number of HPS_CLK1 cycles as specified in the HPS section of the Cyclone V Device
Datasheet or Arria V Device Datasheet.
3.3.4. Internal Clocks
GUIDELINE: Avoid cascading PLLs between the HPS and FPGA
Cascading PLLs between the FPGA and HPS has not been characterized. Unless you
perform the jitter analysis, do not chain the FPGA and HPS PLLs together as a stable
clock coming out of the last PLL in the FPGA cannot be guaranteed. Output clocks from
the HPS are not intended to be fed into PLLs in the FPGA.
3.4. HPS EMIF Design Considerations
A critical component of the HPS subsystem is the external SDRAM memory. For
Cyclone V and Arria V SoC device, the HPS has a dedicated SDRAM Subsystem that
interfaces with the HPS External Memory Interface I/O.
Review the following guidelines to properly design the interface between the memory
and the HPS. These guidelines are essential to successfully connecting external
SDRAM to the HPS.
The External Memory Interface Handbook, Volume 3: Reference Material includes the
functional description of the HPS memory controller. The supported interface options
are listed for DDR3, DDR2 and LPDDR2.
3.4.1. Considerations for Connecting HPS to SDRAM
GUIDELINE: Ensure that the HPS memory controller Data Mask (DM) pins are
In the HPS Component in Platform Designer (Standard), ensure that the checkbox to
enable the data mask pins is enabled. If this control is not enabled, data corruption
occurs any time a master accesses data in SDRAM that is smaller than the native word
size of the memory.
AN 796: Cyclone V and Arria V SoC Device Design Guidelines
3. Design Guidelines for HPS portion of SoC FPGAs
Figure 3.Setting the Enable DM Pins Option in HPS Component
AN-796 | 2018.06.18
Determine your SDRAM Memory type and bit width. Cyclone V and Arria V SoC devices
offer DDR3, DDR2 and LPDDR2 SDRAM support for the HPS.
GUIDELINE: Ensure that you choose only DDR3, DDR2, or LPDDR2
components or modules in configurations supported by the Cyclone V or Arria
V HPS EMIF for your specific device/package combination.
The External Memory Interface Spec Estimator, available on the External Memory
Interface page, is a parametric tool that allows you to compare supported external
memory interface types, configurations and maximum performance characteristics in
Intel FPGA and SoC devices.
First, filter the “Family” to select only Cyclone V /Arria V SoC device. Then, follow on
by using the filter on “Interface Type” to choose only “HPS Hard Controller”
GUIDELINE: Ensure that in the HPS Component, the Memory Clock Frequency
is supported by the device speed grade.
To obtain the maximum supported memory clock frequency for the device speed
grade, refer to the External Memory Interface Spec Estimator, available on the
External Memory Interface page.
AN 796: Cyclone V and Arria V SoC Device Design Guidelines
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