Intel AP311 Users Manual

Wireless II Network
User’s Guide
printers, files,
and more…
1 Understanding your
AnyPoint™ Wireless II Network..................................... 1
What is a network?..................................... ... ...................... .... ... ...................... .... ... ........... 2
Components required to connect a PC to a network.................. ........................................ 2
Your Wireless II network adapter.............................................................................. 2
Device driver and wireless adapter settings............................................................... 2
The AnyPoint Connectivity Software Suite CD ........................................................ 3
How does my Wireless II adapter operate?........................................................................ 3
Peer-to-Peer mode...................................................................................................... 3
Infrastructure mode.................................................................................................... 4
How do I use my Wireless II laptop in different locations?............................................... 5
What is the AnyPoint Connection Manager? ..................................................................... 6
What are Wireless II adapter and operating system settings?.................................... 6
What is a profile?..... .... ... ...................... .... ... .... ...................... ... .... ............................. 7
What is network switching?....................................................................................... 7
What settings are switched in a network profile? ...................................................... 7
What is sharing and mapping?........................................................................................... 8
What is Internet Sharing Software (ISS)?.......................................................................... 9
What is a Firewall?..................................................................................................... 9
What is Web site filtering?....................................................................................... 10
Guidelines for setting up your network............................................................................ 10
2 Set Up the
AnyPoint™ Wireless II Network................................... 11
Where do I begin?............................................................................................................ 11
Install the AnyPoint software........................................................................................... 11
Share drives and printers.................................................................................................. 15
Configure the Internet Sharing Software (ISS) server..................................................... 18
Configure the ISS connection............................................................................. .... . 19
Set up the Firewall................................................................................................... 20
Set up Parental Control ............................................................................................ 23
Set up AnyPoint Connectivity Suite Extras............................................................. 26
Registration...................................................................................................................... 26
3 Share Drives and Printers.......................................... 27
Use network drives........................................................................................................... 27
Use files across the network............................................................................................. 28
Viewing video files across the netwo r k.............................. .... ... ...................................... 28
Change drive sharing and mapping.................................................................................. 29
Change drive access................................................................................................. 29
Change drive mapping............................................................................................. 30
Change printer sharing and mapping............................................................................... 30
Change printer sharing............................................................................................. 30
Change printer mapping........................................................................................... 30
Install printer drivers................................................................................................ 31
Unmap a printer........................................................................................................ 31
Share and map automatically................................................................................... 32
Multiple user profiles....................................................................................................... 32
4 Connect to the Internet ............................................. 33
Connect to the Internet using ISS..................................................................................... 33
Connect from the ISS server.................................................................................... 33
Connect from an ISS client ...................................................................................... 34
Exiting or bypassing ISS when connecting to the Internet .............................................. 35
View connection status and settings................................................................................. 36
Change the ISS server...................................................................................................... 36
Connecting with Virtual Private Network (VPN)............................................................ 37
5 Managing your Wireless II
Network .................................................................... 38
Using the AnyPoint Connection Manager ....................................................................... 38
Wireless Control Panel tab....................................................................................... 38
Profile Manager tab................................................. .... .... ......................................... 38
View and edit current settings using the Wireless Control Panel tab.............................. 39
Activate a profile................................ .... .... ..................... .... .... ... ...................... .... ... ......... 40
Creating a new profile....................................... ... ............................................ .... ... ......... 41
What are the profile configuration types?................................................................ 41
What are the profile modes? .................................................................................... 41
Scan for public access points ........................................................................................... 42
Create a profile for a public access point...... .... ... .... .... ......................... .... ... .................... 43
Create an AnyPoint profile for your home or small office .............................................. 46
Create a profile for a corporate wired network................................................................ 50
6 Troubleshooting ......................................................... 51
I can’t see a network PC from another PC............... .... ... ................................................. 51
I have an insufficient permissions error when running Windows 2000........................... 52
Remove incompatible network adapters.......................................................................... 53
I can’t connect to my ISP from an ISS client PC............................................................. 54
I keep getting disconnected from the Internet without hanging up.................................. 55
Can I use Internet sharing software from more than one manufacturer?......................... 55
ISS and ICS (Internet Connection Sharing)..................................................................... 56
Network game problems .................................................................................................. 57
I can’t see a drive or printer on a network PC.................................................................. 58
I can’t map or print to a printer........................................................................................ 58
I can’t map to a drive........................................................................................................ 59
I can’t write or save files to a drive on a network PC...................................................... 59
Printer drivers not found .................................................................................................. 59
My laptop has speaker noise............................................................................................ 60
I am trying to access my Wireless II network with an Intel PRO/Wireless adapter........ 60
I am trying to install a Wireless II adapter into an Intel PRO/Wireless network............. 61
My Wireless II connection keeps getting interrupted ...................................................... 62
What do the lights on my Wireless II adapter mean? ...................................................... 62
7 Internet Service Provider
Reference.................................................................. 63
Set up the network to share Internet access.............................................................. 63
Set up America Online* (AOL*) with ISS.............................................................. 63
Set up AT&T WorldNet* with ISS.......................................................................... 64
Set up CompuServe* 2000 with ISS........................................................................ 65
Set up continuous Internet connections with ISS..................................................... 66
8 Technical Support Option .......................................... 67
E-mail and Web Support................................... ... ...................... .... ... ............................... 67
Phone Support.................................................................................................................. 67
Agency Notices ......................................................... 68
Glossary .................................................................... 70
Specifications ............................................................ 73
Index ......................................................................... 76
Understanding your AnyPoint™ Wireless II Network
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
This chapter provides a basic understanding of network principles, so you
can begin to take adv a nta g e of yo ur ne w An yPoint Wireless II Network. It also gives you useful information that will help you modify your network to meet your changing needs.
To get the most out of your home or small business network, think about what you can gain when you connect all your PCs together so they work as a group. For example, with two or mo re PCs connected together, you can:
Share an Internet connection
Share a printer
Share files such as spreadsheets and written documents
Play digital audio from another PC
Play head-to-head multi-play er ga mes
Use your laptop at home and at work
And the included Firewall and Web site filtering features help you to:
Protect your network from electronic intrusion
Block access to objectionable Web sites
A network allows multiple users to share resources.
Wireless Home
CHAPTER 1 Understanding your AnyPoint Wireless II Network

What is a network?

A computer network consists of two or more PCs that are able to communicate with each other. Through a network, multiple PCs can share resources, such as printers, an Internet con nection, or stored data. It costs less to share resources than provide every PC with its own printer or Internet connection.
You can also access a file located on other PCs in the network just as if the file was locate d on yo ur own P C. For in stance, from a PC upstai rs, yo u may want to listen to a larg e music file or view digital p hotos loc ated on a nother PC downstairs. You can keep the files for large applications on a system with a larger drive capacit y and then access those files with other PCs in the network.

Components required to connect a PC to a net work

To make your Any P oi nt Wireless II network function, you need three components.
1 A Wireless II network adapter for each PC 2 A device driver and wireless settings 3 An AnyPoint Connectivity Suite CD

Your Wireless II network adapter

A network adapter is a hardware device that provides the co nnection between your PC and the network. The adapter converts the data inside your PC to a form that c a n be sent to other PCs. It connects externally to your PC through the Universal Serial Bus (USB), or in the case of a laptop PC, through a PC card.
Wireless adapters use radio waves as the means of connection, and transmit data through the air just like a cordless telephone; no connecting wires between PCs are necessary. The wireless adapter can communicate with all PCs in the network as long as they are in close proximity to each other (up to 300 feet). Keeping the adapters physically close to one another will improve the speed of data transmission.

Device driver and wireless adapte r set tings

Your Wireless II adapter requires a device driver to function. The driver is actually software code that specifically controls how the PC and the adapter communicate with each other. The your Wireless II adapter communicates with the other adapters in the network. You cannot change the device driver software, but as you will learn later in this chapter, you can change the adapter settings.
wireless adapter settings control how
Understanding your AnyPoint Wireless II Network CHAPTER 1
The device driver and adapter settings are installed when you first set up your AnyPoint Wireless II Network using the Installation Guide.

The AnyPoint Connectivity Software Suite CD

The AnyPoint Connectivity Softwa re Suite is on your CD. I t contains programs for your home and small business network. During network installation, you install this software:
Device driver for yo ur ne tw o rk adapter
AnyPoint Sharin g an d Ma pping software
AnyPoint Internet Sharing software (ISS)
Firewall for Internet security
Web site filtering for Parental Control
The AnyPoint Connect ion Manager to manage your Wireless II
Anypoint Extras for additional entertainment applications For instructions to install the AnyPoint Connectivity Software Suite, see
"Install the AnyPoi nt software" on page 11.

How does my Wireless II adapter operate?

The network mode is one of the adapter settings you must enter during installation. Wireless networks can operate in one of two mo des:
1 Peer-to-Peer (sometimes called Ad Hoc) 2 Infrastructure

Peer-to-Peer mode

In the peer-to-peer mode, sometimes called ad-hoc mode, PCs transmit and receive data directly with other PCs in the network using radio waves. Coordination of data traffic between PCs is d one automatically. The
CHAPTER 1 Understanding your AnyPoint Wireless II Network
following figure shows PCs with Wireless II adapters in various rooms of a house communicat ing directly with one another in peer-to-peer mode.

Infrastructure mode

In the Infrastructure mode, PCs transmit and receive data to and from a gateway or an access point (AP). Many corporate networks use access points, which serve as a commu nications hub for all PCs u s ing 802.11b wireless adapters to connect to a wireless or wired LAN. A residential gateway can be used in home networks to connect to the Internet.
The following figures show examples of two types of
point in an airport. These acce ss points are sometimes called hotspots. The
. The first illustration shows a wireless PC and a public access
Understanding your AnyPoint Wireless II Network CHAPTER 1
laptop with a PC card adapter is accessing the Internet by transmitting and receiving data from the access point.
The second illustration shows how wireless PCs connect to a corporate network through an access point. Laptops with wireless adapters can access the resources on the wired network including the Internet and servers.
Wired Network

How do I use my Wireless II laptop in different locations?

You can conn ec t yo ur la ptop to potentially an y ne twork with 802.11b technology. In your home, you can carry your laptop from room to room and stay connected. You can take your laptop to your office, change a few wireless adapter settings, and connect to you r of fi ce ne two rk. And while at
CHAPTER 1 Understanding your AnyPoint Wireless II Network
work, you can travel between your office, a conference room, and an outdoor courtyard and remain connected to the work network and its resources.
To easily connect to other networks, you can use the AnyPoint Connection Manager software.

What is the AnyPoint Connection Mana ger?

The AnyPoint C onnect ion M anager is a s oftware to ol th at is ava ilable when you install your AnyPoint Wireless II adapter. The basic job of the AnyPoint Connection Manager is twofold:
Edits Wireless settings - Y ou can quickly edit your current Wireless II
settings of your adapter.
Creates Profiles - You can save the Wireless II adapter and operating
system settings into a single network profile. The software lets you create as many profiles as you wish, and switch between them at any time.
Before you can perform these tasks, you need to understand three concepts:
1 Wireless II adapter and operating system settings 2 Profiles 3 Network switching

What are Wireles s II ada pte r and operating syst em settings?

The wireless II adapter settings are wireless controls that t he adapter needs to communicate with the network. Within the standard 802.11b technology, there are several settings as defined by Institu te of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE). To use your Wireless II laptop in multiple networks, you need to chang e a few of these settings usin g the AnyPoint Connection Manager tab" on page 38). The major settings include:
Network ID Code (SSID) - This is the network identification code. All devices that you are connecting to mus t ha ve the same SSID to communicate with each other.
Mode - There are two operating transmission modes: P eer-to- Peer, or
Infrastructure. See page 3 in this chapter for more details.
Encryption password- This is a security feat ure. The encryption
password i s a un ique fe ature of the A nyP oint so ftwar e. Ever y AnyP oint Wireless II adapter in the network must have the same encrypti on password, which the AnyPoint software uses to automatic a lly ge nera te the required 802.11b encryption keys.
Profile Manager tab (see "Profile Manager
Understanding your AnyPoint Wireless II Network CHAPTER 1
Other settings - In some networks, you will be prompted to provide other 802.1 1b settin gs.
The operating system se ttings define shared and mapped drives, printers, browsers, TCP/IP (addressing) functions and standard windows operating settings. You can also save these settings in network profiles using the
Profile Manager tab.

What is a profile?

Network profiles contain all the setting listed in the previous section. For example, you can set up several network profiles one for your AnyPoint home network; another for your place of business, and yet another for public access points. The AnyP oint Connection Manager software lets you setup as many profiles as you need.
Note: You rarely change profil es on your desktop PC, unless you are adding an access point or gateway into your network. For a
laptop PC, you may add several profile s f o r use in several

What is network switching?

The AnyPoint Connection Manager lets you easily witch between multiple networks. When shutting down or starting your PC, you can select which network profile to use. For more details, see "Using the AnyPoint Connection Manager" on page 38.

What settings are switched in a network profile?

Each network profile contains the setting s foun d in the Netwo rk Con trol Panel, as well as a few othe rs.
Wireless settings:
All 802.11b settings including network ID code, mod e, channel, and encryption
Operating system settings:
Microsoft Internet Explorer* (4.0 and later) proxy settings
Network resource settings, such as file and printer sharing settings,
default printers, mapped drives (Windows 95 and Windows 98 only), and shared folders
Some TCP/IP settin gs (found on the networ k control panels TCP/IP properties tab)
Windows domain settings
User name and Host name
Software running at startup for the AnyPoint applications
CHAPTER 1 Understanding your AnyPoint Wireless II Network

What is sharing and mapping?

The concept of sharing and mapping is actually a two-fold process that allows two or more PCs to locate and use each other’s drives and printers as if they were on one single PC. The two processes work together. The AnyPoint Sharin g an d Ma pp in g so f tw a re allo w s you to f irs t dec id e whi ch drives and printers on each PC are to be shared with the network. Then, the software allows you to map to each shared drive and printer from each PC.
The sharing process lets you control the degree of access by setting the share status for each of your drives and printers. For drives, you would select either you would select either printers" on page 15 for a description of each type of share status. The mapping process sets up a drive letter on your PC that points to ea ch s h ar ed drive on the other PC . You can even assign your own letters to a drive (if they are not already used by the system).
Shared-Full, Shared-Read Only or Not Shared. For printers,
Shared or Not Shared. Refer to "Share drives and
D: Home Office
E: Joe's Room
F: Jane's Room
Understanding your AnyPoint Wireless II Network CHAPTER 1

What is Internet Sharing Software (ISS)?

AnyPoint Internet Sharing Software (ISS) allows all of your PCs to share one PCs Internet connection. With AnyPoint Wireless II adapters, ISS is available only in Peer-to Peer mode, when all PCs communicate directly with each other. You merely set up the PC with the Internet connection as an ISS server. You then set up the remaining PCs as ISS clients. The ISS server PC directs data between the Internet and all PCs on the network. Because each client PC connects to the Internet through the server, only the server PC needs the actual physica l connection to the Internet (see "Connect to the Internet" on page 33). With the server on, any other PC in the network has access to the Internet. Also, for connecting to virtual private networks with Internet access, see "Connecting with Virtual Private Network (VPN)" on pa ge 37.
The ISS server also provides Internet security with Firewall and Web site filtering.
Note: If you are connecting to a n et w or k such as an access point or a gateway, you cannot use ISS, the Firewall, and Web site filtering. Refer to the documentation for the access point or gateway for setting up connections to the Internet.

What is a Firewall?

A Firewall helps prevent intruders (h ackers) from br eaking in to your h o me or office network. When your connection to the Internet is active, the Firewall acts like a barrier to outside intrusion.
CHAPTER 1 Understanding your AnyPoint Wireless II Network
Once you install the Firewall through your ISS server, it works silently to protect your PC whenever the ISS server PC is operating.
The Firewall has four security levels:
. Inbound traffic is blocked acco rding to the security level you
Trusting, Cautious, Nervous and
select. The more restrictive the security level, the more likely the Firewall will block unsolicited inbound traffic.
Trusting is the least restrictive. Refer to the section "Set up the Firewall" on
Paranoid is the most restrictive and
page 20 for more information.
Importa nt: A Firewall provides pro te cti on against unauthorized access by hackers, but you will still need additional software to help protect you against computer viruses.

What is Web site filteri ng?

The AnyPoint Connectivity So ftware Suite identifies and filters Web page content in specified categories (such as pornography, hate speech, weapons, drugs, and gambling) . At home, you can set up Parental Control to block undesirable Web pages from appearing on specific PCs on your network. Refer to the section "Set up Parental Control" on page 23 to set up each PC with different levels of Web access:
Select the option objectionable sites. Yo u c an ad d exc e pt ion s to the au to matic op tio n for sites you wish to allow or filter.
Allow these sites only to specify an acceptable list of Web sites
each PC can visit. You must click HTTP sites you want to allow.
No restrictions to disable Parental Control.
Web site filtering does not block chat programs, download sites, e-mail, or news groups.
Automatically filter Web sites to automatically filter
Configure and type the specific

Guidelines for setting up your network

It is easy to set up your network, but you need to plan a little. Draw a diagram showing the location of PCs and printer(s). Ind icate the locati on of data or printers you want to be available t o everyone on the network and other data or printers you do not want to be available to everyone. It is important to identify the PC you will use for your shared Internet connection. This is usu a lly th e PC with th e fast est c onnec tio n thro ug h y our modem (or cable).
Set Up the AnyPoint Wireless II Network
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

Where do I begin?

See "What is a network?" on
page 2
See "What is sharing and mapping?" on page 8.
See "What is Internet Sharing Software (ISS)?" on page 9
There are four steps to successfully insta lli ng and configuring your AnyPoint Wireless II Network:
1 Install the hardware a nd drivers and your 802.11b wireles s s ettings.
Refer to the AnyPoint Wireless II Network Installation Guide (the poster included with the adapter) for detailed, step-by-step instructions.
2 Install the AnyPoint Connectivity Software Suite. 3 Share drives and printers.
"Share drives and printers" on page 15 exp lains how to share your network drives and printers for the first time.
4 Set up the Internet Sharing Software (ISS) server.
ISS also enables the Firewall and Parental Control features on the AnyPoint Wireless II Network. See "Configure the Internet Sharing Software (ISS) server" on page 18.
Important: If you already have BlackIce Defender* installed on your
system, you may want to choose between AnyPoint or Black I C E Firewalls befor e installing your software. To help you decide, review the table in the section"Set up the Firewall" on page 20.
Importa nt: If you are upgrading your operating system, uninst all
your AnyPoint software first, perform the upgrade, then install the AnyPoint Software.
Importa nt: (Windows* 2000 users) You will receive a screen notifying you not to install the AnyPoint Wireless II Network unl ess you log in to an account that has administrative rights.

Install the AnyPoint software

Once youve installed the hardware and drivers using the Installation Guide, you are ready to install the software using the setup program and the
instructions from this chapter. The setup program guides you through the
CHAPTER 2 Set Up the AnyPoint Wireless II Network
installation process. During installation, you will be making decisions that will affect the way your network operates, so be sure to pay careful attention to the screens.
1 Insert the AnyPoint Connectivity Suite CD in the CD-ROM drive.
Using Windows Explorer, double-click the CD -ROM drive, then double-click
2 Click Install. An installation summ ary sc reen a ppe ars. Clic k Next. The
Setup to begin. The main presentation screen appears.
license agreement screen appears.
See "Your Wireless II network adapter" on page 2
The PC name can have up to 15 characters, including any combination of letters (A-Z), numerals (0-9), and dashes (-).
If Setup detects an incompatible network adapter already installed on your PC, the
More than one network adapter found screen appears. If
you receive this screen, refer to "Remove incompatible network adapters" on page 53, which will show you how to resolve the adapter conflict. If you do not receive this screen, go to the next step.
3 Click I Accept or I decline the agreement. If you decline, the Setup
program exits . If you click
4 Click Next to select the de fault directory. The PC name screen appears.
Accept, the destination directory appears.
5 Assign a name to the PC. Be sure to use a different na me for each PC
on the network. Make a note of the Workgroup name. All PCs
must use
the same Workgroup name.
Importa nt: If your ISP has named the PC, don’t change the PC’s name.
Set Up the AnyPoint Wireless II Network CHAPTER 2
When the summary screen appears, review your network configuration choices carefully before you click
Install. Once you install, you can not
come back to this screen without reinstalling the software.
7 You will be notified tha t your software installed suc cessfully. Click OK.
The following screen helps you decide if you want to install the AnyPoint Internet Sharing Software (ISS) for use with an Internet Service Provider (ISP).
Click here if you want to install ISS on your server PC.
If you use other software for Internet sharing or you have chosen not to have Internet Sharing Service, then click here. Also, if you plan to install a gateway, an access point device, or a Virtual Private Network, do not install Internet Sharing Software.
8 Select one of the following options:
I want to insta ll AnyPoint Int e r net Sharing Software. Choose this
default option if you want to use the AnyPoint Internet Sharing Software (ISS) to share Internet access with all PCs in your home network. For more information on ISS, refer to "Connect to the Internet using ISS" on page 33. If you choose this option, go to step 9.
I do not want to share my Internet connection. Choose this option if
you use other software for Internet sharing, a Virtual Private Network (VPN), a gatew ay o r acc ess point , or do not wa nt An yP oint™ Internet Sharing Service (you can always install it later). For installing to VPN, refer also to "Connecting with Virtual Private Network (VPN)" on page 37.
After you select one of the above options, click
If you do not install the Internet Sharing Software, the install program will skip the remain ing ISS screens.
CHAPTER 2 Set Up the AnyPoint Wireless II Network
A decision screen appears. Decide whether this PC is going to be the ISS server or an ISS client, then click
ISS Server
The network can have only one ISS server and it must be set up and running (not turned off) to share its Internet connection with ISS clients.
ISS Client
ISS clients can access the Internet through the ISS server PC.
Note: For most Internet Service Providers (ISPs), the Internet
connection is shared au t om at i cal ly w hen you install ISS. However, some ISPs may require extra steps to work with ISS. Cable modems and DSL ma y al so require special steps (see
Service Provider Reference" on page 63
for more information).
10 If this PC is the ISS server , typ e in a Parental Control password for Web
site filtering. If you don’t want a password, just click
Be sure to write down the password
you enter. If you forget the password later, you will have to uninstall and then reinstall the AnyPoint Connectivity Software Suite to make any changes to the Parental Control settings.
The password can be from 1-10 characters and is case-sensitive. Therefore,
PASSWORD, Password, and password would each be
considered unique. If you choose to create a password, no one can make changes to the Parental Control settings unless they enter the password when prompted.
Set Up the AnyPoint Wireless II Network CHAPTER 2
Click Next then Finish. A confirmation screen appears notifyi ng you that your software has successfully installed. You will then be prompted to restart the PC.
12 When your PC restarts, you are prompted to type a user name to log on
to the network.
Important: Do not click Cancel! If you do, this PC will not connect to the network.
The Windows user name can be different from the PC name you typed when you installed the AnyPoint Wireless II Network software. You do not need to have different user names at each PC, but you can if you wish.
Note: At this point, your system includes a def ault netwo r k profile. To view or edit those values, see
using the Wireless Control Panel tab" on page 39

Share drives and printers

See "What is sharing and mapping?" on
page 8
The Sharing and Mapping Software lets you locate and use drives and printers from several PCs as if they were on one single PC. The first time you run the Setup pr ogram, the Sharing an d Mapping Software runs automatically (skip to step 2 below).
Important: Windows 2000 users should see "I have an in sufficient
permissions error when running Windows 2000" on page 52
Windows passwords are associated with user names. If you dont create a password now, you are not prompted to type your user name each time you restart this PC. If you create a password, you must type the same password each time you log on to this PC with this user name.
"View and edit current settings
To share a drive:
Click Start > Programs > Intel AnyPoint Network > Sharing and
Mapping Software
CHAPTER 2 Set Up the AnyPoint Wireless II Network
A decision screen asks if you want to set up your PC to share drives and printers. Click Mapping appears. Click
2 In the Share Drives With Other PCs screen, right-c lick on an y drive to
Yes. An informational screen describing Shari ng and
Next to continue.
change the share status, selecting options from the menu. By default, all drives, except floppy disk drives, are set up as
If you dont want others to use the drive, select Not Shared. If you want others to see or copy the files and folders from the
shared drive, but not change, save, or delete them on the shared drive, select Shared - Read Only.
If you want others to view, copy, change, save, or delete the files and folders on the shared drive, select Shared - Full.
3 Click Next. The Share Printers with Other PCs screen appears.
Shared - Read Only.
Printers are shared by default. If you dont want to share a printer, right-click the printer in the list and select Not Shared.
Set Up the AnyPoint Wireless II Network CHAPTER 2
Click Next. The Map Drives on Other PCs screen appears.
Note: The following screen does not appear if the drives on other networked PCs have not been shared (for example, if this is the first PC on the network), or if the other PCs are turned off.
To unmap a drive, select the drive from the Mapped
Drives box then click the right arrow to move it to the Unmapped Drives box.
To change a mapped drive letter, right-click the drive, point to Properties, select another available letter from the Drive box, and click OK.
Note: When you map to a drive, an icon for that PC is automatically placed on your Windows desktop. You can quickly access a mapped drive by double-clicking the desktop i co n. For Windows 95 users, yo u w i ll nee d t o cr eat e t he shortcut manually.
CHAPTER 2 Set Up the AnyPoint Wireless II Network
Click Next. The Map Printers on Other PCs screen appears. To use a shared printer, you need to map it. Printers are not mapped by default.
Select the printer in the Unmapped Printers box then click the left arrow to move it to the Mapped Printers box.
Windows should start the Add Printer Wizard. Make sure you have the printer software disks that came from the printer manufacturer or with the printer. To add the printer, follow the
instructions on the screen.
Note: The screen does not appear if other networked PCs haven’t shared their printers, or if al l oth er PCs are turned off.
To map another printer, repeat step 5.
6 Click Finish after mapping to your printers and drives.
Your printers and drive shares are set up for Sharing and Mapping!

Configure the Internet Sharing Software (ISS) server

See "What is Internet Sharing Software (ISS)?" on page 9
Now that you have finished installing the software and configuring shared drives and printers, you are rea dy to conf igure the ISS serve r. This includes configuring the network’s:
Connection settings
Set Up the AnyPoint Wireless II Network CHAPTER 2
Parental Control for Web site filtering
Importa nt: If you are usin g a gateway or access point in yo ur network, do not install ISS. Refer to the documentation f or tho se devices for instructions on connecting to the Internet.

Configure the ISS connection

Note: If you use a DSL service, cable modem, or other continuous
connection, the only set t in g yo u can change is the default ISP.
To configure the ISS connection:
At the ISS server PC, open ISS by double-clicking the ISS icon in the
2 Click Configure. The Internet sharing server screen appears.
To change the default ISP , select an account name from the list.
Type the number of times you want ISS to redial when the line is busy and the number of seconds to wait between redials.
Type the number of minutes of inactivity you want ISS to wait before ending the Internet connection. T o disable automatic hang up, uncheck Automatically
hang up.
3 Click Accept. The changes take effect the next time you connect to the
Select whether Any PC should be able to hang up the connection, or whether this should be allowed from the ISS Server PC only.
Internet through ISS.
CHAPTER 2 Set Up the AnyPoint Wireless II Network

Set up the Firewall

See "What is a Firewall?" on page 9.
The AnyPoint Connectivity So ftware Suite includes a Firewall, which helps protect your network from hackers trying to gain access. By defaul t, the Firewall is enabled when you install the ISS server software.
Importa nt: If you use a third-party Firewall prod uct other th an BlackICE Defender (suc h as N orton Internet Security* or McAfee) , reinstall the ISS portion of the AnyPoint software after installing the firewall software. Use the instructions in
software" on page 11
need to make additional configuration changes to use the ot her manufacturers Internet security software (see manufacturer’s manual) with your AnyPoint Wireless II Network .
(be sure to install as an ISS server). You may
"Install the AnyPoint
If you already have BlackICE Defender* by NetworkICE installed on your system, you ma y want to choo se betw een An yPoint or Black ICE Fire wall s. For details, review the following table.
If you have BlackICE
and you want to use BlackICE: 1 Uninstall BlackICE Defender
software using instructions from the manufacturer.
2 Disable the Anypoint Firewall
through the ISS software (see page 22).
3 Restart the PC. 4 Reinstall BlackICE Defender.
If you do not have BlackICE
and you want to use BlackICE: 1 Disable the Anypoint Firewall
through the ISS software (see page 22).
2 Restart the PC. 3 Install BlackICE Defender
software using instructions from the manufacturer.
and you want th e ISS Firewall:
Uninstall BlackICE Defender
software using instructions from the manufacturer.
2 Restart the PC. 3 Install the AnyPoint Internet
Sharing Software (ISS) on the Server PC.
and you want th e ISS Firewall:
Proceed with normal ISS configuration instructions.
Set Up the AnyPoint Wireless II Network CHAPTER 2
Select a securi ty le vel
The Firewall has four security levels: Paranoid (most restrictive),
Nervous, Cautious, and Trusting (least restrictive).
Security Level Description
Blocks all inbound intrusions and restricts some Web browsing and interactive content.
Restricts some interactive content on Web sites. Does not affect streaming media and other application-specific Internet usage.
Cautious (default) Blocks some inbound i ntrusions and does not
interfere with normal Internet us age. This settin g is best for regular use of the Internet.
Blocks file sharing over the Internet. Internet file sharing allows the user to share file s on their di sk with others across the Internet. Blocking Internet file sharing ensures that hackers cannot download files to your computer. Does not affect file sharing on yo ur A ny Point network, even though Internet file sharing is disabled.
Change the se curit y l ev el
By default, the security level is set to Cautious, which prevents many common Internet attacks while still letting y ou use most Internet prog rams.
To change the security level:
Double-click the ISS icon to open ISS.
Note: When you click on the IS S ser ver icon and select the
Firewall tab, the
Status tells you if the Firewall is running. The More Information
button provides details about your Firewall.
Status and More Information buttons appear.
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