Intel AN430TX User Manual

Specification Update
Release Date: September 1998
Order Number: 674301-016
The AN430TX motherboard may contain design defects or errors known as errata which may cause the product to deviate from published specifications. Current characterized errata are documented in this Specification Update.
Intel retains the right to make changes to specifications and product descriptions at any time, without notice. The AN430TX motherboard may contain design defects or errors known as errata which may cause the product to deviate from
published specifications. Current characterized errata are available on request. Contact your local Intel sales office or your distributor to obtain the latest specifications before placing your product order. * Third party brands and names are the property of their respective owners.
Copies of documents which have an ordering number and are referenced in this document, or other Intel literature, may be obtained from:
Intel Corporation P.O. Box 5937 Denver, CO 80217-9808
or call in North America 1-800-548-4725, Europe 44-0-1793-431-155, France 44-0-1793-421-777, Germany 44-0-1793-421-333, other Countries 708-296-9333
Copyright 1998, Intel Corporation


REVISION HISTORY ...............................................................................................................................v
Specification Update for AN430TX Motherboards
GENERAL INFORMATION ......................................................................................................................3
SPECIFICATION CHANGES ...................................................................................................................9
SPECIFICATION CLARIFICATIONS......................................................................................................16
DOCUMENTATION CHANGES .............................................................................................................18
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Date of Revision Version Description
May 1997 -001 This document is the first Specification Update for the Intel
AN430TX motherboard.
June 1997 -002 Added Specification Change 1, Specification Clarifications 1-3 and
Documentation Changes 1-3.
July 1997 -003 Added Erratum 4, Specification Clarification 4 and Documentation
Changes 4-9.
August 1997 -004 Updated Documentation Changes 1 and 7-8. Added Specification
Clarification 5 and Documentation Change 10. September 1997 -005 Updated Documentation Change 10. Added Errata 5 and 6. October 1997 -006 Updated Erratum 3. Added Errata 7-10 and Documentation
Change 11. November 1997 -007 Updated Errata 9-10 and Documentation Change 11. Added
Erratum 11 and Documentation Changes 12-13. December 1997 -008 Added Erratum 12 and Specification Clarifications 6-7. January 1998 -009 Added Errata 13-14 and Specification Clarification 8. February 1998 -010 Added Erratum 15. April 1998 -011 Added Erratum 16 and Documentation Change 14. May 1998 -012 Added Errata 17-18. Updated Errata 5, 13 and 16. June 1998 -013 Added Documentation Change 15. July 1998 -014 Added Erratum 19 and Documentation Change 16. Updated
status of Erratum 16. August 1998 -015 Added Erratum 20. September 1998 -016 Added Erratum 21. Updated status of Erratum 20.


This document is an update to the specifications contained in the
developers of applications, operating systems, or tools. It will contain Specification Changes, Errata, Specification Clarifications, and Documentation Changes.
Refer to the concerning the Pentium processor. Items contained in the either do not apply to the AN430TX motherboard or have been worked around are noted in this document. Otherwise, it should be assumed that any processor errata for a given stepping are applicable to the Printed Board Assembly (PBA) revision(s) associated with that stepping.
Refer to the concerning the 82430TX PCIset. Items contained in the not apply to the AN430TX motherboard or have been worked around are noted in this document. Otherwise, it should be assumed that any PCIset errata for a given stepping are applicable to the Printed Board Assembly (PBA) revision(s) associated with that stepping.
Refer to the concerning the 82371AB PIIX4. Items contained in the not apply to the AN430TX motherboard or have been worked around are noted in this document. Otherwise, it should be assumed that any PCIset errata for a given stepping are applicable to the Printed Board Assembly (PBA) revision(s) associated with that stepping.
(Order Number 282955). It is intended for hardware system manufacturers and software
Pentium Processor Specification Update
82430TX PCIset Specification Update
(Order Number 242480) for specification updates
(Order Number 297736) for specification updates
82430TX PCIset Specification Update
82371AB PIIX4 Specification Update
(Order Number 297738) for specification updates
82371AB PIIX4 Specification Update
Specification Changes are modifications to the current published specifications. These changes will be
incorporated in the next release of the specifications. Errata are design defects or errors. Characterized errata may cause the AN430TX motherboard’s behavior
to deviate from published specifications. Hardware and software designed to be used with any given Printed Board Assembly (PBA) and BIOS revision level must assume that all errata documented for that PBA and BIOS revision are present on all motherboards.
Specification Clarifications describe a specification in greater detail or further highlight a specification’s impact to a complex design situation. These clarifications will be incorporated in the next release of the specifications.
Documentation Changes include typos, errors, or omissions from the current published specifications. These changes will be incorporated in the next release of the specifications.
AN430TX Motherboard Technical Product
Pentium Processor Specification Update
that either do
that either do
Specification Update for
AN430TX Motherboards
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Basic AN430TX Motherboard Identification Information
AA Revision PBA Revision
672839-304 669379-304 A1 4A3NT0X0.86A.0042.P02 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 672839-305 669379-305 A1 4A3NT0X0.86A.0047.P03 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 672839-306 669379-306 A1 4A3NT0X0.86A.0047.P03 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 672839-307 669379-307 A1 4A3NT0X0.86A.0047.P03 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 672839-308 669379-308 A1 4A3NT0X0.86A.0062.P06 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 672839-309 669379-309 A1 4A3NT0X0.86A.0062.P06 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 680905-302 680904-302 A1 4A3NT0X0.86A.0047.P03 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 680905-303 680904-303 A1 4A3NT0X0.86A.0047.P03 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 680905-304 680904-304 A1 4A3NT0X0.86A.0062.P06 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 680905-305 680904-305 A1 4A3NT0X0.86A.0062.P06 1, 2, 3, 4, 5
1. The AA/PBA number is found on a small label on the component side of the board.
2. The 82430TX PCIset kit used on this PBA revision consists of two different components as follows:
Device Stepping S-Spec Numbers
82439TX A1 L238 82371AB B0 L23P
3. The following errata contained in the the AN430TX motherboard or have been worked around in this PBA and/or BIOS revision: 1S, 2S. All other errata associated with the PCIset apply to this PBA revision. For specific details of any erratum please refer to the
PCIset Specification Update
4. The following errata contained in the the AN430TX motherboard or have been worked around in this PBA and/or BIOS revision. All other errata associated with the PCIset apply to this PBA revision. For specific details of any erratum please refer to the
PIIX4-Specification Update
5. The following errata contained in Part I of the not apply to the AN430TX motherboard or have been worked around in this PBA and/or BIOS revision: 5, 7, 9-11, 13-14, 16-17, 29, 31, 34, 36-37, 39, 40, 46, 48-50, 58, 60-64, 66-67, 69, 71, all DP errata, all AP errata, all TCP errata. All other errata in Part I may apply to this revision level of the motherboard, depending on the stepping of the processor or the specific software that is being executed. Also, some of these errata apply only to motherboards being used in an application development environment. For specific details of any erratum please refer to the
Specification Update.
82430TX PCIset
Stepping BIOS Revision Notes
82430TX PCIset Specification Update
82371AB PIIX4 Specification Update
Pentium Processor Specification Update
(Order Number 297736) either do not apply to
(Order Number 297738) either do not apply to
(Order Number 242480) either do
Pentium Processor
Summary Table of Changes
The following table indicates the Specification Changes, Errata, Specification Clarifications, or Documentation Changes which apply to the AN430TX motherboard. Intel intends to fix some of the errata in a future revision of the motherboard, and to account for the other outstanding issues through documentation or specification changes as noted. This table uses the following notations:
Doc: Document change or update that will be implemented. Fix: This erratum is intended to be fixed in a future revision of the motherboard or
Fixed: This erratum has been previously fixed. NoFix: There are no plans to fix this erratum. Shaded: This erratum is either new or modified from the previous version of the document.
1 Doc Support for 233 MHz Pentium processors with MMX technology
1 NoFix System does not meet FCC Class B with unshielded USB cables 2 NoFix Audio driver does not support Windows* 3.x session within OS/2* Warp* 3 Fixed System BIOS does not recognize bootable USB devices 4 NoFix Video corruption or no video on boot 5 Fixed Memory decrease warning message not displayed 6 Fix Hard drive not detected on boot if user defined 7 Fixed Intel® EtherExpress™ Pro/100B fails to initialize with Windows 95 8 Fixed Potential battery drain if no AC power applied 9 Fixed LS-120 drive does not work as expected in Windows 95 10 Fix Serial mouse activity does not wake system after APM shutdown 11 Fix Stuck or depressed key during POST may cause system hang 12 Fixed Unable to define IDE heads value for secondary IDE hard drive in BIOS Setup 13 Fixed System BIOS may corrupt audio add-in card EEPROM 14 NoFix Windows 95 will not boot if LS-120 drive is only device on IDE channel 15 NoFix Advanced Power Management may suspend system during CD-ROM playback 16 Fixed BIOS does not correctly size 64 MB or larger DIMMs 17 Fixed System will not boot with network as first boot device 18 Fixed Unattended start feature does not require password before boot 19 Fixed System BIOS does not display user logo during POST
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